Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

I purged my bookshelf of tax books the other day to make room for yoga books. It felt great!

Wow! It’s been too quiet lately. We need some FIRECRACKERS to liven things up! Happy July 4th to all who celebrate.

alicew: for some reason it amuses me that you replaced tax code books with yoga books. Both yoga & taxes send people into contortions. :wink:

momannoyed: let’s hope that college S gets his diploma sooner than esobay’s S got his graduation DVD.

We’re gearing up for our annual July 4 bash. I have 520 water balloons for S2 to fill - he has requested 1,000 but I think I’ll let him fill 520 first, then purchase the remaining 480 if he is still in the mood to fill water balloons. It’s going to be a soggy 4th even without water balloons. I made a paper mache beer mug piñata - hopefully the weather will permit an outdoor piñata instead of pinata-bashing in our garage. This year’s theme is “Oktoberfest in July.” The gang originally wanted to call it “Oktogafest,” but I think anything that combines togas & beer is just asking for trouble, so I exercised my editorial veto.

Over here in CA we have to celebrate July 4th quietly. We have no water and have outlawed firecrackers in fear of fire. My lawn is all dried up and there are a lot of dry weeds/trees in the valley below us.

Checking in. All is well here. I had the week off which was nice. We went down to San Diego to take Dog Henry to the Dog Days of Summer event at the Padres game. We had a great time, got a lot of free stuff and even got to walk the field (like the little leaguers do) prior to the game. For the 4th we will head over to a friends block party. We are in Southern California and in our city “Safe and Sane” fireworks are still legal, so tomorrow night will be like a war zone. Most of my neighbors sneak in quite a few illegal fireworks in between the legal ones.

Happy 4th of July All!

Yeah, I know I have been a total slacker and almost missed another Friday. Gotta hate when work gets in the way. I am not flying home tonight because I came home “early” yesterday. However, due to delays it actually was 3:00AM today, so I had Friday travel anyway, ergh!

It was a sad week for the W&M community as our oldest alumnus passed away @ 105 YO. She is the only person in the college’s history to attend an 80th reunion!

Also a sad week for us bass players with the passing of Chris Squire. One of the true greats! R.I.P. Onward… A really well done tribute to one of my favorite musicians.

It really has been quiet here…

LIMOMOF2 – I guess you’re busy packing to get ready to visit your D.

Esobay – I guess your DS is back from his conference by now and teaming with office gossip? :wink: Yes, it has been a year. Our kids aren’t even the most recent graduates anymore.

Artloversplus – Unlike you, we are unfit parents and failed to purchase a DVD. We took plenty of pictures at the graduation. We did spring for the yearbook that took 6+ months to get here. Enjoy your quiet 4th!

Aliceinw – Thanx for letting D2 play in your garden. She also sent pictures of Lewis Carrol’s camera with the caption, “Creepy if you think about it.” How was the reunion? Missing those tax books yet? Feel free to join us for our plan-free weekend also. :wink:

Momannoyed – No need to mumble. You’re among friends. :wink:

12rmh18 – As a resident geek, might I suggest either 512 or 1024 balloons?… just smile and nod. I hope that the weather holds out for you. It doesn’t look good for our part of VA. And I think that you used your veto wisely. “Oktogafest” seems neither safe nor sane. :wink:

Tx5 – Try not to burn down the state of CA. “Safe and Sane” is a relative term. In my neighborhood, that would typically involve some combination or sparklers and firearms. :wink:

D2 has returned to the reality of work and dealing with roommate issues, ergh! She is making the most of her 4th of July by spending it at something at the Brooklyn Bridge. I assume that it will be an intimate gather of just her and a few thousand of her closest friends. :wink:

GSharp - my condolences on the losses of such special people.

Welcome back to your D2! I hope she has fun at whatever is going on at the Brooklyn Bridge. Maybe that’s a good spot to watch the fireworks later? As for getting back to the reality of work/commuting/roommates, I’m sure she’ll deal with it all beautifully. Seriously though, is she still having roommate problems? I was hoping they’d all be resolved by now.

As for me, I won’t start packing for my visit to my D for another week at the very least. :slight_smile:

I’m in for the night as I don’t feel like going to the town fireworks this year, but I hope everyone else is having fun celebrating.

