Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Just checking in to say hi to all. Nov is flying. DD is working hard in grad school, she came home this past weekend for our “fake” Thanksgiving which we have before my dad runs off to sunny Fla. It works great because everyone can make so I had 15, lots of work but fun, and having all my family together so worth it. My SIL, DD and I made a stop at Davids Bridal for my DD first foray in trying on wedding dresses, sniff sniff, dab, dab it’s really happening my baby girl is going to get married. Its good to check in a hear how all are doing I’ll always have a place in my heart for this wonderful community.</p>

<p>Looks like it’s my turn for breakfast. Help yourself to tea, coffee, and cinnamon rolls! I’m looking for some PVC’s for DS1. He has his first medical school interview tomorrow and a second one on Monday. I sure hope he is relaxed and does well. I know he will be looking good, as he loves clothes and has a great looking suit! </p>

<p>Hope everyone has a great week!</p>

<p>PVCs for your S1, VAMom, and thanks for breakfast. </p>

<p>Well, breakfast is on me this morning. You can have Starbucks or Boston Stoker now or wait until I get to LaGuardia and join me for whatever they are serving in the Sky Club. I will be there for nearly 8 hours waiting for DW’s plane to arrive, so if you are in the LGA “neighborhood” feel free to stop by and join me, ergh!</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Glad to hear that you have your wheels back so that you can terrorize the streets of NYC. ;)</p>

<p>Coskat – So, is “fake” Thanksgiving a dry run for the real thing and everyone gets to come back the “real” one and talk about how they wish they were with dad in Florida? I’m glad to be a supportive member of the “community” and I wish your DD the best, but I sure am glad to not be wedding planning this year.</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – Sending my belated PVCs to your well-dressed DS1 with his interviews. How’s the thesis coming?</p>

<p>D1 could use a lot of PVC right now. SIL went back for his 1 year surgery visit and they told him that it is not working and they have to go to Plan B which will involve 2 more major surgeries in the next year. This introduces a stress level that newlyweds really do not need. They want us to come to their place for Thanksgiving, but we’re trying to convince them that it would be OK if we had it at our house or we just met for dinner somewhere. I just feel really bad for them right now and there’s not a thing I can do to “fix it”!</p>

<p>On a more positive note, DW and I are meeting D2 in NYC to move her to Brooklyn this weekend. She had friends offer to drive a U-Haul if she rented it, but I convinced her to go with a mover at only a few $ more. That way it is their problem if there is an accident. I did offer to feed any friends that want to help move. That could be a mistake. I figured “How much could a couple of girls eat?” to which DW replied, “How do you know it’s not a bunch of guys?”, ergh! I still choose to believe that there are no guys in NYC. ;)</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Friday! </p>

<p>Good luck with the move G#! I could not even imagine driving a U-Haul in NYC, so I think the movers are the right call. </p>

<p>No real news here. S2 has an interview today for a very cool internship, so fingers crossed there. S3 left for school August 20th and I miss him terribly. Only 12 more days until he comes home for Thanksgiving. </p>

<p>Coskat - best wishes to your DD on her upcoming wedding! I can’t even begin to imagine my D being at that stage!</p>

<p>Tx5athome - best wishes for your S2! </p>

<p>GSharp - my heart goes out to your D1 and her H! Sad to start out their married life with health issues hanging over them. I hope they agree to either join you and your DW at home for Thanksgiving or to meet you somewhere in between. Otoh, maybe they’ve been looking forward to preparing their first Thanksgiving dinner and this is important to them?</p>

<p>Hope your D2’s move to Brooklyn went well (or goes well, if you’re doing the move tomorrow). Smart to hire movers, especially if the cost wasn’t much higher. </p>

<p>Yes, I am back to terrorizing the streets of NYC - well, the Queens part of NYC - and Long Island. Anyone in the neighborhood - watch out! ;)</p>

<p>Oh, and inquiring minds want to know - did the friends turn out to be girls, guys, or both? :)</p>

<p>Major PVC to g#'s D hoping everything works out right </p>

<p>I’m on way home, where I get to stay for a whole week!</p>

<p>Tx5 – How did S2’s interview go? By my calculation… 5 days until S3 is home?</p>

<p>Coskat / LIMOMOF2 – DW drove her car all the way to Williamsburg today. WooHoo! I sold our Mustang this week, so DW has one fewer options (and one fewer excuses of cars parked behind her).</p>

<p>Thanx everyone for the kind words for D1. I’m afraid that she has a long, difficult year ahead. She and her H are determined to have Thanksgiving at their house, so that’s the plan. They meet with surgeon #2 in early December, so are nervous until then. However, she did successfully complete her first ½ marathon last weekend, so I am super proud of her!!!</p>

