Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>GSharp - thanks for the congrats for my D. She is thrilled to be done with her thesis and very ready for her spring break. I wish your D all the best as she works her way through the last few weeks until she completes hers.</p>

<p>Cute about the Class Sweater. I don’t think my D has one of those - or maybe she does and she just hasn’t mentioned it.</p>

<p>I hope your parents are doing well and I’m sure they appreciated your company/assistance this weekend.</p>

<p>Mathmom - hoping for good results for your S2, and glad he has a summer job waiting for him.</p>

<p>IL - I’d forgotten that you have another one heading to college this fall! My S is thinking Marist, but I’m thinking one of the SUNYs might be a better choice, so he’s going to revisit both. Of course he’s still waiting to hear from a few schools, so things are still up in the air.</p>

<p>Keeping your S1 in my thoughts and hoping he gets one of those fellowships!</p>

<p>Alice - thanks, and congrats to your S as well! I’m not sure whether my D has done her defense yet, but it would be nice if she could get that out of her way before leaving for spring break.</p>

<p>I forgot this is the end of the quarter for your S! When do classes start up again? Hope the Ultimate Frisbee tournament is a success!</p>

<p>artloversplus - wishing your DD all the best with her med school apps. </p>

<p>LImom, thanks for your well wishes, and congrats your DD completed thesis, its almost over.</p>

<p>Yes, the quarter is ending and the bill is due Mar. 30, haven’t received it yet, though. Its on the calendar.</p>

<p>Mommusic here…I am pleased to report that while DH and I were both out of town (separate cities), S took good care of the house. He even took the garbage & recycling down to the street last night before I came home! It’s nice to not have to worry, while H is working and I am tending to an ailing parent. </p>

<p>So tomorrow is son’s birthday (Pi Day or March 14). Can we have a chorus of “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow?” :)</p>

<p>I need to make a pie…but I’m so far behind I may buy a frozen one and bake it. Apple sounds good.</p>

<p>Speaking of Pi Day. I am not making pie, but I did make a Pi banner for my math-teacher daughters classroom. </p>

<p>Happy Pi Day everyone! My breakfast consisted of Bailey’s and Key Lime pies. A co-worker’s daughter gets “extra credit” if she wears a Pi themed shirt to school today, so I picked her up a “Pi-Lingual” t-shirt at Princeton when we were there a couple of weeks ago.</p>

<p>Mathmom – Is that you? Seems like forever. Welcome back and best of luck to your S in October!</p>

<p>IL – I sure hope that your hard-working S1 makes good use of “his” extra money. :wink: JMU sounds good for S2 despite his neglectful parents and the potential distraction of “many, many pretty girls.” I know that bothers him immensely. :wink: So, we’re not the only ones with the scrapbook thing?</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Congrats to your S for surviving his comps and interview. D2 still has that to look forward to. Now, be gone with you… go home!</p>

<p>Artloversplus – Keeping my fingers crossed for your DD!</p>


Nah. I’m sure that nothing happens at school about which we are not informed. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – Sounds like you raised quite the respectable young man indeed. Happy B-Day to him! You have my sympathies in dealing with an ailing parent. Speaking of which…</p>

<p>In dads news… just ugh!</p>

<p>The news from the college world is that D2 will start feeding me thesis chapters to proof soon, but they are “not ready for that yet.” She has been to the printers near campus to find out when she has to have it to them in order for it to be printed and bound in time to turn in. I was a good dad this week and left work early to watch on-line D2 cheer at her final game. I called DW later that night and asked, “What are you doing?”… “Looking at <d2’s> Senior cheerleader pictures on FB and crying.” There were pictures of her and the other Senior cheerleaders with their flowers on FB, ugh!</d2’s></p>

<p>So coffee is late, but it’s here, along with some India Spice tea (yum), and some pie. Since it’s virtual pie, you can choose your favorite flavor.</p>

<p>LIMOMof2 - My S has decided that he is finished, having sufficient credits and satisfied all the graduation requirements. So I’m not sure when classes start again, since he will not be enrolling in any (though he will continue to live in Northfield and play Ultimate Frisbee for the spring term). He had his last classes on Wednesday, which he made notable by attending after his first real all-nighter. He has his last exam on Monday, and then he is a free man until he begins work in September. Lucky for us, he definitely plans to attend graduation.</p>

<p>Artloverplus–We can commiserate together as DS is also applying for med school this spring. It’s going to be a crazy May/June then the rest of the summer hoping for secondaries and then interviews! I think I’ll be editing a lot of essays. </p>

<p>G#–DS2 has that Pi-lingual t-shirt. It’s the perfect pi-day shirt!</p>

<p>Alice - I remember that now! Nice that your S will have some time to relax before starting his job in September. :)</p>

<p>Artloversplus - thanks for the congrats for my D. She is so ready to enjoy her spring break!</p>

<p>Thanks for everyone on well wishes.</p>

<p>Vamom, I am not totally well versed in med school application process, but what are secondaries?</p>

