Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Hello all. Today I can offer you some Yemeni coffee - espresso with ground cardamom, cinnamon, ginger. I don’t drink coffee at all any more, but had to try it and it tasted great. I had to put it down, though, or my husband would have been scraping me off the walls. </p>

<p>I am in Israel, and I understand that tourism is down because of the recent fighting and the shops that sell to tourists are really hurting. So I decided to make up for those absent tourists single handedly. Jewelry, clothing, etc. </p>

<p>My cousin’s wedding was last night and it was a lot of fun. At some point during the dancing, two gi-normous stuffed pandas (think 8 feet tall and 5 feet wide) came onto the dance floor and danced with the guests. It was wonderful and hysterical. </p>

<p>Just to keep you all put to date, my D is now in Nepal, and my S is at (our) home and in the process of moving into his new apartment in Cambridge. He starts his new job on Monday. </p>

<p>Happy Thursday. </p>

<p>Great update Alice! </p>

<p>D1 started her second year of teaching and so far everything has been absolutely fabulous! Having the honor students this year has made quite a difference. </p>

<p>Feel free to join DW and me for breakfast (crumpets, whatever those are) before we head to the beach for a night. I admit that I gave up on the whole vacation idea and ended up working the last 3 days, so I’m going to try to be laptop-free for a couple of days.</p>


Clearly, I resemble that remark. :wink: Nice job with the vacuuming BTW! ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw – I hope you are enjoying your vacation and that your S found some suitable furniture… and welcome to the world of Corporate Bling!</p>

<p>Tx5 – I hope you survived the NY heat! Looks like a good year in the making for D1!!!</p>

<p>We managed to get D2 successfully moved into her Midtown, walking-distance-to-work apartment. The apartment is a little bare because the girl who moved out owned most of the furniture. I told her to figure out what they need and just use my credit card to order some furniture. I walked over 50 blocks and didn’t see anything that she could afford. We did make it to Serendipity for Frrrrozen Hot Chocolate Monday night! I made the mistake of venturing into Times Square one night… never again! :wink: D2 gave DW and me some Corporate Bling gifts.</p>

<p>Somewhat Rhetorical City Etiquette Question from D2: If they are renovating your building and even on the 30+ floor occasionally have construction workers outside your window, are you supposed to acknowledge each other’s existence?</p>

<p>And just for Alice…</p>



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<p>Glad you are supporting the economy everyone!</p>

<p>g#, our DD just moved into a grad student house and they felt they really scored because they bought 2 sofas and a big loveseat and she got a bed/dresser. Neither one had to move anything! We encouraged them to take what they wanted out of our house… that all will go into the Bag a Week bragging (if they actually BAG anything!</p>

<p>I was here to celebrate DS (the 14 kid). We moved him (mostly) yesterday, into “premium” studio grad school housing, they JUST finished building it so it and all the furniture is BRAND new. Pretty sweet digs. Cost $600 a month more than DD’s shared 2br apartment did for last year and has a bigger kitchen! They both are paying their own way so I don’t have a thing to say about which costs were better. Both are happy with the housing for this year. </p>

<p>And both DH and I are happy they are close enough to pester but are NOT underfoot and “sharing” the refrigerator any more. LOL</p>

<p>Hello all. Since DS is still an undergrad, I thought I’d provide a little walk down memory lane. Drove 3.5 hours Sunday morning after spending an hour packing the car to take DS back to the Orange bubble. He has a single this year (due to forgetting to put in his housing request–he wanted to room with three friends). It worked out though, because two of the three friends are about 4 doors down from him and rumor had it that the other friend was also on same floor of dorm. I got to see P-Rade for the first time (and probably only time). The freshmen looked excited. The seniors stood around greeting everyone and picking up their class t-shirts. We picnicked with one of DS’s good friends after unloading the car and getting everything up to the room. Then a quick trip to the store, since I brought cleaning supplies for the shared bathroom (two singles with a bath in-between) but didn’t think to bring hand soap. Not sure how long neighbor had been moved in (he had his toothbrush and paste in the bath) but I guess he didn’t think soap was a priority. DS thought soap was a definite priority, though. He and his friend were wishing they didn’t have to start classes so soon–guess they’d like a bit more break before getting back to the books. I then drove home and arrived around 9pm. It was a long day, but I do enjoy seeing DS get settled in for the year. </p>

