Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

D is coming home for medical school! She is going to stay near the school which is 1 hour away from home. We will keep a bedroom for her.

First week of the internship went well. He says the office seems to have a nice friendly vibe. They all are encouraged to take a full hour lunch and eat together. He likes their European ideas about vacation time. (Two weeks for a six month internship.) He’s getting an extra day of vacation for working an evening event next weekend. They pay commuting costs plus a small stipend so he’s got plenty of spending money as long as he lives with us. I have to admit I enjoy his company especially at times like this week when dh is off at a conference.

He suspects while in the running at the other place he probably wasn’t their top pick. Anyway, we’ll see what the lay of the land looks like six months from now, but he’s reasonably optimistic. Also happy because the girlfriend decided to go to grad school at Columbia not Michigan.

Congrats on the LOC exhibit to G#'s daughter. I have happy memories of my high school senior year project where I did research their every Wednesday.

mathmom, congrats to S2 and glad he is enjoying the new position. Your S2 is giving me some hope for my S2!

Just stopping in to say hello. And a heartfelt TGIF! Even though this was a short week for those of us in Massachusetts who celebrated Patriots’ Day Monday, it seemed like a long tedious week.

On the (post) college kids front, I’m in the no news is good news mode. Oh yes, there was that hysterical call from D on Saturday, but her dad tells me that has passed. And I think she is having a mediation session today to discuss damages from her bus accident - did I tell y’all about her getting hit by a bus while crossing a street in a crosswalk on a green light? Hard to believe it was two years ago. And she is doing fine. And she was not the least bit interested in a lawsuit, but we thought it should be done, and she took our advice. Probably the last time.

Happy Friday to the iPeeps.

I’m extra glad to be home this week. My excuse for posting late?.. Did anyone else spend quality time in the ER being pumped full of fluids and drugs this week? Ugh, that was not in my calendar! I had either a stomach virus or food poisoning which totally kicked my butt, but I’m on the mend and went all-out and ate pretzels today!

12rmh18 – I trust that you are staying safe thus avoid a long, drawn out legal battle between your offspring and Mr. Waggles. :wink: I thought of your S2 this weekend when D2 mentioned that none of her friends that went into finance ever get to go home. Coincidentally, we are in the process of updating our will too. We told the girls that as it stands, if anything happens to both of us, they belong to their aunt… neither one of them were up for that possibility. :wink:

LIMOMOF2 – Clearly, we have to plan better. :wink: FWIW, we did “subject” DW to Max Brenner’s last weekend… I know how you hate that place. :wink: Now you’d better get busy baking and grocery shopping before your poor waif S gets home. :wink:

Artloversplus – What can I say, but “Lucky You!”?

Mathmom – It sounds like the internship is off to a great start! D2’s employer is UK-based and she likes the vacation schedule too!

Aliceinw – Whew, the weekend’s here! Has it really been 2 years since the bus accident? My how time flies… a year ago this week, we were at D1’s wedding! BTW, if all goes according to plan, it will be the last time that your D takes your advice… for a while. :wink:

In post-college news, we had a nice, quick trip to NYC to visit D2. I did my best to remain agreeable while on our pilgrimage to find “True Religion” shopping in SOHO. :wink: Her employer has told her to get ready to go across the pond for a work trip in June or July. There was a first post-college, red-letter day during our visit as D2 actually wrote us a sizeable check to pay back some of the money that we lent her to get started. The snarky weekend moment was when D2 came to visit us at the hotel which had a huge clock made of quarters. D2 declared it “A slap in the face of Brooklynites everywhere who could use those to do laundry.” :wink:

Mathmom - so glad your S2’s internship is going well.

Artloversplus - yay for your D coming home for med school! Congratulations!

GSharp - so sorry about your visit to the ER. Hope you’re feeling a lot better.

Sorry I missed you at Max Brenner’s. I haven’t been there in quite awhile. I suggested it as an option when meeting a friend for brunch awhile ago, but she chose one of my other options - a boozy brunch at Agave. I turns out that she preferred unlimited frozen margaritas to chocolate.

Was True Religion having a sale?

LOL at the clock made of quarters being “a slap in the face of Brooklynites.” Does your D’s building have a laundry room, or does she have to use a laundromat?

Just popped in to read everybody’s updates. Sounds like fun and interesting lives in grad school & post-college!

Yesterday was son’s last UG class ever. He has a whole week of no exams in “exam week”, just a senior project presentation on FRIDAY. We might bring some of his stuff home before then, instead of waiting until the last minute. Then graduation is Saturday. I hope he is seriously thinking about finding an apartment in Madison, but realize many of them don’t become available until people give 30 days notice, which would be…soon.

I totally get it about the quarters & laundry. Our S & DIL in Brooklyn might be moving back to Cgo, by the way. Her parents live there and they are sick and tired of collecting quarters to do the laundry. :wink: There is also a grandchild involved…

Sorry about your stomach bug, G#. Yuck.

I am privately celebrating a success yesterday in which I cut some red tape, got an organization to loan an item and promise to help us more in the future. Yay me and my connnections! :smiley: The youngsters in the process are impressed.

Just me again… :slight_smile:

Exciting week ahead–today is the awards ceremony for the Engineering College. S is getting the same scholarship he won last year (didn’t know you could get it twice) which will basically reimburse him for his senior year expenses. And they do a really nice reception. :slight_smile:

Thursday is the honors college ceremonies. Reception and people talking about some good kids.

Saturday is graduation. Son’s 2 brothers will be there to watch with us. (After all, he sat through THEIR graduations.)

It will be good to have most of the kids home for the weekend.

I may be near the end of my time-wasting days on CC, however. :!!

Momannoyed, don’t leave – just come to the parent cafe!

