Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@itsgettingreal17 - everytime that you post I think the same thing. My D reads CC from time to time and comments to me about your posts frequently. Reading CC has reassured her that she will find “her people” at school - she thinks she could be friends with so many of the kids that are represented her - either the kids themselves or through their parents posts.

Summer plans: D has some volunteer work lined up with Girl Scouts and also with her other charity work through the church. We realize she will need some time to go to orientation weekend and she may be beginning school in early August if she heads down south. School here gets out in June and she has already planned a senior week at the shore with her friends after graduation. Not much time for a great work or intern experience.

She has never had a paying job and we feel that she needs one - for $ and for experience. Up until now with vocal and year round theater and scouts she has not really had a chance for a job. She is not planning on performing at college so she is wrapping up after this last show in the beginning of February- hopefully in the spring she will be able to get a part time job.

Congrats to @jeepgirl @STEM2017 @vandyeyes @jpc763 @jedwards70 @itsgettingreal17 @novicemom23kids and anyone else with recent admittances.

QOTD: Summer is so far away! We haven’t even made definite Thanksgiving plans! We would hope to see the total solar eclipse that crosses the US on August 21. Other than that, we’d like to travel somewhere with both kids. Perhaps DS will make some money doing research with his astrophysics group where the professor offered a fellowship for last summer if he didn’t get into an away summer program. There is a long shot chance he could travel to Greenland with the group to install a small radio telescope. Or, he could likely get a paid programming job/internship of some sort for the summer.

Congratulations on the acceptances @novicemom23kids <:-P

Applications – Very pleased my son was able to work on most of his applications over the summer. I’m not sure the quality of his essays would have been as high if he had other demands on his time. Since I was pretty much in the dark with the whole college application process, I credit this group for educating me, so I could better guide my DS.

Summer Plans – DS has talked about taking a coding class, just for “fun”. In general, a low commitment summer with the opportunity for spontaneity would be ideal. As an engineering student, I would think future summers would be filled with taking classes, working on research, internships, etc. B-)

WOW! Exciting morning and evening on CC. So happy for all of you on your children’s acceptances! It’s so wonderful to see all their hard work really pay off!

QOTD: This summer ds will definitely work again, although he may change jobs but he will need cash for spending money at college. He is also hoping to go on a trip to Europe with a few teachers and some kids from school but we will see. I’m sure he will do community theater again which means I will see very little of him between all the things he wants to do. Hopefully he will take some time to just enjoy being a kid.

So many acceptances!!! Congrats to all, looks like a lot of wins for tOSU! I am sure I will miss someone so congrats all!

QOTD: S17 will work, have one week at a church camp, the last year he is eligible to go. We will have a 2 week graduation trip to Disney, Universal and Mexico (though I admit to some fears about the Mexico part, not happy about now being perceived as the ugly american who wants a wall when we visit). That should leave him about 5 weeks for work and hanging out with friends before kids scatter unless he stays local and then he’ll have another 4 weeks to earn money lol. I suspect he’ll have a few camping trips with friends in there as well.


mine plans to chill and be a kid for the last time. maybe some trivial p/t job…but mostly hang at the beach and enjoy the last real summer of freedom. she has a lifetime of adulting ahead, so i’d prefer she just take it easy this year.

i’m looking forward to it too :-*

Congratulations on all the 2017 acceptances!! Super exciting to read about them. My DD is waiting for one in mid Dec, another one before Christmas and then one in late January. She is going to start working on applications again today so we will be waiting for more decisions in March/ April. I do not have access to her email or portals but this thread really helps me know what to ask her.

QOTD- D does not graduate until the end of June, so she will have about 6 weeks to work and get ready for school. Our travel plans are for after we drop her off at school. We are dropping her off and heading to Hilton Head for a week and then coming back for bid day before we head home. We will be taking a fun Spring Break, so she won’t be missing too much:)

As far as tOSU merit, they are pretty generous for OOS students. They have the National Buckeye scholarship that gives $12k, then you can stack with additional merit. So if COA OOS is like $40k and you can get $17k, $23k is lower than COA of several instate publics in certain states.

It was too far for us, also they require bachelor’s degree for pharmacy school admission, and OOS pharmacy tuition is much higher than our instate option.

Summer -

D wants to spend the summer working, teaching herself to code (Khan Academy? Coursera?, other?) and going camping, hiking, and biking without parents. She would also like to do a road trip with her bffs.

But many of the schools and scholarships she is applying for have summer programs, so we will see.

Hopefully, we can strike a balance.

@novicemom23kids Congrats to your D!

QOTD: as of now, NO PLANS! Thoughts mentioned by D - work the summer, go abroad for full immersion language/volunteer, intern at NASA.

Our summer is short as well - graduate late June, college for 1st year’s start maybe late August?

Thoughts by me - keep her local (especially if she plans to do freshman year abroad) otherwise, I’m open to an ‘away’ summer. Relax. Go to the beach. Chill.

QOTD…summer plans are hopefully for a trip for the family, including S14 who’ll be home from Tulane, possibly to an international destination…kind of a culminating nuclear family celebration to high school graduation for S17. Both S14 and S17 have had intense summer schedules for the past couple years, so I truly hope there’s a couch potato and beach bum attitude for a few months for them both before the big send off and empty nesting begins.

I am enjoying hearing about some of the plans for a laid back rather than intense summer. I am thinking about relaxing travel and then some time at home to get ready for the big transition.

Separately, DS visited RPI today - tour & info session & visited with a friend who is a student there. Got great feedback from him - he is pursuing CS and really learning a lot and enjoying it. Made DS feel good about applying!

Summer is way too far away and we’ve got too much on our plates as it is to even begin to think about that. There’s one program that D17 is possibly interested in (training+internship), but the applications aren’t due until April, so hopefully by then we’ll have a better handle on how the rest of our year looks.

We are way, way overdue for spending time with both sides of our family, so if we don’t manage to fit that in before the summer (and much of that will depend on apps and pre- and post-acceptance college visits, school trips, scholarship weekends, etc.), we’ll need to fit that in at some point. Thanksgiving and/or Winter Break would have served us well for travel, but given the volume of college and scholarship applications that D is facing between now and January 15th, it’s not at all clear that we’ll be going anywhere. Hope springs eternal, however…

QOTD I have no idea what D will be doing next summer! Options include studying abroad, immersion language course(s) at a university, working at Concordia Language Villages, visiting family on the opposite coast.

We’ll have a better idea by the New Year.

As I’ve said before, uncertainty makes me twitch

Summer 2017: A family reunion on the east coast; we’re trying to figure out if we can swing piggybacking a long-hoped-for family trip to places I used to live in Germany and Austria on top of that. D17/19/23 have a church camp right at the beginning of summer break (which starts here well before most of the country gets out of school). D19 would like to go to a residential summer camp for oboe, but that’ll have to wait a year either way. Other than that (and whenever D17’s college orientation might be), that’s everything.

Congratulations on the acceptances!

I was wondering what the excitement was when I logged on and saw over 100 new posts :slight_smile:

Summer 2017: D17 may celebrate her birthday then. It’s actually this winter, but she wants to celebrate it over the summer. She’s also shooting for a programming competition in, um, june?

I’ll be looking for a job, and we might sail a catamaran around the British Virgin Islands to see if we like that sort of thing.

@MotherOfDragons --thought of you the other night while out to eat. One of the Grilled Cheese options at the restaurant was called “Mother of Dragons.” :))

I love how you just casually toss that out there “and we might sail a catamaran around the BVI…” I assume you’ve done that type of thing before??

^^nope :slight_smile: it just seems like a good thing to try.