Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Echoing the well wishes for G#'s father.</p>

<p>My S is ensconced in the bitter cold midwest, having lucked out with perhaps the only flight that made it from Boston to Minneapolis on Saturday. Unlike YDS’s S1, he had two classes yesterday, and then found he was scheduled to work the late evening shift in the CS help lab. He is not complaining, though.</p>

<p>My D in Minneapolis usually rides her bicycle to work (yes, even in the winter), but wisely decided to take the bus yesterday - at 5:00 AM - and this had me a bit worried since the governor cancelled all schools so the kids wouldn’t have to stand outside waiting for buses. She sent an email in the early evening saying that she was safely home in her warm kitchen, so all is well. Unlike yesterday’s high of -12, today’s high promises to be a balmy 0 degrees there. Maybe I don’t have to worry today?</p>

<p>looks like some one forgot to make the coffee :slight_smile: my fresh grind is ready.</p>

<p>Thanks artloversplus!</p>

<p>I was fasting before a physical, or I would have made some! Breakfast too…</p>

<p>Our school system was closed for 2 days, and they explained, besides the issues of little kids waiting for the bus or walking to school in the bitter cold, there are bus issues. Diesel buses, no engine block warmers as they may have in more northerly climes, and they are not allowed to idle the buses to warm them up (EPA regs.) So they didn’t want to risk many buses not starting when it was 4 below.</p>

<p>Colleges in Chicago apparently did not think the -7 weather should be a problem. They closed the school on Monday when it was -15 but not Tuesday when it was -7.</p>

<p>It’s a little late, but coffee’s ready. </p>

<p>Not much news around here. And as for schools closing, where S is they say “Hell freezes over, Carleton delays classes 2 hours.” Monday ranged from about -23 to -18, and it was the first day of class for the term. The difference is that nearly all students live on campus, though.</p>

<p>Good morning! Checking in.</p>

<p>S2 started back at school. He has his “capstone” class this quarter (Ancient History: Emperor Augustus). He really likes the professor. </p>

<p>S3 goes back to school a week from today. I forgot how much I like having him around. Tomorrow we are going to the Reagan Library. I am looking forward to the Spy exhibit. </p>

<p>Hoping G#'s dad is feeling better.</p>

<p>Is it technically still Friday? My days all run together right now! Feel free to join me at the hotel breakfast bar in the morning… but, not too early! ;)</p>

<p>I hope everyone has thawed out!</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – esobay’s d.r.a.m.a.t.i.c DS for coming to the aid of two damsels in distress. Even if the ending is still somewhat of a mystery.</p>

<p>Esobay – I hope your DD made out better with her travel than most of the people coming in for my meetings. Some were stuck in their connection airports for 3 days w/o their luggage! :eek: The only one who made it on Monday flew in from Minneapolis. :confused:</p>

<p>Speaking of which… glad to hear that aliceinw’s D made it to / from work safely.</p>

<p>Mommusic – I went to the Bengals game Sunday… sorry! Oh well, at least (unknown to me when I bought them) my seats were covered and out of the rain. And the Bearcats band performed at halftime.</p>


Explain to them that absolute zero and absolute values are 2 entirely different concepts. ;)</p>

<p>Tx5 – So, how was the library in the only warm place in the country? ;)</p>

<p>Has anyone else seen this amazing performance on “Holland’s Got Talent”? I was floored.
[9-Year-Old’s</a> Opera Performance On Holland’s Got Talent Is About To Make Her Very Famous](<a href=“HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost”>9-Year-Old's Opera Performance On Holland's Got Talent Is About To Make Her Very Famous | HuffPost Life)</p>

<p>Thanx for the well-wishes for my dad. He is out of the hospital and in rehab. I have to give DW props for being able to help my mom in my absence!!! Too much work on my end, so I’m not going home this weekend either. I don’t even get to see my new floors which DW really likes. They look good in the pix messages. In other medical news, D1 texted me “I understand I have you to thank for my kidney stones. Thanks genetics.” :eek:</p>

<p>In college news, D2’s class ring was delivered and looks very nice (via pix anyway). I also caved and let her order a Class of 2014 sweater and new cheerleading sweatshirt. Midnight that night I got a “Thank You. Sorry I’m so expensive” text. Little does she know that her tuition, room, and board posted to our account this week. :eek: :wink: :eek:</p>

<p>Geez, G#, I thought I was never going to get to go home from the office yesterday! Glad you’re doing ok, though sorry to hear that you don’t get to go home this weekend. Glad to hear that your father is doing better too. </p>

