Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Happy Valentine’s Day all!</p>

<p>I hope that my Valentine remembers to pick me up at the airport. The flowers were delivered, so I have a chance. ;)</p>

<p>Another week, another round of antibiotics, ergh!</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – Sacchi’s S for the acceptance and most of all giving us all hope. ;)</p>

<p>IL – Sorry that your plan to retire on S’s casino winnings didn’t come though.</p>

<p>Esobay – We’re all super-impressed with your DS’s ballroom dancing skills, but can you keep it down lest DW overhear that there are guys that will do that willingly. ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – So, I need to be working on a good non-descript way to make some wedding photos available… added to my to-do list. Wishing your D much success surviving her thesis.</p>

<p>Momannoyed (nye music) – Much to your S on the new project and SIL navigating the I-95 weather.</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Isn’t it about time to go home? ;)</p>

<p>Jackief – Clearly the “Like” and “Helpful” options are to make you feel good about yourself. ;)</p>

<p>In work / wedding news, my current project has been pushed out a couple of weeks which makes Go-Live now AFTER the wedding, instead the week of the wedding, whew!</p>

<p>In Dad’s news, the good news is that my father went home from rehab this week. The bad news is that within a few hours he was back in the hospital, ergh #1! My mother knew that he needed help “immediately” so in order to not waste time with a phone call she drove to the fire station down the street to ask them to come back to the house to help her, ergh#2! Apparently they were very nice, helped her, and dispatched an ambulance. Understandably she is worn out, so imagine our dismay when DW called to check on her and my mother was in the garage defrosting the freezer (with a hair dryer) because “it needed to be done”, ergh #3.</p>

<p>In college news, I had one text requesting more $ for books and one “missed call,” so not much here. The good part about the missed call is that I now know that D2 has finally set up her voicemail as we have suggested in the event that a potential employer wants to contact her. I watched on-line the game at which she was cheering, so I know she still exists. ;)</p>

<p>Thanks for the updates, G#! Sorry about your father. My father was back in the hospital but is out again. There are weeks when my brothers don’t even bother notifying me that he has changed locale. If he isn’t answering his cell phone it may mean the phone isn’t charged, is on the floor where he can’t easily pick it up, or–he’s in the hospital without it. Your guess is as good as mine. :/</p>

<p>S spent the day volunteering at the Robotics Tourney, so he got 11 hours of community service in. Plus got to hang with robots?</p>

<p>US beat Russia in hockey, and UC beat Houston in basketball. There is much happiness here in Cinci!</p>

<p>Just realized how much snow we have here, counting last night’s 4 or 5 inches. It’s on top of the previous snow, which was on top of the ice storm, on top of earlier snow…and before that I can’t remember. It’s startling to see people waiting for the bus and they are much taller than they should be. :smiley: </p>

<p>Feel free to join me for coffee at the hotel, but you’ll probably want to pass since the doctor just sent me home with tonsillitis, ergh! I knew something was wrong when I couldn’t even swallow yogurt this morning.</p>

<p>Feel better G#! I will serve coffee for those who prefer not to share germs. No news here.</p>

<p>Poor G#! :frowning: At least it’s not strep?</p>

<p>Quiet day here with everyone off. DH working on taxes, S on the computer, gaming. We all watched Jurassic Park this afternoon b/c we realized S had never seen it! (It came out in '93, the year after he was born.) </p>

<p>Been too quiet around here. Coffee, tea, sodas etc all around. (A bit too early for wine, right?)! </p>

<p>DS is finishing up his first course in Panama. He’s only been there 3 weeks! :open_mouth: But he’s only there for about 12 weeks and has 4 classes, so I guess I just never did the math! He’s having a great time and learning so much. I’m really looking forward to seeing some more photos (he’s sent a few–very few). I wonder if he’s taking pictures? All the one’s he’s sent were taken by others.</p>

<p>G#- that’s what happens when you spend too much time in that place downstream from the burgh. It has that effect on people. :wink: Hope you are feeling better by now.</p>

<p>Visited JMU this past monday for admitted students day. S2 seemed to like it quite a bit. They had several profs giving general information lectures on various majors. DW and I played hooky (beautiful day in VA) only to find out he was the only kid without a parent. I guess we will never be accused of being helicopter parents with S2!! How times change (:expressionless: </p>

<p>We have been having some real heart to heart conversations with S1, who seems to be much more focused on his post-graduation trip than getting a job. :-w </p>

<p>IL- I would have gone to the visit day, because I like those sorts of things, it is a character defect of mine. Good luck to S1 to get his next step in place. </p>

