Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>I had a Best Buy savngs certificate that expired today so I picked up the fridge for D’s dorm room. She’s in a single so no one to share it with but I also wanted to make sure she had one with a decent freezer for some vegan staples that she likes for late night snacks or treats. So far we have the XL sheets, mattress pad, fridge and some odds/ends bath accessories. </p>

<p>Of course we did realize that just driving one car down to orientation won’t cut it if we plan on bringing everything with us. Or rather if we want to bring DH, D2 and S3 with us! I know I’ll need the emotional support of having DH and my younger 2 with me so I think it will be a 2 car adventure! :)</p>

<p>Of course I need to run back to Best Buy tomorrow though since I came home to find they had the same fridge on their own website for $42 less! Sheesh!</p>

<p>You guys make me look bad…I really need to get on this! I went to REI today and looked at some winter coats (very high priority item), but they didn’t really have anything suitable and within a reasonable price range (and my parents and I were willing to shell out a decent amount for a good winter coat). </p>

<p>I have a North Face rain coat…it’s very thin, so it’s not warm, but I figure I can layer it. My rain boots from Target fell apart way too quickly, as did my previous rain boots from somewhere else, so I’m investing in good ones this time around. I’ve heard the Hunter ones hold up very well, so I’m thinking they might be worth the price. </p>

<p>BB&B’s dorm stuff brochure-type thing came with the mail today. I saw a mattress topper that looked very nice. I might go check it out in the store, and if I like it, do the whole buy it here, pick it up there thing. I also saw a nice desk lamp. And CMU specifically said to bring a desk lamp, so that’s a great excuse to buy it :p</p>

<p>I don’t think I’ll do the “ship-to-local-BBB” thing. Elon will let you send a maximum of 3 boxes to your kid’s PO Box, you write “new student” under the student’s name and they hold them for you, you pick them up when you get there. </p>

<p>D thinks she wants a futon, and Target online has one that looks perfect, but it’s $180 plus shipping and weighs 75 lbs in the box. I was thinking of having that be one of the 3 boxes, but we’d have to lug it across campus without knowing how well it will fit in their room. I’m tempted to tell her that once she moves in we’ll measure the room and if there’s room for the futon I’ll order it and have it shipped to campus - I’m sure she can find a few guys to help her & her roommate lug it across campus. ;)</p>

<p>two words: cocktails wine…see you all tomorrow</p>

<p>ShillyShally: I mentioned to DH the other day that there was no way that the move in was going to work using either my car, a mini SUV, or his, a sedan. I suppose if D were taking her car and we had two vehicles in would be OK. So I mentioned that we need to ask our neighbors if we can borrow their minivan (in all honesty, there’s not THAT much stuff, but still.) DH thought we might just rent one (I don’t know why…) but could that be an option for you? Renting a bigger vehicle so y’all are just in one car?</p>

<p>anothercrazymom - Yes, I think they will need a suit OR dress khakis and a blue blazer. Dress shirts and ties will be good, and dress shoes, too. (Just remembering pictures of the guys when our daughter was in college. I remember ironing for several of the guys before the Senior Commencement Ball.) Check out post #62 on this thread: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; This was posted on our old thread, but all of our new friends will love it. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
austinmtmom - :heart: Did you say margaritas? Congrats on your successful dorm shopping. That is awesome.</p>

<p>Woohoo, RobD, coskat, and jackief, on the successful dorm shopping.</p>


Yes, it was. I have teared up a few times today. But I am actually happy, too, because I know what is ahead is going to be even better for him. Thanks and :heart: to you. We’ll have to check out the Merrell boots. I don’t think he’ll need his Sorels in Nashville.</p>

<p>BUandBC82 - I hope that Michael Buble concert was great!</p>

<p>LOL, sewemma, about the “dead men’s clothes”. Enjoy Toy Story 3. Like kindredspirit, I’m going to wait a little while…</p>

