Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Applicannot, I knew you were a girl, too.</p>

<p>Re free stuff: there better be a “free” t-shirt somewhere on this journey for my D or she will be seriously cranky.</p>

<p>we got the pbdorm flyer too… only thing my son liked was the hubman and electroman</p>

<p>I did notice that even some of the bigger ‘compact’ refrigerators have virtually no freezer space.</p>

<p>I had to laugh - son’s school offers a ‘fill their fridge’ deal where the food service people prepare a ‘package’ of different foods and deliver it to your dorm on move-in day. One of the items they showed was a full size pizza! I was wondering where you are going to store that and where areyou going to cook it. There is a full size refrigerator and oven in the communal kitchen - so I guess that is where the pizza would go.</p>

<p>Is anyone planning to send their child to school with a full fridge and other food items? I’m thinking about sending a box or two of breakfast bars and easy mac. Will probably run to the store once we get there and get him a few items - OJ, milk but I’m thinking other than that - he will have plenty of time before classes start to get what he needs. I have a tendency to overdo it, so I’m trying to back off a wee little bit.</p>

<p>momlive…we plan a shopping trip to grocery store on move in day also… i dont know exactly what we will get…his dorm room is like apartment with full kitchen…fridge/stove etc…do i need things like sugar, flour, canned goods, plastic wrap, etc…or just snacky stuff.</p>

<p>i will probably be over doing it - but will leave D’s dorm with a set of start groceries… milk, pb, crakders, breakfast bars, snacks, and a few of her special favorites for those first few days/weeks.</p>

<p>^We’ll do the same but more to see if he can stay within a certain budget. It’s easy to blow it when someone else holds the wallet. He will be cooking at least one meal a day. Of course, DH and i will do our part in filling up the pantry with staples. DH seems to be more concerned than me about the food situation!</p>

<p>veewitty: thanks for the first aid kit reminder. That I definitely want to do before the move in day. </p>

<p>I bought an inexpensive tool kit at Ikea (under $10) that had 2 prs. of pliers, screwdriver (with different heads - is that what you call them?), a hammer and a hard plastic case.</p>

<p>I knew applicannot was a girl (young woman!) but I’m never sure about RobD. :)</p>

<p>D’s dorm is more like an apartment as there are two bedrooms (with 2 girls each) and a shared bathroom and kitchen. The kitchen has a fullsize refrigerator, stove and microwave. We plan to shop for food on move in day. </p>

<p>The school meal plan is minimal and D will need breakfast food each morning before hopping on the subway to go to dance class that starts at 9 am. She will probably use the meal plan to grab lunch before going to afternoon classes then she may use it for dinner before leaving school or make dinner herself. D is a vegetarian and eats lots of fresh veggies and fruit and would prefer to cook what she can.</p>

<p>I didn’t know for a long time about mdemvizi. I’m so glad she discussed the name choice because I had a hard time wrapping my head around it.</p>

<p>ILoveLA: I’m a girl :)</p>

<p>D’s suite has a full sized refrigerator & there is a cabinet for each suitemate. We’ll be stopping at the Publix on campus before we leave to get her started, as we know there’s no way she’ll be going to the dining hall for breakfast, ever. We know she wants the single sized Lucky Charms, and we’ll pick up some basics, but I don’t think she’ll need sugar or flour. Since the supermarket is right on campus, she can go on her own & restock so I’m not really worried.</p>

<p>hahahaha. I guess we should have put gender in the intro info! applicannot, I remember having discussions about skirts or dresses for your job interview!</p>

<p>i have to buy lots of the packages of Idahoan mashed potatos. add hot water, stir, and voila! son eats those like most kids eat ramen.</p>



<p>Good idea… not sure why I didn’t think of flashlight. I’ll add pliers and a tape measure to my list. I also have a medium-sized first aid kit; I am prone to illness and accidents, not to mention it’s a great way to meet people.</p>

<p><em>bleeding student approaches</em> So someone told me the girl in room 214 had bandaids…</p>



<p>The silliest part of this isn’t the pizza. Isn’t the point of the fridge in the room to NOT have to eat cafeteria fod once in awhile? And yet the delivery is from the FOOD SERVICE.</p>

<p>I think I’m going to get some HEALTHY snacks (cheese and crackers, peanut butter and rice cakes, energy bars), frozen breakfast, a couple of protein shakes to see if I drink them before the gym in the morning, and orange juice/water (bought a brita filter). I absolutely have to eat breakfast and depending on the dorm I get, that could be problematic. I am going to try the protein shakes since I’d like to go to the gym before eating breakfast (because of my blood sugar I have to eat right after I get up or I’ll pass out).</p>

<p>I don’t really need the whole thing, but I can share it with my roommate and I am going to buy it, so I might use it later on in life. I really just want the freezer space with a tiny fridge part for water. I can’t find one to rent through Stanford since it isn’t affiliated with the rental programs I’ve found.</p>

<p>Okay, I thought RobD was a guy but I do remember being reminded that she was a she.</p>



<p>I’m really glad I got a dress for that job interview. I have since purchased about half a dozen dresses and two skirts; I’m officially a dress/skirt person. My clothing tastes have changed so much. I haven’t bought new clothes in 3+ years and it’s been a lot of fun finally buying clothes that match my style.</p>

<p>applicannot, glad to hear it’s not just my ds. Seems that graduating HS and getting a “real” job has brought out his inner clothes horse!</p>

