Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>It’s only 90 at Hilton Head.</p>

<p>DB, We were in Baltimore at the beginning of June for the Red Sox games. Fun city. We had a blast.</p>

<p> pegs us at a balmy 95. and 90 on the cape, which is unusually hot, beach must be crowded!</p>


My son is a rabid Red Sox fan and went to Baltimore for the games last year. Couldn’t do it this year because he wasn’t out of school yet. I didn’t go with him and hubby, but they said it was an amazing time and that Camden Yards is the place to be.</p>

<p>Camden Yards is a great ballpark. This is the second year that we went. My brother and sister come down from CT to meet us. We are pretty rabid also. I have a Red Sox sticker on my car down here in NC, right above my tarheel magnet.</p>

<p>Camden is one of my favorite stadiums - I still love it more than the pretty new one the Nationals have. My D2 is at an amusement park today - I don’t think water rides will help! D1 had taken to running after 8PM which is still way too hot but she won’t quit. Fortunately S3 has late evening baseball practice but this week will just be awful! My DH has to be extra careful too since these temps make him more prone to MS flare-ups. I’m not looking forward to fall given it means D leaving but cooler temps will be nice!</p>

<p>YDS - I am so bummed for you! I know it will work out though! We live within driving distance, about 2 hours, but I’m still not quite sure how to plan for it. We could drive her down and come back the same day but I’m not sure yet if my other 2 will have any school sport conflicts or if everyone will come with me to move-in. I also don’t know if we should drive down the night before to be more relaxed or drive straight down. I prefer not to think about it. I did though make reservations for parent’s weekend.</p>

<p>Oh, yeah. Everybody loves Camden Yards…especially Yankees and Red Sox fans. The way the O’s are playing this century, we locals are always outnumbered when NYY and BOS come to town. :p</p>

<p>DB: Sorry about your DH and S having to be working outside in this heat! It’s only 98 degrees here, though the “real feel” says it’s more like 106! I’ve chosen to curtail errands and stay in permanent a/c.</p>

<p>And I have always wanted to go to Camden Yards. It’s beautiful and apparently much easier to get tickets there to see the Yankees when they are playing there. (I know the Yankee fans here will speak up eventually :wink: ). And re: your O’s…their time will come again. I’ve always loved Cal Ripken, Jr. and you’ve got The Ace of Cakes! :)</p>

<p>Stay :cool: all.</p>

<p>@ Kajon – I actually started the process a year before my son went off to college, which helped, but had to re-do the process last September, when I left my husband alone for 2 weeks while I ran off to France. Yep, husband was the last to learn. Better late than never.</p>

<p>For both, I went to the computer and wrote a one page instruction sheet in big bold letters and underlined portions of major importance, such as cleaning the lint trap after each use, and checking the lint trap PRIOR to each use, because you can be sure the last ratty kid who used the dryer didn’t bother to clean it. That piece of paper was taped right in front of the machines on the cabinet door above it. Try and make it as unwordy as possible, and numbered, so it’s easy to read, i.e.

  1. Open washer and place clothes inside. Do NOT stuff or overcrowd.
  2. Make sure clothes are BALANCED in the washer tub to allow it to spin properly.
  3. Knobs on Machine:
    a. Turn dial to load size (small, medium or large)
    B. Turn dial to cool water setting
  4. Add capful of detergent directly on the clothes (and NOT in the middle where you add fabric softener).
  5. Turn on machine
  6. Come back in 20 - 30 minutes. All laundry cycles are completed in 20 - 30 minutes.</p>

<p>You get the idea. I let them both know about the timing of the washing and drying cycles, and how to use the machine, thinking of the most common mistakes, like putting detergent in the wrong place.</p>

<p>Because washers and dryers all have different settings, etc., and at college there’s a place to pay or swipe the student card to get the machines working, I made the extra effort during orientation and drop off to go around the dorm building, and actually into the laundry room to see where everything was located and how to work it. (Even a few pics of the laundry room in case you forget helps). So when son called to find out where he was supposed to swipe his card, I was able to tell him to look at the wall opposite the washing machines and it was there, and hung on the phone with him until the machine started working.</p>

