Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@mamaedefamilia We will have mainly the home kind of drama with 8th grader…

@mamaedefamilia Congratulations on your daughter’s debut performance!

Our eight grader’s drama at home is of the ‘youngest kid but I know it all’ variety.

@mum3kids I’ve got a sophomore and an 8th grade (the drama filled youngest know it all)

Right now my sophomore is over the moon because the varsity soccer team advanced to the state final 4 this weekend. He played primarily JV this season but was pulled up to varsity for the last couple games and has the privilege of now being rostered on the varsity team for the rest of the season. He will likely never play a minute of a single game the rest of this season (there are 15 very good seniors on the team) but he is pretty happy just playing waterboy and warming the bench right now.

And one more things that confirms D’s regular whine that “most kids at her HS don’t apply to college like we are” aka “you’re crazy about this Mom” :smiley:

From the HS Deca Twitter page tonight:

Luckily my kids don’t get stressed out about school spirit events :slight_smile:

So our HS has moved on…Jr Planning night meeting for parents and Juniors tomorrow night! I am sure there are thousands of apps to be submitted by the Seniors…but the race is on for the Juniors.

Late to the party, but finally got our CSS PROFILE complete & submitted for the one school on our list that needs it…so far.

@stlarenas d17 declared today she is sick of hearing about d20 being moved to varsity cross country and running at CIF next Friday. D20 snapped that she is sick of hearing about college. I snapped that I love them both dammit

It’s ok @VickiSoCal. I think we will all be less snappish once this week is over. Too much negativity everywhere.

I can see we need another JOTD (this may take a teeny bit of thought.):

FYI, I just took a peek at the Junk section of S’s main email account. 108 emails! Almost entirely from colleges, and thankfully almost all of it is truly junk. I/we/he needs to pay closer attention to that!

@STEM2017 I am guilty of not scouring the emails like I used to in general. We filter on “.edu” and “college” so those don’t go into Junk, but it means the junk emails don’t go into Junk :smiley:

Does anyone know if CB sends PROFILE data in weekly ‘batches’ vs. daily/ad hoc?

@STEM2017 That’s why I’m the one that checks the college email folder.

I just found Z’s direct admission email from IU-Bloomington in her junk folder. Odd! Checking junk on a regular basis is a must.

Check the junk mail—we’ve fished out a lot of junk, lots of ads for Viagra BUT…a few college goodies with fee waivers, etc. Her Pitt acceptance video went to her “social” email folder!

Found an email in the Spam folder for an application tracker for a school we had not heard back from.

You wonder how many acceptances are never known. That’s probably what happened to my MIT acceptance back in the day. =))

Monday update. Marching Band is OVER. I’m both relieved and sad. My S17’s is my younger child and I’m feeling a lot sadder about these milestones for him.

On the other hand he should have time to work on his college apps this week. Time to figure out what happened to his OSU (Oregon) application. Hopefully he can get in the Cal State application this week.

I personally have a really stressful week. Plus I have a cold. Really really want to pull my covers over my head and sleep for the next week. Instead I think I’m going to sit behind my work computer, not check any social media and work something that is going to take days of full time concentration.

Gone for the weekend and 12+ pages to go through!

–Congrats on the acceptances and the scholarship offers!
–I hope all of the SAT takers get the score that they want (or higher).
–We, as of now, do not have to do the CSS because S is applying to public schools only. There is one private that is on the list that we will visit the day after Thanksgiving break. If it goes on the list then CSS, here we come. :-S

Which email provider AR most of you are using, Yahoo, Gmail, hit mail or some Russian email service :slight_smile: ? Yahoo is notorious for bad spam algorithm. DS uses gmail.

Hello fellow parents! Just wanted to say I love this group, I’ve been following along since over the summer. I could not be any more excited about my DS entering college in the Fall. DS has applied to 8 schools and has been accepted to his 2 rolling admissions schools: UPitt-Swanson School of Engineering and Purdue U-FYE. I’m not sure the group needs another poster, how big is too big? I am sure there are more people than you can imagine “out there” that enjoy your banter, and profit by your info and words of wisdom. Thank you!