Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Just wanted to check in and say hi, wish CalDancer a Happy Belated Birthday, and say congrats to BT’s talented D. :slight_smile: You must be so proud of your daughter! </p>

<p>Kajon - so sorry to hear about your son’s injury. </p>

<p>momof3sons - thanks for sharing that info. I’m sure it’ll come in handy this year. :)</p>

<p>Kajon, that’s really a bummer. Both his injury and that fact that you’ll be understandably worried. I’ve considered getting ds Invisalign but figure he won’t wear them so why bother?</p>

<p>Ds finally got his FA adjustment. I’m left so confused. Will look at it in the morning with a clear head. I think we’re coming out ahead, though our subsidized Stafford amount went down. I hate this stuff. Any FA experts on here?</p>

<p>Hi All!</p>

<p>Didn’t get a chance to login today and boy do you guys move! Glad to hear about all the progress in shopping.</p>

<p>Thanks for the Amazon Prime tip; I saw that yesterday & told D; she signed up right away.</p>

<p>Her AP credits were posted on the college portal today & she has 25! Almost a sophomore; as she says: yay for making a double major easier.</p>

<p>Someone mentioned that the clip on lamp at Target gets hot? I’ll have to check where we bought D’s clip on; it might have been BB&B (it’s starting to become a shopping blur.)</p>

<p>D is cruising the Container Store’s website tonight; apparently they have one of those safes that looks like a book.</p>

<p>As a lifelong Yankees fan I give thanks for the condolences for G.S. I was watching footage before of Billy Martin & he going toe to toe. Ah, my childhood heroes…</p>

<p>Lafalum, most Greek organizations do have higher GPAs than the general school population. There is a minimum HS gpa to join (usually) plus mandatory study halls and academic probation if the student falls below a certain GPA. Also, most greek organizations have files of materials from classes over the years, so if a student is taking Biology 101 they have tests, etc. from past years that they can review. </p>

<p>Sewemma: sending more prayers for your sister & her family; glad to hear that your niece will have some sense of normalcy at her camp next week.</p>

<p>P.S. Thanks for all the input on the suit issue. I think I’ll suggest to D that she just get a blazer for now. And for those who were asking for shopping suggestions, I always find that Macy’s has a nice suit/blazer selection in both regular and petite. </p>

<p>Also, here’s another thing to ponder: does your child’s dorm laundry use regular or HE laundry detergent? I hadn’t thought about it at all until it came up on our college thread; apparently UA has front loaders & you have to use the HE detergent. Glad we found that out now.</p>

<p>I bought a clip on light from Walmart for $6. I will check out the heat factor.</p>

<p>RobD - Wow on the 25 credits.</p>

<p>D’s dorm is made up of doubles, but between the rooms is a bathroom that is shared by the 4 people in those 2 doubles. They consider each set of doubles to be a suite, but I’d call it doubles with a semi-private bath. </p>

<p>D and her roommate met online and then in person, then decided to room together. I think they’ll make a great pair. Both consider themselves “religious” (roommate’s BF attends a small Christian college). Both have long-distance boyfriends, and although they are both outgoing, neither is a big partier. </p>

<p>Well, D just got contacted by one of their suitemates - a girl in the other double they’ll be sharing their bathroom with. I’d quote suitemate’s “about me” section on FB, but I have this fear that someone on CC might recognize it. So I’ll just say the language is… colorful. Lots of words that start with F. Says she loves hooking up, getting drunk, and partying. Pretty much brags that she can outparty whoever is reading her info. :eek: </p>

<p>No word from the 4th suitemate yet.</p>

<p>My son’s roommate also has a “questionable” facebook page. I am hoping this is just some sort of teenage bragging thing and not how he is in real life.</p>

<p>Yikes Lafalum! Hopefully it’s bragging only and/or your D & her roommate can model better behavior for her. At least she’s not sharing the bedroom…and your D & her roommate should consider having a discussion with her about mandatory bathroom cleaning if she gets sick in there. I’ve heard at a lot of schools the RAs will help suitemates put together a mutually acceptable “roommate contract.”</p>

<p>BT…WTG for your D! You must be so very proud! My D watches every medical show imaginable and wants to be a surgeon too (preferably neuro, transplant, cardiothoracic or plastic). Just as I breathed a sigh because the SATs were behind us, she insisted that we buy her a MCAT review book so she can start studying. (Yes, I know, she’s just starting college this fall; kinda gives you insight into her personality. :slight_smile: ) </p>

