Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>My D was totally into Lion King. It came out around the time that I left my husband and became a single mom, so we went to the theatre to see it several times (I seem to remember it being in the movie theatres for several months). Burget King put out a line of Lion King toys, and I remember that my D had a little lunch pail that she carried them all around in.</p>

<p>We did build-a-bear as well, and my D still has her “bedtime bear” that she got there.</p>

<p>Amazing Amy was the end of the dolls for us. My D wanted Amazing Amy so bad, but it was really expensive (I think she talked and ate and peed). So I got her one for christmas, she played with it on christmas day, then never touched it again…</p>

<p>Good morning, and welcome to our new posters! </p>

<p>I still have my rather large Beanie Baby collection. I also had a collector’s book, and it showed the projected values for each Beanie Baby in 2005 or so. Many of mine were supposedly going to be worth thousands, so I told my dad I’d hold on to them, sell them, and then earn lots and lots of money from my sales. My dad told me they wouldn’t actually be worth that much, but I insisted he was wrong. Turns out no one’s really willing to match those prices… ;)</p>

<p>Thanks, ks. I have a pot of decaf tea brewing on the stove right now so that I don’t make the same mistake tonight!</p>

<p>And can you believe ds just e-mailed from work to remind ME to do something on the to-do list? Who took my son and replace him with this responsible kid??? ;)</p>

<p>Morning all!</p>

<p>Parent56: my mom is from England and I have a gollywog as well as an Andy Pandy (which was mine from childhood & has lost all it’s nap on the outside.) I always forget about the gollywog until we get ready to move & it gets unearthed.</p>

<p>Re: the AG dolls. I wouldn’t let D1 get one when “everyone else” had one in kindergarten, then I made her get a Bitty Baby first to make sure she’d be responsible with it. Then she got Josefina. D2 also got a Bitty Baby, but she got Kit pretty quickly because they looked exactly alike. The “good” thing about AG was that it helped us keep presents in check at birthday & christmas time; my inlaws (and then my mom to keep up) bought the kids a ridiculous # of presents (I tried to have them put money into custodial accounts but was told that the kids wouldn’t get excited about that on Christmas morning. Sigh.) So I was able to say that D1 wanted the blah blah accessory or outfit for a particular doll, and since they were so dang expensive it would limit the train of unwanted stuff. Huzzah.</p>

<p>Still no ap scores yet here. Got letters from D1s school yesterday letting us know that bills will be available on July 19th.</p>

<p>mathmom, you have provided yet MORE evidence that our children were separated at birth! Same toy progression, same kids. :0 Still have the Thomas trains and KNex for S1, dinosuars, animals and Legos for S2.</p>

<p>S2 has several beanie baby elephants. And yes, he mentioned this in his ‘Why Tufts’ 50 words! Tufts kind of seemed preordained.</p>

<p>My D2 organized a collection drive for her Girl Scout Bronze project for an organization called “Beanies for Baghdad” There were some soldiers there who got the shipments and distributed the beanies to the children. Several that she collected had the tag protectors on them, or were in display boxes. We never got into that so it was funny seeing them and now being donated (for a good cause) I’ll see if I still have a picture the newspaper took of her with the collection and put it up on shutterfly (done)</p>

<p>lol RobD… knew we had alot in common!!</p>

<p>no ap scores here either</p>

<p>Legos, legos, everywhere! I remember when the boys were little, I would carefully pickup those tiny pieces (after I yelled from the pain of stepping on them). As they got older - I just grinned and vacuumed them up! :p</p>

<p>There was also a time when I could name every dinosaur that once roamed the earth.</p>

<p>jackief, love the story about your daughter’s project. It’s hard to part with something that is “special” but it feels rewarding when you do it for a good cause!</p>

<p>alice, from what I understand there are still houses to be had on the Cape, at least where we usually go (Orleans/Eastham/Wellfleet). Have a lobster roll for me!</p>

<p>Booklady…we’ll be there 7/21 thru 7/27 (Eastham). You?</p>

<p>We’ve identified a couple of places still open in our favorite spot - Brewster Dunes. Can’t wait.</p>

<p>Still no ap scores today but D ran into her principal and was told she got 2-4s (english and music theory) and a 5 (in calc! :smiley: D thought she bombed that one!) She’s happy.</p>

