Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

D1 (math teacher) celebrated Pi day at a wedding for 2 math teachers. Kind of fun.

I went to the desert with my mom and sister for the BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament. Had a great time but it was quite toasty (91 degrees!).

S3 comes home for Spring Break on Friday. We are excited about that.

Heading home early for the first of spring, which can only mean 2 things today…

Happy Birthday D2! and Happy Birthday to someone whose initials are LIMOMOF2! (Ummm, what’s up with snow on the first day of spring?)

I trust that everyone’s brackets are still fully intact? :wink:

Did somebody say “Key Lime Pie?” No wait, “Blueberry Pie?” Sorry, I meant “Chocolate pie?”

Clearly, the rest of us were going for dessert while tx5 was going to the desert. :wink:

Showmom – Thanx for the airbnb tip. For now I have enough hotel points, but one day I may get a life and not live out of hotels. :wink:

12rmh18 – Sounds like a grueling hike. Are you sure that you’re OK? I trust that it was not along the Anacostia river lest you need a post-hike tetanus shot. :wink: DW loves the peeper music too.

LIMOMOF2 – Are the dishes still spotless at your place? :wink: About the insurance, D2 and the doctor got a quote from the insurance company in advance, so she pre-paid. The actual payment by the insurance company was higher than the quote. My reply to her was, “Miracle!!!”

Aliceinw – Glad to hear that you’re starting to thaw and down to just 2’ of snow. Now go home. :wink:

In post-college news, D2 continues to have the full NYC experience… St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Actually, she experienced it from her office on the 30+th floor on 5th Ave., but said that she could still see the marchers and hear the bagpipes. She said that the crowds outside her building were too crazy to venture out. D2 treated herself to a frugal B-day present… went to a museum on “Pay what you can” night.

Hello all. Trying to catch up on all that’s going on. I was out of the loop for surgery and recovery. I’m back at work and trying to get back in shape.

In Princeton news–congrats to the Ladies for winning their first NCAA tournament game, ever! I am not holding my breath for them with their upcoming match against Maryland, but they’ve had an amazing season, so hopefully they can keep it going!

DS has finally gotten accepted to medical school! He had interviews and all waitlists. Thankfully he was accepted off the waitlist for one of his schools. We’ll see if any more come through, but he’s definitely going to medical school, so everyone is relieved and happy!

In true procrastinator fashion, DS continues to avoid doing serious work on the data analysis. He was sick last week with an infection. He thought he’d stay at school over spring break to make progress. After two days of sleeping in past noon and feeling sick, he decided his best bet was to come home, eat well and work on his thesis. Well, he’s eaten well, feeling better, and done everything except work on his thesis. If he’s not worried, I shouldn’t be either, right??

Thanks to delays, I get to spend some quality time in LGA today. Not enough to go into the city to visit D2 though.

Everyone here must be enjoying stellar weather and have been outside instead of cooped up in front of a computer.

VAMom2015 – Welcome back! It’s always good to hear from another Tiger Parent, especially when it is good news… Congrats to your S on his Med. School admit! He must be in the thesis home stretch about now.

In post-college news, I was able to the determine through the coughing and sniffing that D2 did talk with her adviser this week and they have a plan that begins with “Don’t panic if you aren’t sure what you want to do yet.” D2 said that she was tentative about her ability to handle a PhD program, but her adviser assured her that she was capable of doing so, so that boosted her confidence. She is getting good coaching and has had a couple of alumni offer to help navigate her path too. She continues to have the full NYC experience, this time smelling smoke at work (despite the cold) and figuring out that it was coming from the East Village fire which is 30+ blocks away.

S2 continues to plug away at the job search. Three interviews this week. One asked for a writing sample and another for his references. Crossing fingers. I heard him and his best friend (who also lives with his parents) planning on apartment searching in May assuming all goes well on the job front.

GSharp - sorry I’m late getting back to you, but thanks for the birthday wishes and sending a belated Happy Birthday to your D2! Glad she’s still enjoying all that NYC has to offer, and it’s too bad you didn’t get to visit with her yesterday. Otoh, it’s probably good that you didn’t go to Manhattan given what happened in the city yesterday. Just awful to think about it!

As for her uncertainty about what she wants to do next - I am confident that she’ll figure things out. I tell my D the same thing.

Mathmom - I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your S2 and his best friend to both find jobs so they can get their own apartment.

VAMom - good luck to your DS regarding his thesis. He sounds very relaxed about things - a good way to be. :slight_smile:

I’m stopping by to offer coffee and wish all the iPeeps a TGIF, Happy Passover, and Happy Easter!

