Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>^^Stepping on jack pain here as well! (I also enjoyed playing that with my D!)…Good times!..Pick up sticks, anyone? :)</p>

<p>geez gsharp!!! i just burst out laughing and the patients are looking at me like i’m crazy!!</p>



<p>archiemom, not at all this summer, alas (H and I are planning a trip to Europe in the fall for our 25th anniversary instead.) We’ve rented various houses on the Cape most summers for the past 17 years, starting when S was a year old. It’s my favorite place on earth. I feel all the tension leave my body the minute we head over the Sagamore Bridge…<em>sigh</em></p>

<p>GSharp - I think I caught my S using one of D’s old baby dolls in a similar way - only he was playing with his Batman and Robin action figures at the time. Oh, and I think he was using D’s Fisher Price Loving Dollhouse as Wayne Manor. </p>

<p>Congrats to mathmom’s S on the great AP scores. </p>

<p>I think stepping on jacks is worse than stepping on Legos or Barbie shoes!</p>

<p>GSharp: my mom is from England and the p*sser label is one she uses for someone with a wicked sense of humor; so I think you qualify ;)</p>

<p>I don’t know if DH ever played Barbies with the girls, but he used to play the game Pretty, Pretty Princess (in which you collected the matching set of earrings, ring, necklace so you could win the crown) and I always admired his enthusiasm. But if he did play Barbies, he would have gone the same route that you did; he’s a big Godzilla fan. </p>

<p>AP scores finally came today. Anticlimactic but glad to have the piece of paper. I made a note on my calendar for next summer & D2…</p>

<p>Gsharp, I had a son and a daughter, so we had GI Joes and Barbies. The Barbies had a big house, and we just kept all the GI Joe & Barbie stuff together. So apparently a bunch of Barbies and GI Joes were all living together in this big house, just tossed in together and piled on one another in various states of nudity. Not sure if they were stuck in a 60’s time-warp or what. Every once in a while DH would make a snarky comment about wondering WHAT was going on in that Barbie house, and are we maybe giving the kids an inappropriate message? </p>

<p>We also had a Ken doll that came with a little tube of hair gel and a pair of white loafers. DH called him “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Ken.” Eventually the kids asked us what we meant by that… we said, “Don’t worry about it.”</p>

<p>Received my AP scores today also. I am really satisfied with my AP Art History score (3) because I get 6 credits at Ithaca! I am thinking of taking some Art History courses anyway so it helps. I got a 2 on AP Lit but I knew that going in. I hated that class so much and my teacher was not one of my favorites. So in total I have 9 credits entering (six from AP and 3 from CC)!</p>

<p>Gsharp - You have me laughing out loud too. My co-workers must be wondering what could possibly be that funny about taxes.</p>

<p>GSharp…I’m in tears imagining the Barbie story – too funny! Your D must have a fantastic sense of humor. My DH tried really hard to play dolls with our D when she was young – His attempts were pretty strained and unsuccessful. His fighter/airline pilot machismo would always interfere; he obviously doesn’t have your imagination, but I love him anyway! :slight_smile: When our S came along several years later, however, it clicked, and he was able to play with the Mardel superheros like none other. He began collecting like crazy insisting they were for “our son”. Yeah, right. I have boxes and boxes of Batman, Superman, etc. paraphanalia in the toy closet, gym closet, guest closet…you get the idea?</p>

<p>Kindredspirit…thanks for the smilie link! I’m usually pretty techno savvy, but after trying to input emoticons from numerous sites with no success, I gave up. I LOVE to learn new things…thanks!</p>

<p>Jacks were indeed painful when you stepped on them. They were my favorite oudoor toy along with my lemon twist (sort of like a jump rope/hula hoop that spun around your ankle).</p>

