Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>So excited to head off to graduation in a couple of days. And I’m thrilled that it’s with just dh and ds2. Should be fun! Looking forward to a champagne toast with alice!</p>

<p>I am getting excited about graduation as well. Three more days! </p>

<p>Congratulations to all the graduating seniors and their parents. Thanks for the well wishes for ours.
DS’s graduation was really nice. With only 84 graduates, it was a LOT more intimate and special that the big ones. But it wasn’t an olympics, just one reception and one graduation. DS is staying on campus for the BIG graduation to see friends, but isn’t walking in that one. We will go down to get him and his “stuff” next week. He didn’t get a job, but thinks he has work… ummm??? How does that work again? I am not sure I can stand to have him on the couch all summer because it has been 2 years since he did that and last time it was driving me nuts!</p>

<p>There were quiet moments for the murders and the speeches addressed them, but made making the world a better place the focus rather than the deaths and injuries. I think these young people WILL make a difference in the world. </p>

<p>It was VERY chilling to see the memorial for the two sorority girls out on their lawn. It was one block up the street from DS’s apartment. I thought they should remove the dead flowers at this point. We walked past all the memorials on Friday. On Monday when we left, the old flowers were in little piles and there were new flowers out. </p>

<p>For those with upcoming graduations–enjoy the fun! Congratulations!</p>

<p>We are getting ready to go, it is exciting. Congratulations to everyone who had already attended.</p>

<p>Talked to ds briefly today. Twice. </p>

<p>The first time, he and the roomies were busy cleaning their house. I can’t wait to see it and to see their idea of clean. ;)</p>

<p>The second time we had some logistical things to ask him about, and he was at the Senior Banquet, which morphs into Senior Prom. It was loud, and he sounded super-happy. :heart: He asked me to bring thank-you notes for him. Someone raised that kid right! ;)</p>

<p>It feels like an eternity until our graduation days arrive - the 19th, 20th and 21st. Grad Olympics is a perfect moniker. There are so many events to attend and it’s hard to know which could be passed over and which will be worthwhile. But it is the end of 4 years at this school so we’ll attend what we can and send S out with a bang.
Congrats to everyone who has completed the graduation phase with their kids!</p>

<p>All packed and ready to head to the airport. See you there, YDS.</p>

<p>We’re on the way, alice! Eating Whataburger at Dallas Love Field right now. Remember, Whataburger is the fast-food of Texas. ;)</p>

<p>Congratulations to our upcoming crop of graduates! </p>

<p>Headed out in the morning. Happy graduation weekend alice, YDS, tx5 and others. Weather looks good :-bd</p>

<p>If ever there was a time for the cool dudes, it is now
B-) B-) </p>

<p>Happy graduation to all!!</p>

<p>I’m heading out tomorrow, too.<br>
Let’s hope the weather turns out as nice as is currently forecast. [-O< </p>

<p>Unfortunately, Delta changed my ticket from leaving at 8am to leaving at 6am without asking first. Now I have an extra couple of hours at ATL. Maybe I’ll run in to G#. </p>

<p>Happy graduation weekend to all who have waited this long!</p>

<p>Caribou Coffee, anyone? Happy to be in MN and not at work. My S seems ready for graduation (though not packed yet), and he got himself a haircut. I will see my D soon, along with my mother and sister. Can’t wait. But where did the four years go?</p>

<p>Heading home for combined Father’s Day / Anniversary weekend! D2 and I may take the kayaks out for a little while.</p>

<p>Best of luck to all of ours Grads this week!!! And best of luck to YDS and AliceInW as the 2014 Ambassadors… try not to get too sloshed on Champagne. As you know, we 2014ers try to maintain the upmost level of dignity and decorum. ;)</p>

<p>Esobay – It sounds like DS’s graduation went really well and was very tastefully done. :)</p>

<p>Psychmomma – FWIW, I recommend attending as many events as physically possible. I was tired, but happy that I did.</p>

