Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Last night, we came home with 6 huge luggage, and several small ones. Each of them have stuffed to the hilt and expertly weighted to 50lbs. The small ones are not less weighted, those are her books and notes. I had to lift those up into the overhead beans in the airplane and they took two entire sections. Thanks to Southwest, we were able to manage home with that many luggage.</p>

<p>Had a lovely time at S’s ceremony (same one as jackief and artloversplus). Weather was glorious and the family (two grandmothers, two aunts, an uncle, a cousin, and both parents, along with the grad) all stayed until Tuesday, so we had a nice time together. Also met S’s girlfriend’s family. S is staying in the city where he went to school and had almost (but not quite) finished moving by the time we got there. It was a bit of a shock to go to a museum and realize that S doesn’t qualify for the student discount anymore.</p>

<p>Psychmomma–enjoy the graduation weekend! Congrats!</p>

<p>In upcoming senior news, DS won’t be sleeping on a park bench next year afterall. He finally heard from housing and he is happy with the room he received. He’s like a cat, and always seems to land on his feet–a good quality to have!</p>

<p>Early morning coffee is ready. I am on my way to Pilates. Instead of the office today, I have an offsite community service project in the AM, and a celebration of the year and the folks who just got promoted at Fenway Park. No baseball game - we just have the run of the place. </p>

<p>Well, ds stayed behind at college to work reunion weekend. Has anyone heard about the flooding? Argh. The plan was to crash at some teammates’ house for a few days and then move to a dorm on campus while he worked. They had to evacuate his dorm yesterday. He had the option of rooming at the other college in town but decided to go back to the house, which he assures me is out of harm’s way. There was a flood at the beginning of his freshman year, and now post-graduation. Watery bookends.</p>

<p>Heading home for another short weekend… off to Maine (for work) on Sunday.</p>

<p>Looks like we have a plethora of happy grads (and parents) deserving of many congratulations!!!</p>

<p>12rmh18 – I decided to go ahead and “celebrate” Father’s Day with dinner with both D’s in Williamsburg. D2 was missing college life as we drove though the W&M campus. I hope you enjoyed your Tea Time and were able to restock the fridge. ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – I trust that the apartment was duly approved. New wheels for your D?</p>

<p>Jackief – What? Just one truck? Wanna trade D’s? ;)</p>

<p>Tx5 – Glad that you were able to herd the family of cats together for 3 days of fun and congratulations! As one of our resident SoCal experts, any idea where / what Calabasas is? One of D2’s friends from school wants her to visit… they’ve already been separated a whole 2 weeks and having withdrawl. ;)</p>

<p>Artloversplus – Here let me help you with those bags. Wait, all these are yours, really? This young lady has a future in brick sales!</p>

<p>Motherbear – I see that you Jackief and Artloversplus got together at the cool kids table without us again. That’s OK, we understand. :wink: D2 and D1 were discussing how long D2 could get student discounts and they settled on when her ID expires. ;)</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – Glad to hear that your upright, feline S will not be living in front of Panera next year!</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Woot for slacking off today and not having to wait for me before you can go home!</p>

<p>YDS – I hope your DS is able to stay high, dry, and safe!!!</p>

<p>In post-college news, D2 has had a couple of interviews this week, one of which involved being given a research topic and having to write a paper in a specific format and turn it in 2 days after the interview (I am not kidding)! A little post-interview PVC would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Happy Friday! </p>

<p>Good News: S2 and his grandma (my mom) left yesterday for a 10 days in Italy. Today I got a text that they arrived safely in Rome. They are going to Rome, Florence and Venice. I am very excited for them.</p>

<p>Bad News: My MIL (83) broke her hip. She fell walking back to the car at graduation, but got right back up, posed for pictures and walked the rest of the way to the car. But after a couple of days in pain at home finally agreed to go to the doctor Wednesday and sure enough she broke her hip. She had a “half” hip replacement last night. From what I here everything went well and she should be going home in a day or two. She is a very fit gal, so I am keeping positive thoughts.</p>

<p>Alice: Fenway Park sounds fun!</p>

<p>G#: We live South of LA and Calabasas is North of LA. I have never been, but do know that a lot of celebrities live there (Kardashians, Bieber, etc…) From what I hear it is very, very nice. I am sure D2 would have a great time. </p>

<p>Checking in after a week out of town and another week back here catching up.</p>

