Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

:-h =D>

After 8 years, DD moved back! This is her last year in med school. She came back to study for the second leg of license tests. After that she will be go out of state for medical rotations.

Its a strange feeling, suddenly we have so much more “stuff” in the kitchen, closet and garage.

Enjoy having your D at home, @artloversplus!

S came to visit for the day. He mentioned that another firm in his area has an opening for a web designer We brainstormed for ways he could find info on this job before he decides to apply (and his current office finds out.) He is also moving into his first apartment without a roommate next month. Good timing because DH and I are going through our house getting rid of stuff.

Hey everyone!! It’s been forever since I’ve posted here. It’s been fun to read back a few pages. I can’t believe I’m writing this, but… I just joined the HS Class of 2022 thread! Bwahahaha. Baby girl is going into ninth grade!!

So it’s been a while since I posted in this thread…

GSharp - Nice to hear from you - I do hope that you’ve also gotten off the plane into a more normal life!!! Congrats on the new home and the newly minted MA.

Artslover+ - It must be fun having her home again - even for a short time…

Lilmom - it’s fun to watch them in the early portions of their careers … and help them through the twists and turns.

As for you Sewemma - I’m looking forward to hearing about someone going through it all again - pulling up a chair and popping the popcorn!!

Lots has been going on for us - so an update in probably in order:

DW and I bought a new to us home in April near San Luis Obispo. We had to wait for the seller to move out which was a challenge given she was a borderline hoarder - but 4 30 foot trucks later, she was out and we were able to start remodeling. We got going June 19th. We are going back to basically sheetrock and starting from there. A few studs here and there get exposed too!!! Contractor has been going great guns - demo is essentially complete (ahead of schedule thanks to an extra crew having some spare time). We hope to be in the house in Late September early October.

DD (HS 2010) did graduate in May with her MA in Marriage and Family Therpay - and has decided to go on for a PhD with an eye towards becoming a professor someday. She starts at Virginia Tech this fall.

DS (HS 2008) who has made a few guest appearances in this thread got married this Saturday to a very sweet woman who is in Nursing school. She will make a wonderful addition to the family. They are making their home in Charlotte where he works in Investment Banking and she goes to school.

I have a daughter, HS class of 14, who graduated college in June, Sociology, and is finally full time employed with benefits :slight_smile: She is planning grad school in a year or two.
@swemma I also joined HS class of 22 with my youngest daughter. Starting all over, just like you!

Reporting that DS1 (HS’10) got married 3 weeks ago. They met on a UCLA travel study to Greece the summer between junior and senior year. He graduated with a degree in History, got a masters in Sports Management and is now working in finance.

Adding to the good news - DGS(HS’10) is engaged! We welcome his lovely fiance to the family! No wedding plans yet (he is in his original job direct from Harvard graduation and is happy there.) So blessed to see the family grow!

Hi All! So good to pop in and see all the updates, warms my heart to hear of how all ours families are doing thru the years. It amazes me how an online community can be so enduring and comforting. All is well here as summer draws to a close. Wishing all a wonderful Labor Day weekend and cool Fall.

Just had to stop by and see how all the old gang is doing.

Just got back from seeing DS in NYC this Labor Day weekend. He’s working full time in Jersey City, with a view of all of Manhattan from his office’s 31st floor. Additionally, through his college friend connections, he took DW and me (plus his GF) backstage after seeing the Saturday matinee of “The Book of Morman”, where we met many of the cast. Amazing to me that DS has these connections and is leveraging them.

Hope all is well with everyone!

wow, i can’t believe this forum is still “active”. Hi everybody

@Munequita, hi!

My son, who has schizophrenia, is good at the moment, although he was hospitalized for ten weeks (from December 7 until February 14) due to catatonia. He’s back in his apartment and working again, so we’re happy. I have joined the Board of Directors of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Maine and am teaching classes to help people who have loved ones with mental illness.

Its been 9 long years, if you add the preceding thread, it might be 10 years. D finally graduating from med school, she did not get matched in the programs she liked, but she will be a doctor. Starting her residency in June.

@artloversplus sorry she didn’t match with what she wanted. What is she doing for a residency? Our son just became a Lieutenant Junior Grade. I think that means he gets half a stripe more on his sleeve. His girl friend is semi-back from a year overseas doing dissertation research. We like her very much and had the pleasure of getting to know her parents when we were in Hong Kong last fall.

The field of OB/GYN is very competitive these days. D had many interviews, she was trying to get into one of the residency programs in CA, which is closer to home. However, she ended up on East Coast. Its all good, she is going to be a doctor.

Congrats to her!

Thanks @mathmom
Good luck to your son, hoping marriage is in the winds?

We’d be thrilled if they got married, but I suspect they are going to keep us hanging a bit longer. I was 28 when I got married (and had known my husband even longer), so they aren’t behind schedule yet!

@MaineLonghorn hope your son continues to do well and kudos to your for taking action to help those dealing with the challenges of mental health issues
@artloversplus congrats to your DD MD health care is tough these days and we need more people like your DD
@mathmom yay for love where ever it leads
and hi to all who still check in such good memories and nice to see where life continues to lead our dear adult kids.
As for me My DD HS 2010 successfully defended at the end of Aug for her Doctorate in Chemical Engineering. She is due in a week with our 2nd grandchild (a boy) so much joy and happiness here. The years sure do fly. Best to all.

Hello all,
I hope everyone here is doing well in this Epidemic.
Well, as reported earlier, D is in her first year of residency, but I did not report where. Actually, she is in the epic center of this Covid-19 disaster-Brooklyn NY. For several weeks, the “Body Containers” were parked right at the entrance of her hospital and it was featured in the news every day. So, what did we do? My wife started a campaign to have religious groups to donate masks and protective gear to the hospital. WE did not do much, but every little thing helps.