@tacocat333 Congrats on presidential scholar! Gpa Herr is out of 100. Honor Roll is 90+, and high honor roll is 95+, honestly not sure if it’s weighted or unweighted–S is always 90+, but depends on quarter and if weighted or not if he’s high honor. High honors for graduation is weighted, and he’ll sneak in with just over 95 (weighting factors between 1.02-1.06 for honors, AP, and IB classes depending on the level… all kind of confusing…)
@curiositycat333 Sorry about Cal Poly SLO, good luck on the other UC’s!
@snoozn How did the Clarkson honors interview go? Good luck–like I’ve said, both RIT & Clarkson are awesome for engineering.
@eandesmom The visit reports are cool–sorry Goucher wasn’t what he’s looking for, but at least the visit told him that. It sounds like he has great options–I’m excited to hear the final iteration of the list!
So, Albany… First, the campus is compact and kind of cool–4 dorm complexes at the outer corners of campus with a gorgeous “academic podium” of connected buildings in a rectangle surrounding a huge fountain. There are tunnels under the academic buildings–a big selling point on a windy, 20 degree day! The vibe is kind of geek/jock which is precisely how I’d describe S17, so he’d definitely fit in.
The academic fair was better than any others we’ve been to–the advisors were really working with S to see if everything he wants will work. One of the main advisors told S to email him because Public Policy major with honors college, 3+3 law, and coming in with an IB diploma presents and interesting “math problem” to see if he can get all the requirements in the 3 years before starting law school. There’s a good chance that if he gets into both honors college and 3+3 law, he’d have to drop 1 of them. But the advisor said to start with both of them and drop whichever he was least interested in once he got into his 1st year classes if it was all too much. Now he just needs to get into the programs…
The class visit was good–a discussion section, and the grad student teaching it let S ask a ton of questions to the students, and when she had the students working in groups on a study quite, he came over to S and talked about her background & plans. Definitely worth the effort, although DH/coach reminded me to not delay too much on the drive home because he was already down 1 defenseman for the hockey games. We made it on time–the team had a rough game with injuries, etc., but S played well. DH was grumpy after the game but S took it in stride.