<p>D’s scores came today. 2 5’s a 4 and a 3. The one she cared most about was Latin and that was a 5, the teacher was expecting this although the class has an abismal track record (I think only one third passed last year), she won the Latin award at school this year. Other 5 was in Stats, teacher is a grader for stats, she will be happy with this. Did better in calc class in school but got a 4. Will be fine she will take a math placement test anyway and not sure what she will want to take for math. Biggest disappointment will probably be Eng Lit with a 3, lack of credit won’t matter hope she isn’t disappointed. She skipped taking the physics C tests, will be interesting to hear how her classmates did first year the course was offered.</p>

<p>GSharp did you see TS3? Did you like the scary big baby doll?</p>

<p>ps- She requested I open them on arrival and fax a copy to her at camp</p>

<p>I hate to interrupt my usual posts with something useful, but here are the Delta deals that came out today.</p>

<p>[Fall</a> Flights on Sale](<a href=“]Fall”></p>

<p>Mathmom - my Ds teachers were similar so I always told her not to feel defined by any scores, especially as she just freezes in tests but her grades and the known rigor of her school show she can hack what is thrown at her. </p>

<p>This same D is also a lover of Pokemon cards and all things Totoro - and I won’t be surprised if she doesn’t take some of her items along with her to college :)</p>

<p>We were not a doll family - ended up with plenty from various gift sources - mainly they were used for hair styling and hair cuts :slight_smile: We did have many beanie babies and DH still holds on to a few (he works in toys). He did just go through his Dad’s and brother’s Magic Card collection and sold them for a decent price so I can’t complain about some collectibles! I collect all things Snoopy and Peanuts but don’t plan on selling any of them :)</p>

<p>mathmom, mdemvizi, and jackief - congrats on the great AP scores! I agree that I will never truly understand AP grading, especially on the more “subjective” tests.</p>

<p>mdemvizi’s post (and others) inspired me to see how much credit I got exactly. There’s a column that says “units” and it says I got 10 for CS and Calc, and then 9 for English Lit, and USH, plus credit for 2 Spanish classes worth 9 each from my one AP. Those numbers don’t mean much to me, but they sounds nice, I suppose…lol. Of course, the only exam I didn’t get a 5 on, physics, is one of the few where they only give credit for a 5, not a 4. But I’m okay with retaking it, so no big deal. </p>

<p>I finally emailed a professor about the Chinese placement. She said to make an appointment to come to her office during orientation for an oral placement kind of exam. Unfortunately, that’s after the time when we can start registering for classes…I’m not really sure how to work this out, since I really would like to continue Chinese…note to self: talk to adviser and/or peer advisers :slight_smile: (Just thinking aloud a little!)</p>

<p>My D was the Queen of “4’s” on almost all of her AP exams over the course of high school. She really wanted to get at least one 5, but ended up with a 4 in AP Art History which she thought she had the best chance of getting a 5 on this year. She was happy with her scores overall and is getting a lot of credit for the AP’s and the 3 college classes she took during high school.</p>

<p>Just adding CONGRATS for the great AP scores AND credits to:mdemvizi, jackief’s D, CaliD and showmom’s happy D. :)</p>

<p>All very :cool: news…</p>

<p>jc40: You’re quite welcome…from a very untechnologically savvy soul. ;)</p>

<p>shillyshally: Hope you are feeling better.</p>

<p>Question for the veteran wisdom teeth crowd–D is supposed to have hers out tomorrow but haas come down with a cold. Should we cancel? Don’t know the oral surgeon so don’t know how much confidence I have in him and our dentist is out of town.</p>

<p>RobD - My husband also played Pretty, Pretty Princess with my girls. I have pictures to prove it. :smiley: He also played “hairdresser” with them. They were the hairdressers! ;)</p>


<p>D had wisdom teeth out today! Feeling a bit groggy now. :eek:</p>

<p>I would call the oral surgeon’s office regarding a cold, even if you don’t know him well. We had some questions, and they were very good in the oral surgeon’s office. </p>

<p>He may have her take antibiotic an hour before (and possibly after) the procedure, if you decide to go forward with it, in order to prevent secondary infection from possible suppressed immune system from cold. Just a thought.</p>

