Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>bUand BC… i’m so jealous!! have a great time!</p>

<p>son has suit and a blazer, he will probably take both.
his usual attire is t-shirt and shorts and flip flops but he says he wants to change that, so who knows what he will end up wearing</p>

<p>think he has umbrella, know he doesnt have rain coat…he is a wet hoodie guy.</p>

<p>I picture my son taking a dress shirt and tie (but maybe just the marching band sneaker-ish black shoes). A blue blazer sounds like a good idea, but he does not have one and also space is at a premium. He used to borrow the blue blazer my Dad leaves here for when he is visiting, but ha the kid outgrew it. (We took it to a family wedding a few years ago, and he ended up having a borrowed blazer from pop, a borrowed belt from one uncle, and a borrowed tie from another uncle.) </p>

<p>He actually does have a suit now. It was not much more expensive than renting a tux for the prom. There are some kids that do a tux for prom, but it is not expected. I like that.</p>

<p>D has a maroon Marmot rain jacket & some houndstooth rainboots so she will be suitably attired for rain. She always carried a small umbrella in her bookbag so I’m assuming that will make the trip as well.</p>

<p>Did a little more dorm shopping today; got the twin xl mattress pad labeled with some type of anti bed bug banner, a usb hub, mega packs of highlighters & expo markers and a lounging pillow with arms (we call them a husband; not sure what the real name is but y’all know what they look like.) Over heard a funny conversation in Target; there was a couple pushing a basket with twin xl stuff in it all of it very plain & navy; the husband took a picture with his phone of some bedding/bath item. A few seconds later he got a text & told his wife “yea, he said whatever looks good to you.” I told my D that that was boy dorm shopping :slight_smile:
I’m not prepared to say we’re done yet, but the list is very short. 4 weeks tomorrow…</p>

<p>Hi all! I’m a little late, though still going to Double Ditto austinmt’s Ditto of BT’s post! :)</p>

<p>Re: the raingear…D has and LOVES her Hunter boots…and I agree with acm, they definitely last. She also has a raincoat she wears and has her eye on an umbrella she wants. She has so many shoes (Converse, flats, etc.) that I think she’ll be good in that department. </p>

<p>I remember when my S went to school, he argued about taking an umbrella. We sent it anyway. I don’t think he’s used it in three years! He is in upstate NY, where it is COLD and SNOWY, his Northface (shell over fleece) has worked well (with a hood). I think layering is key. And don’t forget some kind of hat. That he wears. The best purchase we made was a pair of Merrell boots (slip on, waterproof, look like a shoe boot, but not too clunky) that he absolutely swears by (and he is not typically a fan of boots). They have protected him in heavy snow and rain. And they still look brand new! I also think for an S, if possible, at least a blazer to start is good to have.</p>

<p>BlessedTwice: I’m sure that last baseball game was bittersweet. That’s a lot of pitchers and runs! And I think that 2 extra days in Nashville counts as a mini-vacation! We’re doing the staycation thing too. In fact, my H booked the hotel in Philadelphia for two extra days after we drop D off because I have never been there! I think that’s my vacay. :D</p>

<p>BUandBC: Hope you enjoy the Michael Buble concert. And Happy Belated B-Day!</p>

<p>Austinmt: You and your D ROCK!! :)</p>

<p>Wishing all a great night.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>ETA: RobD: Sounds like you’re close to done with the shopping too! (We call those lounging pillows “boyfriends” around these parts). And LOL re: the “boy dorm shopping.” SO TRUE! :)</p>

<p>I’m glad I’m not the only obsessive list maker here. I think I put just about everything on list, from a mattress pad to zip ties to shower shoes to a plunge bra.</p>

<p>lol applicannot… love the plunging bra being on the list!!! someone has their priorities straight</p>

<p>I bought my D a “husband” too! People looked at me like I was crazy when I was talking about it. Thanks for reassuring me!</p>

<p>My boys never where sandals- ever. They do wear blazers- they have really cool ones- velvet, wool, patchwork. They wear them with jeans, tshirts and buttondowns. They both wear slip on leather shoes with jeans. And lots of slip on skate shoes from sierrasnowboard dot com- great deals there.</p>

<p>Here is my hint at buying blazers- especially as they are still growing. Retirement homes. Really. We live in an area that has tons of them. I run a chocolate store and lots of my customers live in them. They tell me when they have sales. The best ones around here happens in the fall. The residents donate all kinds of things to sell and they have a craft sale and quilt auction. Lots of the clothes are (as my kids say) “dead men’s clothes”. I got 4 brand new perfect size blazers for $5.00 each. The boys fought over them. The retirement home uses the $$ for scholarships for the kids that work in the dining hall. </p>

