Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@hadmeathello Great idea! I just started one for D yesterday. Sending you a PM.

@mamaedefamilia @CA1543 Wow congratulations! <:-P

@phoenixmomof2 That is outrageous. @caroldanvers mentioned her child received a letter like that. It’s not completely the students decision whether they apply ED. Student, college counselor and parent must ALL sign the ED agreement. When we started visiting colleges two years ago, I told S17 I would not sign an ED agreement.

I explained that 1) he would be a minor at the time of the app and I would not allow a minor to sign an agreement and 2) I wanted him to have options. He understands my position and is okay with it. This may reduce his chances at some schools but that is okay.

If S17 receives a letter/ email acknowledging his EA app and asking if he wants to switch to ED, I am going to be very disappointed and that will raise questions about whether I’d want him there. These kids have enough stress. Why would they do that to them?

Sorry, gang. I cannot put a Google link into PMs either, even though as far as I could tell, this is not specified in the Terms of Service. I guess PMs are still considered ‘posting’. Or, maybe I’m missing the wording. It would be great if we could share information like this over CC, but I guess we have to continue to finds ways around the restrictions set forth, both by policy and technology (there is no way to convey the info in the confines of the CC framework). Sorry.

I have linked the sheet on our FB page. If you’re not a FB user contact me by PM and we can figure something out.

D has said she’ll finish applying to her two Nov 15 schools this weekend, both with essays. I haven’t seen any movement yet. I think she’ll come through though as she has nothing going on today.

@Ghibelline2017, I have my own set of similar fears and I bet most of us do. My fear is that she’ll be rejected by her favorite schools and get into the rest without nearly enough merit, left with her safeties, only one of which she likes now. Then all those visits will seem like a big waste of time and money. But at least she has a safety she likes. And hopefully she will have a few choices. I’m not worried about overwhelming choices in April. Based on merit, we should be able to narrow down the list pretty well if we’re lucky enough that it needs doing.

@hadmeathello, I will be checking out your doc on facebook. Having done my 2015 taxes very late, I just re-did all 15 NPC’s and that seemed like a great time to set up a spreadsheet. I’m fairly pleased with it, but I’m sure it could be improved.

If anyone wants to join the FB secret group, please PM me. I will be happy to add. Only people who will see the posts are other parents who joined from this group and you won’t be anyone’s “friend” unless you want to be.

** QOTD: ** Apologies if this question has been asked and/or answered. I try to keep up but, WOW, you guys are prolific. =D>

Have any of your DC received an acceptance from a COMMON APP school?

S has several acceptances, but NONE from any on his Common App list or even his Coalition App list (1 school), for that matter.

@STEM2017 --yes, Purdue was a Common App school and they have sent an acceptance.

I don’t even know though if it was roling/EA or what??

I just filled out the GTech scholarship app form & it says if you are only seeking merit aid you do not have to complete the FAFSA This is different than I thought based on the info I had seen before on their financial aid page.

@STEM2017 S has received acceptances from the rolling admissions schools he applied to on Common Ap but not for those that listed EA and Reg Decision deadlines.

@STEM2017 D17 got into Baylor (EA) and Calvin College (rolling).

@Mum3kids Congrats! Did all the Baylor EA results go out today? My nephew applied; not sure I want to pry, though.

@Mum3kids — welcome! Glad you are joining in to play along. Congrats on acceptances!

@Ynotgo — they’ve been coming out for weeks. Quite a few from Ds school applied and have tweeted their acceptances in the last two weeks.

@Ynotgo D17 submitted her application on 10/3 and found out through the GoBaylor portal on 10/31. She did not receive an email and it was by chance that she logged in on 10/31 and found out. The next day she received the envelope with merit aid information.

@carachel2 Thanks! This seems like a friendly forum so I thought I’ll join in as I also have a sophomore and eight grader.

Welcome @Mum3kids and congrats on the acceptances! I’d like to think this is a very friendly and supportive group. I’ve seen other threads that make me smh. :open_mouth:

Welcome @Mum3kids – I have an 8th grader also.

@Ynotgo This has been a year of learning for us with the revamped SAT, ACT and the new Oct 1 date for FAFSA. Hope there are no more big changes/revamps when DC apply in coming years. :slight_smile:

QOTD @STEM2017 D was accepted by IU-B, a Common App school.

@Mum3kids and @Ynotgo I have an 8th grader too! She has just made her thespian debut and I see high school years full of drama ahead - the stage kind, that is. Hopefully the home kind will be minimal. :slight_smile: