Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>^^[XL</a> twin mattress covers](<a href=“]XL”>^^</p>

<p>Target had memory foam (1.5") mattress toppers for less than $40. They are not XL pero DD’s feet are not goint to reach that far. We found a mattress protector at BB&B.</p>

<p>archie- that mattress cover looks good, a nice combo between a cover and a pad. Now that I think of it, we do have hypoallergenic covers on all our beds at home, mostly for H and D2 who have dust mite allergies. This pad might be a good solution. </p>

<p>Also intrigued by the carpet square solution. A friend has those in her basement and I remember he telling me you can wash them if they get wet. Need to research how firmly you can keep them in place if not doing wall to wall. Maybe on my day off today I will saunter up to BBB and have a look around, there is a carpet store in the same plaza. and a Target! I think I will go up there later after paying some bills and some other small chores.</p>

<p>I found a really nice twin xl mattress pad at Home Goods for $19. I also picked up a comforter from Target, but the one I grabbed would feel like straw against your skin. Of course I lost the receipt.</p>

<p>I think i’m forgoing the mattress pad. I like my bed rather firm, and the beds at Smith didn’t seem too bad. I guess I’ll wait and see, if I need one, I’ll buy one up there</p>

<p>I bought the dorm in a bag from BB&B for my daughter. It even comes with 3 wall dots and a dry erase marker. </p>

<p>I know I purchased a Twin XL mattress cover at Target last year, maybe they’re just not out yet.</p>

<p>Does anyone know the best size Brita pitcher for a dorm fridge?</p>

<p>I bought S a hand vacuum that was on sale at Target. For all I know, it may be one of the items that will come back unopened!</p>

<p>r6l: I ordered my last memory foam mattress pad through It was a thick one and shipping was inexpensive. So, when you get to your dorm, you can always decide then.</p>

<p>[FLOR</a> Carpet Tiles](<a href=“]FLOR”> are pricey, but come in some great colors and patterns. I have used them on commercial installations and my father carpeted his computer room with them; they wear well and are pretty easy to install (peel-and-stick). They advertise as being able to be removed and cleaned, but I have not personally seen it done. There are “rug kits” on the [FLOR</a> web site](<a href=“]FLOR”> for packaged ideas. Available at Lowes and probably other retailers.</p>

<p>r6l, not having a mattress pad may not be necessary for softness, but most dorm mattresses are encased in plastic, and having only a thin sheet between you and the plastic can be quite uncomfortable. Having even a non-fancy mattress pad will make it feel much better!</p>

<p>Also, before anyone buys lots of extension cords, etc., be aware that some schools (like UDel) don’t allow them, most schools don’t allow halogen lamps, and many don’t allow you to put sticky hooks on the walls. Check the school’s housing website first…</p>

<p>Our school uses Residence Hall Carpets:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>They will deliver to your dorm if your school is listed. It looks like the list is limited but it’s worth a try. Our dorm takes the 6 x 9, which is $64. I haven’t seen anything this cheap in the stores so far, so I’m thinking it’s worth it.</p>



<p>Booklady is absolutely correct, but my favorite Residence Hall rule is still UVA’s pets rule. If you bring a fish be sure that it is not too big or venomous… keep that Lionfish at home :)</p>



<p>[First</a> Year Housing: Frequently Asked Questions, Housing Division, U.Va.](<a href=“]First”></p>

<p>Ironically enough, a Wahoo is probably too big to bring to UVA.</p>

<p>r6l - having slept in a bed at Smith myself (summer program), I can say that the one I was in was okay, but not great. There was no plastic on it, though. I don’t remember it being particularly uncomfortable, so I would definitely wait and see if you’re not sure about a mattress pad. I’m guessing both you and t_c went for doubles, though, so you’ll live in different dorms - we lived in King/Scales for the summer (all singles). </p>

<p>Gsharp - I love the small, non-lethal fish thing! CMU said fish in an aquarium were allowed, I think. Though, one interesting thing on the “do not bring” list was hot tubs/swimming pools. Darn… </p>

<p>I’ve heard the mattresses at CMU actually aren’t that bad. I was pretty set on buying a mattress topper, so I may go through with it…we’ll see. I really would like to wait on getting a rug until after I see my room, though.</p>



<p>I’m certain that’s the same bag of stuff son got. I remember he commented on the wall dots. :stuck_out_tongue: Here’s hoping the quality is OK.</p>

<p>The residence hall carpet concept is great, but sadly they don’t have any options for Wisconsin. I wonder what ever became of all those cheap multi colored striped rugs that were all the rage in the 70’s?</p>

<p>Archimom, I thought I had seen some carpet tiles that were NOT sticky on the back. Of course I cannot find them now.</p>

<p>jackief wrote


<p>My S put BJ as second or third choice and Max P as first. However, since he put in his choices rather late, I have no clue as to where he’ll end up. He’s leaning towards an economics major, but very undecided.</p>

<p>Gotta check the mychicago web area, since I don’t think I’ve checked it at all. I will ask S right away. Yikes, something else to do. (Lately I’ve become as disorganized as my S is.)</p>

<p>I’m knitting up an afghan for DD! Makes me feel productive, since we haven’t tackled BTS shopping!</p>

<p>Well, for all of you fortunate enough to have chosen a major public U (or USC or ND), Home Depot also has [carpet</a> tiles in collegiate colors/patterns](<a href=“]carpet”> Yikes!</p>

<p>Hey, everyone! Back from our four-day trip. Rangers won the night we were there, and a good time was had by all. Now, to catch up on the 20 pages I missed … back in a bit!</p>

<p>Welcome back, YDS! I’m glad your trip was a success!</p>