S2 is supposed to graduate in three weeks, G-d willing. No idea what he will do yet, though I have told him he needs to be gainfully employed doing SOMETHING by September 1. I intend to start collecting rent then (and saving it for him, but he doesn’t know that). He’s got to get motivated.

S1 is coming to visit right after S2 graduates, so it will be good to see him.

Yay for CountingDownSon’s graduation! And good luck to him on the job front…

Son’s friend and future roommate found them an apartment in a nice area not far from work. So it’s real…my baby really is leaving home! And won’t be camping on someone’s sofa.

I haven’t set figurative foot in the cafe in ages. Need to check it out.


Stick around! We hacked though all these years and the “beyond” might be more exciting than while they are in UG.

I can definitely say “little kids, little problems – big kids, big problems.”

momannoyed - BIG congrats for your S. And I hope he loves his new job - I’ve heard good things about it. :wink:

CD - Hooray for your S2’s approaching graduation too. Here’s a push >> to get him over the finish line.

No news around here - very little contact from my kids, which means they’re doing fine. This weekend should be nice, with no major events - some yoga, getting ready for the fellow who is coming to give estimates for our ice dam damage (he comes Monday), and the usual weekend errands. Next weekend S will head off to Minnesota for the Ultimate Frisbee Alumni Reunion (which does not coincide with the college’s alumni reunion, since it must occur while the students are still there). I know he is looking forward to it. On our end, we will be heading to NYC for dinner and brunch with my extended family, in what has now replaced our Catskills family reunion. Did you know all those Catskills hotels (yes, think Dirty Dancing) are gone?

Happy Friday to all.

Posting from home because I worked from home this week. That was a nice break.

It took a little longer than I had anticipated for my stomach to get well, so we had to cancel the reservations that we had finally made to actually go to Ruth’s Chris. :frowning:

I see that Graduation Congratulations are in order for Momannoyed’s S and CD’s S2!!!

CD – Keeping my fingers crossed for your S2 on the job front!

Momannoyed – Good for you teaching those youngsters how to navigate the red tape!

I keep thinking that I should hang up my CC hat too. It is not like I ever actually contributed anyway. :wink: But, I am interested to see how the “beyond” works out and how this story ends… knowing full well that it doesn’t, as well it shouldn’t. :wink:

Artloversplus – I expect that the next few years will be more interesting as our “kids” face reality. :wink:

LIMOMOF2 – I’m sure that True Religion and all the other houses of worship (H&M, Madewell, etc.) were having “sales.” I think that I went broke saving money. :wink: I chose to stay outside, people-watch, and wonder if they were ever going to come out. :wink: To be fair, I did indulge myself by buying a Sri Lanka Curry Chocolate Bar @ Vosages (one of my favorites). As far as the quarters, D2 and her roommates compromised on not having a laundry room in the building, but a safer looking neighborhood. So, she has to go to the laundromat much to her chagrin. Quarters are like gold to her.

Aliceinw – We’re in the same boat as you… no news is good news… Oh and, I have mental scars from the number of times that DW subjected me to “Dirty Dancing,” so I’m off to therapy now. :wink:

Back on FAFSA again! We took a year off not providing tax returns and answer the embarrassing questions: how much money do you have in the bank. I did not know that med school requires the parents returns. Oh well.

Twas a lovely graduation day here. Son not only wore a red gown, he was #4 in the procession and sat in the front row, so was very easy to spot! The downside is, he was #4 to get his degree & shake the president’s hand, after which we sat through about 2 hours of everyone else walking up to do the same. But it was great having siblings in for the weekend, and much beer drinking and good eating occurred. :slight_smile:

And since I was elected to drive him to campus at 7 a.m., I got a really good seat to see all the action. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to save seats so the later group fought traffic & long lines to get nosebleed seats. And worse, when we were S-L-O-W-L-Y inching out of the parking garage, we realized part of the jam was caused by cars arriving for the afternoon ceremony. Great planning, guys.

The commencement band (conservatory students) was terrific. I felt sorry for them, however, having to play the processional music for such a long time. They had to do the same all over again for the afternoon commencement! And President Ono had to shake a couple thousand more hands in the afternoon. Such stamina. :smiley:

A new thing since I was in school–a LOT of graduates “blinged” up their mortarboards. Especially the female graduates in education and nursing. Everything from messages to colorful artificial flowers (I was thinking Carmen Miranda in a few cases!)

Oh, and the construction management engineers got to wear hard hats. B-)

S had a conversation with his friend that he is going to be rooming with. Wanted to know what the friend has in his kitchen and what he should bring. Friend ( who has been living there for a year) says he has a pot, a frying pan, and a spatula. Ho-ho this should be interesting! (My son doesn’t cook. Yet.)



Your son should eat at THE “cafeteria”. B-)

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend (for those who celebrate :wink: )!

Momannoyed – Many congratulations to your S!!! And may he acquire the necessary culinary skills to survive the next chapter. :wink:

Artloversplus – You have no idea how happy I was to not have to fill out a FAFSA for the first time in seemingly forever. You have my sympathy! :wink:

In post-college news, D2 has received her marching orders to travel across the pond for a week for work. She plans to take a week of her vacation to stay an extra week to go to London and Paris, so she had some logistical questions. Of course, my ever-so-practical response to her was something to the effect that a week of hotel rooms in London and Paris would be expensive. She has that almost all worked out… the family of one of her college friends has a second home in London and another college friend’s family has a second home in Paris, so the plan is for her to stay with them if they are going to be in town when she is there. It must be nice. I hope that means that they will help her find her way around a little. I told her that it wouldn’t be as fun as coming back to rural VA for a week, but it would be an OK trip anyway. :wink: