Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Having S1 back home has kind of softened the blow. But he works 2 - 11 and has been visiting his GF every weekend so we rarely see him.</p>

<p>TGIF to the iPeeps!</p>

<p>alicew: congratulations to your DS for completing the trip of a lifetime!</p>

<p>GSharp: how did the big move-in go? Sending PVCs for your DW as you both cope with lots of changes this year.</p>

<p>BFG: congrats to your S1 on the new wheels!</p>

<p>YDS: how is your S1 settling into his job? (Hugs) as S2 heads off for college.</p>

<p>My S2 is getting a heavy dose of reality: last week he worked 110 hours, 7 days, leaving the office at 2 & 3 am & returning to work at 8 am. Somehow he managed to squeeze in a short moral-boosting visit to his GF, who is a junior at college & is helping with new student orientation. This week is slightly better at 90+ hours with (hopefully) Saturday off. He has a good attitude & is managing the workload so far. S1 resumed grad school classes after a week of “stay cation” from work & school. He spent his stay cation catching up on sleep & exercising.</p>

<p>Yikes, what job does he have that requires 110 hours of work in a week?</p>

<p>Happy Friday, all.</p>

<p>12rmh18 - that is quite a work week!!</p>

<p>YDS - best to your S1 with his new job, and your S2 for a great second year at college.</p>

<p>My update is that my S rode to Boston Harbor today to officially finalize his coast to coast trip, then keeping with his travel approach of seeing what’s here in the US (and in your hometown) first, rode off to see the USS Constitution. He claims not to have been there, but I am quite sure we took him there - I guess he was too young to remember. My D, who has no such notions about seeing the US first, has completed the SE Asia portion of her travels and arrived in India. She arrived late at night, made it to her pre-appointed hostel, sent an email to let us know she’d arrived safely, and promptly went to sleep. Hoping to get more of any update soon. As for me, I am still in denial that August is coming to a close, so I have done next to no thinking about the fact that I am heading off to Israel next Saturday night.</p>

<p>On the home front, I think S and I will do some shopping for his apartment this weekend. I will probably enjoy it more than he will. We won’t be here for his move in, though, so he will be on his own for that. We will return the day before he starts work, so we can harass him mercilessly with advice about the working world.</p>

<p>Wishing all my iPeeps a good weekend.</p>

<p>Thanks for the good wishes.</p>

<p>Ds2 has a mtg with his boss today, so maybe I’ll see how she thinks it is going. Everything he’s told us sounds great and interesting to me. Yesterday, the “company” had them quit work early and took them bowling for three hours. This weekend he is doing a two-day mini-camp with his new team. Five hours a day in 102-degree heat.</p>

<p>I am beyond sad about ds2 leaving. That and my mortgage woes (see the Cafe). And our screwed-up flex health-care spending account. And going to the dentist. And we’re having a dozen people over tomorrow so I need to get cleaning. AACK!</p>

<p>Yes, I know I’m late. I guess I was all caught up in our romantic weekend… new tires and an oil change for the Jeep!</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – NYC pizza wasn’t on 12rmh18’s official list, so I didn’t include it. I think I need a larger sampling to determine where it belongs. :wink: BTW, we ended up ingesting our calories at Max Brenner’s, instead of Serendipity, since it is walking distance to D2’s apartment.</p>

<p>Bestfriendsgirl (she used to be mine? :wink: ) – Congrats on your new addition (the Cruze)! Much luck to S2 on his launch. Oh, and McDonald’s is on the list for potential sweet tea. D2 gets this dejected look whenever she has to drink iced tea from a can.</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Welcome home to your S! Are you allowed to tell what he dipped in Boston Harbor? :wink: Luckily, you still have another child that we can vicariously follow around the planet. ;)</p>

<p>Jackief – So how was day 1 for your D? BTW, to be really cool, you have to be on this list…
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;
If all else fails, you can be a mentor…
<a href=“”>IT puts millennials to work, as mentors | Computerworld;

<p>tx5 – Welcome Back! You’re looking refreshed, especially in all that clean laundry.</p>

<p>YDS – It sounds like things are going great for DS1… great job… “A” team. All sounds good except that whole “leggy, brunette” thing… nothing good can come of that. :wink: Sorry that he is being subjected to such co-worker hardship. :wink: DW got one of those “complementing me on parenting” notes in her B-Day card last week. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>12rmh18 – All I can say is that I hope your S2 gets some relief soon!!!</p>

