Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Over the River and through the Woods…Good luck to all trying to go to or from the East Coast! </p>

<p>Waiting on a much-delayed plane from NYC.</p>

<p>I am posting from the comfort of my own home this week. It was nice to work from home and take a couple of days off. Note that I am not posting from a Black Friday sale anywhere! Right now, the plan is to walk around Williamsburg and check out the decorations this afternoon… oooh, living on the edge again. ;)</p>

<p>I even took time to go to a James Taylor concert with DW this week. We ran into D2’s favorite elementary school history teacher at the concert. He remembered her and said that he had read the magazine article about her when she first started COLLEGE. At the concert, there was no mosh pit and no simulated bodily fluids sprayed into the audience, but a good time was had by all nonetheless. And for once, everyone else was the old people in the audience. ;)</p>

<p>I hope that everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving. It appears that many of us had the opportunity to stuff our 2014+ers! In our case, we went to D1’s apartment for Turkey Day and let her stuff us… she succeeded.</p>

<p>Momannoyed – I sure hope this week went better than last week. If you are reading this, I assume that the new glasses arrived. :wink: Unfortunately, the reduced vision appears to have heightened your sense of smell. You should have gone with “Over the Rhine and through the woods…”. Sorry, I trust that plane has arrived by now. ;)</p>

<p>Tx5 – We will keep our appendages crossed while sending PVCs for S2 too!</p>

<p>YDS – A couple of dozen? Sorry to hear that you have taken temporary leave of your senses! ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – I’ll add Acqua Santa to my list. I must have been close when I took the “L” to Bedford Ave from Union Square. BTW, the Market was in full swing at Bryant Park. There is a Max Brenner shop… just sayin’. It closed 5 minutes before I got there, so your homework is to go and have something for me too. ;)</p>

<p>CD – Hopefully S2’s recovery will be easier than initially expected, and at least he won. ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Cool that our kids were sort of running in the same marathon. Glad that RVA is being friendly to him. It has a bit of a bad rep, but is mostly just eclectic. I’m also glad to hear that S2 unwittingly ended up with a housing upgrade.</p>

<p>Mathmom – Thanx for reminding me why I don’t want to do any renovations. :wink: Here’s hoping that the driver’s license and job prospects pick up soon!</p>

<p>D2 had a NYC themed Thanksgiving including volunteering someplace to feed homeless, watching the Macy’s Parade from the office of a friend that overlooks the parade route (she pixed me the Delta float to which I replied… “I paid for that.”), and capping it off with (appropriately enough) a church potluck Thanksgiving dinner in Hell’s Kitchen. She was nervous about her dish as cooking has not been high on her to-do list.</p>

<p>Nice to hear about everyone’s holidays. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>GSharp - so nice to hear that your D2 did the volunteering thing for Thanksgiving. As for her contribution to the church potluck dinner, I’m sure it was enjoyed by all. </p>

<p>Yes, the Bedford Avenue “L” stop is right down the block from Acqua Santa, so you were very nearby. :)</p>

<p>Good to know that the market at Bryant Park was in full swing while you were there. Too bad about the Max Brenner shop closing on you. A few years ago, a couple of us from this group had a small NYC meet-up at the restaurant in Bryant Park, and we stopped in that Max Brenner shop. :slight_smile: If I go to the market there, I’ll definitely stop by and have something for you - any excuse to have chocolate! There’s a better chance that I’ll do the market at Union Square Park and stop at that Max Brenner’s, but that should work too, right?</p>

<p>Mathmom - good luck with your continuing renovations. I went through that once, and I’m not looking forward to doing it ever again.</p>

<p>G#–the glasses did NOT arrive (why, when I really need them in a hurry, does it take longer than a week?) Fortunately I need them for distance, not reading. I made DH drive at night but in the daytime I can find my way around here perfectly well. Just can’t get stopped by the cops, as my license inconveniently points out that I am supposed to wear glasses.</p>

<p>Had so much fun with the kids here. We took in the Holiday happenings downtown, which included Santa, 2 elves, and a reindeer RAPELLING off the top of a 15 foot building. They looked like they were having a great time but it was sort of heart-stopping. This was followed by fireworks timed to Trans-Siberian orchestra and other hits. :smiley: </p>

<p>And I found out that college son had an assessment AND a phone interview from a company he is actually interested in. Did he volunteer this information? Of course not, but he mentioned it to his brothers in my hearing. Keeping my fingers crossed! </p>

<p>More news from college son–he now has an on-site interview with the company! I can tell he’s thrilled not only to have the interview but that they will fly him in, put him up, and so forth. Welcome to the real world, son! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>This will be sometime in mid-December, in a more northerly climate…</p>

<p>Edit: Remembering my manners. Coffee, anyone? DH made Hazelnut roast this morning. :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, Momannoyed! Holiday greetings to the iPeeps.</p>

<p>Momannoyed: fingers crossed for college son’s interview! Inquiring minds want to know if you ever received your glasses?</p>

<p>mathmom: wow, you’re living in the midst of a Work-in-Progress! The soapstone counters sound lovely, as do the build-ins (I have window seat envy). Here’s hoping that you continue to move forward with all the work!</p>