<p>D2 is now a resident of Brooklyn. Think of it as she has gone from one Williamsburg to another. I see why they liked the neighborhood as it is being revitalized (“gentrified” is her term) and she joked that the next time we see her, she will be a “hipster.” The apartment is nice and has 3 really large closets also known as bedrooms. :wink: We met one of her roommates who was also moving in last weekend. I arrived just in time to help her and her mother lug a dresser up some difficult stairs to the 3rd floor. The mother may win the “Helicopter Mom” award even by CC standards… she stayed in the apartment (not at a hotel!) with her daughter for 5 days to ensure that everything was clean and in its place!!! I noticed when we moved D2 in that there appeared to be a lifetime supply of Swiffers and Wet Wipes in the apartment. Even the roommate said that her mother was a bit of a neat-freak. On the other end of the spectrum was us in our role as bad parents ;), we went with the movers (who did a great job), set up D2’s bed, put away some stuff, and got out of the way. LIMOMOF2, the friends that volunteered to drive a U-Haul were guys (ugh!), but as it turned out were not needed. Instead D2 and a bunch of her friends encouraged DW and me to go with them to the “Drunk Shakespeare” performance (Shakespeare performed by inebriated actors… only in NYC). I think they invited us as they figured we’d be just as entertaining as the show since the audience is also encouraged to imbibe. We did not take the bait and instead parted ways and went to see the ice skating at Bryant Park (yes, we are boring) while they went for their night of debauchery.</p>

<p>G#, I think my S & DIL went to the Drunk Shakespeare performance. They live in Fort Greene. Not sure I would like it either. Too much like <em>everyone</em> trying to be “drunk Barrymore”? :/</p>

<p>I’m glad the week is over. Three funerals happened, two of which I was able to attend. Two friends my age passed away too soon. </p>

<p>…And not on the same scale AT ALL, I lost my glasses (for good this time, had to order a new pair) and had a bout of stomach flu. Looking forward to Thanksgiving and seeing 3 of the 4 kids, including COLLEGE boy. :)</p>

<p>Happy Friday!</p>

<p>S2’s interview last week went quite well. It was a group interview, and in his time slot their were 10 candidates. He was very impressed with the other candidates. 90 applicants were accepted for the group interviews (which went through yesterday), for a total of 14 jobs. There will be a second round of interviews and he was told he would find out if he made it to the next round next week. So our fingers and toes are still crossed. </p>

<p>S3 will be home in 5 days! Woo hoo! Tomorrow is the “Big Game” so I am sure he is not counting the hours like we are. </p>

<p>I haven’t been on this thread much. G#, I’m so sorry to hear about your SIL. Still, lots to be thankful for … especially if she doesn’t burn the turkey. ;)</p>

<p>I am hosting two dozen of ds1’s co-workers who can’t go home for Thanksgiving. What was I thinking? The weather will be lovely so we are going to sit outside. Then, inside for dessert and football. :)</p>

<p>Hoping everyone has a great holiday. I continue to be grateful for all of you. :heart:</p>

<p>YDS - that’s very sweet of you to host your ds1’s co-workers. I’m sure it’ll be lots of work for you, but lots of fun too.</p>

<p>Tx5athome - wishing your S2 lots of luck in the interview process, and yay for S3 coming home! </p>

<p>Momannoyed - so very sorry to hear of your losses. </p>

<p>GSharp - I’ve seen Drunk Shakespeare offers on Groupon and/or Living Social and haven’t been tempted, but I have been tempted to try the Drunk History Tour of NYC. It sounds like fun, and um, I was a history major…</p>

<p>Your D2 will love living in Williamsburg! So many cool restaurants, bars, shops, plus the flea market down by the water. Tell her to try the restaurant Acqua Santa on Driggs St.! The inside is awful, but I love the outside eating area (it’s an enclosed outside, so ok in winter too). We discovered it when we took the kids to the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Feast one summer. </p>

<p>Was the Christmas/Holiday market up at Bryant Park when you and your DW were there? I’m guessing the answer is no, or you wouldn’t have mentioned watching the ice skating. ;)</p>

<p>S2 broke his hand at a tae kwan do competition yesterday. Just in time for exams and final papers!!! AGH! It will probably need surgery, which means I’ll be heading to BOS in the next week or so once it’s scheduled. The resident orthopedists who saw him yesterday (at a teaching hospital affiliated with Brown’s med school, so this is COLLEGE related) said we can’t wait til he comes home for winter break. </p>

<p>At least he is not in major pain, and as he said, “Mom, I won my match!” :open_mouth: </p>

<p>CD: I am so sorry to hear about your S2 breaking his hand & needing surgery. If he must have surgery, is it possible for him to request a medical postponement or retake his finals at a later date?</p>

<p>Tx5: any update on your S2’s interview? Sending PVCs that he makes it to round #2. Welcome home to S3 - I know you will give him a big hug!</p>

<p>YDS: Hooray for the Orphans’ Thanksgiving! I hope you and all of your guests have a blast!</p>

