Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

Six years later, this thread is still strong…wow

Jumping in to try to keep things hoppin’ here. I have been completely remiss in keeping up.

Mathmom – I’ll start with wishing your S well and that all works out in May!

I have to add an apology for missing LIMOMOF2’s Birthday. Yeah, yours is an easy one to remember.

In the G# world…

D1’s DH is gainfully re-employed, so the stress level is back to “normal” there. It is hard to believe that it has been 3 years since the wedding!

My gig at my “new” client the month that D2 started her UG is complete. I will be starting at another new client in May. Unfortunately, it will also require travel, but reduced.

To that end, DW and I have finally decided to move to civilization so that she will no longer be stuck in the middle of nowhere with me gone and no D’s to chauffer. We close on our “new” house (it is on the Historic Register, so it isn’t very “new”) in a real neighborhood this week! It will also put me about an hour closer to an airport. DW is taking the move a little hard because the D’s basically grew up in our current house, but is looking forward to joining a community.

D2 finished her first year of Grad school. She was a little stressed out after defending her first year paper so she cut her Facetime short with DW due to “a little too much wine.” :wink: One of the professors had to be the “bad cop.” She must have done well though as she has been asked to present her paper at a conference (arrangements have been made w/o travel advise from dad). Her unofficial advisor also asked her to submit the paper for a possible award in the fall. Even if she does not get it, she was very happy that they asked. This summer, she plans to keep working at the library, possibly travel, learn to read French (apparently a lot of the source documents that she reads are written in French), and move (yet again). In the fall, she starts TA-ing… I wonder if she will be the “mean Miss #?” It is hard to judge what D2 thinks about us moving from the only house that she can really remember. Her feedback so far is, “That dining room wallpaper is hideous” and “Don’t throw away my Princess Diaries books.” She is right about the wallpaper. I like it because it really is ugly. :wink:

Using ‘downtime’ this Sunday to ‘surf around’ and followed e-mail reminders of posts here.

‘Hello’ to all the ‘originals’ still posting (and the ‘newcomers’ who joined this journey ‘en route’). The readings are so interesting - I LOVE hearing about the ‘kids’ I remember, and so proud and happy to learn of all the wonderful achievements!

If you remember, I ‘joined’ here for my grandson and I believe I was/am the only Grandmother who qualified as a ‘Helicopter Grammy’.

My DGS accepted a ‘consulting’ post after graduation from Harvard and is still at the same firm, and happy. No graduate school in his plans. He is thriving and has a ‘live in’ girlfriend.

My husband and I are still alive and kicking and have very recently moved to a ‘Continuing Care Community’ back home to Pennsylvania, near our children, after 40 years in Florida. We have 1 (of 7) grandchildren still at school. He is our youngest and has just finished his Jr. year at McGill University.

Warm regards to old friends. :-h Bubbe

@Bubbe so good to see you! I thought people move from PA TO Florida, not the other way around! I want grandchildren!!!

@GSharpM7 how exciting about the move. Bittersweet, I know, but it sounds like there are lots of upsides, too. I’m sorry to hear about your SIL’s health struggles. I hope that he has continued to mend. Naturally, your dd2 is still a rock star!

For my update … Ds1 is thriving in his career in – wait for it! – college admissions. They are talking about a promotion for him. Meanwhile, ds2 graduates this month from college with a double major. He has plans to move to Nashville but hasn’t locked down a job just yet. He has a couple of good irons in the fire so he’s not (too) worried.

It is always nice to check back here and find updates still being posted. Bubbe how nice to to hear from you and now that I am a first time grandma I see my future “helicopter Grammy” potential. Gsharp hope the move went smoothly and all are adjusting well. My DD rounds completing her 3rd Post grad year with her first published research while enjoying all the joys and challenges of mothering a 10 month old adorable daughter. Life is sweet and swift. Wishing you all a wonderful spring and summer filled with love, family and friends.

Went to a wedding past weekend. Unfortunately it’s not my D’s, it’s my niece’s, she is only a few days younger than my D.

Floating by to say hi and Happy 2018 to all. Hope all the grown "kids"are doing great and the parents too! DD heading to 4th year talks and dear granddaughter is 18 months old and getting smarter and cuter by the day. many fond memories of our shared early days here

Happy 2018 to you, coskat, and to anyone else who decides to drop by. I too have many fond memories of our travels together here. My D is still living in Minneapolis - working, playing, and happy, but no grandkids in sight. My 2014 S is living nearby, halfway through his Masters in Teaching program and aiming to be teaching high school math in the fall. No grandkids in sight on his end either. That’s okay - I will be ready if and when they are ready, and not before.