<p>G#: how were the Williamsburg holiday decorations? I miss having a reason to go visit W’msbg. Btw, I learned W’msbg’s ‘dirty little secret’ to their lovely decorations: they replace expired or dried out fruit & greens on a daily basis, which is why their decorations always look so good while mine look … well … dried out. I wonder if they have someone whose job description is to do the Fruit Patrol …</p>

<p>We had a very nice Thanksgiving. DH baked 3 - count 'em - 3 turkeys over the course of 4 days: #1 to donate to an organization that delivers T’giving dinners to shut-ins, #2 for our family, #3 for friends returning from traveling overseas. We hosted T’giving dinner two days in a row. :smiley: S2 was home but had T’giving dinner with his GF’s family, returned to RVA for work on Friday, then drove back Friday evening for a mini reunion with HS friends. We briefly saw his shadow as he passed through the house. However I am not upset because we spent “quality time” with him the previous weekend, helping him move into a new apartment. </p>

<p>12rmh18, the glasses finally arrived TODAY! Apparently it’s the “busy season.” </p>

<p>I’m just grateful I had no “incidents” during that period. :-O</p>

<p>If anyone else has 3 hours to kill in Detroit, feel free to join me for some of Delta’s Butternut Squash and Apple soup.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – I think to be safe you should visit both the Union Square and Bryant Park Max Brenner’s for a comparison. ;)</p>

<p>Momannoyed – Add me to the list of people keeping my fingers crossed for your S!!! The glasses look great! Also glad to hear than you neither got stopped by one of Cincy’s finest nor ran over any of its citizens. :wink: </p>

<p>12rmh18 – We switched gears and walked the Virginia Beach boardwalk instead. Winter, when there are no other people around, is about the only time I can stand Virginia Beach. So, we’ll pick another day to visit Williamsburg. At least you caught a glimpse of S2’s shadow. ;)</p>

<p>About the only post-college news is that we have re-finalized D2’s flights home for Christmas. Her plan was to be touristy and go watch the lighting of the Rockefeller Center tree, but I’m not sure if she actually went.</p>

<p>Crossing my fingers, but looks like S2 is actually getting classwork finished…sent me a paper to review the other night (a very rare occurrence) and I was very impressed. No job hunting yet, but he is making noises about a resume, business cards, etc. He is also thinking about humanitarian work overseas in his region of interest. Scares the %$#@ out of me. His wrist is healing nicely and the doc thinks he’ll be out of the cast by the end of the semester.</p>

<p>Hmm - I started a post yesterday morning and never finished it. So I’ll try again. </p>

<p>Coffee anyone?</p>

<p>Momannoyed - so glad that your glasses finally arrived and that you are unscathed. And sending PVCs for your college S’s on site interview. Fingers crossed that both the interview and the December travel to northerly climes. </p>

<p>CountingDown - glad that your S2 is making progress, on the academic and healing fronts. </p>

<p>G# - hope your D2 is settling down in her new digs.</p>

<p>Nice to hear that folks were able to enjoy their holidays. We enjoyed getting together at my mom’s, in spite of driving through the nor’easter (adding two hours to our trip there) and a major detour on the return trip due to an accident/hazardous materials spill on the “spur” through the Berkshires that connects the Mass Pike and the NY Thruway. Happy to have a quieter weekend this weekend. All seems well on the kid front. S had an office dinner last night. Not sure what that means. I am hoping to hear, but I suppose I might not. </p>

<p>G#, the Delta hangout in Detroit must be the best. Butternut squash & apple soup! Last time we were there we were delighted to find veggie chili for lunch. We had about given up after not being impressed by most of the food for sale in the terminal.</p>

<p>Keep warm, everyone. I sure wish one of my kids would get a job in a warmer clime so I could visit.</p>

<p>DS is done with exams & projects so I get to pick him up tomorrow. He gets to treat me to lunch in the dining hall. The food is so much better than it was Umpteen years ago… :)</p>

<p>Yoohoo . . . Anybody home? Just dropping by to check in. I can pour some coffee. </p>

<p>We had a nice weekend - S came by Saturday evening because he didn’t feel like cooking his own dinner, and we were happy to see him. Can’t wait till D gets home this coming Saturday. How can it be December already?</p>

<p>Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate.</p>

<p>Thanks alicew, I’ll take a hot cup of tea with honey to soothe my sore throat. I picked up a head cold yesterday and am under the weather.</p>

<p>I was wondering if GSharp got caught in the crossfire between the Nutcrackers and the Snowmen in his annual Christmas battle?</p>

<p>S1 survived his finals & is happy as a clam. S2 told me that he worked every day last week from 8:30am to 3:30am and stopped counting his hours over the weekend. He plans to come home for Xmas Eve & Day, but after that there are no guarantees. His company is certainly getting their money’s worth out of him!</p>

<p>Checking in to say good morning, Happy Hanukkah, and what can I do with my son who is a senior, about to go for an out-of-town interview, but still doesn’t know how to pack a small bag like a grownup? :/</p>