<p>Glad to hear all are getting settle into their new or ongoing ventures. DD has also settled in to her new apt and started classes and grad life. So far all is well. I haven’t been down to visit her yet, maybe I’ll take my new car (picked it up today) for a spin to PA. Happy Sept to all.</p>

<p>Happy Over-the-Hump Day to the iPeeps!</p>

<p>It’s nice to hear updates of how the graduates and Beyonders are settling in to school or work schedules.</p>

<p>Welcome home, alicew, and thanks for single-handedly supporting the Israeli economy. ;)</p>

<p>I hope that GSharp is enjoying a computer-free vacation …</p>

<p>S1 is halfway through his graduate program and is grooving on advanced statistics & microeconomics. Really. We have discussions over dinner about multivariable regressions, about which S1 is quite enthusiastic, but which pass over the top of my head. It’s all Greek to me. ;)</p>

<p>S2 is still averaging 90-100 hrs/week at work, so he appreciated having both Sat & Sun off on Labor Day weekend. He also had Sat off this past weekend. Having time off two weekends in a row is a luxury for him. He arrived home around 10 pm last night for a 9 am local appointment, so we enjoyed “laying eyes” on him and catching up in person instead of over the phone. He looks good and seems to be doing well despite his work hours. I gave him a care package with vitamins and freshly-picked apples (DH & I picked 70 lbs. of apples on Sunday). The theory is “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”</p>

<p>Nice to hear about those going back to school, whether G or UG. S managed to move in and set up in his new apartment while we were away, and he is now away at a corporate retreat center for his first four days of work. His first day in his actual office will be Friday. I am looking forward to hearing about it. D is still in Nepal - she will be back in Minnesota next week. I am back at work (boo). Happy Wednesday to all.</p>

<p>Heading home from OH where fall seems to be trying to creep in.</p>


Funny! We used to refer to some of D1’s trips home as “grocery shopping in the pantry.”<br>
It sounds like your DS struck it rich with his “premium” housing!</p>

<p>VaMom2015 – Thanx for the virtual trip down memory lane. D2 had a single last year and liked the privacy for working on her thesis. Wishing your DS much success this year! Through the miracle of NJ Transit, D2 plans to return to the Orange Bubble for a football game or two. (One of the perks of being in NYC).</p>

<p>Coskat – You definitely need to hop in that new Lamborghini to take your DD a care package. ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Wow, actual days off for S2… imagine that!.. ah, youth :wink: Thanx for the reminder that it is “apple season.” DW and I used to make an annual road trip to Warrenton for apples, we should do that again.</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Welcome home! Did you manage to keep all bags within the weight limit? :wink: It sounds like your S is very resourceful and self-sufficient. Please tell us that Minnesota is just a stop on the way to TimbukThree and that the travels are not coming to an end. ;)</p>

<p>D2 is slowly adjusting to NYC life. She has figured out that using Amazon Prime is cheaper than going to the actual store in NYC, but did go to the BBB and texted a list of stuff that she bought. My reply was something to the effect of “that is a lot of stuff, did someone help you?” to which she replied “No, I’m a strong, independent woman. I can handle it.”… sorry I asked :wink: She had the full NYC experience this week… sent a pix of a completely empty Grand Central terminal very early Saturday morning on her way to the gym; went for a walk and ended up across the street from Joan River’s funeral as it let out (bagpipes and all); went to B&N and ran into Paris and Nicky Hilton on her way out (They were there for a book signing, but D2 decided not to buy the book as “I need my money more than the Hiltons do.”); went with a friend to a “Fashion Week” event (OK, I have no clue what that actually is, but apparently in NYC they can spend a whole week talking about fashion. :wink: ).</p>