Oh My! 2018! We are still here albeit the years are going by faster and faster! Warm regards to all!
Love seeing so many of our ‘originals’ still posting - love hearing how our H.S. Class of 2010 is doing!
So many wonderful achievements!
Our DGS is still happy in his first job (after graduating Harvard) - still going strong with his ‘live’-in’- girlfriend - so all is good!
We are happily settled in our ‘life-care community’ and enjoy our (almost) ‘close by’ children - and even get to see the grandchildren every so often!
Our GREAT granddaughter is waiting for a little sister, due end of May 2018 - We are beyond blessed to see our family grow!
I have a special ‘Grammy’ brag’ and recommend a fantastic Free Downloadable App called WINNIE - It is a ‘Parenting’ App for interaction with children of all ages from pre-birth to collage - a wonderful resource for anyone interacting with their children, grandchildren etc. It has wonderful reviews. Give it a ‘look-see’ and download it to your phone - you won’t be sorry! ( Our 1st granddaughter is the Co-Founder and CEO. After graduating MIT she worked at Google, You Tube, Twitter & Postmates, and is the ‘Mommy’ of our ‘Greats’)

It’s nice to see people posting here again!

My son who has schizophrenia is doing well. He lives in an apartment building that has staff onsite 24/7. He has a roommate who also has a serious mental illness. S lives pretty independently - does his own cooking, shopping, etc. He tells me he is living a fruitful life! TBH, it is hard for his dad and me to see him not being “productive,” since we expected him to be a doctor one day, but we know his full-time job is to stay stable.

My 2013 son, the one diagnosed with bipolar disorder as a teenager, is doing great. He’s living in Beirut, Lebanon. He attends the American University of Beirut. Several days a week, he rides his motorcycle to the Syrian refugee camp and volunteers. His goal is to live in the Middle East long-term as a volunteer worker. He speaks to church and other groups to raise support. He no longer takes any meds! We consider him to be a miracle, literally.

My 2016 daughter was diagnosed with anxiety, probably as a result of the chaos involved with her two ill brothers. She is a sophomore at Susquehanna University and also doing really well. She’s majoring in photography and will be studying in Italy next fall. She goes to counseling every week. Her doctor and therapist here in Maine tell me she is very self-aware and will be OK. :slight_smile:

So we have an empty nest now and love it, ha. Work has picked up. We’re going on a cruise next week. In June, we will visit our son in Beirut and then go on a safari (my fifth) with my parents in South Africa.

That’s our life in a nutshell! I hope others will post updates.

Hi @MaineLonghorn - So very happy to hear the news Re:Your ‘boys’ - I remember the chaotic journey of freshman

  • years - You have earned your ‘empty nest’ - Enjoy your cruise and Safari
    We have wonderful memories of journeys throughout Africa (East, South, West and North (in that order) We especially have good memories of our adventure on the Blue Train (Pretoria to Capetown) - and a wonderful stay and Safari at Londolozi! We also survived a stay at the Hydro Spa at Stellenbosch - (formerly the Hy Rustenburg Spa).

@Bubbe, cool that you’ve been to Africa so much! The Blue Train sounds interesting. I will look into it. Stellenbosch is beautiful. My parents are teetotalers, though - it about killed me when we passed by all the vineyards!

Cape Town is going through its worst drought in many years. They are expecting to RUN OUT OF WATER in April! They are asking each resident to use only 23 gallons of water a day. The average American uses 100 gallons a day. We’re supposed to go there after the safari. Their rainy season starts in May, so they’re hoping for some relief. The government dropped the ball by not building desalinization projects. :frowning:

Hi all again, after all these years! It’s rather wild to think that some of you are already in the joys of spoiling grandchildren. Our kids are far, far, far from that stage.

A super quick update: my 2014 son got into several med schools, but decided to consider other careers. Ugh! Meanwhile, he is totally enjoying life. I think he was talked out of the prospect of becoming a doctor after shadowing so many doctors, each one telling him not to go there. I must admit, the whole medical field is changing so much that it’s not really sending a great message. My own doctor switched physician groups so often and finally decided to become a hospital-internist and skip private practice altogether.

Aside from that, life is grand. My DH and I are newly retired. How can that be? I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up.

My 2014 is now an ensign in the Navy. He’s in intel so he can’t tell us what he’s up to, but he’s stateside for the next few years for which we are very grateful. He’s still with the same girlfriend he met in Jordan. She’s in a PhD program at Columbia and we like her very much.

My D, unlike @limabeans ‘s, jumped in to medschool with two feet and she is in the middle of rotation, third year. I guess that is why she has separated with her bf of four years. But we really don’t know.

Hi all! My 2014 S worked several years for a non-profit after college, and is currently in a Masters program at Oxford. He is living the life - traveling all over Europe on his school breaks, making the most of his experience. Other kids are doing well, too. D is working, S2 is a sophomore studying CS. We are missing out on the empty nest, as my mom lives with us, and last June began requiring full-time caregiving (my new job).

