Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

RIP John and Alicia Nash. D2 would occasionally send me a pix message of him.

Limomof2 – Welcome Home to your somewhat invisible S! I hope he had a productive 1st year. Also, enjoy your upcoming D-time! And, unfortunately, D2 generally does not actually meet the people that she researches.

Some things are much more entertaining in retrospect, huh? :wink:

Momannoyed – Best of luck to your S in his “next chapter.” BTW, isn’t it sacrilege to console yourself with B&J and not Graeter’s? I understand that it was a momentary lapse in judgment. :wink:

In post-college news, D2 continues to make the most of her new “hometown” and sent me a picture from The Met rooftop on Memorial Day. Believe it or not, it has been 1 year since graduation! D2 has returned to her alma mater for “Reunions.” She is also busily building her travel spreadsheet and figures that she may be living off of bread and cheese for a week in London and Paris… I could do that. :wink:

Mathmom - nice to have your S2 and his friends over for the holiday.

Momannoyed - I hope your S is all settled into his new place.

GSharp - that was very sad about John and Alicia Nash.

It’s really hard to believe they graduated a year ago, but it’s even harder for me to believe that S finished his 1st year of college. I think it was productive - sort of.

Very nice that your D will be heading to London and Paris. D loved her time in England and France, but she didn’t get to spend nearly as much time in either London or Paris as she would have liked. Living on bread and cheese for a week in London and Paris sounds like something I could do too.

G#–B&J was what I had in the freezer, and I enjoyed it very much :stuck_out_tongue: . No worries, my favorite is still Graeter’s!

I couldn’t believe the tragic car/taxi accident that took the lives of the Nashes. I will be more vigilant about wearing my seat belt when traveling by taxi (or bus), that’s for sure.

Just dropping by to say hello as I am getting ready to head off to Israel for a week with my mother and sister. Hope everyone’s week goes well. I will “see” you all when I get back.

Have a great trip Alice!

Have a great trip Alice!

Some of us are still working, but I think that I can get this posted while it is still technically Friday.

I am not posting from the airport this week as I am staying in town to go to the Cincinnati Bunbury Music Festival on Saturday and maybe the Reds game on Sunday.

LIMOMOF2 – I would choose to go with the completion of one Productive year for your S!

Someone said to me, “But, who wears a seatbelt in a taxi?” Uh, that would be me.

AliceinW – Have a great trip! Artloversplus and tx5 wouldn’t come right out and say it (since they are decent people), but we really just can’t wait to see what you bring us. :wink:

In post-college news, D2 will be leaving soon for the UK / Paris. I sent her some tips that she claims were more helpful than the safety rules that I gave her to travel to Spain in HS where I told her to “Try to look as much like a local boy as possible.” :wink:

Alice, remember, guns and roses…

Wow, not much activity here this week. I’m heading home and hopefully DW will remember that I need a ride home from the airport. :wink: We are celebrating our 30th Anniversary this weekend. Right now, the plan is paddling around Jamestown Island followed by “Death by Chocolate” at The Trellis.

It won’t even do me any good to tell Alice to go home.

Momannoyed – I recommend the Bunbury Music Festival. By avoiding the “Craft Beer Village” and not eating, I was able to catch 11 bands on Saturday.

I have been receiving emails with pictures of the English countryside from D2 this week. I jokingly asked her if she was ready to move to the UK and she said that they asked her if she would like to move to England to work. But, they told her that it is expensive to live there. She thought to herself “as opposed to NYC?” :wink: I could definitely see her taking the opportunity if they are serious. We’ll see.

Living expenses is relative to wages. If she is getting Manhattan salary, it’s no doubt that will be cheaper to live in England. OTOH, if they pay her on local wages, it might be very expensive.

Happy 30th Anniversary to the GSharps!! Death by Chocoloate at the Trellis is certainly a good way to celebrate.

Shalom to Alice ! Wishing you safe travels & a happy homecoming!

DH & I spent last weekend visiting S2 in RVA, where we ran into the Governor & his entourage leaving a craft brewery. Happiness is visiting a place known for its artisan cocktails, watching American Pharaoh win the Triple Crown, and having S2 pick up the tab for the cocktails! Of course, we paid for a nice dinner afterwards.

S1 has been emailing us photos of his 3-week trip to South Africa. He sent us a photo of himself riding on an ostrich. He also noted that he & his companions were nearly charged by a water buffalo, and that their armed guide had to fire a shot in the air to scare the beast. Maybe I should add to that old CC thread “Phone calls you do NOT want to receive from your kid.” :smiley: But he exercised good sense when 3 of his companions decided to go bungee-jumping off the Bloukrans Bridge, (709 ft), the world’s highest commercial bungee-jumping bridge. S1 decided that having a beer was a more interesting option. To that, I said, “Cheers!”

Hey there! Wow, it’s been very quiet here, hasn’t it?

Wishing a belated Happy 30th Anniversary to GSharp and his DW! Hope she remembered to pick you up from the airport! :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to hear whether your D is offered the opportunity to work in the UK! My D was definitely considering it at one point.

