Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>lilmom, I sent that link to ds with a note: “Don’t you wish you could do this???”</p>

<p>YDS, torture! BTW, good point about the dark blue showing drool. haha.</p>

<p>lilmom/FAP - D1 called and said that she felt the tremblor this evening. She is near Silver Lake. It was a bit of a scare for a east-coast redneck girl.</p>

<p>S got to teach his friends how to do wash this past week, and how to unload a dishwasher, seriously one of his friends had never unloaded a dishwasher. He had them cleaning toilets and vacuming too. He is a bit of a general, but he did have all the sheets changed before the 7:30am ferry. I am going down to NC in a few days and he told me I shouldn’t have to deal with any leftover messes. I am really so happy with him this summer. All of our kids (including our virtual ones, Cali, R6L, T_C, mdemvizi, applicannot et al) are so grown up, don’t you feel they are ready for school?</p>

<p>H and I went to a 50th birthday party tonight, sushi, white wine and lots of good friends at this great turn of the century clubhouse in our friends neighborhood. No air conditioning, but at least it was up high above Sandy Hook Bay so some breeze! when we got home we saw S had eaten a large pizza, and some crabs, and some ice cream. We brought him home some cake, he ate that too.</p>

<p>GSharpM7, I hope your D wasn’t too unnerved. Now, she can say she’s really been to CA!</p>

<p>Trying to catch up. This thread is really moving! I loved all the baseball chatter yesterday. nightchef, that was a great description! :slight_smile: Wishing your son all the best, scualum. Anything is possible. Our son’s team had a great game last night. He played well. :slight_smile: And one of his teammates hit a home run that hit the scoreboard in center field. That was a cool sound. I retrieved the ball for him. :slight_smile: My husband and I keep score, too. It goes back to the days we were counting pitches so he wouldn’t throw too many in a week. Well, we didn’t do too well, as he ended up with an injury after sophomore year (UCL for you medical people) and has not been a starting pitcher since then… Kajon, I think you and I are the only Twins fans? I agree, Target Field is amazing! (I have only been to one game this summer, but it did last 12 innings.)</p>

<p>Congratulations, WhirledPeas2u, on the marriage of your dear daughter. And I hope your cruise was great!</p>

<p>Congratulations to all earning the IB Diplomas. Way to go!</p>

<p>And congratulations to those receiving amazing AP scores. Nice! No reports here yet.</p>

<p>kindredspirit - Your daughter sounds a lot like my daughter… LOL re: her spare time activity on the dorm websites. I’m sure she knows just how to ask her dad when she wants to make a purchase. My husband has a very hard time saying no to our daughter…</p>

<p>More congratulations to RobD, on your new arrival. They are quite adorable! LMAO at the toaster tongs story.</p>

<p>GSharpM7 - Have a great trip!</p>

<p>FindAPlace - Wishing you all the best at your new job.</p>

<p>anothercrazymom - Glad your son is back safe and happy.</p>


You are absolutely right! Do not feel guilty.</p>

<p>Hi, momof3sons! Nice to have you back. Martha’s Vineyard is so beautiful.

I would agree! You can tell him that I totally understand. I have introduced myself before as a recovering kindergarten teacher. I agree with mathmom - second graders are the best!</p>

<p>sewemma - You and your dear sister are in my prayers. {{HUGS}} to you!</p>

<p>Re: the HPV shot - Our son’s pediatrician did not recommend it. He did, however, have him get the Hep A shots.</p>

<p>{{HUGS}} to you, rocket6louise. Stick with us. :)</p>


LOL! Thanks for another good one!</p>

<p>mommusic - Glad that you and your son had a good day. :cool:</p>

<p>I hope you’re sleeping right now, LIMOMOF2. ;)</p>

<p>I think I am ‘kind of’ caught up here now. {{HUGS}} to anyone else who needs one, congratulations to anyone I forgot, and STAY :cool: to all in the heatwave.</p>

<p>Staying :cool: :cool: here.</p>

<p>P.S. Here’s the sunshine for tomorrow. :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny: </p>

<p>LOL ACM on the dishwasher - growing up I never had a dishwasher (or a shower or AC) and thus never learned how to load/unload one. My first house didn’t have one either so until we moved where we are now I never needed to learn (and I love washing dishes) - my DH was content to teach me until I said “why do I need to know, you can keep doing it” :slight_smile: And he does (but I do know how now, LOL).</p>

<p>Gsharp - count me in on one who would not particularly like to experience earth shaking! I have felt a very small one here in the DC area but nothing that was worth blinking over!</p>