<p>D2 is now officially moved into NYC. Her personal first order of business was a library card… which they wouldn’t let her have until she has a check stub with her mailing address, ergh!</p>

<p>In her words, she was initially on “sensory overload,” but is gradually getting settled in. We “practiced” riding the subway to/from work and walked over to see where she will be living starting Sept. 1. We also made the obligatory grocery run and loaded up her MetroCardwith a couple of months of time. After we had dinner, she met friends and is meeting other friends this weekend.</p>

<p>Dinner and Dessert @ Max Brenner’s – pricey
Downtown Hotel – pricier
First email from your kid’s new workplace – priceless.</p>

<p>I have been getting alternating scenic pix messages of the East River and HR forms with “How do I answer #?” questions.</p>

<p>In the strange coincidence category, in her first week, D2 was assigned to do financial research on 2 of the companies with which she interviewed.</p>

<p>The downside is that it’s time for D2 to move on as she achieved the pinnacle of career success on her first day… via text, “They took me to lunch and I have a large cubicle.” What more could anyone want in life? She sent me a pix of her cube and it is nice and has a window. She also told me of another “benefit”… they work until 6:00 on Mon-Thu and leave at noon on Fridays.</p>

<p>GSharp - it sounds like your D2 is settling in nicely. I love that one of her priorities was getting a library card. Be glad they’re only requesting one item as proof of residence. My town requires 3 things - a photo id, a mortgage, tax, or utility bill, and a bank statement.</p>

<p>Love your D2’s benefits! Nice to have a window in her cubicle. My first full-time job did not come with a window. As for the unusual hours, those sound like summer hours for certain industries in NYC. They may change after Labor Day. </p>

<p>YDS - sorry about your stressful week. Wishing you a peaceful ending to your summer.</p>

<p>Alice - I am in awe of your kids and their travels! </p>

<p>Checking in!
G#: Congrats on D2’s gig! 4 weeks vacation is fabulous :slight_smile: Make sure she takes at least some of it. </p>

<p>And huzzah about new grandbabies!</p>

<p>The insane “4 states in 5 days and 2600 miles” trip is over and everyone is settled. It’s going to be an odd semester for D1. She was offered a job from her internship employer and signed the contract before she left, so pressure is off for a job search this fall; 2/3 of her buds graduated this past May or August, so her social circle has shrunk & I don’t think she’ll put in much effort to expand it, and she’s “only” taking 15 credits vs. her usual 18. I anticipate more trips home than usual this semester plus a lot of Netflix time. Unlike the glamorous landing spots of a lot of our threads kiddos, so far D1 has heard that Northeast TX, someplace in MS an hour from Hattiesburg, and WY are possibilities for her first placement. </p>

<p>D2 is also settled in. The 2nd major seems to be a solid choice and she’s enjoying all her classes. The combo of 18 credits & 17 hours of working in the office may be too much so she’s fretting a little at how to ask for less hours. The reading load for her 6 credit Western Civ class is daunting as well; she’s got 200 pages of the Iliad to get through this week in addition to homework for a few other classes. She’s in good company though as her entire suite is taking the same section of the class. </p>

<p>Happy Tuesday to all. I’ve refilled the coffee pot. Tim Horton’s (soon to be Burger King??!!) anyone?</p>

<p>It’s Over The Hump Day - espresso for everyone!</p>

<p>WaVing to alicew When does your D return from her world travels?</p>

<p>RobD: Congrats on having survived Sherman’s March!</p>

<p>GSharp: it sounds like your D2 is settling in nicely. Will you be adding NYC pizza to your official list of foods to sample?</p>

<p>sacchi: my S2 is working for an investment bank where long hours are expected. This past week was a little better = 90 hrs. I’m advising him to pace himself. You can’t run a marathon by starting out with a sprint.</p>

<p>We are profoundly saddened by the news of a W&M senior’s tragic death. Please hug your kids.</p>

<p>Thanks for the espresso! I’ll have half a shot over ice with milk. :)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2–that sounds rather exclusionary…not being able to get a library card unless you have a bank account! </p>

