Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>CountingDown: Congrats to your son on his great scores! Maybe one of the Euro raters was having a bad day! They are awesome, nonetheless.</p>

<p>So I am getting excited, because I leave in an hour to go pick up my D from her week-long trip to college. I barely heard from her, just a few texts and one very short call, and I kept thinking that was a preview for what is coming on Sept 1st, so I am really trying to figure out how to keep from crying at move-in. </p>

<p>I will post later about her week, since I don’t know how it went, except for “fine” :rolleyes: but she did text me a short story about one crazy morning where she left her keys in her room (she actually did this 3 times while she was there) when she went to take a shower and the roommate’s key didn’t work, so they had to call security, but then the master key didn’t work, so they had to retool the lock! Meanwhile, my D had the clothes she went to the shower on and the roommate only had a towel so she had to borrow some clothes from someone else while they waited to get back in their room…</p>

<p>I expect we will be sharing more stories such as this on this thread in the near future…</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>CD - a big congrats to your S on his fab scores! </p>

<p>American Girl dolls - D didn’t really play with dolls, but I loved them, so she owns a few AG dolls. I couldn’t resist them. :D</p>

<p>CD - congrats to your S on his great AP scores! </p>

<p>mdemvizi - I hope your scores show up soon! </p>

<p>missemily - I hope your D ended up having a nice time - that’s quite a story about retooling the lock!</p>

<p>Thanks for all the great info - just had D sign up for prime with Amazon and we’ll be checking out the safes!</p>

<p>D has been trying to guage the personalities of her suitemates but so far hasn’t seen anything of major concern but not a whole lot of comfort either! She’s not a partier at all so she really just hopes if the rest of them are they aren’t the loud, take-advantage types. </p>

<p>I’ve been dealing with a lousy stomach bug all week so I’ve been reading to keep up but am limited in how long I can stand to be doing any one thing :frowning: Hopefully the end is in sight!</p>

<p>Oh and add me to those who have a child attached to their “mess” :)</p>

<p>intouch, I’ll be on Long Lake in Maine the last week of July.</p>

<p>CD, congrats to your son on his great scores.</p>

<p>My son found out the rest of his scores today also. He ended up with 5s in government, biology, and calculus and 4s in psychology and physics. I thought he was crazy to take that courseload, but I guess he knew what he
was doing.</p>

<p>Shillyshally, I hope you feel better soon!</p>

<p>Thanks, all – he came out of Euro saying that he clearly did not know enough about art history, but rocked the essays. He has a pretty nuanced and often contrarian perspetive on history and political events, so it may be that the reader disagreed with him. I told him that his IB Euro teacher sent CB a note to give S a 4 to keep him humble… :slight_smile: WHATEVER! IT IS DONE!</p>

<p>Anyone else notice that the AP scores are as good or better senior year (without the stress) than they were junior year?!?!? Lurkers of younger students, take note!</p>

<p>Big congrats to CD and S2! Is he going to claim any credits from Tufts?</p>

<p>Big congrats to BCandBU82 and S! It is great to wrap up one’s high school record with a great set of AP scores.</p>

<p>We are still waiting for S1’s scores, but his college won’t award anything anyway…</p>

<p>Shillyshally, stomach bug sucks and hope you get better in no time.</p>

<p>CD, not my son’s! But he got out the exact amount of effort he put in so I hope he learns something in that regard. :)</p>

<p>Dh and I had the big money talk today over lunch. Were ITA and will pounce on ds after we lull him into a sense of complacency with homemade sweet and sour pork.</p>

<p>sewemma, boy can I relate to your kamikazie comment, those small shots can kill ya when you have enough of them.</p>

<p>DD got her her AP scores via phone but they have not showed up in the mail yet here in NY</p>

<p>agree about credit scores, it’s crazy reasoning</p>

<p>No AP scores yet here; this may be the latest they’ve ever arrived. Must make a mental note for next year for D2.</p>

<p>Parent56: That makes no sense on the credit scores. Can you call the agency and ask?</p>

<p>No AP scores here yet either. We’re not expecting them to be great. AP Studio Art is notorious for giving 1s and 2s. D is a good artist, but not Art major material. She just took the class because she enjoys art and liked the teacher. AP Stats was a struggle, and she missed the last month of the class because she was out of the building doing her Senior Project. Her goal was never to get out of taking Stats in college - we just thought the AP class would prepare her better to take (or re-take) Statistics in college. As a Psych major, Stats will be very important for her.</p>

<p>Interestingly, Elon requires ALL students to take Statistics. They jokingly call it “Mathematical literacy for life.” I think that’s true. Very few people, other than scientists, economists or engineers, are going to use Calculus in real life - but everyone sees statistics every day.</p>

<p>Despite the senioritis that seemed to follow S like a cloud the last semester of HS, he certainly came through in the clutch with his grades (including that mv calc class) and AP scores. His senior year was a bit less insane with APs than some, due to the fact that he started out taking three of them as a sophomore (the AP adviser had a wrinkle in her brow about that one but it turned out just fine.)</p>

<p>S tends to rise to the occasion. What I’m hoping for in college is a bit more self motivated reaching and initative, even if the others around him aren’t pushing … although I have a hunch he knows he’s going to find out what real academic “competition” starts to look like at this level. His HS graduation had the val/sals in the front row. We told him that where he’s going, his classmates, pretty much across the board, are going to be like that first row, and no further back. Talent AND drive are going to be key.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>^^ Good words of wisdom FAP</p>

