Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>@VAMOM215 & @GSharpM7 - Don’t Freak - Princeton Class 2010 we went to granddaughter’s SENIOR PROM - Crowded and LOUD and lots of fun :D/ - food, drink and lots of dancing - You’ll love it! (I don’t remember exactly, but I thought it was AFTER commencement - maybe they changed it??</p>

<p>My kids are appalled by my post numbers, but I’ve been here since before 2006. Not much to report. S2 has applied to various language programs and is starting the job search. He’s set for the summer, so he’s not feeling as much pressure as we think he should be feeling. He’s taking a second semester of creative writing for his arts requirement which is fun for us, because we get to see the stories. He was out of ideas this week, so I suggested he base it on a story he told me about a run-in with the local police when he was in high school. He made it a kind of Rashomon story.</p>

<p>Trying to remain positive about the change in format. I do like the avatars and that it is bringing some people out of hiding. B-) And that I don’t have to remember what symbols were what for the emoticons. No real news here. I am hoping that S2 is thinking about beyond graduation. </p>

<p>G#-Thanks for the link, gives me planning information for next year!
Bubbe–Thanks for the good news on the Senior Prom! I’m sure we’ll have fun!</p>

<p>DS has too much to do this summer. It will be interesting to see him attack it all. He needs to get med school applications in by mid-june. He has to do 4 weeks of training for ROTC (and doesn’t know the dates yet) and he needs to plan/do research for his senior thesis which could require returning to Panama. I was informed that I may be required in Panama to provide him with a dive buddy as he plans to do some underwater research. Sounds fun, but I will need a bit of notice to get time off work! B-)</p>

<p>Hi–Mommusic here. I could not log on to the new format and had to actually create a new account from a new email address! Was starting to feel like you moved the party to lose me, especially with all the annoying “new post” emails I was getting…that I couldn’t reply to… :smiley: </p>

<p>Anyway, I don’t like the new format, I don’t like being Momannoyed, but I didn’t have any choice. I’m glad my son is almost out of college–it was lovely sharing with you all. Carry on…</p>

<p>LOL Mom Annoyed… It took two days for my password reset emails to reach me… so I was basically already checked out of CC for good as I wasn’t willing to change identities. Bottom line for me - I don’t think I’m all that well aligned with the business practices of CC and its owners anymore. </p>

<p>Mommusic/Momannoyed - Maybe because I hadn’t checked in for many months - I had no problem - just pushed my ‘bookmark’ and I was on!<br>
DGS will be graduating May 2014 but I have a Sophmore DGD at EHL (Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne), and my ‘littlest’ DGS will be a Freshman at McGill in Sept. so I will be hanging around CC for some time yet.
I probably should find a more suitable ‘home’ - but I will miss all of my old friends here!
[-( </p>

<p>Well, I’ll stick around long enough to pour coffee this morning, at least. No news here.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. No news here either. Glad we will be above zero today. Glad S will get a break from walking to campus in 15 below zero weather.</p>

<p>I have had no problems with the new format. Other than the standard old dog/new trick thing. </p>

<p>stuck in BHM. 200 people or so stranded in corp HQ - most slept in their offices, a lucky few got hotel rooms. Quite the bonding experience! I have an apt 2 blocks away and had a guest on my couch, most folks made it home today. </p>

<p>No COLLEGE news @-) </p>

<p>I was able to log on to new system, but it did make me create a new password, guess mine wasn’t secure enough! I’m holding out hope that they will take comments and improve the new format. It really does need work!</p>

<p>S2 will be on the 4.5 year plan. Took last winter semester off, and now has three to go. Hope he can finish everything by then. He needs an independent study or seminar to finish one of his majors, so it may make sense for him to do the IS he’s been talking about for three years over the coming summer so that he doesn’t have to take five classes in the fall. He has one class to retake and one that’s a year-long in his field that he REALLY wants to take, but he and I will have to sit down over spring break and look at the nuts & bolts. I don’t think his advisor has done a good job at keeping him focused on his requirements.</p>

<p>Today a check in call from DGS between classes and on the way to lunch was a happy surprise! He says 4 classes and a thesis are making this last semester challenging but interesting! A pass/fail class (or 2 if possible ) would be a good idea.</p>

<p>I’m perfectly happy to post from the airport this week cuz’ it means I am going home! Which one of you wants to call me periodically to keep me awake as I drive home at 1:00AM, ergh!</p>


Quote of the week!</p>

<p>Jackief – Good to see you again. Don’t waste your time looking for a reason to use the “Helpful” button on my posts.</p>

<p>Bubbe – Good to see you too! Thanx for the prom info, I was so worried that I wouldn’t fit in with the other parents. ;)</p>