Just think: 5 years ago we were the parents & kids excitedly looking at college acceptances or consoling someone who got a rejection. Some ploughed straight through, while others changed course, and others detoured. Either way, it’s been quite a journey. Look how far we’ve come.

S1 had his birthday on Wednesday, no joke! There are rumors that S2 may join us for the weekend, but as yet those rumors are unsubstantiated. Apparently we’re on a “need to know” basis for the alleged ETA. Should rumors be confirmed & S2 make an appearance, we hope to celebrate the holiday with extended family and a birthday cake for our April Fool.

Stopping in to say hi! Happy all those things that 12rmh18 said!

We had S3 home last week so he isn’t coming home for Easter. But I will have S2 and D1.

No real news to report. D1 had Open House last night and will have Spring Break next week. With her teaching at the local high school, I get to hear a little about the latest college admissions news. It sounds like this year was as crazy as ever. S3 will be home for summer in 6 weeks. Hard to believe let alone that I have 2 college graduates, but that my BABY is half-way through college. Where does the time go???

Happy Passover! Happy Easter! To those who celebrate.

Happy Spring Weekend! To all.

I’m hoping that the skies stay friendly so that I can have a good Friday!

Mathmom – We’ll all keep our fingers crossed for 2 on the job front. Be sure to get involved in the apartment search, in case you want to show up unannounced and stay there for a couple of weeks at a time. :wink:

LIMOMOF2 – Are you trying to say that we didn’t fail in the child rearing department even though our kids don’t have every moment of theirs lives planned yet. :wink:

12rmh18 – It has been quite a journey. I just remember 5 years ago as the beginning of “The Month from Hell.” :wink: I hope that S2 makes an appearance, but if not it is your duty to consume his cake. :wink:

Tx5 – Good to hear that you will have 2/3 of the brood home for Easter. Just wait until the other 1/3 graduates… time really does fly by!

In post-college news, D2 submitted her first real-world tax returns this week and her first real-world refunds have started to roll in. :slight_smile:

Ah tax refunds, I remember those.

DS has jumped from relaxed to stressed about the thesis. He really put it off too long. Of course he’s one of those last minute guys. He’s been spending most of his free time on it. We talked to him last night and he realized he has less than a month to finish!

12rmh18–unfortunately we are right back there with the month of hell, but with med school it’s seemed like the year of hell. Coming to a close soon, hopefully!

Happy Easter and Passover to those who celebrate!

S is home for the weekend. Today I asked him if he had ordered his cap and gown yet (graduation is in a month and he’s been getting reminder postcards & emails.) “Um, no, I still have to do that.”

Then he tells us, “Oh, I’m a marshall for my college. I have to wear a red cap & gown and lead the procession.” (Red instead of black.) Wow! Such an honor. Not sure if it’s based on GPA or what, but we think it’s very cool.

So we’re proud, and we reminded him he needs to order a cap & gown. In red. And stay awake during the ceremony because he might be noticeable. :smiley:

One no. Yes on a very underpaid (but interesting) internship - he has to give them a yes/no by Friday. Crossing fingers that the other job can give him a thumbs up or down by Thursday.

That pressure is no fun, mathmom, but congrats to your S on the interesting yes.

I had one kiddo home for the weekend (my S) along with my mother and sister. In spite of missing my D, it was a fun little vacation, but when it was over I was ready for the weekend, NOT Monday morning.

I think all our kids will find what they want to do, whether it’s first, next, or later. It’s us and our impatience they have to worry about. Thank heavens both of mine are happy for the moment. Though D has decided to move out of her apartment because she doesn’t share the (lack of) cleanliness standards of her roommates. She will start looking for a new roommate soon, and if she can’t find one, she will look for a studio apartment for herself. I guess it’s always something. S and his two roommates have re-upped for their apartment for the coming year.

Happy Tuesday to all.

Congrats Momannoyed–great honor for him and you!

Posting from my brand new laptop… not my choice, my other one died this week so I have a day or so of lost productivity.

VAMom2015 – Best wishes to your “last minute guy” on completing his thesis. D2 always said, “You are never done, you just run out of time.” :wink:

Momannoyed – You should be very proud of your little Marshall Bearcat! How cool is that? Congrats to him!

Mathmom – I’ll echo aliceinw’s congrats for your S on the “interesting” yes! And the final decision is…

Aliceinw – What? You mean our “kids” are not on our schedules and making their decisions based on our wishes?!?! Say it ain’t so! :wink: Heck, though the miracle of modern chemistry, neither one of my kids even have the same color hair with which they were born. :wink:

The word from D1 is that the apartment across the hall from them that was gutted by fire is getting completely refurbished and she and her H will be moving into it. :slight_smile: The management company even let her pick the paint.