<p>Lafalum and Kajon…so sorry about the wild suite/roommates. I had one my first year. I still remember her stumbling in one night in a stupor, unable to find a bowl for her cereal and milk. What does she do? Turns our small parson table upside down and proceeds to use it. I awoke the next morning to step in a sticky mess.</p>

<p>Kajon…sorry to hear about your son. I’m hopeful it won’t affect his sports participation and he’ll have a full recovery.</p>

<p>sewemma…still praying for your sister and her family. Give your almost 6 year older a high five – reading a page from the newspaper all by herself – wow!</p>

<p>acm…have fun in NC on your trip. Your DH and DS will miss you a lot I’m sure.</p>

<p>RobD…Congrats to your D! Those AP credits do come in handy, don’t they? Our D graduated with 11APs/1DC and will walk into UVa with 47 credits. She will also be able to double major (neuroscience/biology) & minor (psych) and still get out on time if not a semester early. Wahoo – less OOS tuition $ for me!</p>

<p>:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:Thank you!:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:All your kind and thoughtful wishes are so sweet! We are really proud of our daughter. She is a very hard worker. When I talked to her tonight she was so happy and so exhausted. Her day included lesion removals and a tattoo removal with a laser. She is gaining experience in lidocaine injections, cauterization, and sutures. Unfortunately, she is learning too much about melanoma.<br>
Thank you so much, CC friends, for being so supportive! </p>

<p>jc40 - I know your daughter will do well. She’ll know to ask you when she isn’t sure. It’s so good that you have had so many discussions with her about what to expect. Those open lines of communication are so important. LOL re: the MCAT studying. Our daughter is not quite that intense. She did not have time to study much for the MCATs during the school year. I do not know that she wants to be a surgeon, but does hope that some surgery opportunities are available when she does choose a specialty. And wahoo on all those great AP scores and credits. Wow! </p>

<p>Also sending my condolences to the Yankees fans. :heart: </p>

<p>I keep adding to the college list as I read your entries. We’re going to need to rent an eighteen wheeler… just kidding. Thanks for the good tips and ideas.</p>

<p>sewemma - Storming the heavens with prayers for your dear sister. I am so, so sorry. Thank you for sharing your high note about your precious daughter and her reading. That is just amazing. Your pride shines through.</p>

<p>Oh dear, Kajon. Your poor son. I will be praying for a very speedy recovery. It sounds like a long process and I am sure it will be hard for your son to remain inactive. If he has a good bone scan after three months, will he be cleared for activity? Fingers crossed. Sending prayers and {{HUGS}} to you and to him. </p>

<p>momof3sons and kindredspirit - Green with envy here! </p>

<p>momof3sons - Thanks for the amazon info. I will forward the link to my kids.</p>

<p>FindAPlace - Our daughter and her classmates are really great kids. They keep me hopeful for the future. They are not as crazy as the Grey’s characters, but they are extremely close and very supportive of each other.</p>

<p>RobD - Woohoo on the AP scores and credits. I’m not sure how many our son is able to/will use. That’s something for him to figure out before the registration period reopens.</p>

<p>Yikes on that suitemate, Lafalum84! She sounds like a real winner. Maybe she’ll party herself right out of school. :eek: </p>

<p>Another thank you, everyone, for your kind words. You made my :heart: :).</p>

<p>Staying :cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Can anyone else relate? </p>

<p>I’ve been nagging D about cleaning out room, closet, under bed, and bathroom since school ended in May. I’ve told her that before she can really begin to pack her stuff away in boxes for college, she must go through everything and box items for Goodwill and dispose of other junk she no longer needs/wants in trash sacks. I want her room thoroughly cleaned before she leaves. Hmmm…it’s been 50 days since graduation and how much do you suppose has been done?</p>

<p>^jc40 - that is literally exactly what I’ve been doing! I relate in that I’ve actually gone through with it :smiley: The way I think about it is that (at least for me) right now, I have plenty of time to do this. However, when I actually need to move out at some point and move more of my stuff into an apartment, house, whatever, I don’t want to be rushed and struggling to do all of it in a week or so when I can take my time and do it this summer, if that makes any sense.</p>

<p>I’m very tired since I just got home, but I had a good time hanging out with friends. I did read all the posts, though!</p>

<p>BT - that is so great for your daughter; I’m sure she did a wonderful job! Sounds like an incredible learning experience.</p>

<p>So, now I feel really strange…I have read Go Ask Alice myself; I don’t think I even knew when it was published. It’s been a while, but I remember finding it very scary at the time. I read it in middle school just for fun, maybe in 8th grade?</p>

<p>Does anyone have recommendations on where to buy a small safe w/ cable? I am NOT close to IKEA or The Container Store, though I do have Target et al. I have no clue what a foot locker is, but those recommendations are welcome as well since shipping is a non-factor.</p>