<p>It’s just an overnight, so we agreed he only needed his backpack with his laptop and a good shirt (doesn’t need the sport coat). But he stuffs the shirt in like it’s a rag, and the reason there’s no room in the bag is because he still has folders and papers from last semester! I’m rolling my eyes so hard they hurt…</p>

<p>:D </p>

<p>Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate. My husband made latkes last night for serving tonight when S will come over and join us for a bit of candle lighting. The whole house smells like latkes but I suppose it is worth it.</p>

<p>Hoping G# is okay.</p>

<p>12rmh18 - your S2 sounds like he really deserves a vacation. But he will probably have to save up his money (he doesn’t have time to spend it anyway) and leave in order to get one. Sounds crazy to me.</p>

<p>momannoyed - luckily, my S learned to pack from me, and I am pretty good at it. Though come to think of it, I’m not sure he would succeed at putting a good shirt in his backpack either. He would probably pack a separate small bag. I’m sure you gave him a good “adult” lesson.</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday to all. And coffee for any takers . . .</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Holidays! S2 did not get the super-cool internship he applied for. But I feel like the process was good for him. S3 (sophomore) comes home today. In the last week he wrote 5 papers and took 3 finals, so he is ready to come home. I am not done Christmas shopping yet. Hopefully I will get my act together soon. </p>

<p>Thanks, aliceinw. I <em>thought</em> he learned to pack from me…we’ve been taking family trips and he has plenty of experience, and thankfully he knows his way around airports. I wouldn’t care but the stakes are higher on this trip!</p>

<p>Fortunately he’s a computer science major, and they tend to get hired for their brains, not their social or sartorial skills. :smiley: </p>

<p>Got the last of the Hanukkah & Christmas cards in the mail today…that’s a good feeling. Good luck to all who are still mailing and shopping!</p>

<p>Did ya miss me?.. don’t answer that lest you end up on someone’s naughty list. :wink: Yeah, I know I totally fell down on the job and missed last week… blame it on not enough hours in a day. I think that it was the trauma of having to look presentable and wear a tie to our company holiday party last Saturday night. DW and I have a running joke where I ask her every weekend if she is taking me to Ruth’s Chris… guess who won the Ruth’s Chris gift certificate at the party? I guess now we’ll actually go.</p>

<p>Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate. I “celebrated” with lunch at Izzy’s.</p>

<p>Momannoyed – How was the dining hall food? As good as Izzy’s?</p>


I believe that DW has this same feeling every week. ;)</p>


With the exception of the “brains” part, that sounds like me.</p>

<p>12rmh18 – So far, I have survived the Snowman / Nutcracker gauntlet. But, I know those beady-eyed, slack-jawed ruffians are just waiting for their chance. :wink: Speaking of survival, I hope S2 gets some much needed holiday rest and trust that you have recovered! BTW, RVA now has a Duck Donuts… tell S2 to run, not walk…
<a href=“Locations | Duck Donuts”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


Dang, somehow I must have misplaced my invitation. :wink: Now that you have a house full of latkes, you need to try this…
<a href=“Sandwich Monday: The Hanukkah Miracle : The Salt : NPR”>Sandwich Monday: The Hanukkah Miracle : The Salt : NPR;

<p>tx5 – Sorry that S2 did not get the internship, but like you said, the experience will pay off in the end.</p>

<p>Thanx everyone! The PVCs worked. D1 and her H had their appointment with surgeon #2 who had a much better prognosis and does not want to do additional surgery for a while. He thinks her H’s recovery is slow, but progressing, so wants to wait possibly another year before making any decisions.</p>

<p>In the meantime, DW has received a job offer and starts her new employment on January 5th. It’s kind of bittersweet since she has been with her current employer since the girls were little, but the working conditions have become increasingly less professional. That combined with 2014 D1 marriage, DW’s dad’s death, my dad’s death, and D2 graduating / moving to NYC pushed DW to start looking for other options. She’s nervous, but in the long-run will work out for the best. I asked her if she would be my sugar-mama and let me stay at home and live off of her, but that idea didn’t go over too well. ;)</p>

<p>D2 called me last weekend to say how much she misses the stress / intensity of school and she’s going to start studying to probably take the GRE this summer. The company for which she works is UK based, so she has been checking the internal job postings for a chance at a job in the UK. They told her that they will be sending her to England to work some this spring, so she’s looking forward to that. She apologetically asked me for a book for Christmas which was written by an alumnus and is related to her thesis, “I know after all you and mom have done for me that I shouldn’t ask for anything, but…” I told her that the basic rule that was in place when the D’s were little is still in active, “If you see a book that you want and I have the money then you can have it.” I paid for that rule, but in the long run there were much worse things on which I could have spent my money than books. The book that she wants is a little pricey, but she already checked and it is not available in the NYC Public Library, so I’m OK with it. </p>

<p>Happy Holidays to all.</p>

<p>Tx5, sorry about that bump in the road for S2, but as you say he learned from the process. He will be a pro on his next opportunity.</p>

<p>Gsharpe. Great news about D1’s H. Good luck to D2 on her preparation for her GRE, I am sure she will do well.</p>