Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>aliceinw, congrats to your son on those great AP scores!</p>

<p>Like zmom, we just set up shared access to the ebills. With S1 I started out with access to his entire blackboard account, but when I made the mistake of commenting on grades/attendance/homework (can’t remember which, three years later), he immediately changed his password and that was that. Thank goodness. I don’t think I could take the continual stress of checking up on him.</p>

<p>So with S2, I’ll just receive email notice of online bills. Oh, and he did sign the waiver for medical access for both DH and I. I did insist on that one. Interestingly, when S1 ended up in the emergency room in St. Louis last winter we received a call from a nurse when he was being treated. By the time I got the voicemail and called back, he had been discharged, so I was never able to figure out why they called the parents of a 20 yr. old.</p>

<p>The only two things that we will be “interfering” on are </p>

<p>1) we will be asking DD for right to view medical records - otherwise how can we know if the right bill is getting paid. </p>

<p>Also, in the event of a more serious injury, having a durable medical power of attorney is simply the right thing to do. I have one for my wife, she has one for me. Without the POA, there may be delays in getting permissions in the event that I or my wife is unable to speak on our own behalf. So I intend to ask DD to sign a POA to her mother and I. </p>

<p>2) College account investments. DD has a small college fund that needs to be stretched for four years. Since she is now 18, the money is in her name. She has signed another POA that allows me to manage that money on her behalf. Quite simply, I know a heck of a lot more about it than she does.</p>

<p>DB, have a wonderful time at the beach, it sounds like a lot of fun. I hope you can relax and enjoy the time with your large family once you get there. Dig your toes in the sand once for me, okay? :)</p>

<p>Ds got his scores. Definitely not as good as he expected but all passing. And he is very pleasantly surprised with the 4 on Physics as he feared he’d bombed that one. He thought he’d knocked govt out of the ballpark, but not so. He took it in the fall and didn’t really study before the test, so, to me, it’s not surprising he didn’t get a 5.</p>

<p>Anyway, well enough for that National AP Scholar distinction between this year and last, so that’s awesome! Now, to figure out what it all means for placing out of classes …</p>

<p>Oh and for those interested, here’s a link to the AP Scholar distinctions: [AP:</a> Scholar Awards](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>Qualifying for an AP Scholar Award – AP Students | College Board)</p>

<p>LOL to the pink/not pink dorm room saga!</p>

<p>That is sort of insensitive, though, to decorate your roommate’s half without consulting first. </p>

<p>I remember my 1st roommate “decorating” my side of the room with her discarded clothing…</p>

<p>artloversplus – Welcome! We’re always happy to have new members, new ideas, and more virtual friends to share the drama and trauma with! :)</p>

<p>boysx3 – I loved the pink vs. black and white story. Nice to dodge that bullet!!</p>

<p>Taking the day off from dorm room shopping to bring my youngest D to the American Girl Store in Westwood LA for a birthday party. Thank goodness I’M not the one paying for it!</p>




<p>LOL…same for my DD’s roomie!!! At least they BOTH have agreed on decor items so there won’t be a lounge incident. :)</p>



<p>This is my new mantra. It feels very good to let go!</p>

<p>I should have added that we do have access to the site for paying the bill. But I didn’t have to ask: at orientation they encouraged the kids to set this up, so S did.</p>

<p>My D is a litte worried because her roommate is going to move in a week before she does, but most of that time will be spent on a trip, so she will actually only be there for one night before D moves in. The contacted each other and didn’t have a good first impression, although D is trying to stay positive and avoid making judgements too soon. </p>

<p>We are going to spend all day Saturday at her college for a “connections” day (although her roommate will not be there) and then she will spend the next 4 days there for a summer program they have for first generation college students.</p>

<p>I am a co-signer on her bank account and have passwords for most of her stuff. She has no head for finances and I am an accountant so she relies heavily on me for finanacial management. I have no need to look at or access her new laptop unless she needs help with something. We had a great online system for grades for high school, which I checked frequently (which she encouraged). However now she won’t be getting grades…so I guess I won’t be checking on anything. I think she will show me her written evaluations (that she will get instead of grades).</p>

<p>I was looking for the shopping list on CC but can’t find it. Isn’t there a thread somewhere about this? If anyone can send me the link I would appreciate it.</p>

