Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>It was a sad, sad week in the guitar world… RIP Paco De Lucia. :frowning: He was a huge talent and will be deeply missed! One of my all-time favorite songs…
<a href=“Paco De Lucia & Al Di Meola The Reunion "Mediterranean Sundance" - YouTube”>Paco De Lucia & Al Di Meola The Reunion "Mediterranean Sundance" - YouTube;

<p>Hero of the Week – LAF’s D for the grad school acceptance while simultaneously winning the Ms. Frugal award.</p>

<p>Jackief – Yeah, I know it isn’t really recursion, but it was worth a try. :wink: Have you tried embedding any HTML, Javascript, or OS commands in this version of the forum software yet?… not that I would ever try that mind you. ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Congrats to The Crimson on their win last weekend. At least we got to see D2 on ESPN3. Good Luck to your D as she finishes her thesis next week! D2’s thesis is not due until April, so she still has time to stress. </p>

<p>IL – You can do it. Just gradually start dropping the h’s and pretty soon the spelling will be natural. John Legend is an interesting choice. One of D2’s friends got her acceptance to grad school this week at your S’s alma mater. BTW, you gotta offer up to $X for the post-graduation trip and you and S split the savings… win-win. ;)</p>

<p>LAF – Looks like you scored an interesting commencement speaker also. I’m interested to see who we get. I watched last year’s on-line and Ben Bernake did an awesome job… he really was hilarious.</p>

<p>Momannoyed – Also wishing much luck to your SIL!!! And, I’m not about to spend time looking at and figuring out all the freakin’ smilies. ;)</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – Good luck to your S with the thesis funding! Did he put in enough to have a PADI Parent come to Panama for support? ;)</p>

<p>Esobay – Sorry I’m late wishing your S much luck with his interview!</p>

<p>In dad’s news, my father is coming home from rehab again Monday. Hopefully he will be there more than a couple of hours this time, ergh!</p>

<p>So, are we bad parents for not having the graduation trip tradition? D1’s graduation trip was starting her new job the Monday after she graduated.</p>

<p>We’re going to NJ this weekend to watch D2 cheer for the last time. DW has already warned me that she is not looking forward to it because she knows she is going to cry… just great. :wink: As she put it, “You don’t understand that after years of rehearsals, dance recitals, piano recitals, plays, etc. I feel like this is the end of an era. Taking the girls to practice and attending their events is just part of who I am.” For D2’s sake, please don’t let DW burst into tears in the gym.</p>

<p>In weird college news, D2 and a friend were invited to tour a NYC Company X (I can’t mention the Company because this is so weird) this week by one of its leaders. This a large company in Manhattan with global recognition. OK, why?.. Basically, because she and the friend are rednecks… oh the shame. Mr. Leader found it amazing that there were ‘rural students’ at Princeton (long story on how he knew about them). So, he invited them for a tour, to meet some of the other company officers, and have lunch in their cafeteria while answering questions like “Why would a conservative rural student attend a liberal arts college like Princeton?” I kid you not! WTH? What is that even supposed to mean? D2 found it amusing and said that the tour was very interesting, they were actually really nice, and she did meet another officer who specializes in an area in which D2 is taking classes and they got along well. I told her she should email them to show her appreciation and tell them that she dreams of someday being able to work someplace where they wear shoes. :wink: Her reply, “I probably shouldn’t ask them if I could bring my hunting gear to work.” :wink: Well that apple didn’t fall far from the tree. :wink: Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go black out my teeth and buy a corn cob pipe with which to visit my youngin’.</p>

<p>Anyone planning to watch the Oscars? I like Ellen Degeneres, anyway. I may watch some but as usual, by the time they get to the big awards I’m asleep…</p>

<p>nothing much to add, except that D’s term of no classwork is coming to an end soon. Hope she remembers what the working world is like! I’m sure she is most looking forward to her sport in the spring. I have to tie up ends to empty the funds targetted for tuition, last payment due in a month!</p>

<p>and G# just for you (not that I am trying hard) <script>alert(‘GWAR’);</script></p>


<p>I can’t believe you left me out of the “college who’s where”! Remember we even met at the convocation, 4 years ago?</p>

<p>I was in tears when I got the 519th Convocation schedule today! Its been a long and hard 4 years and we have grown. After 250k lighter in my pocket, my D now is a fine lady who is attempting a med school. I will do anything to join the crowd again at the Main Quadrangle.</p>

<p>Happy dreams. </p>

<p>oops, Just notice this thread started before I joined CC, so I must have been added in Aug 2010… :"> </p>