<p>He’s now absolutely brilliant at washing, drying, folding and putting away. In fact, if this college thing doesn’t work out, I’m sure there will be a place for him at the local fluff and fold.</p>

<p>It is 100 degrees outside in Maryland. Why in the world is it 100 degrees outside?</p>

<p>scualum and ILoveLA - yes, it’s in the 60’s and drizzly and I’m so happy for my garden! But I also remember that our summer heat comes late in the summer when things start to cool down and leaves turn color in other parts of the country. How I’d love to experience fall over there!</p>

<p>It’s triple digits here, too. I am usually not bothered by the heat, but on walking outside today I felt immediately nauseous. On hot, humid days I swear the pollution just hangs in the air and gets in your mouth and on your clothes.</p>

<p>JC40: Glad things are working out for your daughter. I went to UVA back in the mid 80’s and I lived in the “new” dorms. At least back then, the suite style dorms were plenty social. I still get the daily e-mail from UVA and was sad to see that my old dorm, Balz (yep, lots of comments there and a great dorm t-shirt) was torn down recently. UVA is doing a lot of construction regarding the dorms. </p>

<p>Different school, but my daughter was also initially disappointed with her dorm assignment. But after the dust settled, she has realized that it will all be fine in the end.</p>

<p>another mattress memory foam question. How many people have used the regular twin size ones on an XL twin mattress? D1 is only 5’5", so won’t need the extra length of the XL twin. But wanted to make sure the bed wouldn’t look odd or that the sheets wouldn’t stay put.</p>

<p>kindredspirit are you really a Yankees fan? I work with a few and we appear able to coexist as long as bantering is allowed. </p>

<p>DB, I was born in Maryland. We moved to CT when I was 4. My dad became a huge O’s fan and raised us as fans. Boston was always our second favorite team. When I first went to school in Boston I actually sat in the bleachers of Fenway Park in my Baltimore cap when the O’s were in town. I was constantly harassed. I wore my Sox hat to all other games. After 10 years living in Boston I finally switched them to #1 and Baltimore to #2. I’m still conflicted when they play each other. I always route for them unless they’re playing Boston.</p>

<p>somewhereinga: Regardless of your D’s height, if you know that her dorm bed will be Twin XL, I’d suggest getting the Twin XL sheet and mattress topper in that size as well. I’ve never tried a twin on a twin XL bed, though just know that the BB&B “experts” said that was the way to go. Also, just in case there is any shrinkage in laundering the sheets (hopefully not), you’ve got more leeway with the XL bedding.</p>

<p>BUandBC82: I am a LIFELONG Yankees fan…all the way back to childhood and from a long line of Yankee fans. :). In NYC, I have worked with only one Red Sox fan and we easily co-exist with LOTS of bantering. :wink: I think several of us have done that on this thread as well. :)…Getting along with some NY Mets fans has not always been as easy!</p>

<p>I’m a lifelong Yankee fan. My husband, God knows why, is an Orioles fan, my D1 is a Mets fan, Precious Baby King loves the Red Sox and D2 sneers at all of us.</p>

<p>42 minutes till IB scores come out. Just in case you were wondering.</p>

<p>zooser: Sending good vibes to your D! I’m sure she’ll do great and not be sneering. ;)</p>

<p>Stay :cool:</p>

<p>Okay I hear the LIFELONG part putting me in my place. But I was in college a LONG time ago, so I have had Boston as my #1 for more than 30 years. I went through the bad years as well as the good.</p>

<p>zoosermom, it must be fun to watch baseball in your house.</p>


Oh it is. My son is a total student of the Red Sox. He speaks slowly to me. “Mom, that is Kevin Youkilis. He is the bald guy who was on your cooking show so you can cheer for him now.”</p>

<p>That’s funny zoosermom.</p>

<p>After reading this thread it’s apparent that the parents of girls are way far ahead of the parents of boys on the BTS. I’ll be lucky if I get my son out shopping anytime before the week before school starts.</p>