Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Dorm Mountain is alive and well! Except it is now in my kitchen as I prepare salads and food for the GRADUATION PARTY we are hosting at COLLEGE on Saturday! It seems like only yesterday we were fretting over XL sheets and storage containers for the dorms, and now it’s a new Dorm Mountain for Graduation. </p>

<p>Wishing my fellow CC 2014ers and Beyonders all the best as we head to COLLEGE tomorrow one final time for graduation! </p>

<p>Well, I thought I’d stop by to dust, since no one seems to come around here any more, but it’s nice to see that you came by, 12rmh18. And congratulations on that graduation. We’re still more than a month away, though I think S may have remembered to order his cap and gown today. I was thinking that we have not had the equivalent of “the envelope” for graduation - are we really so far past all that hooplah? Four years can sure change things, can’t it? Happy Thursday afternoon. I am enjoying being able to leave work in the light rather than the dark.</p>

<p>My kid still has a month until graduation. He applied and was accepted to a masters program close-by, so it looks like we will be losing our empty-nest and paying tuition for an extra 18 months. He is relieved to have something to say when he is asked what he is going to do after graduation. I want to throw a party for his graduation, but I am having a hard time figuring out when to do it. His graduation takes the whole weekend, and is Father’s Day weekend. Then he is going to Italy (graduation trip) with my mom, so will be gone the next two weekends. Then it is 4th of July, and so on… I might just wait until he gets his masters. In exactly a week we will pick up S3 from his freshman year. It is staggering how fast time flies. </p>

<p>alice, your post caused a mini-panic. No prob … he remembered. I asked whether he was getting excited, and he said, “Yep. I still have work though, which is lame.” Poor guy. Not. The road trip home looks like it’s off as the guy with the car wants to hang around town for another week after reunion weekend. I guess ds doesn’t. I wouldn’t really care.</p>

<p>Thought I’d stop by and see who updated. And make the coffee.</p>

<p>Congrats to those with graduating seniors! You should stop by Sinner’s Alley cafe for a round of celebratory drinks! The bartender is asleep and the marmots are getting sluggish and fat, eating your peanuts and not having any work to do.</p>

<p>Recently I keep getting kicked off and have to relog-in every time I come here. What’s with that?</p>

<p>Oh, and Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms & acting moms. It takes a village… :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, momannoyed. It thought I’d stop by and see if Gsharp had been here so I can go home. I guess I’ll have to do a bit more work.</p>

<p>Happy Mothers’ Day to all who celebrate.</p>

<p>Son isn’t home yet and I just remembered he said something about a get-together after work to welcome the new co-ops. He doesn’t drink so he’s probably socializing over a root beer or iced tea. At least I don’t have to worry about him drinking & driving.</p>

<p>Can I ask you all to keep someone in your thoughts & prayers? An acquaintance lost her husband last week, too young. Their daughter is graduating from college this weekend. :(</p>

<p>Momannoyed, that is so sad about your acquaintance losing her husband - my thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.</p>

<p>Congrats to all those graduating this spring and wishing all the best to the new grads.</p>

<p>D graduates at the end of this month, but she handed in her last paper today, so she is done! Now, S still has to get through the next month and a half of his senior year of high school, and he is experiencing a terrible case of senioritis. Help!!! </p>

<p>LIM, you should tell your S there are more Sr. Citizens in the house, so do not panic…LOL</p>

<p>Well looks like D will not have a job lined up for the gap year after graduation. She probably will come home. Its going to be hard to find a job just for a year. After that, she is trying to go med school.</p>

<p>Congratulations to the recent graduates, we have exactly a month to go. Sure hoping the thesis is done in time. Last week would have been good… </p>

<p>I am so sorry for the family losing a dad right at this exciting time. How terribly sad. </p>

<p>Happy Mother’s Day!!!</p>

<p>Yes, I realize that I was a total slacker yesterday and missed my posting appointment. I was traveling with my Comptroller which cut into my airport CC time.</p>

<p>The good news is that I finally got home after 3 weeks! I haven’t been here since 2 days after the wedding. I did enjoy the U.P. though.</p>

<p>The bad news is that Aliceinw spent the weekend staring out the windows of her corner office gazing at her vast empire waiting for my “It’s OK to go home now” post. Hopefully, she got to Verizon’s website and had a new phone shipped to her S! Enjoy the D-III Ultimate!</p>

<p>Congrats to the graduates and to all who’s kids have figured out the next part of their lives!</p>

