Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>I’m in catch-up mode yet again!</p>

<p>Missemily: Yikes re: the locked door situation! Sounds like your D handled it wonderfully! Here’s to more college stories with happy endings. :slight_smile: And also hope she had a great week at orientation. She’s already a pro! ;)</p>

<p>Shillyshally: Sorry to hear about your stomach bug. Hope you’re feeling better soon.</p>

<p>BUandBC82: Adding my CONGRATS to your S on his wonderful AP scores. Sure seems like he knew what he was doing!</p>

<p>Hope those CB fairies bring the AP scores soon to those still waiting.</p>

<p>GSharp: You are a funny and clever man! And hope your DW works that raccoon look on the drive back from dropping off your D2. When we drive back, I think my DH will be experiencing a similar critter sitting next to him. (And why do they say the mascara is waterproof when it clearly is not?)</p>

<p>And just an added note re: the AG dolls. My D had them and cherished one, in particular. We did do the salon thing at a friend’s party at the store. I drew the line when a SIL wanted to take all the girls’ dolls to the “doll hospital” for checkups!! Oh…and that was at the AG store opening in Chicago!..My best recent memory with the dolls was when D decided to give two of her favorites with a full wardrobe to a co-worker’s daughter (who had been asking her mom to buy her the dolls for a long time) as a XMAS gift. She made a little girl very happy. It was one of my proudest moments! </p>

<p>SWTCAT and YDS: What tragic news! My thoughts and prayers are with this family and community. I agree that it makes things like dorm shopping seem so trivial.</p>

<p>Laf: Another sad story….Though what a humane and wonderful response from Lafayette.</p>

<p>Some news makes it hard to stay :cool:</p>

<p>SWTCAT…what a very tragic story! It’s ironic because a colleague of mine just took his life as well. His sons/wife will be left with a guilt that no one can really alleviate. You think to yourself, “If only I would have…” almost every day of your life, and yes, as you can tell, I’ve had personal experience with this. It truly is the ultimate act of selfishness in my opinion. The true victim is not the one that opts to take his/her life, but the one(s) left in the aftermath blaming him/herself.</p>

<p>GSharp…D didn’t have an American Girl doll but rather a My Twin. I don’t know if you’re familiar with this kind of doll; they came out about the same time as the American Girl series. Anyway, you sent a photo of your daughter, a completed questionairre, and a hair clipping to the company and several weeks later they sent you your “twin” doll. You could also order matching clothes which I will admit, we did. Our daughter had several matching outfits. Now that I look at the doll in a hidden corner of her room, I think, “Yikes! That’s kinda creepy.” :slight_smile: Also, I’ll tell you the same thing I told my DH…do NOT pat my lhand and tell me everything will be just fine after we drop her off and tears are rolling down my cheek. It won’t be fine…it’ll simply be. What you can tell your wife, though, is to think about the fact that her laundry loads/time spent have now been minimized. :)</p>

<p>CaliD…can you motivate my D to get her room done too? She started very late last night, but hasn’t put much of a dent in the situation. I have a feeling it will get done, but I don’t like the stress of putting it off until the last week.</p>

<p>D is SO VERY EXCITED! Her roommate, whom she’s only met once at the accepted students’ weekend, told her that she got a pair of tickets to see Lady GaGa at the arena nearby their school, and one is for my D! She also sent her a customized bracelet sporting the school’s colors from a jeweler in her area. My D loved it! They’re in constant dorm decorating mode and are determined to make this horrible room livable. They’ve agreed on everything and seem very much alike. Strangely enough, they both even had the same final schools in their running. It looks like a good fit! :)</p>

<p>jc40: Sounds like a great match! What a thoughtful gesture by your D’s roommate. Wow!</p>

<p>The car is packed, except for the cooler in preparation for our midnight start to NC. I currently have no working internet at the beach house although I am paying for it! Must be fixed immediately…H needs to be in touch with work at all times or his brain explodes, very messy.</p>

<p>Yikes - went to work today and came back to 4 pages of posts! You guys need to slow it down :)</p>

<p>Add us to the messy room club. I’ve started the nagging about de-cluttering the room (after all he’s sitting around all day with no real responsibilities) but you would think after years of nagging, I would know by now that my son only responds to major deadlines. I suspect it will be cleaned the day before he leaves and I will have to pick through the trash to make sure he didn’t throw away something important in his haste.</p>

<p>It’s nice to hear I’m not the only one requiring a good clean out before college.</p>

<p>AP scores came in today - 2 -5’s, 2-4’s and 1-3. Add that to the two 5s from last year and he made AP Scholar with Distinction (not sure that designation counts for much now that we’ve been through the application process) but at least he goes in with 21+ credit hours!</p>