<p> :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny:
♬♬ Happy Birthday to sewemma’s sweet daughter! ♬♬</p>

<p>mdemvizi - Yay! for saving money! :slight_smile: And congrats on those credits. :)</p>

<p>Kajon - Sweet! Thanks for sharing.</p>

<p>kindredspirit - Yikes! The humidity here was unreal yesterday. My hair: just think Linc from Mod Squad. :eek:</p>

<p>momof3sons - LOL! You sure brighten my days. I will cry… but I’m thinking (hoping) it will be a little easier this time. Unfortunately my husband and I both save too much. But after moving my mom to a senior condo several years ago, I swore I wouldn’t leave my kids all that crap to throw out. I figure I have at least a few years left, so why start now? That would seriously cut into my CC time. :(</p>


My thoughts exactly! ;)</p>

<p>jackief - We, too, have a 16 hour drive and are planning two days each way. Because I want our son to arrive in one piece (part of Fall Tuition is already paid), I think we’ll have him drive only when necessary. Your daughter’s Girl Scout Bronze project sounds so nice. </p>

<p>OMG - The beanie babies. They’re in our daughter’s closet. And I think there is a bin under my mom’s spare room bed… intouch1520 - I, too, waited in those lines. :rolleyes: And I used to play hairdresser with my dad… he would be ‘resting’ on the couch and we would put a lot of Brylcreem in his hair and make wild hair-dos.</p>

<p>jc40 - I learned everything I know from the people on this thread. Eight months ago I knew nothing! kindredspirit told me about the character map. psychmom told us about the rainbow letters - it’s tek ( just put the teks together).</p>

<p>Welcome redbug119. Congratulations to you and your children!</p>

<p>I’m confused, but I think I’m also welcoming kels0298? Maybe your post was deleted? And who is entomom? Okay, I need some chocolate.</p>

<p>showmom858 - Our daughter took her stuffed polar bear to college. It was in her crib when we brought her home from the hospital. She still keeps it in her bedroom, though not on her bed anymore. </p>

<p>Good luck, Youdon’tsay. I’m glad the $$ discussion went well. Watch out for the caffeine tonight - I won’t tell the D.A.R.E. officer.</p>

<p>lilmom - Yes, Poke’mon cards, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers (minus the weapons, long story…), baseball cards, and about 100 of those tiny little plastic batting helmets. Ten years from now they’ll be remembering Silly Bands and Webkinz.</p>

<p>aliceinw and archiemom - Your vacations sound great! Our family has many happy memories of our Cape Cod vacation.</p>

<p>Thanks for the tip, cecil. No luck for us, but I’ll keep checking.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all who are happy with AP scores and fingers crossed that the rest will arrive soon.</p>

<p>GSharpM7 - LOL re: the Barbie story. My husband used to play tea party, etc. with our daughter. He still has a little sign taped to his mirror that says, “Dear Dad Come to XXXXXX’s room 5:00 Valentines[sic] Day R. S. V. P. Love, XXXXXX X.” I love that she included her last initial, as if he might not know which XXXXXX was inviting him. That sign is about eighteen years old. (I received no invitation.) I was always the lucky invitee for the electronic board game ‘Mall Madness’.</p>

<p>CaliforniaDancer - Can you register for the class you think is the right one and then drop/add if necessary? I would hate for you to not be able to get a class after orientation.</p>

<p>Best wishes and quick healing to your dear daughters, pmartin57 and 1sokkermom.</p>

<p>Have a great evening, y’all! I am still laughing.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>pmartin57, your doctor of course knows best. Is your daughter having general anesthesia? My daughter (a veteran of many oral surgeries) was told NOT to come in if she was sick because any kind of respiratory issues might be a problem with the anesthesia. My daughter also pointed out that you need to breathe through your nose while they’re working on your teeth, so if you are excessively congested that would be a problem.</p>

<p>And this is totally beside the point, but kind of a fun fact: my daughter’s anesthesiologist for her oral surgery was Albert Einstein’s grandson.</p>