D was home for a way-too-short visit last week. We had to share her with friends and relatives, but it was still really great to have her here.

S is still taking it easy. He and a bunch of his friends went to 6 Flags in NJ today. He was supposed to call when he got there, and he never did. Hopefully, he’ll call when they’re on their way home…

Hello there. It’s quiet enough to hear an echo in here.

Hope you got to enjoy the anniversary, G#.

Limom - Glad you got to see your D, even if your time was limited. I am looking forward to seeing my D in August, and we haven’t seen her since December. Yikes.

Things are quiet here. My trip to Israel was wonderful, but quickly fading into the rear view mirror with this week of work. S embarks today on a three day bike ride, Trek across Maine, which is a fundraiser for the American Lung Association. His employer is a major sponsor. He thinks the ride will be easy with meals supplied, gear transported, etc.

Happy Fathers’ Day to all who celebrate. And Happy Friday.

Gotta start with Happy Father’s Day! to all the Dad’s here. Keep on Rockin’ in the Free World! (I just had to do that)

Thanx for the Anniversary wishes. DW and I had a low-key anniversary. We went to Smithfield instead of Jamestown, had lunch, and paddled the Pagan River.

Aliceinw – Welcome back to reality! I bet you didn’t know that you figured prominently in D2’s trip to the UK. Read on.

Artloversplus – How right you are! D2 would definitely need to do her “homework” before jumping across the pond to the land with which she has fallen in love.

12rmh18 – It sounds like you had a wonderful visit with S2 in RVA. D1 is taking me out for Father’s Day tomorrow. And, oh the stories S1 will be able to tell!

LIMOMOF2 – Even if it is shared and reduced, some D time is better than no D time, huh?

Shameless congratulations to D1 on getting her certification to teach Barre exercise classes. She starts this week!

In post-college news, D2 should be back on this side of the pond any minute now. A highlight of her trip was finagling a private tour of Oxford University with a member of the university staff. D2 is a huge “Alice in Wonderland” fan (Happy 150th Anniversary) and was able to visit the garden where the real Alice played. Her guide pointed to the window from which Lewis Carrol watched Alice play. When D2 mentioned how much she loved the book, her guide took D2 to Lewis Carrol’s office and let her in even though it is not open to the public. This was a near-religious experience for her. A historical highlight was visiting John Locke’s grave. The STEM highlight was the Greenwich Observatory. Another of her favorites is C. S. Lewis and she visited his “favorite pub” in London… a religious experience to be certain. :wink: And the logistical highlight (or lowlight) was climbing the Eiffel Tower in heels. :wink: It’s funny how DW and I can talk to D2 minutes apart and get slightly different versions of the same story. Upon arrival in Paris I get the practical version… “I made it to the apartment. It is safe. You have to go through 2 sets of locked doors to get to it. The view is nice and the neighborhood seems safe, not sketchy.” DW’s version… “I made it to the apartment. The street is so beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes.”

Happy Father’s Day to GSharp! Hope you get to see your girls today!

Hope your D2 made it back to NYC without a problem. It sounds like she had a wonderful time.

You’re absolutely right - shared time with D was better than no time with D. Plus, I’ll be going to visit her next month, so I have that to look forward to, right?

Congrats to your D1 on getting certified to teach Barre exercise classes.

H and S are spending the afternoon together, so I’m heading to my brother’s for a bbq.

Wishing a Happy Father’s Day to any other fathers still posting/reading here.

It is tooooo quiet here now. I’ll talk just to hear it echo.

DS worked his first week at his summer internship (right near here, so no travel or anything involved.) We called Monday to see how it went and he sounded pretty stoked, although the team he is on were all at some conference, so after orientation on Monday, he was off to a conference on Tues. No other news as yet.

And the college Finally got the 2014 graduation DVD for sale. … only took a year. He has been graduated a whole year already, wow.

^^DD’s graduation photos came pretty quickly, right after graduation. It is almost $100 for the DVD version. I think it is worth it, cause I reproduced 100’s FREE 4x6s using a Costco coupon.

Just dropping in to hear my voice echo [echo … echo].

Glad your D got to visit my namesake’s garden, G#.

Hope some of you have interesting plans for the Fourth of July. I will head to Cape Cod for a daytrip on Thursday to see my COLLEGE roommate who lives in Oregon and whom I have not seen since our last reunion (2012?). No real plans for the rest of the weekend, though.

Happy Tuesday to all.

Just stopping by on this last day of June.

Got to see grandchild #3 as her parents were passing through on their move from Brooklyn to Chicago. I’ll get to see grandchildren #1 and #2 over the 4th. :slight_smile:

I am wondering if S got his diploma yet in the mail. It’s been long enough, you’d think…

I saw an old college friend a few weeks ago, and I just discovered a high school friend lives in the city now! We have plans to get together. She hasn’t been to a reunion so it’s been mumble years. A LOT. :smiley:

And in other good news, Brooklyn kid took away a bag of his books and selected about 2 feet of books to go to the library book sale. That’s 2 feet down, about 15 to go…