<p>Applicannot I always knew you were a girl :)</p>

<p>Apparently the roommate answered D’s email and said she is bringing a fridge. That works, as D didn’t really know if she wanted to buy one or not. I feel frozen on the dorm shopping, since I know so little about the dorm that D has been assigned to…so I don’t know if she needs a rug, a chair, etc. Hopefully these questions will be answered tomorrow when we get to see the dorm. </p>

<p>I am a very infrequent drinker, and when I do drink it is sparingly. I just don’t like the taste of most alcohol and after my wild past :rolleyes: I have no desire to become inebriated. I honestly can’t remember the last time I drank enough to really “feel” it - maybe 10 years ago??? Sobriety is so much more interesting.</p>

<p>Since D will be cheering collegiately, we’re going to have to stock her mini-fridge/room with snacks – she’ll be practicing until late and will be hungry when she returns to her dorm, I’m sure. We haven’t decided yet on storage for dry goods like Special K bars and cereal. She loves fruit; however, without a car, she’s going to have to sneak it out of the cafeteria – no more trips to Whole Foods.</p>

<p>Speaking of clothes…just got back from the uniform store for my DS. I was SO proud of myself for being on top of things this year – “I’m going to buy his school uniforms early so that I can get that discount.” I arrived and the saleslady said, “The promotion ended yesterday.” No budging. No 25% off. :frowning: DD has said she’s REALLY going to miss not wearing uniforms next year. She has always loved not having to think about what to wear to school every day. As a mom, I appreciate the savings. Even though I threw down $250 for DS’s today (will have to get pants as winter nears), I’m not complaining. I know it’s considerably more affordable than those who attend publics who have to purchase back-to-school clothes.</p>

<p>At Stanford we don’t meet our roommates until move in, which is bittersweet. My mom is bothered by it but I’m not particularly phased. It’s probably better for me because I’ll admit one of my flaws is making preconceptions about people.</p>

<p>I drink on occasion but never to get drunk. I live with an alcoholic and absolutely hate the smell and behavior of drunk people. There are also too many people in my family with budding alcohol problems. It’s not worth it. I do, however, like the taste of alochol like I like the taste of coffee; if it’s mixed with something else, I like the taste of alcohol as an after taste. I enjoy the occasional white white spritzer, but I don’t drink beer and although I can’t say I’ve had much liquor I’m almost certain I’m not a fan.</p>

<p>Applicannot – never doubted you were a she, or you RobD :)</p>

<p>And I don’t think I was ever in question but I am also a she :slight_smile: Honestly the only one that surprised me was vp, but it was a welcome surprise!</p>

<p>UVA has rental micro-fridge combos for about $210 and it has a separate freezer section but I’ve heard the micro is underwhelming with power. The one you can buy is closer to $120 but does not have the separate freezer. D says she doesn’t need one but I think I’m planning on getting her one anyway for cold drinks and vegan staples. We’ll want one though with a separate freezer and the only restrictions are on size – it has to be less than 5cf and the microwave under a certain wattage. It may not be an immediate purchase though. There may be one in the living room area of her suite but I still think it may be best to have one for her own use. Her dorm is carpeted so not sure what to do about vacuum – that will be a wait and see.</p>

<p>I too love the thought of an evening cocktail or glass of wine but the truth is I just don’t drink unless I am on vacation or special occasions – usually because I have other things to get to or be responsible for. I did though, on the Liberty of the Seas, meet the challenge someone gave to me to have a drink in every bar on board (21 in all) so 3 bars a day on average. It was a fun goal and we had a blast doing it as some bars were in obscure locations or required certain timing. However now that the challenge was thrown and met, I know they are expecting I will be able to meet a similar one being thrown for the cruise my in-laws are taking us on over the holidays. However they are taking us on the new Allure of the Seas which reportedly has 35 or so bars on board – that puts my daily average at levels I have not achieved since a girls vacation with a dear friend to the islands many years ago. We’ll see!</p>

<p>This thread is really humming today.</p>

<p>Applicannot - I knew you were a girl, and I too recall the tale of your shopping for a dress/skirt for your interview. Glad you are getting a chance to shop for yourself and are happy with your new style.</p>

<p>When my D started school, we ordered a small fridge to be delivered to Walmart near school, and picked it up there. She lived in a traditional dorm - doubles that opened on to a long hall. There were a few bathrooms on the hall, and at least one kitchen. So no microwave needed, but having her own fridge meant that no one “borrowed” what she left in it. It was slightly more expensive than one year of rental at the time (can’t remember how much). She’s had it in her room for two years, and stored it at school for the summer, with her pot, bowl, etc. inside. She will give the storage ticket to S, since she is going abroad for the fall semester, and he will have a fridge and some cooking implements ready to roll. We’ll delay figuring out if they each need a refrigerator when she comes back. We still don’t know where S will live, but most of the dorms where freshmen live are like that - traditional halls with a kitchen somewhere.</p>

<p>ZM - I too am a bit of a control freak, and simply bought a refrigerator for my D, no consultation required.</p>

<p>Just got an email from H saying that S’s newly ordered laptop has arrived. Progress!</p>

<p>applicannot, I knew you were a girl! I am a dress a skirt person too btw. Just picked up a new Lilly today!</p>

<p>We bought S a fridge without a freezer freshman year of BS. His friends freezers never seemed to work very well. He will need energy and protein bars and Pellegrino in his room at all times. He drinks the Pellegrino at room temp only so we’ll bring a few cases. Crew practice is in the am so he will need the bars for fuel. After crew he’ll hit the dining hall and eat like a field hand.</p>

<p>His boarding school gave him a “free” laptop and t-shirt at orientation! W&M is his first experience with public school ahhh budgets.</p>

<p>So with regard to cocktails, am I the only lush here?</p>