Happy 4th of July!

Spent many months at W&M, loved that school, however did not graduate from there. Sorry to hear an old friend passed away at 105, another ten years, she could become the oldest living human being.

Happy Thursday, iPeeps. I hope everyone survived the Fourth, including you, 12rmh18. Bet you got wet.

I will be heading off to Vermont for my annual yoga retreat tomorrow morning. Hope my potluck dish works out - it’s something I’ve never made before. Om. Peace be with you.

Hi alice,

Can you report back about the yoga class?

Looking forward to being home in just a few hours…

LIMOMOF2 – Don’t wait too late to pack. You have to be sure that you leave lots of spoilin’ room. I didn’t hear anything about the 4th at the Brooklyn Bridge, so it was either uneventful or too eventful. :wink: Regardless, I’m sure that it was a way to put space between D2 and her roommate… it is a mess.

12rmh18 – So, did you survive the 4th? :wink:

Aliceinw – Do your Vermont yoga retreats involve mushrooms? Don’t ask. :wink:

In post-college news, D2 is considering apply for a position with her employer in the UK (I figured that was coming) and trying to figure out how she is supposed to navigate that with her current office. In the meantime, her office is hiring and they have asked D2 to review the final candidates’ research papers.

TGIF to the iPeeps!

alicew: wishing you a weekend filled with ‘equanimity’, at your retreat. (I believe that was your word.)

LIMOM: when do you visit your D? Wishing you a safe trip!

artloversplus: I didn’t realize that you also had a W&M connection. Speaking of W&M connections: Jill Ellis, coach of US Women’s team which are the World Cup Champions, played soccer for W&M before embarking on her coaching career.

G#: yes, we survived the annual July 4th bash. The theme was Oktoberfest (motto: “Halt deine Lederhosen fest!” or “Hold onto your Lederhosen!”), complete with a sudden cloudburst, oompah music, pretzels, and of course, beer. Between the rain & 520 water balloons, my backyard is now a mud pit, which is the physical proof that a good time was had by all. The beer mug piñata was a huge hit! (pun intended). We concluded the night by helping one of S1’s friends get in touch with her inner pyromaniac by lighting off fireworks.

In post-college news, S2 is moving across town. Again. This will be his 3rd move in 12 months. We will help him move next weekend, and a 4th time in August. Apparently no moss grows on a rolling stone. S2 has promised to take me to Sunday brunch at the Jefferson Hotel for all the moving assistance. I plan to wear white gloves for the occasion.

Yes, that was 40 years ago, while at W&M, I was able to get reconnected with my childhood neighbor, he was finishing his Phd and accepted a post doc position in Columbia. We had lost connection for over 10 years.

12rmh18 - I am going to visit my D this Thursday through Sunday. I’m really looking forward to seeing her. She was home in June, but a lot of that time was spent with catching up with friends from home, and then one of her friends from work came to visit her here. Thanks for the good wishes.

Yikes on your S2’s third move within a year and a 4th in August! I think you’ve more than earned that lunch at the Jefferson Hotel!

GSharp - I don’t plan on bringing too many things for D with me since I know I’ll be taking her shopping while I’m there. So far, the only request she’s made is for me to bring a pair of silver shoes that she needs so she can get a dress altered.

I truly hope your D’s roommate situation improves! Is applying for the job in the UK part of her plan to escape the situation? :wink:

I am so grateful that D and her roommate seem to be a good match. She’s been incredibly lucky that way. Her only difficult roommate situation was when she was abroad, but since she knew it was going to be for only 2 months, she dealt with it and didn’t even tell me it was an issue until she got home.

Artlover - I’m sorry for your loss.

Alice - enjoy your retreat. I hope you find it very relaxing.

TGIF to the iPeeps!

LIMOM: wishing you safe travels & a very nice visit with your D!

artlover: that is amazing, reconnecting with your childhood neighbor!

G#: sorry to hear that your D2’s roommate situation (Medusa again?) hasn’t improved but a job in the UK sounds like fun!

We’re headed to RVA to help S2 move in part 1 of a 2-part move. Alas, brunch at the elegant Jefferson Hotel was sold out and is not possible for move #2. Dream on.