<p>Hugs to all who are empty nesters again. Unless you are the type to go Yippeeeeee! :D</p>

<p>DH moved S in while I was in Portland with the grandbaby (who is an angel, let me assure you.) S didn’t forget anything this time, though H did do the laundry late at night without telling S, who then woke up the morning of move-in day saying “I have to do laundry!” He and 3 friends have a nice large corner suite on the quiet side of the apartment complex, so it sounds good. He signed up for ultimate frisbee club to get some exercise & fun.</p>

<p>I am resting up from my trip. I was almost-5-year-old grandson’s chief playmate for a week, which meant I played more kickball than I have in my life, I believe. We also went on a beautiful 2 hour hike in the Maine woods (3 adults and the kid) and the kid never once asked to be carried. In fact, he had a great time going up/down hills & over muddy patches by pretending he was on “American Ninja Warriors.” And this is why this 60-year-old grandmother stays in shape! </p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee 12rmh! Hump day is usually my day off, so I’m enjoying relaxing and trying to catch up on computer stuff.</p>

<p>Momannoyed–Congrats Grandma. How exciting. I made the mistake of having my kids when I was a bit older, so I hope I can still keep up with grandkids when they hopefully finally arrive (since there are no gf’s in the picture for either DS, that could be a long wait! :wink: </p>

<p>Congrats to all the world/US traveling kiddos. Sounds like many are making the most of their summers.</p>

<p>Wow, it’s great to hear of all the jobs being landed and the great opportunities! G#'s DD wins the best benefits package so far, including the window in the cubicle–that’s a big one!</p>

<p>Well, I’ve returned from a week of scuba diving helping DS with his senior thesis research. The gigantic camera was not as difficult as I imagined. The designers made it neutrally buoyant, so it was really easy for DS to use. I was the diode on/off person, the navigator, timer, and shark spotter! I really enjoyed the week, and since he needed a dive buddy, well someone had to do it! :wink: DH is with him this week for his second and final week of data collection. Unfortunately a tropical storm started over the T&C’s where he is and it sounded like they might miss some dives due to the weather. I won’t know until they get home this weekend, since they are on a liveaboard and have no internet or phone access until Friday. I sure hope he was able to get plenty of data for his research!</p>

<p>DS2 has been working all summer as a lifeguard when not making piles of money twisting balloons. He has two festivals coming up where he will twist balloons. He’s really looking forward to it. We will also be doing the college search with him. He has some LD issues, so his grades aren’t the greatest, and he does poorly at standardized testing, so we are hoping that he can convey his many talents in his essays (did I mention writing isn’t his forte either?). I am amazed that he owns his own business, makes contacts, negotiates prices, networks and makes money which I think is pretty impressive and I hope some colleges do also!</p>

<p>DS1 (when he’s not doing ROTC training and thesis research) has been applying to medical school. He was in a wait pattern until his college got the committee letter together and uploaded his letters of recommendation to AMCAS. Well that finally happened yesterday!!! So now hopefully he will start getting some interview invitations for medical school. Luckily he’s clueless while he finishes his data collection, so he doesn’t have to start stressing over that until he gets back this weekend!</p>

<p>G#, I like those benefits - especially vacation and holidays. Almost as good as Germany. Now that I’m self-employed I seem to take even less time off than I did when I worked for people. sigh.</p>

<p>S2 is supposed to sign himself up for a little bit of driving practice before internship starts. We have offered to pay, but I’m not interested in scheduling. Has he done anything? No he has not.</p>

<p>Boy G# way to make me feel inadequate. No FORTRAN or COBOL on that list? Or BLISS? Why were all the old timer programmers YELLING all the time? The mention of BLISS reminds me of this quiz, where I did do fairly well.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Waving at everyone. No real news here.</p>

<p>I’m heading home early to start what is technically a vacation week for me, i.e. reduced work. DW and I are going to NYC for a couple of days to help D2 get moved into her “final” place. Later in the week we are going to the Outer Banks for a couple of days… I’m told that I’m not allowed to bring my laptop on the beach. ;)</p>

<p>RobD – You sure are a woman who knows how to get around. :wink: Congrats to D1 on the pressure relief! I wish your D2 the best on balancing the workload!!! Some days D2 would take a less “glamorous” (assuming NYC falls into that category) location with a little more quiet green space. Hopefully, the D2 apple fell far enough from the tree that she will actually take her vacation time. :wink: </p>

