Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Oh, geez, boysx3. I can see my D being the girl in the bath 2 years from now. </p>

<p>Now that’s interesting, FAP. Silly, non-mathy me just assumed that a math textbook from 1990 would be as good as one from 2010 and profs rarely ordered new. :blush:</p>

<p>I love “The Ex” knifeholder! [ThinkGeek</a> :: The Ex - Unique Knife Holder](<a href=“]ThinkGeek”></p>

<p>There is some rule about weapons in the rooms… <a href=“Residential Life & Learning | AS&E Students”>Residential Life & Learning | AS&E Students;

<p>Wow, boysx3. The nerve of that girl and her mom. Although if ds’s roommate wanted to take care of outfitting their room, at no cost to ds, he’d probably be delighted. And me, too!</p>

<p>I can’t put it off any longer. Today will be spent going over all the medical forms in preparation for ds’s doctor appt this afternoon. The athletic form on top of everything else, plus making sure he gets all the shots he needs – I’ve been avoiding looking over all of that. I talked to him about talking to the doctor about the HPV shot. He asked some questions to which I didn’t know the answers, but I’m not sure whether he did his own research last night.</p>

<p>Ds2 and dh are gone to see MIL, so I have the house all to myself. And it’s about to rain, so I <em>should</em> get a lot done today. Ahem.</p>

<p>Just curious: I was surprised that my D’s medical form required a TB test. Is that standard these days?</p>

<p>There was another thread on TB tests-- some schools require it, some don’t. If you can find that thread, someone mentioned which kind of test is best (most accurate, less chance of false positive.)</p>

<p>I believe I saw some reference to it on quick look through ds’s stuff.</p>

<p>^^^psychmom: I don’t know if the TB test is standard, though D also will have to have a new one. Although she had it a year ago and her doctor said she didn’t need another one, because she checked off that she has worked in a hospital, UPenn is requiring her to have a new one. And they will only accept having it done at the school. So that is added to her other orientation activities when she arrives in Sept.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>ETA: Wow! You guys are quick responders! ;)</p>

<p>Good morning all, and welcome to the new posters.</p>

<p>S is still venturing off to work each day at 5:45 to be on time by 6. He survived the worst of the heat wave, so I suppose all is good. He says he doesn’t like his job, but understands that you usually have to have had a job to get a job, so it is important to have a first job and this is it for him.</p>

<p>Although AP scores have not yet reached our home by mail, they were posted on the college website by last night. 3 tests, 3 5’s. All is good. <em>spots YDS waving from the crowd</em> YDS, it’s posted on the Hub. I don’t know exactly what it looks like, because my kids did not allow me to look over their shoulders, but if he logs into the Hub there should be some obvious thing like “Testing information” that will get you to the right spot.</p>

<p>D actually has an interview for a part-time unpaid internship tomorrow. She has pursued numerous leads to get this far, and we are hoping this one pans out. If it doesn’t, she may try for a job at Dunkin Donuts - the one near us has openings.</p>

<p>Sewemma - I have you and your sister in my thoughts.</p>

<p>I love you, aliceinw!!! And great scores for your ds!</p>

<p>Now, to text ds and get him to look, though he has limited capabilities to log on at work. Argh. Wish I knew his log in.</p>

<p>Speaking of: Dh is freaking out that ds doesn’t want to give him all his log-in info. Are y’all insisting that you have passwords to your kids school stuff, to unlock their laptop, etc?</p>

<p>DS#3 needed TB testing for Northwestern. Our pediatrician looked over Swarthmore’s form and decided that DS#2 didn’t need it according to their “high risk” categories. They had both been getting the TB test for years as a necessity for volunteering in a nursing home.</p>

<p>ETA-YDS-no way that our sons would give us log-in info and I wouldn’t insist. Although I sure would like to…;)</p>

<p>No, YDS, no passwords or logins here. I insisted on being able to get in to all email accounts until the college email account arrived. Now I’m done. I’ve never even touched D’s laptop.</p>



<p>Substitute D for “sons” and that says it all for us!..I also have never touched either of my kid’s laptops (or my H’s!).</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>


Oh I am cackling out loud today! Between this and the “blue sheets” comment, I look like a loon!</p>

<p>Welcome artlover! Pleased to meet you.</p>


Wow. Just wow. I admire the mom and daughter in the lounge because I can tell you that in my D’s case, there would have been no question of keeping the peace. She would have given the girl a very short time to get her crap out of my D’s space. I really pray for the person who will have to live with my D in a small room. I wouldn’t do it.</p>

<p>psychmom-thanks for your kind words
KYParent-Thanks for the tip! My towels are VERY musty, so I’ll try it</p>

<p>On TB tests, we only needed to get an actual test if we ever tested positive for TB, went to a TB country, or one other thing. If you weren’t at risk, no test. Plus, I had a TB test in 5th grade to enter school in San Francisco. It was soooo weird :(</p>

<p>I DID have to get another chickenpox shot</p>



<p>Absolutely not. In fact, in S’s case, I want him to take ownership of the fact that he’s now an adult and needs to handle things himself. Of course we’re always here for consultations, and he’s the kind of kid who would talk to us if there’s an issue, but he needs a good push out of the nest!</p>

<p>The one thing I did insist on with D, and now with S, is that we be able to see their grades. In D’s case this meant that the school mailed a hard copy home each semester. I’m not sure how S’s school handles this.</p>

<p>Booklady, that’s how I feel. Exactly. I love not feeling responsible for everything.</p>

<p>zooser, I would love to meet your daughter! She sounds like a riot. I love strong girls!</p>

<p>I asked S what he would do if he had a roommate who wanted to decorate, he just laughed and said, “what with Led Zeppelin posters?” He has posters from the local surf shop he had in his dorm for the last 4 years, I think they are pretty much done. His stuff tends to be “beachy”. I haven’t looked closely at his quilt in 4 years, but it’s blues and I think there are some hawaiian looking flowers on it. He always washes it and packs it away over breaks.</p>

<p>I also want S to take care of everything himself as far as school goes, I send him occasional e-mails to ask about things, but I am not doing any of the leg work. At the party we went to last night I couldn’t believe how many people were shocked to find out their child’s doctor was not allowed to share information with the parents. I know we never stop being parents, but I like the fact that my son is moving toward independence. It makes me feel like a good mom.</p>


I will say so! Congratulations!</p>


Our only rule, which is set in stone, is that we must have access to the bill-pay site because Delaware doesn’t send a paper bill. She had to grant us that access, which she did, because if she hadn’t done so we wouldn’t have paid.</p>

<p>I do not know my S password to his account. I did ask him to fill out the paperwork to give me permission to look at his grades. Everything is online at UNC, so S needs to let us know when there is a bill. Once the bill is there I will put some money from his college savings account into his bank account and then he must pay the bill. We’re trying to make him be responsible.</p>

<p>Morning all!!</p>

<p>r6l - I think you should tell me to stay out of that “other” forum and away from BIGeastBEAST LOL!!</p>