<p>Going to see Toy Story 3 in the morning- can’t wait!</p>

<p>Here’s another thing to add to your lists: HandiTac; you know the sticky stuff you put posters on the wall with. Saw it for $1.99 at BB&B today and threw it in the cart.</p>

<p>applicannot, that must be quite a thorough list! I love it… :D</p>

<p>sewemma, don’t forget the Kleenex!</p>

<p>sewemma: Enjoy TS3!..A friend invited me to see it the other day with a couple of other soon to be empty nesters. I said I would have to wait!</p>

<p>Another suggestion for buying blue blazers (or even suits) for young men - eBay. My boys always have a blue blazer and I sell the outgrown ones on eBay. S will be taking a few dress shirts, ties, khakis, blazer and the suit that he just wore for HS graduation. Our issue is buying more of the casual clothes (jeans, etc) that he’ll mostly wear in college; he went to private school since K and has never gotten to wear jeans to school before! He has some casual clothes, but is much better stocked in the dressier-clothes department! We need to go shopping soon…which he hates. :)</p>

<p>My list was just under four pages. Keep in mind, however, that unlike other students there is almost nothing I am able to take from home, for a number of reasons.</p>

<p>My sons use umbrellas, but not raincoats. I think S2 has used a poncho for really torrrential downpours.</p>

<p>My son would like a new suit and I think he deserves one. He likes to dress up so he might even find an excuse to wear it. I’m not sure my older son even needs to wear his blazer at job interviews, but he does own one. With any luck he’ll get a job offer at the end of this summer’s internship and we won’t have to worry about his clothing any more!</p>

<p>I don’t have a list, but I’m pretty sure it’s less than a page when I get around to it. (S1’s original list minus all the unnecessary stuff.)</p>

<p>PayFor- there are frats at Chicago, I don’t know when rush is, also not sure if kids might need something fanicier if going in town to something. Don’t think D will be interested in a sorority but she’ll bring some dress clothes.</p>

<p>We made our first purchases! Bought a bedding set at BBB, a second set of sheets and a mattress cover. D wasn’t interested in things for the walls. This was good for now, we might pick up a few of the necessities for her when she is away next camp session.</p>

<p>agree mathmom, doing this before helps keep the list down, at least for boys. son has no interest in going shopping so i may just do sheets etc he wont care what i get.<br>
he may want me to take him clothes shopping though so i can pay for it</p>

<p>Just had a lovely day going down the GW Parkway and seeing Mary Poppins at the Kennedy Center. We then came home and went out to eat with my aunt and uncle since we were watching their miniature schnauzer puppy. Oh dear lord that puppy is cute. </p>

<p>I haven’t even started dorm shopping. I need to make a list first and then I will go from there. I will definitely will be adding rain gear since Ithaca is one cloudy place. I’ve been told by many people to have rain boots. <em>adds to the list in my head</em></p>

<p>S took his suit and has used it for fraternity & sorority formals. Funny thing, his frosh year his roommate had three times as many clothes as S, but didn’t bring a suit jacket. He ended up borrowing S’s suit jacket for his varsity team photo.</p>

<p>Hi all just checking in. Got back from DD orientation in Buffalo. It was informative and well run.It was very hot in the the dorms so sleeping for all the kids was tough. I appreciated my hotel ac. A note about BB & B college ordering. Several weeks ago we went to our local BBB and place our order to p/u in Buffalo. When I got there I went to the service desk and after a wait someone went to get the order. As I stood waiting awhile I observed another mother with a salesperson wandering around filling her order. Sure enough I look around and there are 2 kids with the order sheets walking around filling my order as I waited. What was the point of spending the time going to my local store only to have to essentially wait/ re-shop when I got there. There was only one out of stock item. Thankfully the store wasn’t crazy busy otherwise it would have been an even longer wait. Just beware and give yourself time if your doing this. I hope this was only a store specific shortcoming and not chain wide pattern. Anyway we are almost done, now I just want the summer to go slow. Happy shopping all!</p>

<p>Good information on the blue blazer. I wasn’t really planning to send one - just a dress shirt and tie but seeing so many people post that they will be sending one with their son, I think I will do the same - son has several. Their closets aren’t all that big but son keeps most of his stuff in the dresser anyway.</p>

<p>He doesn’t have a suit - a blue blazer seems to suffice here (in the south) at this age.</p>

<p>Have to say son is one of those who doesn’t really care what I buy for him. To my surprise, he did agree to go shopping with me last weekend and we picked a few items. Notably, a suede-like ottoman with a removable lid at Target. I figured it would be useful as 1) stool to reach his bunk 2) a place to store stuff and 3) extra seating for a guest. Not bad for $20. BB&B had them also. It was very lightweight.</p>