Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>We stopped in WalMart quickly today and they had small rugs for $19. 40" x 60" [</a> For the Home: College Home: College Rugs](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>Hey everyone,
Happy belated fourth.
Hope all the ccs had an enjoyable and relaxing week-end.</p>

<p>Sorry to hear about Charlie…our Dog is 14 and we enjoy every moment spent with her. </p>

<p>S1 received his housing, he got a double, and his roommate is from Singapore.
I started suggesting shopping but nothing thus far.</p>

<p>S2 is away to a college recruiting camp…It is over 100 degrees (Talked to him and said jump in the shower and cool your body temperature every time you have a break.)</p>

<p>It has been a strange nothing week-end, and I sure enjoyed every moment of it…</p>

<p>Is NY reunion still happening ? who do I PM?</p>

<p>Just saw Toy Story 3 with the family. OMG talk about the movie NOT to see right before sending your son off to college! Good thing it was dark in the theater - :)</p>

<p>lilmom-thanks for the overstock tip
Booklady-I think waiting to see will be a good idea. Worse comes to worse, I’ll head over to a local target after the first night if it’s rough
CDancer-yeah, I went for a double! I can’t imagine living in a single, too lonely</p>

<p>Evening all! Hope all had a good end to the Holiday weekend.</p>

<p>I’ve enjoyed reading about all the dorm suggestions. Our trip to the mall turned into a marathon trip to NYC instead! The BTS (thanks for the acronym mimimomx3!) has officially begun! Overall, quite enjoyable. :)</p>

<p>BT: Hope you had a productive and enjoyable trip to the Mall. :)</p>

<p>YDS: Welcome back! So nice that your Rangers won in your honor when you attended the game. :wink: Hope it was memory-filled for you, your S and your Dad.</p>

<p>2education: the NYC reunion is still on for August 7th. I’m the one to send a pm. Hope you can make it…And hoping for others if you can be there! Just let me know and we’ll plan further once we have a final count. :)</p>

<p>We’re expected a heat wave with high humidity in the NY area over the next week. Hoping to stay :cool:</p>

<p>There’s a difference, I think, between a mattress topper and mattress pad. I can see forgoing a mattress topper for comfort, etc., but for cleanliness (and as someone wrote, because of the plastic covering that encases many college mattresses), unless the dorm comes with a mattress pad, I would never, ever forgo the pad. We have mattress pads on all of our mattresses at home, and we are the only ones who sleep on our mattresses. The thought of not having one on a mattress that’s been used by God knows how many students before with just a thin sheet over it, well, yuck.</p>

<p>I agee UCLA77. That logic even makes the mattress topper sound like a must, just to get a little more distance from the top of that preowned mattress.</p>

<p>yds, glad your trip was fun and that the Rangers won.</p>

<p>kindredspirit, sounds like you had a nice trip to NYC!</p>

<p>I’m the mother of a son heading to UVA this fall; he intends to major in computer science. I also have a daughter who is a rising high school sophomore.</p>

<p>Hi Jingle. Welcome!</p>

<p>For the bed, I’m going with what I put together for my older kiddos: mattress, egg crate, mattress pad, fitted sheet, cover sheet, comforter. (My sophomore son wants me to get him a hammock.) I also purchased this mattress protector to put over the mattress which eliminates problems if you have allergies or other sensitivities. But I discovered them still in their original packaging, so I’m foregoing that extra step. Now that onto my youngest kid going off to college, I’m finally learning where to go overboard, and where not.</p>

<p>But what does BTS mean? I tried to find the acronym, but no luck.</p>

<p>Kindred: I’m going to try to join the fun!</p>

<p>And finally, let me add that I haven’t done a lick of shopping. I think everyone here must have girls, since my DS wouldn’t never think to bring a rug. But thanks for the links. Did you have these items sent to the school, or are you bringing everything?</p>

<p>What else has everyone done about school’s start? My son hasn’t gone to orientation, nor has he registered for classes. He also has to take placement tests and send a photo for his ID. He hasn’t even called his new roommates. Is he terribly late on everything, or is everyone just getting started too? (He only graduated last week!)</p>

<p>Welcome Jingle, my D will be at UVA this fall and I too have a '13 D (join us on the 2013/2017 thread :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>Limabeans - we’re really only starting the 2nd week of summer here too - D only graduated just over a week ago too! She has had orientation and has her school ID/classes/roommate assignment but that’s just how timing worked out for UVA. She’s only just contacting suite-mates though so we’re still early in that and shopping!</p>

<p>Just got back into town after a weekend visiting family in the Boston area. We didn’t see the famous fireworks there but definitely got the right vibes for the 4th just from being in the area!</p>

<p>I need to introduce myself to newbies on this thread–S will be a computer science major at UC (that’s University of Cincinnati) this fall. Five year (co-op) program so we’re in the “beyond” category for sure. And he’s my last one of 4 so we’re also in the empty nest category. Sometimes I feel really old!</p>

<p>Other times I play with my baby grandson and feel like a new mother all over again. I can at least still remember those days!</p>

<p>And shopping for college? I’m pretty sure we still have the x-tra long sheets from a previous child, so the kid is all set. :wink: Still need to find out about the roommate, though.</p>

<p>And his/our orientation is this Wednesday/Thursday, so that’s pretty exciting.</p>

<p>Thanks BUandBC! :)</p>

<p>jingle: Welcome and Best to your S at UVA! Glad you’ve joined us as we move along…</p>

<p>limabeans: I think BTS means Back to School (shopping). When I first read mimimox3’s post, I thought she was referring to our wonderful BT! (who may still be shopping!)</p>