<p>G#: congrats to your S1 on completing her half-marathon! My S1 ran the RVA full marathon (2 months after his 1st marathon) and really enjoyed the spectators & atmosphere. He said it truly deserves its reputation as the “friendliest marathon.” But he also said that the headwind on the James River bridge gave him such a wind chill that he shivered for the next 6 miles before he was able to warm up. He came home with a nice fleece blanket and marathon T-shirt. Not only was it the friendliest marathon, but they even had better “swag!”</p>

<p>We helped S2 move to a new apartment this weekend. The landlord discovered that his 2 roommates had 2 dogs in violation of the “no pets” clause in their lease, so they were evicted. The good news is that they found a newly renovated apartment 3 blocks away. It has 2 new bathrooms & all new appliances, and is much nicer than the one which they are vacating. The new landlord is aware of the dogs & crossed out the “no pets” clause, so they are in compliance with the lease. More importantly, S2 has a legitimate bedroom instead of the firetrap loft without windows. It is 3 blocks from the art museum and 2 blocks from a hospital (which is probably a good thing given S2’s propensity for injury). The new place is a much safer place for him, so there is a silver lining to a bad situation.</p>

<p>Wishing all the iPeeps a Happy Thanksgiving!!</p>

<p>CountingDown, sorry about your son’s hand! Ugh.</p>

<p>Coffee is on for anyone who needs it! Maybe those of you in the Western time zones? </p>

<p>There is a funny “dead mouse” smell in the back bedroom, where we are hoping to house T’Day guests. That explains why the little guy never ended up in the mouse trap. He was already stuck in the heating vent, where he unfortunately expired… <em>terrific</em></p>

<p>Ick on the dead mouse!</p>

<p>S2 went to the hand surgeon – no surgery, just a brace. The residents at the ER on Saturday seemed to have been a little over-enthusiastic… Sounds like he will be able to type with both hands to at least some degree. The best part was hearing that he is actually relatively caught up on school work, which has been a serious ongoing issue for a number of semesters.</p>

<p>Just stopping by to wish safe travels for all of our group and their family members who are traveling for Thanksgiving, and to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all. Oh yes, and to pour some coffee while I’m here.</p>

<p>G# - sending best wishes to your D1 and her H with the upcoming surgeries and recoveries. And hope your D2 is very happy in her new home.</p>

<p>Tx5athome - best to your S2 on the internship process. Sending PVCs.</p>

<p>momannoyed - condolences on your losses. I attended a funeral last week too, but it was an older woman (82) and she had been ill for quite a while.</p>

<p>countingdown - glad that your S2 does not need surgery - sending PVCs for a quick and complete recovery.</p>

<p>12rmh18 - so nice to hear that your S2 has had an upgrade in living conditions.</p>

<p>YDS - good luck with orphans’ Thanksgiving. I’ve never had more than 22 people at mine.</p>

<p>This year we are planning on driving to my mom’s - 6 hours through a Nor’easter since S cannot take tomorrow off. Should be lovely. D will be flying in from MN and meeting us there. Can’t wait to have the whole family together.</p>

<p>Happy Tuesday.</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Tuesday and almost Thanksgiving! Wishing everyone safe travels. </p>

<p>S2 just got an email that he has moved on to the “final round” of interviews for the “super cool” internship. Interview will be next week, so all spare PVCs appreciated. </p>

<p>S3 will be home in about 33 hours, tick tock, tick tock…</p>

<p>Well, the dead mouse smell is still no more than a “whiff.” Maybe he’s far enough in the depths of a wall that we won’t have too much stinkiness. </p>

<p>CountingDown: Yay for no hand surgery!</p>

<p>DS has a class Wednesday evenings, and it is NOT cancelled this week. How mean is that? :smiley: If he can’t catch the last shuttle home we’ll have to pick him up, sort of on the way to the airport to get another son & DIL.</p>

<p>Checking in to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and speedy recoveries to all in need of it.</p>

<p>@12rmh18 thanks for asking about the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s pretty faint, but probably there. The good news we have soapstone counters on either side of the the stove and sink -installed today and we have a butcher block table acting as an island in the middle. We are missing the wood pennisula counter, but foil-wrapped polyisocyanurate insualtion board makes a great temporary counter. My kettleball keeps it in place. The electrician got all the inside lights installed. The master bathroom hardware gets installed tomorrow. We have a temporary lav in the masterbath that will go to the basement bath which is a big pile of dirt. (Couldn’t legalize what was there.) There’s a wall and insulated door at the foot of the bulkhead door. Laundry machines need to be reversed, but they work. There are a bunch of built-ins (bookcase, window seat, shelves around the fridge) that might get done by Christmas. I finally ordered the cabinet hardware today. There’s a missing window which won’t be installed until December along with the siding. Who knows when the screen porch will be done, but we don’t need to sit out there until the weather gets warm again.</p>

<p>Older son came in from CA yesterday, we are still enjoying younger son. He’s still no closer to being a licensed driver. He’s applying for jobs, no nibbles yet. Or at least none that I’ve heard about.</p>