Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>BlessedTwice-Sorry to hear that you are under the weather! :frowning: Looking forward to when you raise the “healthy” flag with multiple sunshines…By the way, the afghans my MIL is making are multi-fruity-colored. No solid colors for the boys to fight for. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Thanks to GSharp for the list-within-a-list. :wink: It’s very helpful in keeping up!</p>

<p>As for the wandering beach toddler, I think I would have wanted to say something to the parents, but honestly am not sure I would have done it. However, if I sent a glare their way, my DH says that would be enough for anyone to spring into action and correct their behavior. ;)</p>

<p>Queen’s Mom–hope a good night’s sleep helped! If not, head over to Sinner’s Alley for a good stiff one…they’re always open. ;)</p>

<p>The final distribution college list looks great–it’s so diverse! You might think a place like CC would have everyone at a few well-known colleges, but no…as we always say, there are more than “20” great colleges in the US, and there’s one for YOU! :)</p>

<p>Re afghans–a family friend made one for me when I was graduating. Bright orange & rust colors. I took it with me the first year, but it just didn’t go with, um, anything.</p>

<p>I agree with mommusic on the college list that GSharpM7 posted. We have your usual Harvard, Yale, and Princeton’s but then we have Oberlin, Goucher, and Elon. It’s a very interesting list from a very diverse group of people :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I am already finding an issue with my schedule, oh dear. I need to make an appointment with my advisor when I get on campus to trade out one of my electives to try and get into a spanish class. I am 99% sure I want to try and double degree in Culture and Communication which combines a lot of my major stuff with a fun degree. But C&C requires language proficiency which I didn’t schedule for but thought about a lot. Argh.</p>

<p>Good Morning!</p>

<p>BT, I hope you’re feeling better soon!</p>

<p>GSharpM7, Thanks for the list update! If it ever gets redone again, my son’s UNC is also UNC-Chapel Hill.</p>

<p>Mascots-Well, UNC has a Ram, but we’re also Tarheels. What exactly is a Tarheel? In case you’re curious: [Tar</a> Heel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]Tar”>Tar Heel - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>Brooklynbrndad, I was born in Flatbush!</p>

<p>I think I would still be too uncomfortable to confront the parents, they could have been watching, but I don’t feel they were close enough if he got into trouble. I remember grandma types telling me my S needed a sweater at the park, and getting defensive. I know this is more then a chilly baby. I don’t know, when S was in 8th grade a dad picked up his daughter after a dance, reeking of alcohol, I was the only mom there and I kept waiting for one of the dad’s to say something. No one did and he drove off with his daughter, nothing happened but it still kind of haunts me. There is a show on NBC called “What Would You Do?” they have these kinds of dilemmas. This will probably rattle around my conscience for awhile.</p>

<p>Thank You ML and GSharp for the lists and GSharp your D might be thankful for that single when she sees some of the roommate drama. I offered to pay for a single if they were available at any school S chose. I don’t think he could get one at W&M. I thought he might be tired of roommates after 4 years, luckily he had good experiences every year, here’s to hoping his luck holds!</p>

<p>Good morning all!</p>

<p>BT: I hope you are feeling better soon. Like momof3, I also look forward to your multiple sunshines as a sign of your improved health. Thank you so much for your warm birthday wishes for my now 21-year old, “baby boy” (it’s okay…he’ll never see this description). He had a wonderful celebration and I’m sure he would appreciate the Long Island Tea! Sending you {{{HUGS}}} and :heart: for a speedy recovery.</p>

<p>jc40: Glad you and your D are enjoying orientation. Happy eating! ;)</p>

<p>Flinty: Congrats to your D on her AP scores and credits!</p>

<p>mdemvizi: YAY for getting your roommate. Sending good thoughts for your housing news and working out your schedule to your satisfaction.</p>

<p>ML and GSharp: Thanks for all your work and care in providing the updated lists. Wonderful to see and definitely helps when my memory fades.</p>

<p>Wishing all a wonderful day.</p>

<p>Stay :cool:</p>

<p> Good Morning Everyone!:heart::heart::heart:</p>

<p>BT, Hope to see you at full sun-strength asap. In the meantime, I’m sending you my pathetic attempt at sunshine: ☼☼☼☼☼☼ Hmmm, I think I’ll stick with purple hearts!</p>

<p>ML and GSharp, Thank you for taking the time to update the lists.</p>

<p>KS, Congrats on your baby turning 21…handing YOU a Long Island Iced Tea (and some excedrin for the alcohol-induced headache)!</p>

<p>Brooklynborndad, A special shout out to you–both my parents were Brooklynites. Welcome aboard!</p>

<p>Not much going on here. My D’s friend’s parents are having a “Let’s Do Launch” party…the mom promises it will be an upbeat, fun day. I’ve scheduled a weekend for my private (solo) post-launch meltdown. (It’s on August 28-29, if anyone in cyberworld is on a similar schedule and wants to join me in some virtual margaritas.)</p>