<p>Son got the names and addresses of his other two suite mates (he’s rooming with a HS friend but they share a bath with another double) as well as his room # today. One of the guys is from an adjacent city to ours and the other from NJ. I like that - it will be good for him to get to know some kids from outside of the south. Sort of exciting - it’s starting to feel more real every day.</p>

<p>Kudos to BT, KS and now GSharp for their recaps! I certainly couldn’t keep up with this thread without you!</p>

<p>Oh gosh, American Girl dolls… I had Josephina, Felicity, Molly, and Kirsten (now living in the attic). Those were the days!</p>

<p>acm, I hope you found somebody to accompany you on your long drive! Driving at night is always a little hairy.</p>

<p>YDS…do you have a link to the other story? JC40 is not far from me either…next time you come to town we should all meet!</p>

<p>JC40…D and her roomate sound like a match made in heaven! I am hopeful that my D and her roomate and suitemates have a good connection as well. D has met with her roomate a couple of times and really likes her. I lived in a suite in college and the 4 of us got along really well. Three of the 4 of us recently reconnected on facebook. We are still looking for the 4th.</p>

<p>Lafalum…your story brought tears to my eyes…what a wonderful gesture.</p>

<p>I’ll be up there at the end of the month picking ds up from camp. Maybe then!</p>

<p>Here’s the just-updated story I saw: [Texas</a> mayor apparently shot teen daughter, self](<a href=“]Texas”></p>

<p>Thanks YDS…I am amazed that she thought it out so much to the point that she even left a key and note taped to the front door…and she was more concerned with the dogs than the fact that she was ending her daughter’s life…I LOVE dogs but wow…this is just so sad…</p>

<p>drive safely ACM and I hope you get your internet…that would not be good to be without it!</p>

<p>CD - I only took 2 APs last year, but I guess I did sort of experience senior year being just as good as junior year in terms of scores, which is funny, because I felt way more prepared junior year. I got two 5s last year, and three 5s + one 4 this year, so I kept it up. </p>

<p>jc40 - I’ll have to work on sending motivation over the internet; I’ve had several requests :wink: Though, while I’m cleaning my room, I’m procrastinating on other stuff I don’t want to do, like working on my college schedule…I’m excited about classes, but not dealing with actually figuring out a workable schedule. </p>

<p>I agree that statistics seems like a very useful course for anyone (I haven’t actually taken it myself). I saw so many people in my AP calc class who truly hated it (and frankly, a lot who were really struggling with it), but took it over AP Stat (or in addition to AP Stat) because they though (perhaps correctly) that top colleges would want to see calc on their transcripts. On the other hand, while I don’t think that calculus is really a life skill or anything, I think even taking a little bit could be so interesting, especially when combined with physics, which governs so much of our everyday lives - I think that just knowing the basics of calculus can really enhance your understanding of kinematics, dynamics, etc. That’s just me, though. Of course, that is presumably what one would expect to hear from someone who applied to physics and engineering programs ;)</p>

<p>SWTCAT and YDS…I’m game for a lunch out – just PM me some possible dates and times.</p>

<p>Kindredspirit…you’re right – D’s roommate gesture was indeed very thoughtful. I’m hoping they’ll get along well. (It’s going to require some work, though, because my DD can be difficult at times. :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>acm…have fun and be safe! Use your iPhone for your net access – that’s what I do when I travel. I hate having to go through airport security with my laptop, and now I only bring it if it’s absolutely necessary. It takes a lot longer to type with my one finger on the small little phone screen, and my aged eyes begin to hurt after prolonged squinting; however, it’s worth it not to have to lug my computer around and pay for the hotel internet fee. :)</p>

<p>MomLive and others…congrats on the AP scores!</p>

<p>CaliD…that’s funny. ALL she’s been doing is working on her schedule/possible scenarios for her upcoming orientation. The bad thing about starting with so many credits is that there are so few classes you can take without getting into junior/senior level courses that require prerequisites. These 2000/3000 level prerequisite classes are what she needs; unfortunately, I have a feeling she’s not going to be able to get into them because the 2-4 years have already enrolled, and most of the courses are showing full. The school has reserved spots at each orientation session, but most of those spots, from what I understand, are in the more common freshman level classes. </p>

<p>Trying to get ready for orientation/family vacation. Since DH and DS have never seen DD’s school, we decided to make a family vacation out of it. I’m going to cram in as much history as I possibly can while we’re in VA (much to my children’s chagrin). :)</p>

<p>Since we still haven’t received AP scores I don’t know if they are worse. They can’t be better! Sophomore year he got a 5 on World after coming out of the exam saying he got a 1 or a 2. His teacher didn’t seem to care for him much and had never given him very high marks on essays. Junior year he got a 5 in bio which astounded us. I never thought he would be able to cope with all that material. He loved his teacher and the teacher was super organized and super thorough. They filled nine binders full of notes! He also got a 5 that year in US History which was not such a surprise. This year he had Euro, Physics C and Calculus BC - none of them known for easy grading!</p>

