Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Dolemite - thanks for the workaround!!!

@CT1417 - On Chrome, when I hovered over the name of the school, the URL (with the school-id at the end) popped up in the lower left hand side of the screen. Are the school ids the same as what the college board uses? You can look them up on the college board website or do a google search.

What a PITA!!!

As long as weā€™re constructing URLs - is there a different one for the graph vs for the table of stats?

My school has always provided the table (i.e. # of applied / accepted etc., and breakdowns by applied / lowest accepted / average accepted). But not the graph.

If this is the stats URL:

Any idea if thereā€™s a ā€œgraphā€ URL?

@dfbdfb ā€”given what you have posted about your geographic location, I am not sure Naviance would be of much assistance!

It is somewhat useful for us. More so when embarking on the search and attempting to identify colleges to consider. Also useful to see specifics such as Hopkins almost never admits from our HS. No idea why, but there it is.

@curiositycat333 ā€“ the data page is not there. While the scattergram does include the avg accepted stats, it does not break out the way the data chart did: avg stats of RD & ED applicants, avg stats of accepted RD & ED applicants, and lowest stats of RD & ED applicants.

However, I rescind my earlier assertion that the Overlap feature has been removed. I just found it under the Overview page.

@LoveTheBard ā€”thanks! I finally figured that out on my own. (Took me long enoughā€¦not a Chrome user, no matter how much my son criticizes my use of Safari.) I just typed the digits into the open link that @Dolemite was kind enough to provide.

@curiositycat333 ā€”yes! I think it was TextEdit app on the Macā€¦but I have been so wrong on this thread today, that I should just abandon.

@thshadow ā€“ clearly I am not the one to offer tech advice. Hopefully the more skilled will come to your aid. I wonder if info that had not been provided for your school will suddenly appear. My (unskilled) guess is not. Is this sort of like that way back machine or look back machine? (My tech abilities againā€¦)


@CT1417 Yes the data page isnā€™t there. There is only information back two years instead of 5 on mine.

For most of the schools S17 is applying to most of those stats were unused and unnecessary. I still agree that page is more useful. My bank did something very similar and itā€™s driving me nuts. Canā€™t find the level of detail I want, and the information is now prettified with more blank space. The assumption that we canā€™t understand data, presented as data and not as charts/graphs with pretty graphics is very annoying.

Thanks @Dolemite - yeah, I guess thatā€™s blocked for my (small) school. Not sure why they would show the table and not the graph, but whateverā€¦

Fun Fact: Naviance is owned and operated by Hobsons, the same company that owns and operates College Confidential.

So keep the comments family friendly!

@thshadow ā€“ I agree that the graph could be more revealing than the chart at the applicant level, as it connects GPA & SAT for each applicant. Our school blocks the scattergrams when a school has only a few applicants. I mentioned earlier that each HS decides which Naviance features they wish to use. I have looked at a few different schoolsā€™ Naviance accounts when helping friends, and it is interesting to see the differences.

@curiositycat333 ā€“ yes, the standard new Naviance (as in, not the one @Dolemite has found for us) only shows 2014-2016 applicant history instead of the seven or eight years we had been showing. The school dropped an older year each summer as they brought on the current year.

I just checked Naviance - we have scattergrams - I do like the look better and easy to find info for last 3 years on no. of students who applied, were accepted & enrolled. And the info at the bottom that shows what is required and recommended by admissions. We do not use Naviance for recommendations so it seems just to mostly have some stats and basic info about how the student compares to others in past years stat-wise.

Thanks @Dolemite ā€“ Iā€™d never seen that data page before. I guess the link to it wasnā€™t obvious in our Naviance. I can get to the data page, and Iā€™ve never seen anything in Naviance before that broke out stats for early and regular admits. So, big thanks!

The little vertical bar icon in the ā€œColleges Iā€™m Applying toā€ list still links to the old scattergram for us (at least for now). The link for the college name in the same list goes to the new icky interface. Our Admissions tab in the new interface shows a larger (but fuzzier) scattergram but not any of the data about average SAT/ACT/GPA that used to be on the main college page (even if I scroll down all the way).

We used to have a list on the main college page that showed number applied, number admitted, and number attending for each of the last 7 or so years. Can anyone find that information now? I canā€™t.

@Ynotgo It shows on the Admissions Tab right above the graph in a prettier version for the 2015-2017 now.

@Dolemite I could kiss you. Your Naviance workaround worked for me in Firefox, and I will be screenshotting like a madwoman. :slight_smile: Thanks so much!

@CA1543 Regarding ā€œrequired and recommended by admissionsā€ section, I like how at UPenn Talent / Ability / Competency is Optional. It gives all those incompetent, talentless kids with no ability hope. :smiley:

@Ynotgo & @Dolemite ā€“ based on Dolemiteā€™s comment, am thinking Naviance now only provides three running years of admit stats. Our school includes 2014-16 and will probably roll 2014 off and 2017 on next summer.

I know what you are asking @Ynotgo (the home page, if you will) but I donā€™t know how to get there. Dolemite is our expert.

I am looking at both the old and new scattergrams for Northeastern from our HS, and they arenā€™t showing the same data points. There are several admits on the new scattergram that arenā€™t on the old one, which supposedly covers 2012-2017. That makes no sense. It also doesnā€™t say what years the new one covers. And annoying that they call them all ā€˜defersā€™ now instead of waitlist/defer, which also doesnā€™t make sense since Iā€™m guessing most of them are waitlist. Not impressed.

Ours has 2015-2017, but 2017 is useless except to see number planning to apply.

@kt1969 ā€“ how are you viewing the old Scattergrams?

Have finished copying more than a dozen of the stats page. May as well try to locate the old scattergrams.

@CT1417 You can still access them through your ā€œcolleges I am applying toā€ and ā€œcolleges I am interested inā€ listsā€¦instead of clicking on the school name, which brings you to the new yucky thing, go over to the right of the college name and click on the little bar graph icon. That will show you the old one. I also noticed that the new and old SAT average scores are different, by a fair amount. Even more than might be accounted for by maybe changing it to reflect the equivalent of the new SAT scores, I think, although that may be what they are trying to do.

ETA: Yeah, I think they are adjusting based on new vs old SAT. So each dot has been moved up to make it equivalent to the new SAT. Hmm.

@kt1969 --Thank you, thank you!

Will start taking screen shots of old scattergrams now!