Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I’ll let you know in an hour or so @itsgettingreal17 :smiley: I really wouldn’t be surprised if it was a “Sorry you decided not to apply…” letter. We’ve gotten several emails asking D to complete her application (before 11/15). No idea why, she submitted back in August! Her rep says they have everything, and to ignore the emails. Who knows?

My DS got his acceptance to UT Austin, Moody College of Communications today! <:-P

@jedwards70 Congrats!!!

Congrats @jedwards70! Hook 'em!

False alarm, @itsgettingreal17. It was a letter from her regional rep thanking D for attending the Top Scholars dinner, and hoping to see her at the ‘admitted students’ reception in March, details to come. That dinner was, what, 3 weeks ago? It was nice, but let’s see some big MAC!

Congrats to @jeepgirl, @itsgettingreal17, @STEM2017 and @vandyeyes! Great acceptances.

@picklesarenice I have also been having trouble at IDOC They said as long as it is in by the deadline your all set they are being swamped right now even ED because i was worried

Congratulations @jedwards70 !! <:-P <:-P

Excellent news @jedwards70 <:-P

QOTD - Summer 2017 - what are your kids hopes/plans? Even as we frantically work to complete the last 6 or so applications (along with 20 or so supplements :-/ ), we are stating to think about summer plans - possibly travel and some STEM related internship. Summer is rather short as graduation is in late June here. Just wonder what your DCs are hoping or planning to do over their summer before making the big transition to college.

QOTD: D’s summer is pretty much planned out. Almost immediately after graduation, she’ll be attending a summer language institute at one of 3 schools (will know for sure which one next spring), which is 8-10 weeks. When she returns, we’ll shop for college. Then we are taking a 8-10 day trip to South Africa (her graduation present). Then home to pack and off to freshman orientation and college!

@jeepgirl @STEM2017 @vandyeyes @jpc763 @jedwards70 Congrats!!!

Tried to get D to consider tOSU but she really doesn’t feel comfortable at the big schools. It looks like it has a huge array of majors and academic programs - very exciting!

QOTD: Nothing special planned for summer here. S will finish up soccer season either in late May or mid June and continue to referee at tourneys and work his part time job. Of course, he’ll have orientation and shopping to do. He’s looking forward to having a couple of months with no applications or homework to hang out with his high school friends.

Congratulations @jedwards70!

So nice to wake up to the good news! I’m thrilled for you all!
<:-P @itsgettingreal17 <:-P @jeepgirl <:-P @STEM2017 <:-P @vandyeyes <:-P @jpc763

<:-P @jedwards70

Naviance: I think the new format just takes some getting used to for some and I personally do not like the tile format. Kind of like how they messed up Niche AND lost all the important info. It seems a little more user friendly for kids to look up some college stats about student life, etc. Of course the one pager on statistics was most helpful to me - so thanks @dolemite for the workaround.

@nocturne21 Yes i have the ACT info as well, but only the past 3 years now instead of 10. @carpoolingma although my D’s info transferred over correctly, her ACT score was never in there to begin with. Not sure why. But we didn’t say anything because she did better on the SAT overall

@lovethebard I can still see acceptance data for the past 3 years under the “admissions” tab - just above the scattergram. Also, I’m in the boat with you and @srk2017 and @CT1417 First decisions mid-Dec. Mid-Feb for state and possible ED. The rest April. long painful wait

Congratulations to all of the acceptances and great news. I can not keep up with all of the threads - although it seems like we all have a lot of overlaps and once decisions are completed it will be fun to connect with people headed in the same direction.

We are happy that our D started so early and has decisions coming in - she is at district musical auditions this morning, show practice this afternoon, and a church outreach event tonight. We don’t ever see her and are wondering how everyone else who left it unitl now is fitting in the college app process. Another reason that I am thankful for finding CC early enough in this ordeal to get her moving this summer while there was some down time.

I just updated the acceptances thread with her acceptances to date but thought I would add them here. She is in at UA (honors college as well - housing deposit in on first day), Auburn, UofDelaware, tOSU, Penn State - UP, and Pitt.
She is in for business. Waiting on a few more.

Congrats on all the new acceptances! S17 has only received portal info from a few of his EAs and his EDs, and an invitation to schedule an Alumni Interview for Olin. That’s a first for this family.
QOTD We’re planning a family trip to Alaska this summer. S17 is deciding between working on the Senior Staff for Scout Camp or doing an engineerinh internship (paid) at DH’s company for the rest of the summer.

@novicemom23kids Congrats!!! Our Ds have several overlaps and same major. :slight_smile:

QOTD: S17 will be making money somehow. He’ll need a job or do some pet sitting or something. We don’t give spending money (outside of tuition, room and board, books, school fees) so he’ll need to bank some cash.

@jedwards70 sooo happy for him!!! That’s a competitive and tough acceptance for sure!

Summer plans for D: no work. No summer assignments. No research unless she just finds something she is dying to do.

We have a 10 day trip planned for her and her best friend together; a week in MN for a family wedding and just relaxing and time with family and friends in between orientations and fun college shopping.

I am looking forward absolutely to a summer of no test prep; college essays and all that jazz. She’s already planning a co-op schedule so I know she is coming to the end of having a true off summer every year.

Also-- clearly I’m gonna have to find a full time job or another part-time gig so I’ll use next summer to do that also!