<p>How great if you can join the NYC reunion!</p>

<p>Re: getting started with college stuff…I think it varies also depending on the school and what is expected over the summer. My D has her housing and roommate and still has to officially register for classes. She does not have orientation until the week before classes start. And we’ve just started shopping…I’m sure your S will do what he needs to at his pace and it will be fine. :)</p>

<p>Off to watch the Yankee game! Wishing all a great night.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>ETA: Welcome back mommusic! Hope you had a nice time in Boston! Enjoy orientation…That is exciting! :)</p>

<p>BUandBC82 – The quilt sounds really nice… Speaking from experience, I’m not sure that you really want it in a dorm with a bunch of guys.</p>

<p>Acm – We almost went to Williamsburg for the fireworks last night, but thought better of it since D2 had to be at work by 5:00AM today. It can take forever to get out of Williamsburg after the fireworks.</p>

<p>Limabeans – BTS = Back-To-School. D2’s school has orientation the first week of school (9/11 week) which includes signing up for classes, so not much happening here either. She has submitted a preliminary schedule for the Advisor to review, but is subject to change (esp. pending the outcome of placement tests). No roommates, housing, etc. until August I believe. I bet we get the bill in a timely manner though. :)</p>


It’s things like this that would make me want to put a fish in a swimming pool, bring it, and say it was an aquarium just to see what happens. Test the and / or logic in the housing rules just for fun. :)</p>

<p>Other than a laptop, not much shopping here. D2 is more interested in figuring out how she can take every class in the catalog. We have a fair amount of “stuff” left over from when D1 was an UG. I do remember throwing out the rug as it was a health hazard. </p>

<p>In addition to cecil’s “NEVER” list, here is the thread of never used stuff to which I was referring.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>mpabon – S2 needs pretty much every inch of that XL Twin, so he’d notice if things were too short! Have not found much in-store at Target, JCP, BBB, etc. yet. I am impatient. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic - DS is going to Northeastern/engineering in five year (co-op) program. It could be a semester less if he gets enough IB credits (I hear IB scores will be online 7/6. Really hoping son has the id/password info he needs to view them!). So we’re in the “beyond” category too. I’ve looked on it as a good thing, except that he’ll likely be home only one summer (which happens I guesss for a lot of kids in 4 year programs too</p>

<p>Hi Everyone: Haven’t had time to read in a couple of days but have now caught up! very sorry to hear about all the dog troubles,have two yellow labs and have many sleepless nights due to health problems with them and I pray every night to keep them healthy for a while.One is 9 and my Mama’s girl is 10. Don’t leave them often. DD dog sat so husband and I could go to a Yankee game on Saturday (all day trip) DD will go to NYU on Wednesday for orientation. Thankfully the dorm they put them in is air conditioned! Have bought a few things for bed but can’t find comforter that she likes.Does like black and pink one from PB but is not X/L does this matter with the comforter or just the sheets?.Hopefully she will have an idea what she can fit in room after this. Don’t know when dorm assignment happens .and no roommate assignment until after every one orients. She will meet some girls this week that she has met on Facebook so maybe two will click for a room. Is anyone else worried about bed bugs?</p>

<p>Would a mattress bag protect from bed bugs/dust mites? S has allergies and will need something like that. At home, he has the memory foam mattress topper so I’m sure he’ll want that for dorm room. He specifically told me that he doesn’t want anything to match - that will drive me crazy because I’m the queen of matching.</p>

<p>My dear husband and I practiced being empty nesters last night by making guacamole and going to the fireworks together. Not one person complained about how far away we had to park…</p>

<p>FindAPlace - You lucky woman! That Golden Ticket will make all your shopping easier.</p>

<p>BUandBC82 - That quilt sounds amazing. I’m sure your son will love it! </p>

<p>Welcome to colorado_mom and jingle. We’re glad to have you join us.</p>

<p>LOL re: all the reading and studying your daughters and sons are doing. Our son is studying fantasy baseball line-ups, directions to places to meet friends, and menus. :eek:</p>

<p>jackief - Your trip, although short, sounds like it was fun. Welcome back. We watched the Boston fireworks on TV before heading out for the live ones. Beautiful! The music was great too! </p>

<p>austinmtmom - Hoping the Caberet rehearsals are going well!</p>

<p>Youdon’tsay - Yes! I am so glad you had a good trip and saw your Rangers win.</p>

<p>Welcome back, mommusic! Glad you had a good time in Boston. Enjoy orientation. </p>

<p>kindredspirit - Whew! You and your daughter are shoppers! I’m glad you are spending some fun time together this summer. :)</p>


LOL, that sounds like a good plan. </p>

<p>Re: the rugs - When our daughter was a sophomore (?) she ordered one online and had it delivered to campus. I think it was from WalMart or Target. Our son won’t need a rug… he’ll have clothes there. :(</p>


LOL! I am too old for these long shopping excursions! </p>

<p>Thanks for all the nice wishes, everyone. I am loving having our daughter back! We did some shopping today (seriously about six hours of shopping!) for her new house and some new clothes. Our son was the lucky recipient of several new items of clothing AND some twin extra-long sheets. He isn’t thrilled with the color (khaki-ish) but I didn’t see him on the shopping trip, so these beautiful 100% cotton 300 thread count sheets are now his dorm sheets. :slight_smile: He is welcome to exchange them… </p>

<p>Hoping you are all staying :cool:!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>My D is attending UNC at Chapel Hill and plans to major in Biology. We are cross checking our lists of things to take to college. So far between PBTeen and Bed Bath and Beyond we have got many needed items.</p>