Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>If you can, treat the family to dinner or pizza or ice cream while you are there.</p>

<p>Offer to pay for yourself if they take you places.</p>

<p>parent56 - beautiful video!
I am current performing the delicate balance between nagging and doing the majority of DSs packing myself. My theory is he has no clue what he will really need so I’m just making a huge pile in the basement of everything as I buy or think of it. There’s no way without my help he’ll remember to bring a toilet brush or ice cube trays! Less than three weeks :slight_smile: :(</p>


This. It would mean a lot to them.</p>

<p>Good morning folks…</p>

<p>Sorry to hear about all the tragic swimmer stories as well…Hope all continue to be aware and stay safe.</p>

<p>KY: {{{HUGS}}} to you and your community in dealing with the aftermath of the flood. I’m sure your help is so appreciated.</p>

<p>Nice to hear about some of the rooms getting cleaned up (YDS, shillyshally).</p>

<p>cecil: Best of luck with the cleaning! Just make sure you have an internet connection and device with you at all times so we can find you if necessary! ;)</p>

<p>BUandBC82: Sounds like you had a great shopping trip! Best of luck in getting your letters out to your new class. Wow…the summer sure is flying by. And enjoy your vacation! :)</p>

<p>Also nice to hear about the happy D’s and S’s with their room assignments.</p>

<p>GSharp: Sorry to hear about the delay with the scholarship notification. Wishing your D good news, even if it is later than expected.</p>

<p>Pmk: So nice that you are spreading the “Northeastern gospel.” My nephew will also be starting there in the fall. He’s psyched!!!</p>

<p>acm: Wishing you relaxation in NC. Though sometimes, times change and if you feel a trip home is what you need, IMO, I’d consider it.</p>

<p>applicanot: I agree with the advice of Booklady and mpabon. Enjoy your week.</p>

<p>parent56: Thanks for sharing the amazing video! Just beautiful and so full of love. I’m sure your S and his wonderful bride are continuing to celebrate each day.</p>

<p>Not much happening here…pretty slow on the dorm shopping front…D doesn’t seem in a hurry either once we picked out the bedding. It’s all good!</p>

<p>Wishing all a great day.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Nothing much is happening here either. D is out with friends every day and every night and getting somewhat depressed that they are all moving in different directions in less than a month.</p>

<p>I am trying to get her to focus on taking the placement tests she needs to take and she has informed me that she is not leaving without a driver’s license so we have to do that too. Still doing back-up laundry from the vacation.</p>

<p>My life is so boring…I guess that’s a good thing. ;)</p>

<p>ditto to KS!!! (thanks again for the recaps)</p>

<p>cecil and AL34…i went downstairs to see if i could make a start on son’s mess… turned around and walked away!! good thing he is up in canada or he would be in the sealed box!!</p>

<p>oops forgot… thanks ML and Gsharp for the lists</p>

<p>Thank you Parent56. The video was amazing. They look incredibly happy together and the wedding venue was so beautiful.</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as far as wondering what to do with DS’s mess! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you guys sharing your stories. I feel guilty that I’ve let his room deteriorate to the point it’s in.</p>

<p>Yesterday, I asked him to write one thank-you note and fulfill an online counseling requirement to get his student loan. Late in the day, DH asked how it was going. With a BIG SIGH, DS said, “You and mom are just loading me up with MASSIVE amounts of stuff to do!” DH said, “Then I take it that means you’ve done nothing at all?” DS smiled and said that was true. Sigh. Then it turns out he’s lost his wallet! We turned the house upside down, and I told his two siblings I’d give the finder $5. No luck. The good news is that he just had a temporary Texas driver’s license, and the real one was sent to my parents’ house (his legal residence now) yesterday, so my mom will FedEx it to us (the cost will come out of DS’s money).</p>

<p>I agree with the parents on here who have said it’s not all bad to have the kids move out!! The prospect doesn’t seem as bleak when I think about the extra time I will have to deal with my own work. He’s been a high-maintenance kid, more so than his brother and sister.</p>

<p>Oh, “You’re welcome” to everyone who has thanked me for the list. It’s really simple to do - I enjoy that kind of thing!</p>

<p>have brag on my new DIL… that whole beautiful wedding was planned, coordinated, everything to the last detail by her!! she is a wedding consultant and trained with the best (kevin Covey who is on tv)…they are moving to seattle next month and she will be re-starting her business up there… thought she would have to break into the area slowly …but… someone getting married had talked to a vendor she used for her wedding… and she has now booked her first wedding is seattle!!! i am so happy for her</p>