<p>I know there is value in having a roommate - but I think D has learned that value from rooming with her sister for the past 15 years. I am very thankful, as is she, that she landed a single - and she is so not the decorating type so I doubt it will be decked out but at least it won’t be a conflict. Now the bathroom shared by 6 years does have her a bit worried but I know she’ll survive anywhere. I do have her passwords to most things while we are still setting everything up and getting the FA and bill squared away but after that it’s all hers!</p>

<p>At Berkeley, there is limited access by parents, with the written instruction of the student, to bills – for tuition, housing, meal plans, etc. We set up our own user name and password once we get permission. After that, notice of bills goes out online to both the student and the bill payer (i.e. parent) so everyone knows there’s a bill that must be paid. You can then tie in your checking account info so that you don’t have to provide all the account & routing info each month – just look at the bill, hit “pay” and “submit”. It’s done.</p>

<p>Son generally forwards his “time to pay” email to me as a reminder. He doesn’t have checks and son’s position is why bother having checks and paying the fee when everything can be done online? Although I suspect getting paper bills and paying with paper checks will eventually go the way of the dinosaurs, it hasn’t stopped me from having him, in summer, make out all our paper checks, deduct from the register, and put the invoice and check properly in the envelope to send out. Just for practice in the eventuality he ever actually moves out on his own after college!</p>

<p>On the pink room: Sounds like that girl was about to room with Elle, from Legally Blonde.</p>

<p>Pink has never been a favorite color of mine – I would have been perfect roomies with the girl with the black and white style. Perhaps a little spark of color to accent, but NOT pink.</p>

<p>hi momof3sons</p>

<p>My god, I went out for few hours and it is already 3 pages!!!</p>

<p>As far as my DD’s major, she is undecided, but lean against science majors. Perhaps Biology?</p>

<p>Thanks for all your welcomes, I will try to contribute here. However, it looks like that I have to be in front of the computer 24/7 otherwise I will be left behind…</p>


<p>Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers. My sister is having a very bad few days. They put her on the bi-pap machine to help her breathe. I can not imagine how it feels not being able to breathe. But she is hanging in there.</p>

<p>S2 has all he needs for his room- except fridge and microwave- but he will talk to roommate about that when he gets one. He got dark brown comforter and towels, ivory sheets, dark brown blanket, some throw rugs and throw pillows. I found a great wool rug at Marshalls- $99 on sale- 5 x 7. I want to keep it, but he wants to take it. Wesleyan has coed dorms and bathrooms. He said he should have put down for a female roomate because girls are neater. He likes a neat room. He does his own laundry and vaccuuming and sometimes even washes a dish! </p>

<p>When I was in college, I got the worst roomate! When I came back from Christmas vacation I found the room completely changed. She bunked the beds- me on top. She put flowered pictures on the walls. Just made it icky. I gave her 2 hours to get the beds fixed. Then I put up my new poster of Prince with he purple pants zipper open. She was really mad that I wouldn’t take it down when her parents came to visit! Hahaha, makes me laugh to think about that now!</p>

<p>My son’t Dr’s office called to tell me that the “college check up” would not be covered under insurance and I would have to pay $110! I said, so make it a regular check up. She was a real…b&<em>%$!! She said- I can’t do that, it would be fraud. He has not had a check up it 2 years! I said cancel the appt. Told son to call and ask for a yearly physical. I called the insurance company and they told me the Drs office is being a real b</em>&%$!!!
What the heck???</p>


We have several members who post great recaps. You can also jump in and chat wherever you end up, so don’t worry about it.</p>

<p>Missemily, why did your D and roommate not have a great first impression?</p>

<p>Same here. Ds is going tonight and no telling what we’ll be charged. Insurance just doesn’t cover physicals. In previous years we’ve gone to a place that charges a flat rate for an athletic physical, but dh really wanted the regular doc to do this one so we’ll see what the damage is.</p>

<p>NEWS UPDATE: My D was randomly assigned to the (only) all girls’ dorm at the school; she has mixed feelings about it and seems “down” to me. Any words of wisdom anyone???</p>

<p>I have to laugh at the roommate horror stories! I could have never in a million years lived with a random roommate. Thankfully my roomie and I have exactly the same taste - we picked a color scheme and rolled with that. We both love decorating, and I can’t imagine living in an ugly room! There are some sights on our hall though. The girl across from us was never assigned a roommate, so she just put stuff on her side of the room and started piling stuff in trashbags on the extra empty bed. She has maybe two tiny pictures up in the whole room. No TV. No lamps. Nothing cute. It makes us sad, lol! I guess she isn’t bothered by it though!</p>