<p>I am dating myself but I have one of the original cabbage patch kids that I am certain will finance my retirement as well! Oh, and a boatload of pokemon stuff - including some pokemon beanie babies. Sigh. Hopefully the future grandchildren will play with them…</p>

<p>Just got an email notice that Delta has just put tons of fares on sale… off to check that out!</p>

<p>Missemily – your shower / lock story reminds me of a guy that I worked with that was traveling. He got up in the middle of the night, sleepy, and went to the bathroom (he always closed the door and kept on the light so that he could find it). When he closed the door behind him was when he realized that he was in the hall, not the bathroom. He had to go to the front-desk completely naked to get a key to get back in his room… obviously, with no ID.</p>

<p>Ks – I hope that you are equally successful pulling off the raccoon look. Just to try to keep up with your graphics capability… ♢♫♥♯♛</p>

<p>Jc40 – Good luck. VA has a lot of history to cram. That was one of the perks of growing up in VA… there were always field trips. Also, thanx for ruining my “hand patting / everything will be fine” plan. I guess that means that Plan B (aka the “There, There, Dear it’s OK. We’ll be home soon.” plan) and Plan C (aka the “Thanksgiving will be here before you know it” plan) are out too? At this rate I’ll soon be down to Plan Z which involves having an actual conversation and communicating meaningful. :)</p>

<p>Momof3sons – Having never been called a p*sser before, I’ll take that as a compliment. </p>

<p>Kajon – Stepping on Barbie shoe pain = Lego pain.</p>

<p>All “Man Cave” cleaners - Be forewarned that it will be your fault when DH can’t find something in that newly “cleaned” room… whether you touched it or not. :slight_smile: A pile for everything and everything in its pile, I say. I guess that I just don’t understand, not being a packrat myself. All my stuff is “perfectly good” and will be needed some day. Now where did I put that guitar string that I have been saving since 1978, in case I need it to tie up some tomato plants to those sticks I’ve been keepin’? Ah, there it is behind the computer equipment that the Smithsonian is gonna want someday. I bet my 300 baud modem is every bit as valuable as any Beanie Baby… just not as cuddly :)</p>

<p>Re: Treasures – That would imply that I venture into the girl’s part of the house… ain’t gonna happen. I get scared back there. That square footage doesn’t exist in my mind.</p>

<p>I’m glad to know that we weren’t the only ones gullible enough to buy the AG dolls.</p>

<p>I admit it, any mental instability that my D’s have can probably be directly attributed to me playing dolls with them. We used to get out the Barbies and I would have a regular sized baby doll. We pretended that Barbie didn’t know that she was pregnant, went to the dentist and had x-rays, and ultimately had a 40’ baby that was on a rampage in the hospital (Dream House) tipping over furniture and Corvettes in the parking lot because it didn’t know any better. Think Godzilla in a pinnafore. Yes, this is a true story.</p>

<p>LOl Gsharp…you continue to entertain me while I am here at work…way more fun than root canals!</p>

<p>AP scores at last. Not as good as the past which had all been 5’s, but he’ll get some credit for it all I think. (Tufts rules seem very confusing.)</p>

<p>He got a 4 on the Mech part of AP Physics which was a pleasant surprise. A 3 on the E&M which won’t get credit. Got a 4 on the AB part of the Calc BC exam (3 on BC), so he’ll get 1 credit for that. Finally he got a 4 on AP Euro, which is fine. This teacher does not teach to the test at all, instead he teaches what he thinks the kids ought to know. One of their required papers for example was an art history paper.</p>

<p>GSharp: Once again, I’m LOL! Thank you! And I will try to pull off the raccoon look! Maintaining graphic capabilities - not so much while driving! (BTW - love the crown!) And my H and I agree: Stepping on barbie shoe pain does = lego pain. We’ve experienced both!!</p>

<p>Your Barbie dollhouse story? - priceless!</p>

<p>Mathmom: Nice AP scores for your S!</p>

<p>Stepping on Barbie shoe pain = lego pain. </p>

<p>My dad would beg to differ. He had to suffer through stepping on jacks (remember those???) and I would always get in trouble for that!!!</p>

<p>lilmom-“stepping on jacks” Ouch! I hate when that happens…</p>

<p>And, GSharp, being called a “p*sser” in my neck of the woods is a very high compliment. :smiley: You and zoosermom have received that exalted status with others in close pursuit.</p>