<p>12rmh18 – Great advice to your S2 to be sure that he does not burn himself out! I join you in being saddened by the news out of W&M.</p>


If I must. ;)</p>

<p>Momannoyed – Glad to hear that your DH managed to get your S successfully moved in, including clean clothes! I hiked the Maine woods a couple of weeks ago. I hiked up Tumbledown Mountain and thoroughly enjoyed it, but it was a bit of a challenge.</p>

<p>VaMom2015 – as official “shark spotter,” you win the parental support award for this week as well as Honorable Mention for the sacrifice to be “dive buddy” for the week. :wink: Best of luck to S1 on his upcoming senior year! D2 already told me that she wishes that she could write another thesis.</p>


Impressive indeed to have actual life-skills already!</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Feel free to go home now. ;)</p>

<p>Mathmom – It sounds like S2 will pass his driving test with flying colors assuming, of course, that it is a course in driving you crazy over scheduling? :wink: D2’s employer is UK based, so maybe that explains the vacation time? I haven’t seen if she gets “Boxing Day” off yet. I told her that she would have to be nice to the servants while they said mean things and sang rude songs about her on that day. ;)</p>

<p>Jackief – Welcome to the inadequate club. :wink: Don’t forget C (my language of choice), ADA, PASCAL, RPG, LISP, PROLOG and other yelling languages. :wink: Now I have a quiz to take…</p>

<p>D2 is gradually getting settled in and met her roommates starting Sept. 1 in person (she had a Skype interview previously). I think she is looking forward to the move which will put her in walking distance of work and has a washer/dryer in the apartment. She found a church that she liked with a good mix of older and young people. They invited her to their after-church picnic in Central Park. Unfortunately, she got lost and couldn’t find them in the park. She sent me a pix of an envelope with text to the effect of that being her first real paycheck. :slight_smile: She also sent a pix of her new company bling… tote bag, water bottle, notebooks, umbrella, etc. Apparently, it’s not just a job, it’s a wardrobe. ;)</p>

<p>G#–no laptops on vacation! Or cell phones, if I had my way. I’d like to go somewhere where there is no reception but I’m not sure DH could handle it. Nor, to hear him tell it, could his company. :D</p>

<p>I just put the important dates from the UC calendar on my calendar so I know when to expect DS to be home for a long weekend or winter/spring break. And commencement is Sat. May 2. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>Good morning. Looks like we’ve had some early birds. Alas, none of them made coffee.</p>

<p>G# - I sure wish I could go home now. But since I will be on vacation next week, I have a few things to finish up . . .</p>

<p>Next week I will be in Israel. It’s finally my turn to travel. My D is now in India. One more country (Nepal) to go. S is enjoying some time to do next to nothing. He plans to move into his apartment next week while we are away, and maybe even shop for furniture on his own. It’s great that he’s feeling so capable, but I would have liked to participate. He begins his job the Monday after Labor Day with 4 days at an executive retreat center in Maine for training, etc. His first day in his “real” office will be that Friday. He received a box with a T-shirt, water bottle, bottle opener (??), key chain, and a note welcoming him to the team from his soon-to-be employer. What a world these kids live in, eh? We will see how his benefits measure up.</p>

<p>Happy Friday to all.</p>

<p>Good evening! Happy Friday! Checking in from NYC. On vacation with my mom and sister. We spent 2 days at the US Open, and are being tourists today. Waving to G#'s D2 and anyone else nearby. S3’s first day of his 2nd year at Cal was yesterday and went well. D1 starts back Tuesday for her 2nd year as a high school teacher. This year she has honors sophomores and seniors. Happy Labor Day!</p>

<p>Happy Hump Day!</p>

<p>Nothing new here, college-wise. I’m procrastinating because I have to vacuum the house. :-" </p>

<p>oops…too late to edit my last post. </p>

<p>I was going to say, OTOH, son’s room REALLY needed vacuuming & dusting, and I like to think about him and what he’s doing on campus. Occasionally on Facebook I see he’s signed up to attend an event, but otherwise…not much communication with home. </p>

<p>Fortunately I have grandchildren to occupy my thoughts instead. :)</p>