<p>I got the sweetest thank you card today from one of D’s friends thanking me on always helping her out and listening over the years - it was really touching :)</p>

<p>I am so going to show D those dorm “crib” photos but we will not be attempting to replicate any of them! jc40 I am already in awe of your plans for D’s room and hope you’ll post photos of the transformation :)</p>

<p>JC40 - Just in case you want some more laughs, here is a link to more photos. And if you go to the main housing site, there are photos for each dorm. A lot of planning and color coordination went on. </p>

<p>[Picasa</a> Web Albums - UGA Housing - 2009 Room-of-…](<a href=“]Picasa”></p>

<p>I am stll trying to figure out exactly how the girls got the chandelier plugged in that was under one of the lofted beds.</p>

<p>The photos have been useful for looking at room configurations and estimating space. I highly doubt that D1’s future room will make the contest.</p>

<p>somewhereinga, loved the dorm pics! Although I would have never slept in a bunk. Too scary for me. I suspect we’ll will be holding an “open house” on Shutterfly very soon!</p>



<p>Not me. I actually opted to keep some old towels last year instead of doing “give away”. I’m hoping to convince son to take a few of those. Then it would be OK if he opts to trash them at school at the end of the year instead of flying them home or storing them.</p>

<p>I also thought the old towels would ensure zero chance of theft or mixup. But son is in a suite (shared bathroom between two doubles.) It is a lovely new honors dorm which I like, but part of me wonders if he’ll miss out the social life of the traditional “bathroom down the hall” dorms. </p>

<p>It’s fun reading about all the dorm planning and shopping. It’s nice for us to have some decisions of low consequences now that all most of our college planning/selection chores are over.</p>

<p>All I can say about those rooms is - wow! And thank heavens I have a boy - I am not up for that sort of decorating!</p>

<p>Holy cow at the UGA dorm rooms! I went to UGA and lived in Creswell freshman year (9th floor, NO A/c back then), and was an RA in Brumby soph and junior years. Russell Hall was a freshman guys dorm back then – if you were female, you didn’t go in the place even with your boyfriend. It was just that disgusting.</p>

<p>I do recall all the monograms on everything that moved…was a big thing among the sororities. Also note how the desk areas are completely ‘repurposed’ in many of the rooms.</p>

<p>Brumby started letting folks paint the walls while I was there and I always loved doing that. Now I’ll have to dig out my old college pics and see if I have any dorm room shots! High-end decorating in Brumby in my day was bricks and boards for bookshelves, and the beds didn’t loft or bunk.</p>

<p>ETA: WHOA on the size of that TV!!!</p>

<p>sewemma, sorry to her of your sister’s health challenges, I will keep you both in my thoughts. She is lucky to have you to help lift her spirits. {{Hugs}} to you.</p>

<p>S2 would like to get “The Ex” kitchen knife/holder set from ThinkGeek for his cooking exploits at college. :eyes: Not so sure that’s a good idea, ya know?</p>

<p>I am really hoping that S’s roommate does not bring a TV to college. S is going to have enough challenges and distractions as it is. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>my probable roomie and I are planning on No TV, but I’m bringing a record player with a radio in it so we can listen to NPR</p>

<p>I too am hoping the roommate will not bring a TV, but unfortunately his facebook page says he is a “gamer”. </p>

<p>I had fun looking at all those dorm rooms. I noticed that some of the refrigerators are quite large. I thought the rope lighting strung under and around the beds was interesting and I liked seeing all the different items that could be hung from the bunk beds and on the walls with the use of those 3M hooks. I don’t think my son will let me tape a feather boa around his mirror, but I will arrive prepared!</p>

<p>If I had a girl I would have a blast shopping for dorm room stuff. Oh well, back to the search for gray bedding and towels…</p>

<p>Colorado_mom, how ca you say the bedding color is of low consequence? The wrong color could be a major problem … :-)</p>

<p>The UGA dorms are a little too pink for me. I like the beginning pictures that somewhereinga posted with the little table thing under the lofted bed. I am not a fan of the coordinating stuff. I don’t know. All of this dorm room talk is making me nervous…</p>

<p>somewhereinga…Thank you SO much for the Picasa slideshow. My DD and I got SO many ideas!!! She’s one of those shopping, girly-girl, “princess” types who wants a decked out room similar to some of these. Unfortunately, we don’t have the flexibility these kids at UGA have (can’t loft beds, no long shelf under window to place storage bins, TV, etc.) The hardest obstacle to overcome will be the cinderblock walls (pun intended). :slight_smile: Oh, well! We’re getting our creative juices flowing and will do our best to make it livable.</p>