Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>So that’s where our degrees went! Southern California!</p>

<p>S came home from work and reported he is beginning to crack a programming problem that has bedeviled him all week. (Which is good because he’s getting paid to do this, and was sort of starting to worry.) </p>

<p>Part of the problem is it’s someone else’s code. He says there’s a saying about writing clean & clear code, “Write like the next person who is going to use it is an ax murderer and he knows where you live!” </p>

<p>Stay warm, everyone. (Except tx5athome…I hope you get cooler weather & rain!)</p>

<p>Continuing saga of the grad school LORs… they were due 12/31. Two schools notified her on 1/15 that they were missing an LOR. D met with the professor Tuesday to see if he had sent it and it turned out he forgot. He had written the letter and emailed it to one place that does centralized grad school applications, but neglected to send it to two other schools she’s applying to that don’t use the centralized system. :eek: He said, “Oh, I never would have realized I didn’t send it to them, thanks for telling me.” Then she called the schools today (Friday) only to find out he STILL didn’t email the letters. So she waited at the door of his afternoon class, at which point he told her he’d meet with her in his office at 5:30. 5:30 came… and went… she called me at 6pm - he still wasn’t there. :eek: He finally called her and said he was at home and was emailing the LOR to the two schools now. She will, of course, call the two colleges on Monday to confirm they got it!</p>

<p>Laf, AFTER the LOR’s are received, sounds like a visit to Rate My is in order! geez!</p>

<p>Mommusic…Ummmm… Why would you NOT finish the Guinness:confused: Doesn’t the recipe call for that?</p>

<p>Yeah, I know I’m late… blame it on CC being down by the time I got around to it last night. Just stoppin’ in to be sure that Alice isn’t still hanging around waiting for permission to leave work. Her special H-made coffee is getting cold. :wink: Another weekend workin’ in Cincy for me, ergh! Feel free to join me at the hotel breakfast bar.</p>

<p>Like Alice, I’ve been sick all week and finally went to the Doc-in-a-Box and have a plethora of drugs. Judging by the size of my antibiotics, I must have taken a wrong turn and gone to the equine veterinarian. ;)</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – 12rmh18’s S1 for excellent performance under stress during his first grad school semester. Also to S2 for leaving the east coast and himself unscathed. ;)</p>

<p>Heroine of the Week – LAF’s D for her poise and vigilance when all she wants to really do is choke the sh** out of a certain professor. ;)</p>

<p>LAF – Thanx for stopping by and making us all feel inadequate in our graduation prep. :wink: You motivated me to start looking at the 4 days (yes, 4) of graduation related events at D2’s school … I wouldn’t want to miss the parent’s prom :rolleyes:. </p>

<p>IL – Congrats to S1 (and you) for making it through another year. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – I bet S would love this… <a href=“”>;/a&gt;
BTW, who is in charge of Cincy’s weather? ;)</p>

<p>RobD – Kraft Mac & Cheese… dare I dream ;)</p>

<p>YDS – Congrats to your DS on reaching his “ultimate” goal! Sorry, I’ve been spending long hours roving this week, so I’m way behind… again. ;)</p>

<p>DW and D1 are taking my absence as an opportunity to have mother-daughter weekend. D1 came home to spend the night with DW.</p>

<p>In college news, I received a text from D2 last Friday night… “Will you still love me if I don’t do stellar on my exam Monday?”… I assured her that we would and that I was sure that she would do well. After exams, D2 called me just to chat and said that when she turned in the exam, the professor gave her a “thumbs up” and she gave him one back, so we’ll see what that means. She also let me know that she had a job interview and thinks that it went well. Let’s hope she is right! She said that they wanted her to consider positions in NYC and Chicago, but she told them she is holding out for a DC or Philly (huh?) position. Let’s hope that she knows what she is doing!</p>

<p>I just get used to the old new format and they really really change it up. Check out the emoticon button in the dialogue box!! :)) </p>

<p>~O) is on! </p>

<p>S1 posted a great pic of him and all his residents in the quad after the big snow. He supposedly has a resume done, but we haven’t been asked to proof read anything. Hmmmm, maybe he is actually using the career services dept? Naaaa </p>

<p>< ---- Look at my post count now that the cafe posts count. I am :"> </p>

<p>Checking out the new format. I do like the “notifications” were they there before? :)>- </p>

<p>IL - You never know. I found out that my S had done a resume and some actual applications when he casually mentioned having two phone interviews. One of them turned into a “real” all day interview and a job offer. But the job offer made him realize that he really wanted to return to our neck of the woods, and he followed up with several more job applications, which ultimately yielded two more offers, one of which he’s decided to accept this week. Yes, indeed, S will be employed upon graduation!! And living near us, to boot.</p>