The only post-college news from D2 was one snarky comment about how much she loves NYC the day that a train got stuck in the tunnel and made her late for work. :wink:

The other job said they wouldn’t be able to even give him the third interview until sometime this week, so he’s going to do the interesting internship. It’s a European based NGO, they pay commuting costs, a small stipend and give him two weeks vacation for a six month commitment. It’s an IR organization. It will be more developments and events than his previous internship which was mostly doing research. I think he’ll enjoy it, really the only down side is that he can’t move out as soon as he’d like. His best friend was hoping to apartment hunt this summer - I’m not sure he’ll be willing to wait till the fall.

TGIF to the iPeeps! Today I’m offering coffee roasted in Richmond (VA). Those Richmond roasters really roast a robust brew. :wink:

Congrats to our almost-graduates from the Beyonders! They are in the homestretch of the college journey. Wishing all of them good luck as they wrap up papers and prepare for finals and graduation.

mathmom: the internship with the European-based NGO sounds very cool. Has your S2 started our did he get a 3rd interview with the other company?

GSharp: how is the new laptop? I’ve been spoiled by a MacBook Air, which I received as a 2014 Christmas gift. I love it!

momannoyed: congratulations to your college son! That’s quite an honor to be a marshall for his college. Give him a Red Bull before commencement. :wink:

S1 is entering the homestretch of grad school. He has finals in 2 weeks and is taking the summer off from school (but not work). Fall will be his last semester: he will finish his master’s degree & graduate in December 2015 - all while working FT. In lieu of graduating with honors, he is being inducted into the honor society next Friday. Pretty cool for the kid who resigned from college in the first 48 hours, went to community college, then transferred to & graduated from UVA. S2 continues to pay his dues in the iBanking world.

I know that you all have been wondering, but I am announcing here first that I will not be running for President in 2016 (or ever! :wink: ). . Something about it being a violation of decency laws. :wink:

Flying home tonight so that DW and I can turn around first thing in the morning and fly to NYC to see D2 for a very quick weekend.

Mathmom – it sounds like your S made a wise decision to go with the interesting “bird in hand.” Too bad about the apartment search impact though.

12rmh18 – Thanx for the RVA coffee. Are you actually in RVA or was your coffee just imported from there? :wink: If all goes well, I’ll be in RVA in a few hours. My new laptop is work-provided, so it is great for the low, low price of free. :wink: Many congrats to over-achieving, honorable S1! Many condolences to S2 on his “dues payments.” Hopefully they have a high ROI. :wink:

In college / post-college news, D2 and friends went to DC last weekend to see the cherry blossoms. They stopped by the Library of Congress since D2 had done an internship there. One of D2’s projects was sort of vague, to “research Meso-American art,” while other interns has more tangible tasks like entering data into spreadsheets. Well, D2 called from the LOC last Saturday to tell me that, much to her surprise, her intern project is part of the “Exploring the Early Americas” exhibit (she had no idea). They used the art work that she selected and associated research. Even if you don’t have an interest in Meso-America (although, I can’t imagine such a person :wink: ), I highly recommend the LOC as a fascinating place to visit which isn’t always on the typical DC tourist itinerary.

The second reason for her call was, “… and there is an active shooter at the Capitol (across the street), so we are on lockdown. I’ll keep you updated.” Great, just what every parent wants to hear!

@G# re the shooter at the Capitol: I’m leaving on vacation in an hour to an area that has some security challenges. S2 is actually worried about ME! He said, “Mom, is it safe? Is this a good idea? Please make good decisions.” That made me laugh. I don’t think he was reassured when I told him that we updated our wills this week and left all our worldly possessions to Mr. Waggles the Fish.

I haven’t heard much about the shooter at the Capitol, but I hope he’s been captured.

12rmh18 - have a wonderful trip! Stay safe!

GSharp - hope you and your DW enjoy your time in NYC with your D2. One of these days, I’ll have to convince you to stick around long enough for us to meet for a cup of coffee. :slight_smile: For some reason, I’d thought you were coming to the city last weekend, and I already had a bunch of commitments, but I’m completely free this weekend. Next time…

Very cool about your D2’s internship project being part of the exhibit at the LOC. I would love to see that if I can make it down to DC sometime soon.

Mathmom - I hope your S2 enjoys his internship. Congrats!

I realized today that S will be home in less than a month! How the heck did his first year of college go by so quickly?