Happy to hear all the updates!

My 2014 S is engaged and working/Living in San Diego. He got his masters in sports management in 2016, and has been working in that field, but starts a new job at a brokerage firm in two weeks. He decided he wanted “normal” hours and more room for advancement. He gets married in August. My 2012 D lives close by and is a high school math teacher. My 2017 son is working/Living in San Francisco. Having all three of them in one place is a rare occasion.

DH and I celebrated the end of tuition payments with a house remodel. My current job (of 25+ years) is ending in about 2 years. At that time I will retire (I work for the state of California and have a pension) and maybe look for something part-time.

Hi all - Neat to read all of these great updates…

My 2010 DD graduated two years ago and then enrolled in a Master of Psychology with an intent to become a therapist (LMFT). She should graduate in May.

My 2008 son who also had a cameo appearance or two in this thread is now an investment banker in Charlotte. Doing well and is engaged to be married this July.

I retired from the Tech industry last August - nearly 3.2 Million miles of flying was enough. I took the rest of the last year off and am now working on my next career - one that won’t have me on airplanes quite so often.

S2 graduated in 2015. Has been working at various jobs, not really career-related. Has gotten certification in TESOL and is planning to head to Eastern Europe soon to teach and do volunteer work with military vets. Has been living at home to save $$. He’s hoping this overseas experience will improve his language skills and launch him into his intended field. He was a bone marrow donor a few months ago and is a sweet, compassionate guy.

I admit that I am way behind in checking out the great beyond. But, we had what I think is a CC-worthy weekend, so I stopped by to get caught up.

Bubbe – great to hear from you. D2 will be doing research at your DGS’s alma mater this summer. I’m glad to hear that you are settling into your new community… we are trying to do the same, see below.

YDS – What?!? Your DS1 went over to the dark side?!? College Admissions!?!

Coskat – much belated Congratulations! To your DD as her DD heads toward the Terrible Twos.

Aliceinw – We’re right there with you on the “will be ready if and when they are” approach. Of course, my D’s were raised by wolves, so that day may never come (much to DW’s chagrin).

MaineLonghorn – It is always good to hear from you too. TBH, you, your life, and your family are inspirational.

Lima – Go figure on the medical school thing, huh? It’s almost as if we raised our kids to have minds of their own. What were we thinking? :wink:

Mathmom – Congratulations to MathEnsign! I hope that being stateside means that you will get to see him.

Psychmomma – I bet your S is enjoying Oxford. I think that D2 would like to end up there some day.

Tx5 – That could be a first… going to a brokerage firm to work “normal” hours. I guess it depends on one’s definition of normal. :wink:

Sculum – I hear you on the travel! If all goes well, I will start local IT consulting in the next month or so. I will not miss airports, rental cars, or hotels one bit!

CD – We all look forward to an update on your frugal, yet compassionate S.

It is hard to believe that DW and I have been living in our new, old house for 6+ months. We closed in April 2017, but spent 6 months renovating before we starting bringing in furniture. Yes, our Master bedroom has been painted 3 times in the last year! It looked fine to me the first time. :wink: The ugly wallpaper (of which there was no dearth) is gone. No more hunting dogs carrying dead pheasants in their mouths around the bathroom. That looked fine to me too. :wink: DW still misses the house where the D’s grew up. We sold it and I admit that it got to me when DW sent me a picture with the caption, “One last picture before I close the door for the last time.” We are settling into our next chapter and I think that we are adapting well. But this is our “Beyond” I suppose. We are empty-nest-ish as my mother lives only about 15 minutes away, so she can visit regularly. I have been fighting some health issues this year, but received a clean bill of health last week, so I am thankful for that! Also, I may stop the traveling and start doing local consulting soon, so I hope that DW Is ready for 5/7ths more husband. Her response was something like, “OMG, now I’ll have to go to the grocery store.” :wink:

D1 and her DH are still living in Richmond, so we see them semi-regularly which is a plus for us anyway.

The CC-worthy part of this post is that we just returned from visiting D2 who now gets to put the letters “M.A.” behind her name. No cap & gown or graduation ceremony. Just a diploma and encouragement to stay the course until she gets through the next 3-4 years of PhD work. She did give a presentation at a conference this month for, as she describes it, “respected people who actually know what they are doing and me.” She TA’d this past fall semester which she loved teaching her “kids” (and loved that they brought her a cake at the end of the semester), but did not go well with the professor who essentially gave her no guidance. She spent Christmas Eve grading final exams on the train home. The Department Chair took pity on her situation and assigned her to be a research assistant for the spring semester, but she missed teaching.