<p>DW asked me if I had read any of D2’s articles… huh? To keep in practice, she has been writing for an on-line magazine in her spare time. Only those who are FB friends with her would know that. ;)</p>

<p>Hello there!</p>

<p>Alice - can’t wait to hear all about your D’s trip and wishing your S all the best in his new apartment and at his new job.</p>

<p>GSharp - glad your D2 is adjusting to life in NYC. Not sure it’s true that using Amazon Prime is cheaper than shopping in NYC, but it’s certainly easier. </p>

<p>Cool that she got to attend a “Fashion Week” event. I’ve never attended one, and I’ve lived in or close to NYC most of my life.</p>

<p>You should become FB friends with your girls! S friended me without any prompting from me, but I pretty much forced D to do so while she was doing study abroad - it was the only way I could see her pictures. </p>

<p>Great to read everyone’s updates!</p>

<p>S got to go to King’s Island today with a friend for P&G Day. :slight_smile: Better him than me, I say. I don’t care for roller coasters anymore. And he thinks he has a senior project chosen, and his resume is updated for the Jobs Fair next week. Senior year marches on… :)</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Monday! I am happy to be at work today because Southern California is in the middle of a heat wave and my house is an oven.</p>

<p>D1 is still really enjoying her students and can’t believe the difference from last year. S2 is cruising along in his new classes and internship and somewhat getting used to spending time on the freeway. S3 seems to be settling into his second year of college and has decided to try out for the sailing team. I am hoping he sticks with it. </p>

<p>When we were in NYC a couple of weeks ago we were very lucky and hit the perfect 4 days between 2 heat waves. I forgot to mention that two of our favorite activities, (aside from the 21 hours we spent at the US Open watching tennis), were afternoon cocktails at the Rooftop Garden of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and a morning walk on the Highline (followed by lunch at Chelsea Market). </p>

<p>Hey, iPeeps!</p>

<p>Ds just posted on FB how jealous he was of his friends still at his college starting classes today. :heart: I feel so fortunate that he loved/loves his college so. I know that he can’t wait for alumni weekend to get back to campus!</p>

<p>At the end of the month, he’ll be going to regionals with his new ultimate team. I got to see him play at sectionals, which was a treat. He is loving those guys and having lots of fun with all the young adults at his job. The bros play sports, and the girls host a lot of parties/potlucks. I am excited to introduce some of the girls to Friday Night Lights soon. One of them said they want to go to an official Texas Homecoming game. lol I think I might have an old mum to give one. This past weekend, a bunch of them went to the party district downtown for a girl’s birthday. They took the bus there and Ubered home so no worries of drinking and driving. He finished his most recent pet-sitting gig last week and now wonders about making money being an Uber driver.</p>

<p>Ds2 called last night with some interesting news. Nothing “bad” just a change in the offing. General PVCs would be appreciated. :)</p>

<p>Nice to see the updates here. PVCs for S2, YDS.</p>

<p>I think my D has begun her LONG journey home (and by home, I mean her home, not mine :(</p>

<p>On the other hand, I spent LOTS of time with my S this weekend - finally dealing with the dorm mountain that he dumped in his bedroom when he came home from college, and then left there while he did his great x-country adventure, and was still there although he purported to have moved out into his apartment. We also spent time going over his benefits and making his elections. I really liked spending the time one on one with him and having him at our house most of the weekend.</p>

<p>Happy Monday afternoon/evening to all.</p>

<p>Happy Hump Day! Coffee’s on.</p>

<p>Just wanted to remind ya’ll that this Friday, Sept. 19, is International Talk Like a Pirate Day (TLAP), a minor holiday in some circles. :wink: Get yer eyepatch ready and practice adding Rrrrrrs to all yer words. :D</p>

<p>It’s also my son’s b’day (not the college one) so we have a bit of fun with that.</p>

<p>Thanks for that PSA, Momannoyed. I did not know that Friday is Talk Like a Pirate Day. Happy Birthday to your S!</p>