<p>LOL re: the boyfriend and husband pillows. You are so funny! :D</p>

<p>mdemvizi - Oh, Mary Poppins! It was the first movie I ever saw in a theater. I was in elementary school, and I can still remember it like it was yesterday. My parents took me and left my four siblings at home. I felt extra-special! I’m glad you had a lovely day.</p>

<p>shillyshally - I hate when that happens! </p>

<p>CaliforniaDancer - Yes, layering is the key. Our daughter had a North Face Triclimate black jacket and loved it (until it was stolen while she was at a bar) but she mostly wore her fleece Denali. Moral to the story: Don’t wear your good stuff to college bars… And yes, I think you should get that desk lamp. :)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

We used the BB&B service on the East Coast and picked up in Chicago suburbs for DS#1. When we got to the store there were several shopping carts in a storage area with our name on them-everything was waiting for us. I’m hoping this is how it is usually done as we need to repeat the process with DS#3. I agree that there’s no point to the process if it’s handled as you describe. What a waste of time for you. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Just checked Ithaca’s online medical system thing and realized a lot of forms are due by Wednesday! Oops. Going to try and complete as much as possible and figure out if I need to get to the doctor. We were all just chatting away about doctor appointments and physicals and I completely ignored the hint. Thanks guys ;)</p>

<p>EDIT: Okay not crazy panic now. It says they need to be mailed by the 15th. Hmm…</p>

<p>Again, I was gone for a couple of days from this thread and I can’t catch up! Trying though. D was home for one night this week on her day off from her overnight camp counselor job. We went to BBB and ordered most of her things. It seemed to be an organized process. They pulled info on her school and the nearest BBB and even gave us the name of two employees at that store for contacts. We were told that our order would be pulled the very next day at the St. Louis store and will be there waiting for us in August. The only hitch is that D really didn’t love the comforter she picked out (she actually put 2 on hold). Instead, of course, she found one she really loves on the PB Teen site. I, of course, am such a softy, I want to get it for her even though it is more money. The problem is that I would have to order it and have it delivered here, only to then have to ship it to St. Louis. I can’t figure out a better way to do it. The logistics of being at a school that involved a plane ride are a bit aggravating. I’m sure we’ll figure it out. Some of the other items, like a first aid kit, I plan to order on Amazon right before we leave as I have Prime, which give me free 2 day shipping. I “heart” Amazon (how do you make those pretty red hearts???) - if only they had the PB teen comforter D likes!</p>

<p>Welcome to all the “new” members who have chimed in on the thread since I last posted. I see there was a discussion about cocktails, guess I missed “happy hour” for this week.</p>

<p>PAO2008 - Does WUSTL allow students to mail things to the school prior to move-in? Most schools allow a certain number of packages to be mailed and picked up on move-in. </p>

<p>I also love Amazon Prime. I think I’ve been on free trial but I have no clue. I just ordered two DVDs (Season 2 - Mad Men; Season 1 - Friday Night Lights) for $20 each since they usually go for around $60.</p>

<p>Here is a link to the Bog boots that I (the mother unit) plan on getting for myself this fall/winter. Go down to the “Taylors” or “classics” for the best designs. I tried on the classic mid height and they are super easy to put on, plus they are rated for -40.</p>

<p>[url=<a href=“Winter Boots, Rain Boots, Farm Boots | BOGS”>Winter Boots, Rain Boots, Farm Boots | BOGS]Women[/url</a>]</p>

<p>My nephew will be a junior at the U of MN and he says most of the kids wear North Face down jackets in the winter.</p>

<p>Ha ha – Kajon</p>

<p>When you wrote that the Bog boots were rated for -40, I thought that referred to the maximum age allowed! :D</p>

<p>jackief – Thanks for clarifying that there ARE fraternities at Chicago.</p>

<p>Somewhere along the line I must have missed that, probably because I had focused so much on the residential college system being an important basis for socializing.</p>