<p>I think D is going the grad school route, I haven’t seen any movement in job hunting mostly because of lack of direction. She has one grad acceptance but hasn’t heard on money yet, one interview for a tiny program, and one no. Three more including her top choice to hear from still. </p>

<p>D2 is applying for coop jobs, or at least looking at the database. But focused on more immediate things also.</p>

<p>== adding after a longer edit window ==
I must admit I do like some things about the new bboard sw. Since I come here fairly infrequently these days, it is much better at tracking my next unread note in a thread. The previous sw had a more global marker. I also like the @mentions feature, esp again since I don’t get here too often. I posted in a college thread yesterday and several people tagged me to follow up. In the old days, who knows when/if I ever would have seen it.</p>

<p>That’s all, have a nice day everyone!</p>

<p>B-) B-) </p>

<p>IL - good luck to your S1. Now that my S has a job lined up, and is about to finish his second comprehensive exercise (for his second major) with a presentation next weekend, he has decided he is tired of school, and has determined that he will not enroll for spring term. In other words, other than marching in a graduation ceremony in June (which he will do), he will be done with college on March 18. Of course, that does not mean he is giving up frisbee - he will continue to live in Northfield and captain the team. I am surprised, but I am getting used to it.</p>

<p>Jackie - you must be much more proficient at this stuff than I am, because I don’t understand half of your post above. But I think I know enough for me.</p>

<p>Happy Friday, everyone.</p>

<p>I’m heading home! Can’t wait and DW will probably let me in the house since I’ve taken my meds all week and am theoretically no longer contagious! ;)</p>


Life pretty much doesn’t get any better than that unless the US Hockey Team wins and UC beats Houston… Oh, wait! :wink: Between the snow and t-storms, I think we covered all the weather options this week.</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Thanx for steppin’ in and serving the germ-free coffee… everyone appreciates that!</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Good Luck to your D’s school as they show up to play the Tigers this weekend. Based on current performance, the Crimson should have no trouble winning this one. Oh well, the game is on ESPN3, so we’ll tune in to catch a glimpse of D2 Saturday night. It’s not like it will cut into our busy social schedule. ;)</p>

<p>IL – Glad you enjoyed your time being bad, slacker parents in Harrisonburg (no “h”). You’re one up on me as I’ve never been to the JMU campus. We’re having to do the opposite with D2 who I think is too concerned about the job search when her “job” right now is to finish her thesis and prep for comps.</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – Yeah, right. Good luck with getting pictures. :wink: DW is FB friends with D2, but she censors which ones I can see… probably best. In my mind, I have sent her to a 4-year convent. ;)</p>

<p>Jackief – Yes, but can you recursively @mention yourself? :wink: Let’s see @GSharpM7</p>

<p>In wedding news, I have been officially fitted for my tux. I asked for one without pockets since I won’t have anything left to put in them. :wink: I was not adequately prepared as an appropriate answer to “What size jacket do you wear?” was not “I don’t know. Whatever my wife brings home and tells me to try on before she returns it.” ;)</p>

<p>In college news, the first trickle of Graduation ceremonies information has come in. The Baccalaureate speaker has not been announced, but the Class Day (day before Commencement) speaker is Al Gore. I did get a call from D2 this week just to chat about classes, that she has over 50 pages of her thesis done, and is getting her final meningitis shot this week. She said that the initial shot doesn’t hurt, but is very sore for days afterward. I told her to make up some one-armed cheers for this weekend. :wink: I’m sure that she wishes that she had a helpful father. ;)</p>

<p>@GSharpM7, you know perfectly well that is not an example of recursion. I assume it did work, I did think about trying it myself but assumed it would. Too bad there isn’t name completion</p>

<p>GSharp - I will try to watch the game tomorrow night - just not sure I get ESPN3. </p>

<p>Congrats to your D on getting so much of her thesis done. Is it due soon? D’s is due on March 7th, I think. She had about 70 pages written when I spoke to her about it a few weeks ago, but she said she was sure she’d be working on it until the end.</p>

<p>I still haven’t heard who the speakers will be at D’s school. Funny that Al Gore will be at your D’s school.</p>

<p>Btw, I was just watching Jeopardy and saw that the girl from your D’s school did very well! :)</p>

<p>No college news from D - she’s just busy all the time. She’s working on her thesis and it sounds like she might be putting in a lot of hours at her job. Saving for her first apartment? I have a feeling spring break is the real incentive for extra cash.</p>

<p>G# - glad to hear you will get a break from Skyline world. Dropping the H may prove to be a challenge . God bless on the Tux and all things wedding. </p>

<p>Graduation speaker is John Legend. Which my wife assures me is an improvement over recent years. ?? No idea. </p>