<p>On Friday I will be flying to Dayton, OH to cheer for S1, who is running his first marathon on Saturday. I was excited to discover that our local hardware store sells cowbells, but then DH forbid me to buy any cowbells because they would trigger airport security. I can only imagine what the TSA would do if I showed up at the airport with a cowbell AND an eyepatch AND talked like a pirate … :D</p>

<p>Asking for PVCs for S1 on Saturday. He’s trained well and is prepared, but now he’s having pre-race anxiety.</p>

<p>Thought I’d stop by and let you all know that my D arrived safely in Minneapolis yesterday. I haven’t spoken to her yet, and not sure when I will because her phone died shortly before she left on her grand adventure, and she will have to get a new one. But I am hoping she can borrow one long enough to let us hear her voice.</p>

<p>Happy Birthday to your S, momannoyed. And PVCs for your S1 in his race. I’m sure pre-race anxiety is typical.</p>

<p>G# - glad that your D2 is having the full NYC experience. I am curious about my S’s experience in his first few days of “real work” - not to be confused with training and beer at the executive retreat center.</p>

<p>I think that it is technically almost Friday. DW is at a Brad Paisley concert in VA Beach tonight, so I am staying up to be sure that she gets back home OK.</p>

<p>AliceinW – Sorry if you came all the way into work, but you can turn around and go home now. It’s great that you actually were able to sit down with your S and help with benefits, etc. I did the same via text and email.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – I am FB friends with D1 (her request). DW is FB friends with both D’s, so she lets me know what I need to know about D2. ;)</p>

<p>Momannoyed – It sounds like your S has it all together! Happy B-Day to him! Be sure to give him lots of fruit so he doesn’t get scurrrrrrrvy. ;)</p>

<p>Tx5 – I guess you have an equally “together” brood. :wink: My timing was not as good as yours as I happened to be in NYC for the 2nd heat wave (the hottest day of the year).</p>

<p>YDS – First, sending belated PVC’s your way!!! D2 is feeling the pangs to be back at school too. She said that she wants to sign up for a class somewhere.</p>

<p>12rmh18 – If you see and old redneck in a W&M hat in the Dayton airport Delta terminal later today, it’s probably me. I am flying out of there in the afternoon. The airport doesn’t sell cowbells, but they do sell “Nothing Tips Like a Cow” t-shirts. Best of luck to S1! </p>

<p>Not much news from D2 other than she went to “The Met” and wants to go to a “Madeline” exhibit at the NY Historical Society… no really, she is an adult. :wink: She is talking about coming home (our home) for Thanksgiving, but has to work on that Wed. She does get Christmas Eve through Jan 2. off, so may come “home” for Christmas. She has been to Times Square for New Years and said that it was miserable.</p>

<p>G#, the son with the b’day lives in NYC and gets most of his nutrition from the Google cafeteria. He eats better than I do!</p>

<p>I’ve seen the cow-tipping souvenir shirts at Dayton and was totally able to refrain from buying one. People on the east coast already think we all have cows in our back yards.</p>

<p>College S went to the campus career fair yesterday and did not get a single interview for today. He must be doing something wrong…GPA almost 4.0, CS major, etc. etc… <em>rolleyes</em> He is so NOT going to be living in our basement next June. :D</p>

<p>Happy Birthday to momannoyed’s S in NYC and wishing good luck to College S. :slight_smile: I’m sure he’ll do fine with his job search. </p>

<p>GSharp - I didn’t know there was a Madeline exhibit at the NY Historical Society! My D would love that! I’ll have to see how long it’ll be in town. She’ll be home for Christmas - not sure for how long, but I imagine it’ll be for at least a week since she’s coming in almost a week before the 25th. </p>

<p>I’m sure your D2 is 100% correct about Times Square at New Year’s Eve being miserable. I’ve never had the desire to go, but an old friend of mine insists I was there with her, some other friends, and her cousin for the New Year’s Eve during our first year of college and I totally managed to block out that I was there. If it had been a fun night, I’m sure I would have remembered it. </p>

<p>Alice - glad your D made it safely back to Minneapolis. </p>

<p>12rmh18 - wishing you a safe trip to Dayton and sending marathon PVCs to your S.</p>