It sure seems to take a long time to get home. If the weather cooperates, the plan is to do some paddling around Jamestown / Williamsburg this weekend.

12rmh18 – Was this week backyard mud wrestling? “Lucky” you getting to do another move. Since you can’t get into the Jefferson, you can always try the GWARBar. :wink: I have never been to the Jefferson, but the D’s have… surprise, surprise. :wink: And, yes, it is the return of Medusa (with a cousin in-tow). D2 and the other roommate have already decided to find someplace else together (away from roommate #1 who really is a lethal combination of super-spoiled and OCD) when the lease is up.

LIMOMOF2 – Hopefully you are busy enjoying your D as I write this. Sorry that you have to take her shopping. Oh wait, I forgot that is a good thing for some people. :wink:

Not much word from D2 this week other than a duplicate IP address which is a dad-worthy call. :wink:

Just dropping by to hear the echo (echo . . . echo)

12rmh18 - you must be developing some strong muscles with all that moving.

My yoga retreat was wonderful, as usual. Alas, it was short. And for the past several years I have managed two each summer but this year it will only be one. And no mushrooms. So the next thing I am looking forward to is D’s visit. She will be here for a week at the beginning of August. Can’t wait to see her - it’s been way too long.

G# - sorry to hear that the roommate thing is still problematic. My D was so lucky that she did very well with roommates for her first two years out of college. This third year did not work as well, primarily because D’s standards of cleanliness seem to have exceeded those of her roommates by a noticeable margin (and I can’t imagine what kind of slobs they must be, because D is neat-ish, but hardly fastidious). So she has just moved to her first solo apartment, and apart from the cost she seems to be happy about it. My S must be getting along with his roommates since they just re-upped their lease for a second year. Hope your D manages to extricate herself quickly and cleanly.

Limomof2 - hope you had a wonderful visit with your D.

Happy Thursday evening . . . it’s almost Friday.

Checking in briefly to wish the iPeeps a happy Friday! It does feel a bit like an echo chamber here. I hope some of our old friends stop by to say hello.

Welcome back, alicew! The countdown has begun for your D’s visit. Do you have some fun things planned?

LIMOM: I hope you had a wonderful visit with your D.

G#: We actually saw the GWARbar! But there are so many wonderful innovative restaurants in RVA, and we ended up going someplace else. I’ll let you give us the GWARbar review.

The move went well, considering it was 100 degrees. We got S2 settled into his temporary 3rd apartment, where he will live for the next 3 weeks before he moves back to NoVA.

Good morning! Stopping in to say hi!

S3 turned 20 this week. That marks the end of teenagers for my DH and I. We survived!! I reminded him that he can no longer may “stupid teenager” mistakes. He has one more week of his summer sailing instructor job. This year he has 4 & 5 year olds in the morning and 8-13 year olds in the afternoon. He says the 4& 5 year olds are very tiring. Probably this will be his last year since next summer he really wants to get an internship.

D1 is really enjoying her summer vacation (the perks of being a high school teacher). I have to say I am very jealous. She goes to yoga or pilates every day has gone to 4 concerts and leaves for two weeks in Puerto Rico with friends next week.

S2 has about 5 months left of his Masters program. He likes it and I feel like he is learning a lot of practical things. Fingers crossed that he will have a job in the new year.

We will head to our annual family reunion in Lake Tahoe in August.

12rmh18, is S2 getting a new job in NoVA?
G#, RM#1 the one with the intrusive mom? I can see wanting to get out of that situation fast…

S2 had an interview for an overseas internship on Wed., but heard this am that they have moved on to other candidates. He is pretty bummed. I don’t know how to help him (or if I should) not board the roller coaster of emotions as he goes through the job hunting process. This was the first app where he has had any success and had high hopes. Fortunately he also has an appt with his counselor today, so maybe if he hears advice from someone other than me, it might get through to him. It is hard having him live here right now. He is pooh-poohing working a basic job in the hopes of getting something better, but he has student loans coming due soon and we are NOT paying for those!

Anyone have ideas on how to get temp agencies to respond? He has sent out apps to several, but everything falls into a black hole.

We are replacing all 15 year old cars with new cars, since D is returning to attend med school.