Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>parent56, this thread could very well evolve into the post college grad thread and we’ll still be at BB&B but this time shopping for <em>gulp</em> wedding presents!</p>

<p>Good morning! My thanks to Jackief for starting this new thread. </p>

<p>I’m LIMOMOF2 (LIMOM), and my D will be a freshman at Harvard this fall. Younger S will be starting high school. </p>

<p>Welcome to littlefalls and my2sunz. </p>

<p>Haven’t checked out the last few pages of our old thread yet. How do you all manage to keep up on a daily basis? I used to be able to, but it’s gotten so much harder over the past several months. I promise to try my best, as I have grown very attached to everyone.</p>


I have a secret hope that D and Booklady’s son will at least become friends. I’d just like her to have a friendly soul, you know?</p>


I rely heavily on BlessedTwice and KindredSpirit’s recaps.</p>

<p>I am not having a good morning.</p>

<p>I tried to buy my laptop a fe days ago, as you well know. Well at first they were declined… I forgot that my debit card had an $800 limit for purchases in a single day. No big deal, they didn’t go through. Well, I wake up this mornign and I’ve got a charge on my account for almost $2100. So I’m overdrawn SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS! It turns out it is a pre-authorization and that it will clear, but it could take a few days and I was planning on going away this weekend.</p>

<p>On top of that, I have no idea if I will get a laptop in a few weeks. I got an order cofnirmation on the website but no email. They “charged” me for $2100 but there was also another decline for $1035 plus the one I actually bought, another $1035.</p>

<p>I’m also POed because I invested in really great Rainbow Sandals, but the size 10 is too big. But randomly, in the past two weeks, they’ve changed their sizing from numbered sizes to S-XL. Well the XL is 8.5-9.5, which is going to be too small. How did they manage to sell all of their stock and then change all of their sizes in TWO WEEKS!?</p>

<p>Hi! I am pixeljig, mom of 2 sons. Older one going to USC this fall and younger son a rising HS junior.</p>

<p>We live in Asia and probably will return to the U.S soon.</p>

<p>Thank you all for sharing your information, it has made a world of a difference to my approach towards college search. My friends think I am THE expert in the field :)</p>

<p>I love hanging out here and definitely will keep posting!!</p>



<p>This brought tears to my eyes, zm. I hope so too!</p>

<p>LIMOM- I write software so I am sitting at my computer all day (and lately nights, weekends, oh what fun) and it is easy to pop in while doing a build or other short dead times.</p>

<p>welcome m2sunz- a couple other thread members heading to Yale, vp (our stealth dad)'s D and learninginprog’s S. </p>

<p>who was our new fourth UVa student? Don’t see it on my list and don’t want to drop anyone by mistake</p>

<p>app- I hope you can get it straightened out with the bank/comp store soon without much hassle. I don’t have much debit card experiences but I tell my kids (that’s all they have) to always keep the pre-authorizations in mind. I see that posted at gas stations and I know hotels do it, but I really don’t know all the details about who does it and how much.</p>

<p>jackie: jc40 has a D going to University of Virginia…</p>

<p>Good morning! So glad to be here!!!</p>

<p>I am sewemma and I have 3 children. S1 is at The Pennsylvania Academy of the FIne Arts- entering his senior year. S2 will soon be a freshman at Wesleyan University. D will be 6 in 2 weeks and is going into 1st grade. SHe will graduate from college in 2026! I guess I will be sticking around here for a loooong time!! We live about and hour northwest of Philadelphia. I work for a chocolate company- yum!</p>

<p>I am thrilled to be here “in the beginning”. Your kind words and positive attitudes have given me strenghth and lots of smiles and a few outbursts of laughter. I look forward to many more!</p>

<p>Thanks for the tips, zoosemom and jackief. I’ll do my best. :slight_smile: For now, it’s back to the old thread to finish catching up there.</p>


She’s very itty bitty! (Actually, that’s what we call her.) Does your son already have tons of friends coming to Delaware?</p>

<p>sewemma, I’ll be here for a while, too. I have a 3rd grader. Your job sounds yummy!</p>

<p>Good Morning everyone! Thank you Jackie for starting our new thread!</p>

<p>As you may be able to guess, my name is Emily and my birthday is 5/16. I didn’t know about making up a clever screenname when I joined. I am an accountant and I work for the local government. I live in Southern California with my domestic partner and my daughter. My partner just retired from the USPS. My D is heading to the University of Redlands in the fall. While the college is only 20 minutes away from home my D will be living on campus, and just received her dorm assignment this week. She is going to study Anthropology, Sociology, Women & Gender Studies, and creative writing in the Johnston Center, which will allow her to design her own major. </p>

<p>I joined cc because I never went to college and didn’t know anything about the process. This group has helped me get through the past year, and I feel very at home here. </p>

<p>My D and my partner are spending the summer at home together - neither one of them is working. My mother just moved in with us due to some financial difficulties and is not working this summer either. I also have an older sister who I am helping to financially support as she is not working and lives nearby. We have a sign on our front door that reads “It is what it is” and we try to live by that. </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Hi Everyone~</p>

<p>Hubby and I are in the health field ( I’m a psychiatrist) and we have two kids, both of whom show zero interest in medicine!</p>

<p>D’10 is an artsy/creative kid with an interest in foreign languages and math. She has a passion for all things Japanese, and may go down the teaching route, but isn’t sure right now. S’12 is interested in history and creative writing and is equally clueless regarding the future. This is what happens when you have two practical, career-oriented parents…they look at you and say to themselves, “That’s not going to be me.”</p>

<p>It’s going to be a longgggggg road.</p>

<p>Thanks for being here. I wish I could check-in every day but I just can’t, so thanks in advance for any “re-cap” posts!</p>

<p>p-mom (who loves the color purple and also loves hearts :heart:)</p>

<p>pixeljig - After reading about your whirlwind college tour last spring, I have often wondered what school your son decided on. I see he went with USC and I guess the bonus is that it will make for easier travel coming from Asia.</p>

<p>Could someone please give me the proper ratio of champagne to orange juice for mimosas? Last time I made them, all my brunch buddies were a wee bit tipsy!:p</p>



<p>Nope. There are 7 kids from his HS class going there, a couple of whom he’s friendly with, but they’re not his best buddies. He knows the rest of them by name/sight but that’s it. I just wonder how S and ‘itty bitty’ (love it!) would meet, since they’re in completely different majors, S isn’t in the Honors college, etc. We may have to arrange something…</p>

<p>D’12 is signed up for campus tours of USC and UCLA next week. I’m still recovering from S’s journey but I suppose this can’t wait. Not when she’s the insistent one - it was the opposite w/S for a while!</p>

<p>Kajon, i usually do 2/3 champagne to 1/3 orange juice… and add a splash of grand marnier on top!!</p>

<p>Kajon, sounds to me like you got the ratio just right! ;)</p>

<p>applicannot - can you talk to your bank to get help with the double authorization?</p>