Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>ok- so son has a fridge in his room- no alcohol!!! We have a fridge in our kitchen. We have a fridge on the deck for easily accessable beer and sodas. We have a fridge in the garage with a beer tap in it. We are drilling another hole for another tap so we can have beer on nitro. I have vodka in 2 freezers. What’s funny is I don’t have enough time to drink that often!</p>

<p>acm, I don’t drink cocktails, but dh and I generally split a bottle of wine on Friday and Saturday nights. Our neighborhood also has a lot of parties involving liquor. One guy brews his own beer, another is French so of course we have wine there, and there’s another neighbor who’s specialty is South American inspired mixed drinks. (Her ginger lemonade spiked with pro secco is really good!)</p>

<p>I like cocktails. :slight_smile: A lot.</p>

<p>ETA: Well, not so much to be dangerous.</p>

<p>mathmom, H has a glass of wine every night, I usually do too. We’ll drink a bottle every 2 days, on Friday and Saturday we drink the whole bottle. DB, I like a fun cocktail too!</p>

<p>I’m not a cocktail drinker, but do like a nice glass of wine. I usually only have a couple of glasses on the weekend as I have been trying to eat healthier and lose a few unwanted pounds I have gained over the past couple of years! DH likes a good beer. He normally drinks an IPA or a dark one.</p>



<p>I always thought I made myself sound like a girl but this could make sense. In other online sites I’ve been asked if I was in my late twenties (when in reality I was like 15). I though my incessant whining about high school problems showed the girlishness of me. </p>

<p>A microfridge rental is $200/year at Ithaca. You can either have a microfridge or a fridge not just a microwave. Ithaca is very very green and energy efficient and has all these other things which aren’t allowed. Some of the dorms were featured in the NYTimes for focusing on green technology (and the campus overall).</p>

<p>This was scary…I was just sending an email to the U of MN admission’s director and I thought I had “copied” S2’s student ID # so I could reference it on the email. We have a Mac computer and when I hit “paste” up pops “I’ll have another Jack Daniels please” Oops, it must have still been sitting in the copy/paste file from last night’s cocktail discussion. I am sure that would have made a huge impression for S2’s application folder!</p>

<p>(The reason I was sending the note is that we received about 3 or 4 invites to an info session. I never signed up S2, but the email I got today said “we look forward to seeing you at our info session on Monday” So I wasn’t sure if I had pushed a wrong button somewhere along the way as S2 has no interest in the Agriculture program.)</p>

<p><a href=“Her%20ginger%20lemonade%20spiked%20with%20pro%20secco%20is%20really%20good!”>quote</a>


That sounds excellent.</p>

<p>I cook with a lot of wine. Does that count?</p>

<p>lol Kajon!!! that’s so funny</p>

<p>i am way behind on the wine/cocktail train… only have a drink if i go out for dinner…which was once last year and the graduation and wedding this year. so 3 glasses of wine and one mimosa in 18 months…might be fun trying to catch up??</p>

<p>Kajon, I think your Mac is trying to tell you something. And I think you should listen. :D</p>

<p>LOL, Kajon!</p>

<p>I don’t drink very much, but don’t mind having something now and then. Like shillyshally I found it’s much easier to drink on a cruise. It’s right there and you don’t have to drive home. My favorite was the Martini Bar.</p>

<p>hi all…I have been on CC for over a year now I think. I am the father of twins who graduated HS this year. My daughter is thrilled to be going to University of Richmond in six weeks. She plans on majoring in Religion and then continuing on to Gettysburg Seminary to become an ordained Lutheran Pastor. My son will be dual enrolled at a CC and Millersville U in PA. He will be majoring in Psychology (at the moment) but isn’t quite sure what he wants to do with it (hence the CC). </p>

<p>We’ve been dorm shopping with my daughter but most of my time has been a major overhaul of our guest house which will become my sons apartment. It should be ready for move-in within a week. I’m hoping that I fully understand FA as we are past the point of no return!</p>

<p>oh, my name comes from the Yamaha Venture that my wife and I plan on riding extensively as empty nesters!</p>

<p>Hi everyone! I’m a pretty infrequent poster, but I followed the class of 2010 thread and I’m happy to be here in the there-goes-my-kid-to-college thread. My oldest is heading off to school 10 hours away in the fall. sniff. And since it’s the topic of the day, you can tell by my name that I like wine too! Although, with the air conditioning broken this week, I must stick to a nice chilled white …</p>

<p>Lovely to meet you PAVenturer and PinotNoir! Welcome to the party.</p>

<p>Since Pinot and I are the newbies, do we need to buy the next round? I have become “world famous” in my little town for my 'tinis. So next round is on me. I’ll make it my mochajavatini.</p>

<p>Ooh now that sounds awfully good!</p>

<p>All this talk of cocktails has me ready to close down the office and head home for Friday Happy Hour. Wish PA was on the way, cause that mochajavatini sounds scrumptious and then I could head over to sewemma’s party-house! :D</p>

<p>Wow! The cocktail discussion has really taken off!</p>

<p>Welcome Back PinotNoir: I remember you from the 2010 thread! I love your screen name. And as I’ve said, I can fall asleep after a glass or two of wine, though my favorite is PinotNoir! All the best to your S and hope that air conditioning gets fixed soon!</p>

<p>PAVenturer: Welcome! It’s nice to have you join the ride, or should I say, cocktail train? :wink:
All the best to your D and S! And I’m not usually a martini drinker, but I do LOVE my Starbucks. So that mochajavatini sounds quite inviting. :)</p>

<p>applicannot: I also want to add that I also always knew your were a girl :slight_smile: I also remember the discussion about your blouse and skirt purchase when you went for your interview. Nice that you’ve enjoyed discovering your style and have had a chance to indulge yourself.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>