<p>I hate the way it echoes in here out in the burbs, and no coffee either. </p>

<p>Inspired by the “Bag a week” thread (not that I am doing it, but I am doing SOME) I dug into the back of a cupboard yesterday. Found a tester container of “Butter Pecan” coffee. I am not a fan, but someone somewhere must have thought it was a good idea. If you try it and don’t like it, I’ll get you a butter pecan ice cream cone next time.</p>

<p>And I couldn’t find the brag here thread, but I thought at least you here would be interested… DS, that boy that was one of the “slacker sons” and almost didn’t make it out of high school, is set to graduate in June, with honors in two degrees and just got accepted to Oxford for Masters grad school. Not sure he will go, it isn’t his #1, but he has the option and better yet, the acceptance!</p>

<p>g#m7, hoping your dad stays well, you can join us on the parents caring for parents thread if you want to vent about any of that. It is a nice bunch. </p>

<p>artlover+ I never got to attend either convocation but I am really looking forward to graduation!</p>

<p>Good morning! Checking in. I paid my last tuition payment for S2 (at least for undergrad). Because they messed up applying his outside scholarship in the fall, the bill was only $7, which was not painful at all. S3 is only a freshman, so we still have quite a few tuition payments to make. He turned 22 last week so we are going up to visit him and take him out to lunch on Saturday. We finally had our winter last weekend. Four days of rain showers. It is hazy today, about 73, but should be 80 for the weekend. </p>

<p>wow, esobay, your son is certainly a late bloomer. Many Boys are like that, so don’t write them off when they are down in their earlier life.</p>

<p>Well, I started a post this morning, in which I was going to say, “Just stopping by to say hello, and to pour coffee for anyone needing a cup. It has been a difficult week here - can’t wait till it’s over and it’s only Wednesday.” But I forgot to hit “Post Comment” and now it is a little late for coffee. Who wants a glass of wine? Or something stronger?</p>


<p>Just came back from an auction and I needed some thing to relax! I was totally defeated, outbid by all.</p>

<p>Esobay–Congrats to you DS! I’m sure he’ll find the right program for him–and how amazing that he was accepted to Oxford! </p>

<p>Alice–hope the rest of the week is better than the first part. I’ll take a glass of wine!</p>

<p>G#–Yes, DS had to put in money for the PADI parent (of which he has two) since he has to have a dive buddy per the rules, so they expect him to account for that! B-) Also, don’t tell anyone, but DS is a redneck too. Hard not to be with a parent from TX and one from AZ! I’d love to know the back story on how they identified your DD and her friend! “So President Eisgruber, where do the rednecks hang out on campus?” :wink: </p>

<p>Is it just me or has the participation dropped significantly since the changes to the forum. You’d think the powers that be would be noticing the drop and try and address the issues. </p>

<p>Yes, it’s been pretty quiet in this neck of the woods. Or should I say “nek”? ;)</p>

<p>Nothing new here…waiting for job news from the SIL, for health updates on my father…don’t know if an anvil is about to fall or what. At least S reports his co-op job is going well. </p>

<p>S did his own taxes tonight, using Turbotax. Pretty easy, and he was able to find his 1099T form online (on the UC web site.) Two small refunds. :)</p>

<p>Eso - big congrats to your DS! :)</p>

<p>Alice - since you’re offering, I’ll have something stronger. It was a very long week!</p>

<p>GSharp - thanks for the congrats, but I had very little (well, nothing) to do with the Crimson win last weekend. </p>

<p>D handed in her thesis today - a friend took a picture - she looked very happy to have that out of the way! Sorry to hear that your D has to suffer a little longer.</p>

<p>That is so funny about your D and her friends being invited to tour a company because they’re rednecks! It’s also pretty funny to think of a bunch of rednecks at your D’s school.</p>

<p>Hope your dad is doing well!</p>

<p>I want to start by offering my sincere condolences to the entire Carleton family!!!</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – Esobay’s acceptable “slacker” S! Congrats!</p>

<p>Esobay – Maybe I should venture into the Parents Caring for Parents thread. Has anyone else mentioned how when they called their worn-out mother one night, she was in the garage defrosting the freezer with a hair dryer? Ugh! In the meantime, I have to pass on the butter pecan coffee. We have a running joke at work that only “old people” eat butter pecan ice cream.</p>

<p>Jackief – I tried to embed an HTML table in a post and it failed. Oh well. :wink: Congrats on the last payment prep!</p>

<p>Tx5 – Congrats to you too… $7!!!</p>

<p>Aliceinw – I hope that things get gradually less difficult for you. And, I really hope that you aren’t still at work waiting for this post. ;)</p>

