Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>G#-so sorry to hear about your FIL. Adding my thoughts and prayers for your whole family. </p>

<p>G# - thoughts and prayers to your family during this difficult time.</p>

<p>G# - I’m so sorry. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.</p>

<p>G# PVCs here as well. Hoping it is not too late.</p>

<p>LIM, I know, everyone is young in the hart, not to the appearance. </p>

<p>G#, thoughts and prayers to you, your DW and the entire family. Hugs to your DW – I know this path has been tough for her.</p>

<p>Brought S2 home over the weekend. Still has two classes to finish ASAP (again – this is an unfortunate recurring theme). We are in the beyonder group. He had taken off one semester last year to deal with depression, but because of the language sequence for both his majors, he has two semesters of language left. Have told him that the Bank of Mom and Dad closes next May, so he’d better git it done. He has no job or internship lined up for this summer – didn’t apply anywhere. My patience has worn thin and he’s been home 36 hours.</p>

<p>G#: So sorry for your loss! Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. I am glad that you were able to turn around and were not already in the air. PVC’s to your D2 so that she can finish strong despite the broken heart. </p>

<p>G#, let me add my condolences to your DW and the rest of your family. It must be difficult to go from a happy event like a wedding to the loss of your FIL. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. PVCs for your D2 to finish strong.</p>

<p>G# - So sorry - Thoughts & prayers to the family through this difficult time.</p>

<p>G#, my condolences. So sorry for your loss.</p>

<p>No news here. S2 graduates next weekend. He’s already started working on his summer job. Looks like we should have a nice family reunion at least of dh’s side of the family. (His brother and sister and one nephew, I’m contributing one of my brothers, his wife and a niece - the other brother will be at his own daughter’s graduation. My Mom may or may not be there depending on how strong she feels.) We are apparently going to eat BBQ both for lunch and dinner on the day before graduation. Maybe we will finally find the Holy Grail of decent Boston BBQ. It should be possible, right? After all they are finally figuring it out in NYC! </p>

<p>G#, sending condolences for your family and hopeful support for your Dad in the hospital.
Scary times.</p>

<p>Since it is CC, land of free advice, I would recommend asking D2 what she wants, rather than protecting her and making a wrong assumption. These kids are growing up and are able to make the hard choices which work for them.</p>

<p>Sending my condolences for your family, GSharp. What a dilemma for you with D2!</p>

<p>Good advice, Esobay!</p>

<p>G#: my condolences to your DW and family on the passing of your FIL. I’ve been meaning to pop in and read about your D1’s wedding and now got to read about both. Schools and professors are usually pretty accommodating about death’s in the immediate family so I’m sure D2 will get things figured out.</p>

<p>I haven’t been on in a while; after the CC switchover, I had to change my password and my advancing age makes it difficult to remember these things, so I can only login on the one device that has it autosaved. It’s so exciting to read about everyone’s post-graduation plans! D1 will graduate in December; she’ll be in ATL this summer for an internship. D2 finished her freshman year & is looking for some type of summer work.</p>

<p>G#: you were the first person I thought of when I heard about the death of GWAR’s singer. </p>

<p>G# so sorry to hear of your family’s loss. Positive thoughts sent your way as you support each other thru this difficult time.</p>

<p>G#, so sorry for your family’s loss. And PVC to your D2 as she finishes her semester.</p>

<p>Discovered that DS does not have a job for the summer lined up. We suspected but he was cagey enough to dodge the issue. However, we found out because DH had a contact whose summer intern bailed at the last moment and DS got his resume in within an hour of hearing about it. It would be a fantastic job for him, he could bike from home to it. PVC please!</p>

<p>PVCs for a job!</p>

<p>First, PVCs to esobay’s S on the job front.</p>

<p>Why am I posting mid-week? Because I am in the middle of “World’s Crappiest Week” Award contention. I had to go to the hospital at 2:30AM today and make the decision with my mother and ER doctors to stop all of the “extraordinary measures” (ventilator, etc.) for my dad. So, why is it that after they “unplug” all that sh** that he becomes lucid enough to tell us that he would rather have Scotch than Morphine? ergh! Right now, he is sleeping off the Morphine. Who knows what the rest of the day has in store except waiting at my parents’ house for the appliance store to deliver the replacement refrigerator because theirs’ stopped working yesterday, ergh #2!</p>

<p>On a much more positive note, D2 sent a pix of her Thesis with the “A” on the cover, so she’s happy about that.</p>

<p>There is no competition, unfortunately, G#. You “win.” I’m so sorry for all that you and your family are going though. Thank goodness for dd’s A!</p>

<p>G#–condolences for your FIL and so sorry to hear about your Dad, although he seems to have rallied a bit. Enjoy the moments you can with him. Congrats to your D2 and her much coveted “A” on her thesis! Here’s hoping that in all the mess, you and your DW can still enjoy the excitement of D2’s graduation. PVC’s headed your way.</p>

<p>To all the others graduating–congratulations and how exciting! Even if they haven’t figured out the rest of their lives, they have taken a huge step along the way!!! </p>

<p>G# more sympathy for your family. I hope you get enough time off from work to spend with your mom, your DW, and D2 and D1 when that time comes. We are all holding your family in our thoughts… And congrats to D2 on the thesis! </p>