<p>OK, I led off with my big news. Not much more to tell, though I have received another email from D, so know that she is still roving around Central America (avoiding the c-c-cold in Minneapolis) and enjoying herself.</p>

<p>I shall have to figure out this new system soon.</p>

<p>My son called to say he has a first response to his grad school apps - he made one school’s short list, and has set up a Skype interview for next week. Nothing yet from his other schools. He said he also signed up for the next career fair. “Just in case. Plus I have this nice resume now, and want to show it to somebody.”
Cross your fingers!</p>

<p>Just when I got used to the ‘new’ CC - everything’s changed AGAIN! Serves me right for not checking in for months! Anyway my posted picture is a bit ‘stretched out’ - but I’m recognizable at least! :-h My DGS (grandson) had a busy winter break, managing quick home visits, a 3 week Fraternity trip to Israel, followed by a Vermont ski trip - I haven’t heard lately but hope he is new safely back in Boston ready to resume classes to the finish! He is living the good life, well deserved, the post graduation job contract is signed & sealed with signing bonus deposited. We are suffering the Florida ‘cold’ spell - some days temp is down to the 60’s :-" and we have to put on a sweater! Be safe and warm out there…</p>

<p>Ack, Lafalum I’d be having a very quiet melt down about now.</p>

<p>in college news, DS got a sort of call back (email with more questions) from one school and a skype interview with a prof at another school. Seems a bit promising, but HOW SOON DO YOU KNOW? gahhh.</p>

<p>Aliceinw wooooo-hoooo =D> =D> That is the best of all worlds. He has a job and makes mom happy to boot!!</p>

<p>Dang YDS! Look at you with 15,000 posts. LOL.
Happy Sunday :slight_smile: We’re looking at the nicest day we’ve had in weeks, but it’s supposed to plummet back to a high of 21 by Tuesday. In supreme crazy weather potential, Charleston is under the gun for up to 10" of snow which is unheard of and even if 1/10 of that happens the city will shut down and D2 will be X_X </p>

<p>Laf - keeping my fingers crossed for your D’s professor to do what he should have done weeks ago!</p>

<p>GSharp - good luck to your D2 with her job search! </p>

<p>Alice - congrats to your S, and yay for having him close to home!</p>

<p>Eso - will keep my fingers crossed for your S too.</p>

<p>Bubbe - your DGS actually received a signing bonus? That’s great! Some of my D’s friends from school also went skiing in VT over the break - wouldn’t it be funny if they were part of the same trip?</p>

<p>D has been back at school for several weeks. She’s been working on her thesis, so probably not having quite as much fun as your grandson. S decided to pay her a visit this weekend, so I hope that was a nice break for both of them. </p>

<p>Good morning! S2’s team is playing S3’s team in basketball today. So does that make it win-win or lose-lose? ;)) </p>

<p>Just watched dd2 drive off to begin her last semester at Lafayette. What a journey this all has been! Hope all of you are well.</p>

<p>Laf–Your DD wins in the calm, cool, and collected category–I’d want to kick that prof! L-) </p>

<p>G#–You’ve got me freaked out by the “Parent’s Prom” comment. Ack! No way, really? %-( Good luck to your D2 on her job search. </p>

<p>DS was quite happy with his grades and is hopefully planning on packing sometime this week for his semester in Panama. Unfortunately the school has them all flying out early on Feb 1 from Newark–land of the Superbowl, so no affordable rooms available. Current plan is for DH and DS to drive up in the middle of the night to drop him off at the airport. It would have been nice if they could have chosen their departure airport!</p>

<p>I’m so tired of this cold! It’s just too cold for this Arizona girl. The comment about it dipping below 70 in FL requiring a sweater reminded me of growing up! We pulled out the coats for anything below 65! Now here when it gets above freezing, we think the weather is balmy! I need to move to a warmer state!</p>

<p>VaMom2015, would I lie to you much? :wink: To quote, “The night before Commencement, seniors celebrate with their family and friends at the Senior Prom. Bands and DJs provide a variety of music. Attire ranges from formal wear to sportswear. … Unlike all other Commencement week events, seniors need a ticket for Senior Prom. All seniors will receive six prom tickets: one for the senior and five for guests.” </p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>it’s been a while, but I had to log in to turn off all those notifications! I also caught up on the last few months of posts, and see I can like posts now. I haven’t tried the “helpful” link and I know that “flag” is bad but I am not impressed with this new bboard software.</p>

<p>No last payment for me yet but D did ramp back as others did and is just auditing some stuff this term. She is uncertain about job or grad school, but received her first grad acceptance today! No funding info yet, which she will need.</p>

<p>I am glad to see the cool dudes are still an emoticon option
B-) B-) </p>