Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)



<p>Oh, our small size Labradoodle LOVES the hose. She bites at the water as it comes out, so yard work turns into playing with her. So the 1/4 of her that is a labrador retriever really comes to the fore when it comes to hoses. She loves to play all the time. When someone sits down at the computer to get something done, she pops over with a toy in her mouth and shove it into your lap.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>



<p>Oh yes. Our dog will come between your legs and stare at you until you pay attention to him. He does small little barks until you are attentive. When he is really hyper he will try to crawl up on you when you are on the computer. </p>

<p>r6l - Sorry that you are dealing with the ā€œotherā€ members of CC.</p>

<p>Bubbe, thanks for the BBB web coupon tip. Iā€™ve been searching the house for my stash but I think the kids ā€œput them awayā€ meaning, shoved in a drawer somewhere. </p>

<p>Dougbetsy, I wish S had a job, too. For now, heā€™s the kid in the garage (playing the drums or guitar), not on the couch.</p>

<p>For those of you wishing your kids had jobs, I actually might have a suggestion.(although itā€™s not a job)</p>

<p>Maybe have them spend time with an older/disabled person in your community. Just for a few hours a day one day a week, they could help them with basic tasks and just spend time with them. Iā€™ve been doing that for the past two summers, and itā€™s very rewarding. It doesnā€™t take much time at all, and you gain a lot from the experience</p>

<p>Great suggestion rocket. The person you are helping is very lucky. Youā€™ve got a great
:heart: and soul. :)</p>


My Mom taught kindergarten one year and hated it. She said it took the entire year to get them civilized. The next year she did fifth grade and loved it. They found a great kindy teacher to replace her. I taught a mixed age watercolor class after school. My kindergartners were always very sweet, but my favorite age was second grade. Young enough to want to please you, but old enough to be interesting and to be able to use the materials to good advantage.</p>

<p>Hereā€™s something from another thread:</p>

<p>Colleges offer orientation courses for parents</p>

<p>[Parents</a> get a course in college orientation - Parenting -](<a href=ā€œ]Parentsā€></p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>re: shopping. Just received a brochure from Sā€™s school offering bed linen packages. Prices are reasonable but I donā€™t know about the quality. S isnā€™t interested since he has most of those items.</p>

<p>Sā€™s school also offers orientation for parents. I donā€™t remember my parents even setting foot on campus until my graduation! I think thatā€™s why I insist on learning everything I canā€¦</p>

<p>Did you feel the tremblor socal ccā€™ers?</p>

<p>lilmom - ^^^^^Someone last year said the sheets were itchy and the comforter was scratchyā€¦I supposed it could have changed, but I am not taking the risk or I will be the first phone call and then off to the mall I will goā€¦again!</p>


<p>Ds has said he wants blue sheets for his dorm room.</p>



<p>I am amazed I didnā€™t feel the earthquake. It was downgraded to a 5.4 but H at USC said it went on for awhile, around 30 seconds. Centered 15 miles N of Borrego Springs. What, shake but no bake? People are starting to grouse about the non-summer like weather. Iā€™d rather have what weā€™ve got then what the poor folks on the east coast have.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>


<p>S is happy with navy blue so thatā€™s what heā€™ll basically have for the bedding and towels. Theyā€™ve already been purchased and washed once, since thereā€™s wonā€™t be time for that during the move in. And it might look rather odd unless he was doing it but I think he should be spending that time at the student orientation meetings, bonding with roomate and others, etc.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>YDS - that is a HUGE break through! Today as I was driving S1 to workl, I approached the subject of bedding. I received the lamest response ever. ā€œMom, I am really full right now and I donā€™t like talking about college when I am fullā€ I guess I have to catch him before he has lunch!</p>

<p>somewhereingaā€¦I was curious about the dorm room contest you mentioned they had at UGA. WOW!!! Pretty impressive. Thanks SO much for sharing the information.</p>

<p>If anyone is interested in seeing some really decked out dorm rooms and getting ideas, here is the link for the 2009 winners:</p>

<p>[The</a> 2009 ROOM OF THE YEAR CONTEST](<a href=ā€œUniversity Housing ā€“ Student Affairsā€>University Housing ā€“ Student Affairs)</p>

<p>and the 2008 winners:</p>

<p>[The</a> 2008 ROOM OF THE YEAR CONTEST](<a href=ā€œUniversity Housing ā€“ Student Affairsā€>University Housing ā€“ Student Affairs)</p>

<p>lol, Kajon! I reminded him that too dark a blue and they would show drool. He concurred.</p>

<p>We were at JCPenney getting him glasses and were right next to the catalog area so I took the little mag that seemed to have dorm accessories in them. Baby steps.</p>

<p>BTW, Iā€™m surprised how much the sheets were!!</p>

<p>jc40: Holy crow! A lot of planning went into those roomsā€¦including a number of ā€œhand made pillows.ā€ So not happening hereā€¦definitely steps beyond "Iā€™d like blue sheets ;)</p>

<p>Orientation today and S is registered for classes, got his meal-and-good-for-everything card, and found his dorm assignment & roommates online. Itā€™s really going to happen!
:eek: </p>

<p>The sessions for parents had a few bits of useful info and advice, but I wouldnā€™t take off work to go to them. Butā€¦it was fun walking around campus since itā€™s my alma mater too. :)</p>

<p>DB: thanks for making me not feel so guilty that my kids, at least 2 out of 3, are slugs in the garden. Gotta love them, especially when I know they tried to find a job. (maybe too late though).</p>

<p>CADancer: I went back and reread your scores. My son got 4s and 5s, but he had classes in them all. He was thrilled to get a 4 in Spanish.</p>

<p>We just discovered my son got into the program of choice! Yeah! Itā€™s a two-year program and so perfect for him. Itā€™s getting closer and closer to MOVE-in day. I was so sad the other day when I was picking up all the clothes on the floor. (Okay, the picking up saddened me because he still does that). But I was also sad because I was picking up all these parts of uniforms. Uniforms heā€™s not likely to ever wear again. Scoutsā€“since 6th grade. EMSā€“since 10th grade. Marching Bandā€“since 9th grade. Orchestraā€“since 5th grade. Trackā€“since 9th grade. There I was, in my sonā€™s room with piles of clothes in my arms and Iā€™m getting all mushy. Iā€™m getting reminiscent because I might not ever have to pick up all these uniform shirts and these uniform pants. And I might miss this?! Well, yes.</p>

<p>jc40, thanks for the link to the dorm rooms! However, I will NOT be showing S the ā€œBest Male Dorm Roomā€ with that big screen TV. :)</p>

<p>limabeans - I know how you feel about your trip down memory lane w/sā€™s clothing. Iā€™m not looking forward it.</p>

<p>Thanks, Bookladyā€¦sounds like mattress pad and egg crate/temper-pedic topper is the way to go.</p>