<p>So taking a cue from the wise G#, we told S1 he gets a lump sum - to cover his graduation trip and his relocation expenses to wherever he lands a job. His decision as to how he spends it. LOL it has set off quite the conversation. He knows exactly where he wants to go for his grad trip, no idea in the world where he will end up with a job. </p>

<p>Does anyone else hear a bubble popping? </p>

<p>@Aliceinw - Kudos on your S’s early exit. I would trade a last semester for a job in a moment. But cool that you will still get to experience the Walk. With the comfort of knowing that he is already pulling down a paycheck. Nice. </p>

<p>@GSharpM7 and @jackief - are you guys talking about the CC equivalent of doing yourselves? Eewe. </p>

<p>Checking in after some very hectic times at work over the past 2 months. I don’t expect it to get better until mid-April. (sigh) </p>

<p>Good news - D got her first grad school acceptance. She still has 3 more schools to hear from, but at least she knows she has a place to go, because she needs this degree to pursue her chosen career. Even better - its a relatively affordable school! We will contribute to the costs, but she is going to have to cover a significant portion herself via loans. She will graduate from undergrad with exactly the minimum number of credits needed, which I thought was a waste of an opportunity until she pointed out that since she is a part-time student this semester we only had to pay part-time tuition. The $9000 we saved on this semester’s tuition will instead go toward grad school. </p>

<p>D’s graduation speaker is Mary Carillo - you’ve probably seen a lot of Mary in the past two weeks, since she’s been reporting on the Olympics. Her daughter is one of D’s classmates. </p>

<p>When our older S graduated college, I felt almost as much of a pang as when he graduated hs. But now that we’ve survived his transition to adulthood and independence, I’m looking forward to the same for D. </p>

<p>IL - you must have confused my S with an ambitious young man. He plans to hang around his college town for the spring term so he can continue to play on the frisbee team. Then he has this crazy idea of a cross country bike trip for the summer. He opted to start receiving a paycheck in September. </p>

<p>Our SIL flew out this morning for the last of his 5 interviews this month (seeking tenure track professorship). Sort of a stressful weekend as we are taking this ride with him, in a virtual way. It’s interesting to get insights into university politics, culture, and a faculty point of view which is very different from an undergrad point of view. </p>

<p>By next week at this time he hopes to have an offer from <em>somewhere</em>! And if our D and grandson come in to check things out, I may go along to wrangle the kid. He’s a lovely 4 year old but not really helpful to parents in making adult decisions. :D</p>

<p>Edit: This is the old Mommusic, in case you are confused. And I do not like the new smilies either. The laughing face looks fake. </p>

<p>IL- I follow a mention back here and that’s what I read!</p>

<p>what are these graduation trips of which you all speak? Nothing like that remotely under discussion with D, any trips will be for possible visits to grad schools and then apartment hunting. Well we do fund her travel for sports and will attend one weekend maybe two this spring.</p>

<p>Super big congrats to Laf’s D and others getting the happy news :-bd Is it just me or are these emoticons just too busy to handle as I search through the list for a thumbs up guy? At least there is one for ~O) waving to mom who was music and is now annoyed (sorry for the downgrade) but at least we have the same thoughts!</p>

<p>and of course the cool dudes B-) B-) </p>

<p>DS has been planning his graduation trip since last year (and he’s only a junior this year!). We’ll see if it actually happens, but I hope he can pull it off with his friends–he wants to backpack around Europe.</p>

<p>G#-I saw Al Gore and my first thought was that I’m glad he’s not next year’s speaker! :wink: </p>

<p>Congrats to those finishing up their theses! DS is planning how to do his research this summer in Panama. It requires a lot of coordination. Hopefully he will have a better handle on it in the next few weeks. He’s been jumping through hoops trying to get his budgeting done to request funding, but it’s difficult to estimate some of the costs! He had to include some guesstimates but I think he got it done (I hope so, it was due today!).</p>

<p>jackief - my S’s graduation trip is a tale of his own making, and will be at his own expense (if it actually happens), more or less. It is not a tradition of ours, though I have heard of it.</p>

<p>Sent in our last tuition payment this week YAY!!
We have not heard of any graduation trip plans NOR any summer internship/job plans. BUT
We are waiting on the grad school apps 1 reject, 1 waitlist, 1 interview scheduled for tomorrow and 1 (#1 choice) NADA a peep. </p>

<p>But I do request the PVC to point to so cal tomorrow around 10. I hope he is AWAKE enough … Interview is Oxford so double exciting for me, I don’t know why, but it IS. 8-} </p>

<p>And just to be mean cruel and nasty to the frozen peeps … my DH cut the grass yesterday. We had a tiny bit of rain and UP it POPPED. Think it will die off this summer given the state of the water tables.</p>