<p>I appear to have pushed a button or two with the American Girl dolls. The whole doll salon thing just seems creepy to me. </p>

<p>Both D1 and D2 had an otherwise seemingly reasonable conversation about how Samantha appeared to have been replaced by another doll. The last I checked their birth certificates, both of these girls were supposed to be adults now. One with a college degree and one that hopefully have one in 4 years…</p>

<p>Funny-ish story. When the D’s were little, I once Googled “American Girl Pleasant Company”. You’d be amazed at what comes back.</p>

<p>Parent56 – I admit that I was remiss in the In-N-Out burger dept. We just weren’t near one when we were hungry. I did have a very good Umami burger though, which D1 assured me was better than In-N-Out. Oh well, now I have a reason to go back.</p>

<p>Lilmom – Sometimes the grass may be greener, but it is sho’nuf harder to mow. We had hoped that D1 would have taken an internship in NYC again. Logistically, that is a whole lot easier for us.</p>

<p>RobD – D2 was definitely checking out the matching girl / doll nightgowns. I repeat, isn’t she supposed to be a college-bound adult? :)</p>

<p>Lafalum84 – Don’t feel bad. We are the only family in the USA that doesn’t have any video games. I’m sure that it is nothing that a few years in therapy can’t fix.</p>

<p>CaD – Don’t feel bad either. I’m sure that if you asked either of our D’s, she would say that we loved the other one more. It appears to be a sister thing. :)</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Ditto on the books. Our problem was that we lived far enough from the mall that D2 would have them read in the car before we got home!</p>

<p>Austinmtmom – Barney was outside the liquor store letting tourists pay for pix with him, presumably so that he could make his next purchase inside. I did take a picture from across the street, thereby depriving Barney of much needed income.</p>

<p>Acm – I’ll trust you on the boots. D2 really dislikes the cold… so, I’m not sure what possessed her to go to school in NJ. “D2 needs Hunter boots for Princeton, Zappos has multiple color choices!”… in my part of the country, that translates to a pair of hunting boots wrapped in colored duct tape and a Zippo lighter to stay warm. I’m guessing that’s not what you mean.</p>

<p>fap/mpabon – I’m virtually sending you my Delta free “adult beverage” coupons. Someone should use them. I end up throwing them out every year.</p>

<p>Sewemma – If a little David Allan Coe will help you feel a little better then “You don’t have to call me Darlin’… Darlin’”. You deserve it.</p>

<p>re: empty-nest – I’m trying to prepare for a long drive home too. I’m sure that more than once I will hear “Why did we let our baby go all the way to New Jersey?” while DW has that raccoon look going (mascara + tears = raccoon). All this talk about wailing has me really scared. At least D1 will be back from LA and doesn’t live too far away. She has posted a message on DW’s FB that she can come take her to lunch and buy her things to get over having D2 go away… such sisterly love. When we dropped off D1, I think that D2 was the one who cried the most… she was probably scared that we would be able to focus more “attention” on her. :)</p>

<p>I’m surprised that no one has mentioned the HGTV / BBB Home Sweet Dorm sweepstakes yet.</p>

<p>[Bed</a> Bath & Beyond® ? Home Sweet Dorm Sweepstakes](<a href=“]Bed”></p>

<p>Found this on another thread here CC…this is very close to where I live…so sad…I cannot imagine what on earth could be so bad to do this…she was headed to UT where D is going…it makes trying to decide what laundry detergent and mattress topper to buy seem silly…</p>

<p>[Deaths</a> of mayor, daughter rock a small Dallas suburban town - News Blog](<a href=“”></p>

<p>SWT, I’ve been following this as I have family in Coppell and was just there this past weekend (wish I had known you were close and we could have met!). Are they assuming the mom was the suicide or the dd? </p>

<p>ETA: Nevermind. Found another story that says it was the mom who was the suicide. If you want to kill yourself, fine, but why take your dd?</p>

<p>YDS - We had two cases around here junior year where a dad killed his whole family and then took his own life. It was always because of financial reasons too.</p>

<p>PCP, he gets up to five AP credits from Tufts. The bummer is that he has to have two math and two science courses for distribution credits, and he has AP math and science scores that qualify for all four courses. Only gets to use one in each category, though. It’s all good. They have some interesting options he’ll enjoy.</p>

<p>And he refuses to go into engineering or science!! :)</p>

<p>SWTCAT, all this brings back an episode that happened to a good friend of mine when we were students at Lafayette.</p>

<p>The summer before our junior year, my friend found out that her grades weren’t enough to keep her ROTC scholarship. Her family was having financial problems as well. She had a brother in college and a younger sister with Down Syndrome. One morning while my friend was visiting her grandmother, after the brother and mother left for work, the father shot the sister as she slept. He then called his wife at work to explain that he believed they’d all be better off financially without him, and he didn’t want my friend and her brother to be burdened by taking care of their sister after the parents were too old to care for her. By the time the police got to the house the dad had shot himself as well. My friend was devastated. To top it off, life insurance won’t pay if you commit suicide, and she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to afford to return to college. Her boyfriend told her to write to Lafayette’s FA office and send them the newspaper article about the murder/suicide. Lafayette responded immediately: Don’t worry about anything. Just show up in the fall. When she arrived on campus, she was handed a receipt showing that her tuition & room fees were paid, and given a check to pay for her meal plan. I have always loved Lafayette for the way they handled the situation. That’s the nice thing about a small LAC with a large endowment!</p>