<p>Momannoyed – Did I tell you how nice your hair looks? :wink: Did you keep Cincy in good condition for my return this week? BTW, like your S, I always volunteer to be the DD. I figure that I’m messed up enough without adding alcohol to the mix. :wink: Prayers have been sent.</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Congrats to your DS!!! I hope he enjoyed the walk from the Wren Building to W&M Hall!!! I hope he enjoys RVA!!! Thanx for reminding me to go nowhere near Williamsburg this weekend.</p>

<p>Tx5 – Congrats to your S on his Grad School acceptance!!! </p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Pre-congratulations to your D!!! D2 has to turn in her last paper on Tuesday and last exam is Friday. I hope that your S recovers from Senioritis, I hear that it can be tough to treat. ;)</p>

<p>Artloversplus – Is there a chance that your D could get an internship of some kind? D2 is leaning toward one that will pay her just enough to survive while she figures out what really is next.</p>

<p>We continue our proud tradition of being bad parents (when compared to the others on CC), by not planning a graduation party. I did notice that DW replaced the generic spring themed flag with the Princeton flag in front of the house and there is a graduation themed sign in the garage to put out later, so we’re not completely irresponsible I suppose. ;)</p>

<p>In dads news, my dad is still in the hospital which is better than my FIL who they told us on Monday might not live until this weekend, so DW has been a wreck. She has been at a conference all week that at least was only 5 minutes from where her dad is, so she could visit him all week. However, she did tell me that she felt bad that she had mascara all over the hotel’s nice white pillow cases.</p>

<p>D2 is still holding out for that perfect opportunity which of course is driving DW and me a little nuts. I am trying to remain calm and keep in mind that her entire life she has always taken the hardest possible path and that I have to trust her.</p>

<p>Gsharp Thanks to your great recap as a tradition.
Congrats to everyone that in a month, every kids is on the start line ready to be launched again… I can still remember they were launched not long ago.
Condolences to all that missed some loved ones, it is unavoidable and life goes on. And at least, I have a chance to be with mom on mothers day, although she cannot comprehend what does it mean nor she can move away from her bed.</p>

<p>Gsharp, good suggestions on having D to continue with the intern. She had an “intern” at the Lab in school. But I sense her frustration being in the same lab for over a year. She is trying not to stay in the same lab upon graduation.</p>

<p>Happy Mother’s Day! Better late in the day than not at all, right?</p>

<p>Congrats to all the new grads! What a busy weekend! </p>

<p>Artloversplus - are you implying that H and I are senior citizens? :wink: </p>

<p>GSharp - my heart goes out to your DW. I’m also sorry to hear that your dad is still in the hospital. I hope he’s doing better and that your mom is holding up ok.</p>

<p>Thanks for the pre-congrats for my D. She is so happy to be finished! Sending pre-congrats to your D2 as she finishes up her senior year! </p>

<p>You and your DW are doing better than we are regarding the graduation party. No party here because D will be relocating almost immediately - just two nights at home after graduation. I’m hoping I’ll manage to fit in a nice family dinner at the very least.</p>

<p>Sending good luck wishes to your D2 and hoping that she finds the perfect opportunity. </p>

<p>We could use some PVC this morning. DW’s father passed away as I was driving to the airport, so I turned around and came back home. The college-related dilemma is how to handle this with D2 the week of her last finals, final papers, and comps, ergh!</p>

<p>Oh, GSharp, I’m so sorry. Thinking of you and your lovely wife and daughters.</p>

<p>I’m so sorry, G#. Please give your beautiful wife my condolences.</p>

<p>Ds1’s first semester in college we had a death in the family. I always had worried what would happen with him so far away but didn’t think we’d have to face it so soon.</p>

<p>So sorry to hear this, G#. Sending condolences to you, your wife and daughters, and the whole family, along with a wish that memories of him will always be a blessing for those who knew and loved him.</p>

<p>G#, so sorry to hear of your FIL’s passing. The dilemma about when to tell D2 is indeed a tricky one. Hopefully whatever arrangements might be made can be after exams and papers are due. The timing is difficult, nonetheless. I’m sending PVCs to your family, most especially your DW.</p>

<p>G# my thoughts and condolences to your DW and whole family with your FIL’s passing. He had the pleasure of watching your daughters grow up into fine young women. I’m sorry for the impact on D2 finishing up the year but I hope your family can enjoy the graduation, and he will remain in your thoughts.</p>

<p>No party for us either. Congrats on all who graduated this part weekend. And besides us pulling up the rear, alic, YDS, tx, artlover, etc, we haven’t forgotten all the beyonders in this group, we are still here to hang with you as your kids continue on their paths.</p>

<p>G# - PVCs to you and your family during this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. </p>