<p>Coffee’s ready. Also hot water with lemon, and cinnamon spice tea. </p>

<p>S seems to have survived the first week of school and the accompanying bitter cold. He is also doing several phone interviews, so well wishes are appreciated. D opted for the bus rather than the bicycle this week in the sub-zero temps, though waiting for the bus was no picnic. She is headed off to warmer climes on Monday - a three week trip around Central America. I think I will be chewing on my nails the entire time, but she is very excited. </p>

<p>Wishing everyone a good weekend and a warmer week!</p>

<p>GSharp - glad your father is doing better and that your DW was able to help out while you were working out of town.</p>

<p>Alice - sending well wishes to your S for his interviews and to your D for her trip. </p>

<p>Nothing too exciting to report here.</p>

<p>S called asking for a skype call last night. Lo and behold it was to “show off” the way his hair and beard have been butchered in the frisbee team’s beard auction. On Monday night he will get to shave - which is great for the beard, but less desirable for a head about to go through (a) a Minnesota winter, and (b) interviews (hopefully). I suppose it can be a decent ice breaker. </p>

<p>Coffee’s ready. Help yourselves.</p>

<p>G#, glad your father is doing better. (((hugs))) to your wife for being such a champ.</p>

<p>alice, I think I’m confused by the hair and beard thing. How long does he have to wear it like that?</p>

<p>I’ve barely heard from ds1 since he’s been back, though he did send me his sked for the semester and his radio show starts today so I’ll get to hear him then.</p>

<p>YDS - he gets to shave it off tonight. But then he will be pretty much bald.</p>

<p>Good morning. Anyone around? Coffee’s on. And oatmeal wit some dried cranberries and a little bit of maple syrup.</p>

<p>Good morning! The oatmeal sounds good! </p>

<p>When it gets closer I will remind all of you about Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, which is the first Saturday in February (cheers you up just thinking about it, right?) On that day I like to have a scoop of butter pecan in my oatmeal. DH thinks I’m crazy. :)</p>

<p>Good morning! I just figured out (not sure why it took me so long) that I can make oatmeal in 60 seconds using my Keurig by just running a cycle without a K-cup with the bowl of oatmeal underneath.</p>

<p>Not much news here. Slow, but steady, S2 bought a GRE book. He plans to take the practice test on Friday and depending on the results figure out when to sign up for a test. </p>

<p>S3 goes back to school tomorrow. He has had a great vacation. He has been very social and spent time with a lot of friends from college, high school, sailing, etc… But I think he is ready to go back.</p>

<p>Thank you for all the kind words for my S. He’s getting settled in at the record company and in NYC. He certainly arrived in time for interesting weather…first the snow, then the rain. At least it’s a bit warmer this week.</p>

<p>I use my Keurig to make oatmeal as well. I figured that out last week and I’ve had the damn thing over a year!</p>

<p>Anyone else tempted to bribe their GRE-reluctant student into taking it? I’m just about at that point!</p>

<p>Glad to hear good things on this thread.</p>

<p>Whaaattt??? Oatmeal in the Keurig? I can’t believe I haven’t thought of that and I’ve had mine for a year too. I’m definitely doing that tomorrow.
I tried to get S interested in taking the GRE but he can’t see the benefit that I see.
That music co-op sounds awesome pmk! Student teaching and then done? Wow- congrats!</p>

<p>Coffee’s on. I don’t have a Keurig so you’re on your own for oatmeal. </p>

<p>I haven’t managed to get my S interested in the GRE either.</p>

<p>alice, at least your ds is applying for jobs. I’ll trade you my GRE-taking ds who has no direction and hasn’t applied for or interviewed at any job.</p>

<p>Hi, can just anyone post here? :D</p>

<p>Seeing my last tuition check clear the bank made me all misty-eyed for my old friends…</p>

<p>We have two seniors this year, S1 took his LSAT’s, and according to his insanely high standards, he didn’t do well. Sounds like he is going to take a year and rethink his plan - He ALWAYS has a plan so DW and I are a bit :confused: Over the holidays we put him in touch with some friends in DC - one is a partner in a law firm, the other a lobbyist :eek: but DC is where he seem to be heading. Does one ever stop worrying? G#, any spare couches down that way that you can think of? </p>

<p>S2 was admitted EA to his first choice and is pretty fired up. Campus visit for EA admitted is on 2/17 and he had us signed up within 24 hours. </p>

<p>Anyway, hope all are well. My Three Way is holding up fine, and I may actually have status (airline, not CC) comparable to G#. </p>

<p>Looking forward to the end of this segment of the journey…:cool::cool:</p>