<p>SIL came with the truck on Monday to pick up their “stuff” that has been stored in our basement & LR for almost TWO years. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Friday I skyped with my dau & grandson…she took the laptop around their new place (Portland, ME) to show where the furniture is. I’m happy for them.</p>

<p>And now I only have a dorm mountain in son’s room, which is not really my problem. :)</p>

<p>Congrats to all the recent grads & job winners!</p>

<p>speaking of dorm mountains, when D got back home we went out and bought another bookcase, which luckily had a spot in her room. These are the books she is not taking to grad school, nor selling, but wants to keep. No room for another, when this one is full that is capacity. She is having some nice break time at the beach then heads to her summer job on Monday. We will probably start the drive to grad school the afternoon she is done from summer job in August.</p>

<p>Continued congrats to all finishing up. PVCs to all who need them. So many transitions taking place. I just returned from our 10 day visit to Ireland with sis, brother and kids, DD met up with us there and it was fun to all be together for the trip. Home now with DD till she moves into her apt Aug 1st. Hope the summer goes slow and all enjoy it!</p>

<p>I have jury duty this week! Only orientation & waiting around today…even got to watch some of a soccer match before I got sent home. Maybe I’ll be more productive tomorrow. I got to delay my original summons to this week cause I sure couldn’t go two weeks ago when I needed to be in 3 different cities!</p>

<p>Coffee or hot lemon water, anyone? S leaves tomorrow for a cross country bike ride - yikes!</p>

<p>Congrats to all the graduates - I think the season is officially over. </p>

<p>Happy Friday to all. </p>

<p>I’ve had a wicked busy week in Maine and am so ready to get home… too bad that it will technically be tomorrow before I get there.</p>

<p>Congrats to all the “clean up hitter” Grads!!!</p>

<p>Tx5 – I’m sure that grandma and S2 are having a great time Roman around. Hopefully next time your MIL will be healed enough to join them. Thanx for the Calabassas info, I’ll tell D2 that it is a horrible place. ;)</p>

<p>Momannoyed – I waved to your SIL, D, and grandson on my way out of PWM today. Thanx for keeping the streets of Cincy safe!</p>

<p>Jackief – Your D could always follow my lead and use the attic as a great way to expand the college book capacity… anyone remember the Soviet Union? I think that some of my Poli Sci books are a bit out of date. ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Best of luck to your S and just keep in mind that due to your hard work, he doesn’t have to cross the country on training wheels.</p>

<p>In dad’s news, we closed on my FIL’s house this week, so that was a relief for DW, but kinda sad too. I helped my mother clean out some of my dad’s things last weekend… the most CC-relevant of which included his UG college ID (Union College in NY, 195?) as well as official UG, Masters, and PhD transcripts. My favorite were 2 F’s on his UG transcript (History of War and Psychology) to which my mother replied, “Yes, if he didn’t like a class, he just didn’t go.” Funny I don’t remember me having that option. ;)</p>

<p>In post-college news, D2 continues to interview, inc. today. She made it past interview round 1 with a company and is being whisked off to the Big Apple for on-site interviews in a couple of weeks (the Director with whom she is interviewing is on vacation until then). She’s not actually a big fan of NYC and this is in Manhattan, but she likes the company and position so any interview PVC you have available in a couple of weeks would be appreciated.</p>

<p>This just in from D2… today’s interview went really well and the company wants her to come in Monday to visit and have a second round of interviews. So interview PVC’s are requested to be focused toward DC on Monday.</p>

<p>Got it!</p>

<p>sending PVC GSharpM7. She is rocking it!</p>

<p>Thanks Gsharp to keep this thread alive. </p>

<p>A person always has a mission to live on earth when the mission is over the descendants take over and carry on. </p>

<p>PVCs to GSharp’s D2 and her DC interview! PVCs for the NYC job as well. It’s always nice to have options.</p>

<p>Good morning. </p>

<p>Sending PVCs for G#'s D2. I’m sure she’ll rock the interviews. </p>

<p>S arrived on the west coast late last night. I think his plan is to dip his rear wheel in the Pacific today, then get on the bike and start riding. </p>

<p>Help yourselves to coffee. </p>

<p>I’ve been wondering whether he started out yet, alice. I’ll be watching for updates. Meanwhile, ds will see two of their teammates today when they drive up here for some pickup and sightseeing.</p>

<p>Ds finally made it home yesterday after spending last week with his dad visiting family. I am so delighted (for now) to have him back here for his first post-graduation job.</p>

<p>G#, more PVCs for your dd. I know she’s got this.</p>