<p>Today, I am going to do nothing that is related to higher education…I hope.</p>

<p>^There’s an interesting discussion on the movie “Inception” in the Parent’s Cafe.</p>

<p>DH & the girls saw Inception on Sunday & they all loved it (that’s unusual; someone is usually the outlier ;)</p>

<p>Hello all.</p>

<p>Many thanks to ML and GSharp for the updated lists. Really interesting - and the diversity of schools says so much, especially in CC world where so many assumptions are made about academic snobbery.</p>

<p>And welcome back from vacation to ML and QM.</p>

<p>BT, hope you’re back “over the weather” soon.</p>

<p>S got his room assignment and roommate info yesterday. As noted, he’s not rooming with YDS’s son. That would have been a real twist of fate, I think. I don’t think he’s had much contact with his roommate yet, but he is pretty laid back about all this. Good for him (imagine if he took after his mom. . . ).</p>

<p>Good Morning everyone. </p>

<p>I’m feeling what it’s like to be the “sandwich” generation (is that the right term?) I called my 77 yr old dad yesterday to see how he was doing and he informed me that he was going to the hospital to meet with a cardiologist. At his last physical, his doctor told him he may have to have heart valve surgery. I’m 3 hours away and can’t get there today. I wish I had known sooner so I could make arrangements to be there for his appointment. </p>

<p>It sure makes my plan to shop for XL sheets seem so trivial.</p>

<p>acm - my S was lifeguarding last week and had to jump in after a 2 year old with water wings who was in trouble RIGHT NEXT to her father. The father was apparently surprised and told my son he was over reacting because the child had water wings on. It amazes me how ignorant some parents are. No thank you, nothing. He was just annoyed that DS made him look like a bad parent.</p>

<p>psychmom: Thanks! :heart::heart: I’m not sure I could stay awake after a Long Island Iced Tea!..The parents’ party sounds like a nice idea. Hoping for fun and an upbeat time for all. I’m also sending positive vibes for the “post-launch.” I might join you, though it will be a few days later after D’s move-in.</p>

<p>aliceinw: I think it’s a good sign that your S is “laid back.” Suggests he’s ready and taking it in stride. My D seems to have the same attitude…Me, OTOH, right there with you! ;)</p>

<p>lilmom: Hope your dad is okay. It is frustrating to be at a such a distance. Sending you {{{HUGS}}}. (And yes, I believe “sandwich generation” is the right term).</p>

<p>D’s pond does not allow flotation devices of any kind, including “water wings,” because they instill a sense of false confidence. Kids with flotation devices venture out deeper than they would without one , and parents don’t pay as much attention to kids wearing “floaties” (as this thread has already shown 2 examples of). D gets yelled at by parents who don’t understand that this policy is for their own kids’ safety. If you’re not a strong enough swimmer to be in water over your head without a flotation device, you shouldn’t be in water that deep WITH one, either.</p>

<p>Hello, everyone. :)</p>

<p>We’re back from vacation. It was wonderful. 18 people, 5 dogs, and 4 generations all got along. Surf City, NC is my new favorite beach town. Batman’s newest vocabulary word is “ocean.” </p>

<p>I have no idea how I’m going to catch up on this thread, but I’ll try. (The last post I read was #904 :eek:.) </p>

<p>The only news I have to report is that Son had his wisdom teeth removed yesterday and D’12 is on day 2 of a 15-day “service vacation” in Hawaii. </p>

<p>Cheers! :slight_smile: :cool:</p>

<p>DB, where can I sign up for a “service vacation” in Hawaii? ;)</p>

<p>One of the worst moments of my life was when my DS was 4 and DD was 2. We were having a neighborhood BBQ and a toddler wandered off. A frantic search found him at the bottom of a neighbors pool where he had wandered through an unlatched gate. Mouth to mouth revived him - but he died later that day. The lasting image of that boy in the searchers arms and the efforts to save him bring tears to my eyes even today. Many lives were affected that day - I know that neither family ever recovered and the neighborhood, which had been very friendly, became distant.</p>

<p>Would I have done something about a child in what I considered to be danger? After that experience, I am very aggressive in these type of situations. Gotten more than a few dirty looks and comments from parents - but I haven’t seen any more drowning children either.</p>

<p>Sorry for such a downer note this morning - but please be extra aware during these summer months.</p>

<p>What is a “service vacation?” Do you have to pay for it or is it something through an organization? Hawaii sounds nice, service or not.</p>

<p>Here ya go, lilmom: [Teen</a> Summer Camp | Teen Camps | Teen Summer Tour | Teen Summer Travel | Teen Rafting Trips | Teenager Wilderness Trips](<a href=“]Teen”> </p>

<p>It’s a 16th birthday + Christmas thing for her.</p>