<p>Thanks, I talked to my daughter and she wants to include the entire GC office so we are going with a basket of cookies and brownies. She’ll address to card to her specific GC and the GC office. The receptionist and the registrar in the GC office have also been very generous with their time.</p>
<p>Is he a fullfledged driver (not learner)? If you have multiple cars, you may be able to designate one that is at the low end and state he won’t drive other cars.</p>
<p>Our insurance went up the same amount when D got her licenses but I pay monthly so $100 a month doesn’t sound as bad. In a little over a year S will be driving too and I’ll have two teenage drivers to insure.</p>
<p>We will have two newly license teenagers in less than 2 months; if they take the insurance safe drive on line class and remain with 3.00+ average even through college we receive 25% per driver discount. Our cost will be about 400.00 more a year which the kiddos are expect to pay while being on our insurance</p>
<p>@hoosier what company is your insurance with? Only $400 for TWO kids, wow. I just called to add S today…$940. I am just wondering if that is $940 more EACH time I add a kid? Two more to go!</p>
<p>for GC gift - if yours really went above/beyond, or even just did a great job, I would email to say so and cc the principal. :)</p>
<p>Our agent has recommended only liability coverage to keep the cost of auto insurance down. Is that part of the difference in rates you all are seeing? I need to get that sorted out by end of June/mid-July but I have not yet decided. </p>
<p>No the insurance was for both. We have been with our provider for a very long time. Our personal auto insurance is cheap the rates have just recently started to creep up due to ALOT of UN-Insured drivers involved in accidents.
They will be added to our policy and be completely covered.
College is a different picture. We will cross that bridge in the next 18 months.</p>
<p>With teen drivers I suggest calling around. The different insurance agencies treat them differently. It makes a huge difference if the child is primary on a liability only car and make that car a small one because they rate based on how much damage your child’s car can do to another vehicle. My only loyalty is to my pocketbook so I’ve called around a lot. BTW Allstate requires permitted drivers to be fully insured. </p>
<p>We have a Chevy Suburban that is a few months older than our S16. It has a book value of a couple of thousand dollars. One of the reasons that we keep it around is so we can list it as S14’s primary vehicle. Doing so drops our auto insurance bill over $700, compared to listing him driving one of our newer cars. We’ll keep the Suburban around once S14 goes off to school, and will list it as S16’s primary vehicle.</p>
<p>He is a full fledged driver, my oldest car is a 2006. Other people have told me that is the car is older than 10 years the rates go way down also.</p>
<p>Insurance rates depend a lot on where you live, as well. We were quoted more than a $3000 increase when the twins get insured, and that’s with good student rates.</p>
<p>How close is the end of school for everyone? Today was the last day of regular classtime. Tomorrow through next Wednesday, exams. (Then two weeks of band camp-- oy!)</p>
<p>Last Day here was the 23rd of May. Now, stunt clinic, cheer camp, summer camp and college visits. :-S </p>
<p>S is taking his last final as I type. We had such a miserable winter with a million snow days, he would have been done a week ago if things had gone as planned. He is just happy he is done before his birthday (Friday).</p>
<p>I am a leasing agent for a 96 unit complex. He is done in time to help some of our people move out by May 31 and earn some money. He doesn’t have a job, most places around here want a 16 year old, which he isn’t until Friday. He has some applications in, but nothing has turned up yet. He has a couple of camps in July and a couple of places he volunteers at on a regular basis.</p>
<p>S is also taking his last final/last projects due today. They have the musical on for the next two nights and graduation for the seniors is on Sunday. All the kids have to move out on Sunday. We are headed there tomorrow - to see the musical and all the end of the year performances - will bring him home on Monday.</p>
<p>S doesn’t have a job either. Too hard for him to find a job when he will only be home for six weeks. I have signed him up to volunteer at a couple of different places and he will be taking driving lessons one week. He’s then off for a three week camp after which we will try to combine a few college visits and a short vacation. 3 days after that, he’s back to school :(</p>
<p>Exams start June 11th and the last day of school is June 17th. The school year starts after Labor Day here.</p>
<p>The week after school gets out S starts working at summer camp. D is home from college and job hunting before the high school kids get out for the summer. </p>
<p>Wow, that’s an even shorter summer than mine have!
S has band camp for two weeks, the band trip for two more weeks, then home for a month and then back to band camp for two weeks, with a trip up north shoehorned in before school starts in August.<br>
D doesn’t have so many claims on her time, but she has massive amounts of summer work for two of her classes (AP chem and AP lit), plus she’d like to get a job at McDonald’s. Seriously, she wants McDonald’s rather than anywhere else. Go figure. I’ve no idea why.</p>
<p>Last day of school here is 6/6. Exams go until the last day. S also does not have a summer job. He was bashful about applications because he was unsure how to ask if they would work around summer training for sports, family vacation, etc. “Fall” sports season starts 8/1 so everything else gets squeezed into June and July. I am curious how you chose schools to look at this summer. We have the opportunity to look at 1-2 while on vacation but S says they are farther than he wants to be. My concern is that may totally change and then we will be scrambling to fit in a trip to these same schools during the school year. One has a real tour to attend for his major the other only does those during the school year. What do you think? Go anyway or resign myself to the scramble?</p>
<p>One more thing, one school fits all his requirements except distance from home AND we know someone there now that LOVES it. </p>