<p>Anyway all that was by way of saying Congrats to CountingDown’s Son.</p>

<p>I know my kid wants to take Statistics so he’ll be taking that at least for math and/or distribution.</p>

<p>mathmom, S2 and talked about sitting down to figure out whether it’s better for him to take the AP credit for Stat or AB, or Enviro or Bio. Part of it depends on if he wants to use the AP to get rid of foundation stuff and go explore a different area, or use the AP credit to get into a higher level of something that interests him. </p>

<p>I am sure your S will do great! i hope they wind up in some classes together.</p>

<p>I will say that S2 liked Calc better than Stat – which surprised me – but he plans to take more stat in college. Maybe it’s along the lines of some kids mesh w/Algebra and some like Geometry.</p>

<p>His Bio class this year never covered anatomy and physiology, so the kids all thought they were totally bleeped when they had to self-study it. For the IB, that mattered. A lot. Not so much for AP, it seems.</p>



<p>jc40 - just let the rest of us know what day you guys are doing lunch so we will understand why our ears are ringing!</p>

<p>We are on page 99! Wow!</p>

<p>Sending more {{HUGS}} and prayers for your sister and you, sewemma. And yes, I have heard of Edward 40 Hands. I can’t believe the things they think of. </p>

<p>FindAPlace - LOL re: the braces being off and not knowing it. Next thing you know, he’ll have a tattoo. JUST KIDDING! Today I scheduled the final HepA shot and the teeth cleaning for our son. He’ll need another haircut and then he should be all done with appointments. Yay! BTW, how is your new job going? And re: the placard… they should really offer one at Bed, Bath, & Beyond.

That is SO funny! </p>

<p>LOL, zoosermom! It wouldn’t work at my house but I hope it does at yours.</p>

<p>intouch1520 - Wishing you a wonderful vacation at the lake. Sounds relaxing!</p>

<p>Way to go on the AP scores, y’all. And mdemvizi, I hope your scores show up soon! Our son was happy with his scores, and as someone said a few days ago that the high school would be happy. Sometimes I think the private schools should send some of the kids a check for using them in their advertising. </p>

<p>missemily516 - I just know you will have great stories to tell us. Yikes on getting locked out of the dorm room in a towel.</p>

<p>shillyshally - I sure hope you are feeling better very soon!</p>

<p>Oh SWTCAT, that story is tragic. Agreeing with Youdon’tsay. Who could do that? {{HUGS}} to all who have experienced this kind of a tragedy.</p>

<p>Lafalum84 - Your story is tragic and heartwarming. How nice for the college to respond that way.</p>

<p>kindredspirit - I will not wear mascara that day. LOL re: the American Girl dolls going on a flight to Chicago. The story you shared about your daughter giving her much-loved doll to another child is precious. You should be very proud! That little girl must have been thrilled!</p>

<p>jc40 - How nice that your daughter and her roommate are already a good fit. She sounds like a thoughtful girl. Lady GaGa - :cool:!</p>

<p>anothercrazymom - I may have missed you… I want to wish you a wonderful time. You may have to look for coffee shops with wireless. Drive safely!
lilmom - :heart: </p>

<p>Thanks for all the smiles today. Stay safe everyone. :cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Kajon (and anyone else who’s interested) …will definitely let you know so you can join us! Party in the south – yee haw! The first round of margaritas / mojitos is on me! :)</p>

<p>Just ordered four books for my classes and it totaled less than $250. It helped that one book was for $0.01. I am used to the buying used since we bought everything in high school. I got two from Amazon and two from So much cheeper than the school bookstore. It would’ve totaled over $300 if I ordered it all from the bookstore. </p>


<p>Yesterday I had the shock of my life. While in the doctor’s waiting room, S1 actually chose the chair next to me. Not across from, down a couple or around the corner, but NEXT to me (and the room was almost empty) Of course he didn’t talk to me, but…</p>

<p>Morning Folks! Happy Thursday!</p>

<p>♫♥ Happy Sixth Birthday to Sewemma’s Wonderful D!! ♫♥</p>

<p>Sewemma: Wishing your sweet daughter a special day! :slight_smile: I still have your sister in my thoughts.</p>

<p>lilmom::heart: </p>

<p>acm: Hope you had a safe and smooth drive down to NC. Enjoy your time at the beach and wishing you internet connection pronto!</p>

<p>BT::heart:…How nice that your dear S is happy with his AP scores. I’m sure his high school is VERY proud. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>mdemvizi: Also hoping your scores arrive soon. YAY for ordering and saving money on your textbooks!</p>

<p>Not much going on here except continued humidity!</p>

<p>Wishing all a wonderful day! </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>ETA: :slight_smile: to Kajon!</p>