<p>good morning!! coffee ready…</p>

<p>thanks RobD… went to Borders and found the book for 9.99…had to download some programs that for a while worried me as this computer is on its last legs and often crashes during downloads…then download the book…but all went well so i will read it on the reader. i figured out one of the things that bothered me besides the “feel” of it not being a book…when you push the button for next page, there is a very very brief pause as it displays the next page, it throws off the continuity… and the screen could stand to be a bit brighter for these old eyes</p>

<p>son off visiting a friend from hs that will be going out of state for school, gets home today, then off for his canada trip early tomorrow…will get home 1 week before he is due at college. has to move in August 12 for an honors retreat. that will work well as the regular move in day for everyone else is the 14th, so less hectic.</p>

<p>Good morning all!</p>

<p>The only way we got D and all her stuff to school freshman year was because she wasn’t with us (she was doing a pre-orientation program). We barely had room in our station wagon, folding down the back seat, to get everything in. When she graduated, despite the fact that she sold the acquired-at-school futon, fridge, etc. and donated some clothes and books, we still needed our wagon <em>and</em> a rented minivan to get everything home. :rolleyes: S is going to be a lot easier!</p>

<p>D is on her way back to camp, H got the driving duties this time :smiley: I am taking D2 to a CIT program at another resident camp for four weeks later today.</p>

<p>I am so happy we did some dorm shopping, that I forgot to get her on the web to look and see if there were any forms we needed to handle. But on the Chicago forum area the kids are saying things are really quiet. PayFor- I don’t know the % of greek kids but I don’t think it is a large percentage. Someone here also mentioned dressy clothes for sports pictures, don’t know if your S is planning to do a sport. My D might do club rowing, not sure.</p>

<p>D says a desk lamp would be used as she would actually sit at her desk in college, whereas at home she never does so I am still not convinced. Will get her a lamp or lamps of some sort, I liked the ones at Target with multi adjustable heads. Only restriction for us is halogen floor lamps.</p>

<p>She does need new winter boots but we might wait until winter break to get them. Same for those looking at winter coats, if you will be home Thanksgiving that would be plenty of time to get one.</p>

<p>When my parents drove me way back when they rented one of those boxes to put on the top of their car. We have an SUV that we’ll be driving, and we have a Thule box and that will be sufficient, esp since D2 will not be coming. Even renting a small enclosed uHaul trailer might cost less than gas for two cars.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Good Morning Everyone!</p>

<p>The Michael Buble concert last night was excellent. When it first started I felt a little like I was in Vegas and kept expecting Dean Martin to walk out. His music is big band crooner style. The audience was very diverse - youn, old, male, and female. The musicians were extremely talented and Michael has a beautiful voice. He is also very personable, very funny and very engaged with the audience. I was quite entertained. The warm up group was an a cappella group called Naturally 7. They were amazing. They have a CD coming out in the next month or so called Vocal Play. </p>

<p>I haven’t even thought about fitting all my sons stuff, plus people, in the car for move in day. One more thing to think about.</p>

<p>I’ve been thinking about trying to fit everything into the car as well. We will be taking my wife’s Honda CRV - which can hold a lot of stuff but I am worried about its ability to THAT MUCH stuff…</p>

<p>Has anyone considered (or tried) these? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>We don’t have roof rack on the CRV - but this claims to be able to ride on top without a rack…</p>

<p>Yes, jackief, things are quiet for the Chicago kids. You realize, of course, that we’ll be in the last group of parents dropping our kids off to college since move-in day is not until Sept. 19. Offhand, I don’t know which other schools are on a similar schedule.</p>

<p>I read that about 10% of Chicago students are in fraternities/sororities. My S might consider pledging, but we’ll see.</p>

<p>scualum, we have a CRV also. I’m thinking if we put the double seat down and use only the single seat for one person to sit in the back, there may be enough room. That means I’ll need to leave my yougest son at home. Gee, I really wasn’t ready to start fretting about this yet, but I guess this is as good a time as any. I do recall one of my own moveout days from college when the car was so full I had to sit with my stereo on my lap for the 2 1/2 hour drive home.</p>