<p>Artloversplus – You and DW could be founding members of the “Already in Tears Over Graduation” club. She has already warned me that there may be a lot of tears in June.</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – I’m so glad to hear that we are not the only low-life redneck family. I do remember joking with D2 when she received her acceptance that she must have been the token redneck. :wink: Maybe one day I can PM you the back story, but it would not be appropriate now.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Many, Many congrats to your D for turning in her Thesis!!! That has to be a huge weight off of her shoulders! We did have a scholarship benefactor tell us that Princeton is considered the “Southern Ivy” because of the number of Confederate Generals who were graduates, so we’re just carrying on the redneck tradition.</p>

<p>In dad’s news, my father is home and I will be spending my Saturday trying to be a good son and helping my parents.</p>

<p>Meanwhile, in wedding news, DW will be spending Saturday with D1 at her “final fitting” then visiting bakeries to taste cakes. I haven’t quite figured out why. It’s cake, fondant, and swirly-a** icing… what’s not to like? ;)</p>

<p>We did get to NJ last weekend and were able to actually spend some time with D2. She remembered to put us on the parents’ list for game tickets… small miracle. DW was true to her word. When the cheerleaders came out on the court prior to the game, DW’s tears already started to flow. They continued during the 1st half and really kicked in during the half-time performance. I don’t think they make mascara that’s that waterproof, so by the time the game ended I just introduced DW as my pet raccoon. :wink: (For those of you thinking that I am completely heartless… no I didn’t really). </p>

<p>In college news, D2’s class sweater came in and she really likes it and as she put it, it will help her “blend in with the old men who come for reunions.”</p>

<p>Checking in, hadn’t realized how long it had been since I’d been on this thread. Son is set to graduate on time. Last payment is going in any day now. He made it through the first round of the State Department exam, but not the second - he’ll study next time, but has to wait till October. In the meantime he seems to be applying for jobs for which he is underqualified. He does have a summer job at Tufts - doing the same thing as the last two summers, but with yet another promotion, so he’ll be head supervisor of the student employees. He’s still waiting to here from one language program which I believe is his first choice for things to do next year.</p>

<p>coffee is on. </p>

<p>S1 is on his way to the Carolinas for his alternate spring break - crew chief (or something like that) for a Habitat for Humanity project. No further word on the Euro trip, other than his ticket came in a few hundred less than the budgeted amount - but of course in his mind that money becomes “his” ;). Also, nothing on the Fellowships he was angling for. One in New Orleans, one in DC. Both come with housing and some type of stipend. </p>

<p>S2 seems to be locking in on James Madison. He enjoyed our visit on Accepted Students day. Many many pretty girls. Funny story - he attended a intro session on a major in which he has an interest. DW and I didn’t see any reason to “hover"so he went by himself while we found the coffee shop and strolled around campus. When we caught up with him DW asked how many parents attended and he said " I was the only one there with out a parent” Oops, how casual we have become. </p>

<p>DW has begun “Project Scrapbook” for S2. For S1 she started about May 15th, but she is really ahead of the game this time. The downside to such great planning is that the emotions start flowing earlier. Too much time to dwell on all the pictures and memories. Two graduations will be interesting. </p>

<p>IL–Let me know how that two graduation thing works out. I’ll be doing the same thing next year. It will be a busy time! Congrats to S2 on acceptances and narrowing the field. We know a number of students at JMU and they all seem very happy with the school! S2 will also apply there, but his grades aren’t the best so getting in may be problematic!</p>

<p>Coffee for all my iPeeps this morning.</p>

<p>It was a quiet weekend, which was nice, and I heard from each of my children on Sunday, so I know they’re ok. I think we’re all in a “no real news” pattern.</p>

<p>G# - I did manage to get home on Friday, but it was hard to know when to leave. ;)</p>

<p>IL - My D did a spring break Habitat for Humanity trip in her senior year. It was a great experience for her. Hope your S1 enjoys his.</p>

<p>Limomof2 - Congrats to your D for handing in her thesis. My S presented his group comprehensive project for CS last weekend, and had his one-on-one interview/defense on Thursday, and thinks all went well. If he can just learn some statistics (who would have thought that would be the stumbling block for a Math/CS major!!??) he should be all set. Winter term classes end Wednesday, exams are over the weekend and on Monday, and then he heads off to Georgia for an Ultimate Frisbee tournament and hopefully some sunshine.</p>

<p>Happy Monday.</p>

<p>nothing new here.
DD is preparing to apply for med school and we all get geared up to go through the med school apps again. Reminded me of the 2010 college app frenzy and its worse. Her scores are in the lower-mid tier that many are eligible. For example George Washington got 15000 apps interviewed 1000 admitted 135, less than 1%. Its a real crap shoot.</p>

<p>Thanks to wowm</p>