<p>Mathmom – Those numbers are just appalling. :wink: S2 has a good plan. When in doubt, go with a Kurosawa approach!</p>


The things we parents have to do. Everyone needs a PADI parent.</p>

<p>Mommusic – I like that new annoyed look you’re sportin’ ;)</p>

<p>IL – Can you go ahead and make sure that they have ATL cleared out and ready for me tonight?</p>

<p>CD – Don’t worry. I graduated on the 4.5 year plan and as you can see I turned out just fine. ;)</p>

<p>In wedding news, I am driving with DW to see D1 as she has her alterations on her dress done. I will be playing a supporting role as “Guy who goes to get gas while the girls take care of the meaningful stuff.”</p>

<p>In college news, this was intersession (between semesters) week for D2 and she received special dispensation from her thesis advisor to not have to turn in work, so I got her an early birthday present of a cruise from which she has made it safely back.</p>

<p>G#, glad you are heading home! It’s not that I am so worried that it may take longer to graduate as to how much that will cost…there are times where I wished we pushed the flagship harder. Not sure we are getting our $$'s worth at times, but you never know how these things will shake out in the long run. His intellectual strengths do not necessarily translate to classwork, esp. w/ LDs. When he was in HS, there was enough scaffolding for him to focus on schoolwork and get through it without accommodations (even though he needed them and the school wouldn’t provide). On his own, the focus and planning difficulties have raised their ugly head (and they are exacerbated by his refusal to get help/evaluated at college – his call). OTOH, his GPA went up .5 vs. the previous semester (fall 2012), so this was a HUGE positive sign. The depression seems to have lifted and we are not dealing with substance abuse or other serious issues, so there is much to be thankful for.</p>

<p>The hardest part for me has been backing off and making him own the good, bad and ugly instead of stressing myself worrying about it for him (which I definitely do not need to do).</p>

<p>Good morning! Checking in! Happy February! And Happy Chinese New Year (or was that yesterday?). S2 took 12 units this quarter because he is 1. Doing his Capstone, 2. Supposed to be figuring out what he wants to do with the rest of his life and 3. Is ahead of schedule for June graduation. He says the 12 units are a lot more work than he expected, so he isn’t doing as much to figure out his life as I would like him to. I think it might also be his social life. </p>

<p>Good afternoon. My S is also “underloaded” this term, but actually managed to get himself a job, and one of the key things on his plate is his capstone project (to be presented 3/1). So he has been busy too. Sounded pretty happy when we spoke last night. D will get back from Central America late tonight and I am looking forward to hearing about her trip. Happy Saturday to all. </p>

<p>My S is getting used to life in the Big Apple. One disappointment was that he had hoped his co-op would go from part-time (M, W, F) to full time but, alas, it was not to be. So that leaves him with Tuesdays and Thursday off as well as it leaves him short budget wise. He has applied with Varsity Tutors and has a phone interview with them this coming week. Has anyone had a kid who worked for Varsity Tutors? How did they like it? </p>

<p>S will be graduating a semester early but since his school typically takes five years, people think he’s graduating a semester late. Who cares?! A graduation is a graduation! Unfortunately for us, they don’t hold a winter commencement at Northeastern and S has zero interest in going back in May to participate. Ah, well…at least I get to walk in my own graduation in May (MS) as does my DH as he is graduating (Ph.D.) in May as well!</p>

<p>Student teaching is kicking me in the backside and so far all I’m going is observing! I’m just not used to this schedule and being around so many people in such small rooms. Starting Monday, I’ll be teaching 5th period (Senior English) and then as the weeks go on I’ll add more classes until I carry the full load for two weeks. I’m working on a lesson plan about Lord Byron. It’s going okay…I just have no idea how the kids will react to it and that’s unnerving. </p>

<p>Hope all is well with all of you and yours!</p>

<p>Stopping by to offer coffee. </p>

<p>PMK - Good luck to your S on filling those Tuesdays and Thursdays. And best wishes with the challenges of student teaching. You could not get me into a classroom for anything, and I admire you for doing it.</p>

<p>My D has made it safely back from Central America, and was planning to ride her bike to work this morning in “chilly” Minneapolis!! Clearly a hardier soul than I am. She had a great trip. She turned out to be the only American in her group of 13, and thought that was a great thing. She is ready to plan trips to Norway and to Australia to visit new friends.</p>

<p>Stopping by to say hi.</p>

<p>PMK: Good luck! My D1 was a student teacher last year. She lived with us and between the student teaching during the day and the classes at night she was exhausted all of the time. </p>

<p>College news the schedule came up for next quarter which is S3’s last quarter. He only needs 4 units, but will take 12. Hard to believe his 4 years are almost up. </p>