<p>ML …thank you notes??? i think he has forgotten what they are…he did a few and i asked that he do the rest before his trip… thought he had but found them laying in his room, so now wont be done until next month!!</p>


Wow, that’s wonderful!! I love hearing good news like that, and I’m so impressed that you are bragging on your DIL. That speaks so highly of both of you.</p>

<p>p56: Dittoing zooser’s sentiments about your DIL (and you) :)</p>

<p>Also dittoing turning around and “walking away from the mess.” ;)</p>

<p>thanks zooser and KS… she’s easy to brag on!! but it really impressed me that as a coordinator/bride she obviously didnt turn into a bridezilla if a vendor recommended her over consultants they have worked with for a long time in that area!!</p>

<p>BU, dh is in his classroom right now. :rolleyes: He doesn’t like it when I call him a workaholic.</p>

<p>p56, wow, that video was just gorgeous. Which one are you???</p>

<p>Day 2 of The Purge continues. Today, I’m defragging the closet shelves for ds to go through. He said that was fine with him.</p>



<p>Is that like defragging the harddrive? lol</p>

<p>parent56-thank you for sharing that gorgeous video!</p>

<p>I have one (DS#3) living at home this summer. Generally, it’s been very nice because he’s in a much better mood than he is during the school year, except for the first 10 minutes when he comes home from camp. (Remember those pre-kindergartners he has in his camp group?) But, the thank-you note issue? Ugh. I am very strict about getting those out quickly. Several of my college friends have sent along checks for graduation, including one that arrived on Monday. I knew that he would have plenty of time to write the note on Tuesday (what does it take to write a nice note, 5 minutes?) so I reminded him once. "I KNOW, Mom! Then, I put up a reminder on the white board in his room. This morning, I asked him where the note was. “I didn’t write it yet.” So, I made him write it before he went to camp this morning. I also made him take out the recycling which he forgot to do last night, even though he told me he knew he had to do it.</p>

<p>He also seems to be ignoring everything which is coming in the snail mail and email from Northwestern. :rolleyes: Count me among the many “walking away from the mess.”</p>

<p>parent56, beautiful video! I loved it. Your DIL is very talented and your S looks so happy! Congratulations to you all!</p>

<p>It looks like my dad will be having surgery for a heart valve replacement afterall. Of course, I’m concerned about it but at least we’ll have time to educate ourselves on what he’ll need for recovery. The challenge is he’s been spending time between two cities and we’ll have to prepare his house where he’ll be spending his post surgery time. I’ll have to coordinate with my sister, who lives closer to Dad but has 3 young kids and a full time job. I wish he could just come stay with me! But his medical care would be 3 hrs. away!</p>

<p>Are y’all’s kids into hookahing? Ds is going to a birthday dinner tomorrow, and then passing on the part where they go to a hookah bar. It seems to be all the rage for college-age kids here. Ds not only doesn’t like the smoke, but the sharing of hoses is disgusting to him. LOL Just wondering whether this is a Texas thing …</p>

<p>Hello everyone. I mostly just lurk around, but since moving day is getting closer, thought I’d check back in. I find the best ideas and advice here !</p>

<p>I am CheckersMidwest…our family dog is named checkers and I live in the midwest. Not very creative !</p>

<p>I have 1 S - beginning at the University of Missouri/Columbia in August. For now, he’s majoring in Biochemistry and possibly thinking medical school afterward. He will be 3 hours away. (Not bad) Move in day is August 17.</p>

<p>I also have 1 D - HS class of 2015. She has totally different interests and has to work a lot harder. Her biggest interests now are basketball and meteorology. Science has always been her favorite. Who else asks for an erupting volcano for their birthday?!</p>

<p>H is a paramedic & director of the ambulance district. We’ll be married 22 years next month.</p>

<p>Most of our college shopping is done. I have to rewrite the final list - after reading about unused sheets & towels, I’ll just add extra socks & underwear to our list. :)</p>

<p>Welcome, Checkers! Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t call you by your dog’s name! Although we occasionally use our dog’s name when we’re addressing one of the kids.</p>

<p>momof3sons, your son sounds so much like mine! Since DS turned 18 last week, it feels weird to yell at him like he’s a child, but when he acts that way, I don’t know what else to do! At least today DH is on the case and told him clearly what we expect of him for the day.</p>