<p>Today, a day late, we had son’s Pi Day birthday pie. It was a chocolate ganache pie with coconut macaroon crust. So yummy! :)</p>

<p>This March Madness basketball stuff is starting to get interesting. UCincy might actually be in it! :)</p>

<p>I brought coffee today. S finished his last exam yesterday and he is done!! Of course, today is the day I get to bite my nails while he does the annual drive from Minnesota to Georgia for a frisbee tournament and some badly needed warmth and sun.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, aliceinw! Safe travels to your son.</p>

<p>We finally bought S a new dark blazer (he was outgrowing the old one and either interviews or a funeral was going to prompt the purchase of a new one–the funeral came first.) At two different stores we had the world’s least competent sales people…er, sales kids. “Could you call another store to see if you have this in a different size?” “Um, I don’t know where our other stores are. I’m not from here.” You DO work at this store, right? :-" And other issues too annoying to revisit here.</p>

<p>UC (#5) is indeed in a b-ball matchup against Harvard (#12), with an all-expenses paid trip to <em>Spokane, Washington</em> !!! Whose idea was that? </p>

<p>In other news, I hear the first lawnmower of the season outside. Music to my ears! :)</p>

<p>Momannoyed - so, our kids’ schools are playing against one another? :D</p>

<p>Yes, Limomof2. That was the first think I thought of when they announced the matchup.</p>

<p>Newly opened coffee is ready. </p>

<p>Artloverplus–don’t feel bad, I had no idea what they were either–I asked someone over on the CC pre-med thread. So after sending in all the applications to the various medical schools, most have secondary applications that are usually essays. Some send them automatically, some send them after an initial review. DS has to go to ROTC training in July, so he’s hoping to hear back before he goes, since he won’t have access to a computer for a month! :open_mouth: Many schools use the same essays as the previous year, so he plans to work on them before they ask, so hopefully he can look like he’s showing enough interest by getting them in ASAP. We’ll see how that works for him!</p>

<p>In DS sighting news: he’s on spring break somewhere in the jungles or beaches of Panama during his study abroad. Luckily others in the group seem to have cameras and access to facebook so I get glimpses that he’s alive when he’s tagged in a photo from someone else. The world would probably stop spinning on it’s axis if he actually posted something himself or bothered to let us know he was alive. Did I mention that we found out he had food poisoning via FB (and not from him, of course)!</p>

<p>G#–Speaking of food poisoning, being a procrastinator DS waited until the last minute to plan to apply for housing. Unfortunately that last minute was food poisoning day. So do you know if there are any comfortable benchs around campus for him to crash on next year? :wink: (Yes, I found out about that the same way I found out about the food poisoning–from one of his dormmates on FB). Guess I’m glad for FB!!!</p>

<p>Good morning. This is definitely a TGIF week! Coffee, tea, Pepsi, hot water with lemon - all available this morning. S is in Georgia for the annual spring break/ultimate tournament. I am hoping I don’t have to work all weekend. Happy Friday. </p>

<p>Time to go home! It has been another hectic week.</p>

<p>This will give you an idea of how busy things are these days…
Sunday I was sitting in the Atlanta Sky Club minding my business and working. A guy comes and sits next to me. We exchange pleasantries and I go back to work thinking… that guy looks just like Justice Antonin Scalia. I look up a couple more times and think the same thing… I bet he gets that all the time. At some point I noticed that there were also 3 very large plain-clothes bodyguards (complete with earpieces) hanging around us and following the guy next to me every time he got up and took 5 steps. Duh, my airport “buddy” actually was Justice Scalia. Through the miracle of Google, I did see that he was in Atlanta last weekend.</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – Aliceinw’s S for finishing early, yet making the personal sacrifice to support his team. ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – I hope your D enjoyed her Spring Break. D2’s birthday was yesterday and that can only mean two things… Spring! And Happy Birthday to you too!</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – Good luck with those essay edits. That has been my evening entertainment this week. Read on… I bet if your DS hangs around after move-out this year he can find a couch on which to crash next year. :wink: Sorry to hear about the food poisoning about which you officially know nothing. ;)</p>

<p>Momannoyed – Are you as annoyed with your Bearcats as most of the people with whom I work? ;)</p>

<p>In wedding news, D1 was kind enough to forward a bakery bill to me. She’s so thoughtful that way. :wink: We’re down to less than 1 month. I was informed that my regular freakin’ dress shoes will not do, so I guess I need to go out and get me some shiney patent leather ones. ;)</p>

<p>In college news, D2 has been feeding me thesis chapters to proof-read with emails like, “I have lost my mind so if I try to read it I will fail. I also can’t formulate any more coherent words now so adios.”</p>

<p>G#M7, only a MONTH, yikes! Buy shiney boots…
I wouldn’t consider reading DS’s thesis, but his dad would love it.</p>

<p>And I am on here with a brag! DS got into first choice grad school, with enough stipend to live on. Both my kids will be there AND it is close to home. I am happy today.</p>

<p>Great news, Escbay! Congrats to your S! </p>