<p>Motherbear – I’ll be in ATL from 2:00-4:00, so hopefully you will be on your way long before I get there.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – If you see a little waif girl show up on your doorstep, it will be D2. However, she had very little tolerance for 17 & 18 YO boys when she was 17 & 18… I’m not sure that has improved much. :wink: And yes, the prom was an official part of graduation… you can tell because it had “free booze” which I explained to D2 is really not free… trust me, we paid for it. :wink: How did your D’s apartment hunt go?</p>

<p>12rmh18 – What a slacker that S1 is, huh? :wink: BTW, I like the photo too… DW snapped it when we weren’t looking.</p>

<p>Only a little contact with D2 this week. The job search engine is running and she has had some contact including an offer which she declined (I completely understand why). She also had an alumnus offer to review her resume and called her to interview her about it. After talking he told her that she was “selling herself short” and offered suggestions. After making the updates he forwarded the new resume to some of his contacts, so we’ll see.</p>

<p>Checking in to offer a mid-morning espresso and heartfelt congratulations to this week’s graduates!
And best wishes also to our Beyonders, whose big day is on the horizon.</p>

<p>Wishing a Happy Father’s Day to all who celebrate. ;)</p>

<p>esobay: Congratulations on your DS’s graduation. I’m sure it was filled with mixed emotions - joy & excitement for the new graduates, grief & sadness for the lives lost. It sounds like the school managed to balance both.</p>

<p>GSharp: wishing you safe travels, Happy Father’s Day, and a Happy Anniversary! I hope you get a chance to go kayaking this weekend - it sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate. I’ve always enjoyed kayaking and canoeing with the peace & quiet of gliding through the water. Which reminds me that I need to get our canoe repaired. :slight_smile: Btw, your DW is sneaky, but her photo truly captured a moment.</p>

<p>I reminded S1 & S2 to schedule a tee time & take their father golfing on Father’s Day. And while they are hitting little white balls, I will schedule a tea time with a female friend ;). S1 did well on his post-race regression analysis paper. Apparently cycling enhances his analytic skills as well as his appetite. We couldn’t feed him enough - he hit the refrigerator like a plague of locusts & inhaled anything that wasn’t nailed down.</p>

<p>Wishing everyone who watches a Happy World Cup!</p>

<p>Happy Graduation Weekend and Congrats to all the new grads! Wishing you sunny skies and comfortable temps for the rest of the weekend!</p>

<p>GSharp - Happy Father’s Day to you and Happy Anniversary to you and your DW! Glad you’re home to enjoy the weekend!</p>

<p>Thanks for asking about D’s apartment search. She and her roommate have found a place they really like and they’re waiting for confirmation that they’ve been approved. This is taking a little longer than I expected, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed for them since the apartment seems perfect for them. Today she is shopping for her first car, and I am very, very nervous about that. </p>

<p>Cute about the prom being an official part of the graduation events. D’s school didn’t have anything like that while the parents were there - though they did have a Senior Formal during “Senior Week.” </p>

<p>Wishing your D lots of luck with her job search. Glad she’s getting advice and putting her networking skills to good use. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>12rmh18 - nice that you have plans with a friend while your boys take their father out for the day. </p>

<p>Hey everyone, parent of another graduate here :-bd :-bd :-bd
Weekend was great, I’m home and H and D are driving a truck with her stuff to her “next chapter” location.</p>

<p>We are probably down to a few last grads? Hope the remaining ceremonies were as nice as ours was!</p>

<p>B-) B-) </p>

<p>We had a great graduation weekend. One of the many highlights was Kareem Abdul Jabbar giving the Alumni intro for the commencement speech at the L&S ceremony. Other highlights of the weekend include spending 3 full days with my family of 5 (plus S2’s girlfriend) who are usually running in 5 different directions, checking out the Getty Museum and watching S2 jump in the inverted fountain (which is a UCLA tradition). Congratulations to all the graduates!</p>

<p>One of the last, here. Events are Thursday through Saturday. It’s been exciting to hear about everyone’s adventures these final weeks. Can’t believe 4 years went by so fast!</p>