<p>I definitely want to bring some jewelry/valuables that I wouldn’t want to lose. I already own a hollow book :cool: but it keeps getting picked up accidentally by book-loving friends attracted to the binding. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Keilexandra: I saw this small safe at BB&B this weekend in the dorm section.</p>

<p>[Dorm</a> Vault™ Laptop Safe - Bed Bath & Beyond](<a href=“Bed Bath & Beyond | The Best Deals Online: Furniture, Bedding, Rugs, Kitchen Essentials & Moree”>Bed Bath & Beyond | The Best Deals Online: Furniture, Bedding, Rugs, Kitchen Essentials & Moree)</p>

<p>Lafalum84: The clip-on shelf was in two places in our BB&B - right in the dorm section and then they had some on an end cap between the dorm section and the towel section. I did notice that they only had some of the dorm items in the dorm section at the front of the store. The rest were scattered around the store. Just ask someone and they can probably point you in the right direction. If not, it’s on the website:</p>

<p>[Mesh</a> Clip-On Shelf - Bed Bath & Beyond](<a href=“Bed Bath & Beyond | The Best Deals Online: Furniture, Bedding, Rugs, Kitchen Essentials & Moree”>Bed Bath & Beyond | The Best Deals Online: Furniture, Bedding, Rugs, Kitchen Essentials & Moree)</p>

<p>Sounds like everyone is chugging right along on the dorm-buying front! If not the room-cleaning front. :D</p>

<p>I am getting a real taste of the empty nest this week. S is staffing a robotics camp this week (volunteer but he gets a cool “staff” t-shirt) and H is out of town. I am on my own. And this week, due to other people’s vacations, I have fewer rehearsals so more free time.</p>

<p>I don’t like it. :frowning: The kid is quiet, but he’s good company, and getting better. Why, just when they start turning into interesting adults, do they have to leave home???</p>

<p>Morning all!</p>

<p>sewemma: Hope your wonderful, soon-to-be six-year old has a wonderful celebratory day! And I continue to send healing thoughts for your dear sister.</p>

<p>BT: What a wonderful, incredible day for your talented D! May she continue to thrive and soar. I know your support and love will continue to inspire her and add to her happiness and success. </p>

<p>Momof3sons: Thanks for the Amazon prime tip! D is already signed up!</p>

<p>Kajon: Echoing support for your S with his diagnosis. Hoping for quick healing.</p>

<p>RobD: Nice AP credits! </p>

<p>jc40: More kudos to your D with her AP success and credits. Re: the room cleaning…I can definitely relate! I have found that with my D, responsible, independent and very organized, her room is her oasis for disorder! I also have learned that nagging did no good. She has started to clean her room and has done it on her time table. I’ve been thinking that the task of cleaning, including packing and discarding possessions can be hard as it connects to letting go of parts of the past. I think it can be difficult for college-bound “kids” as well as adults. I’m sure your D will do it when she’s ready.</p>



<p>Ah yes, mommusic! One of the simultaneous sighs and joys of this whole process. I do have to say (based on experience with my older S), that it is even better though when they come home to visit and the level of maturity is a wonderful thing to behold. Sending you {{{HUGS}}} as needed. </p>

<p>acm: Enjoy your time in NC. I agree that your S and H must appreciate your love and care. Safe travels! I’ll think of you periodically enjoying your book on the beach and smile when 5:00 rolls around! :wink: Have a great one!</p>

<p>It’s raining here…Wishing all a day filled with some sunshine in any form and here’s to continued successes for all.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>jc40…same situation here…came home dumped all his dorm stuff from one end of the basement to the other…said he wanted to re-arrange his room, so pulled the bed, dresser, desk, etc out and pushed that into his brothers room, has ended up sleeping in the oldest son’s room which he has trashed with the clothes carpet…so he has left CRAP in 3 bedrooms, the main game room, the main hallways since May 30th and NOW has left for canada, wont be back til Aug 3. i asked nicely, i nagged, i threatened, and with all, i got his sweet smile and “you know you love me mom” but no change in the rooms!</p>

<p>^parent56:Yikes! Some might call that “soiling the nest!” And he does know that you still love him. :wink: Kids are so smart! Hope his trip is going well despite the stuff he left behind…</p>

<p>lol ks… talked to him last night… having a good time… he is at grandparents…my dad is a woodturner and furniture maker…so son is getting to learn how to use a lathe…so far no missing fingers!!</p>

<p>mommusic…agree, they turn human again just as they leave</p>