Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@MotherOfDragons — we ‘won’ a week on a Santa Cruz 70 in the BVI at an auction more than 20 years ago. VERY long sailboat, designed for racing instead of cruising. Fortunately, the boat included the crew who sailed and cooked. It was an amazing week but the sun was relentless; it was impossible to escape it.

Summer plans: no plans as of now. College Jr still trying to find an internship and HS Sr needs to find some sort of paid employment as he needs to earn his own spending money.

Summer plans - one week trip to an European country. DS may continue his research couple of days week or seek internship to continue his beta testing. We are advising him to get in shope before freshmen 15 hits him :))

Congratulations on the recent acceptances!!

DH is on top of things, so an Alaska cruise is booked for 4 of us, right after graduation. I will have to figure out the timing of graduation party (if we are to have one), between the cruise and D and my trip to my home country to visit her grandparents. Maybe another trip to the beach just before D goes to college, but that of couse, depends on where she goes.

Usually I love to run or walk with friends Saturday morning, now I stay in to cook something special for D for breakfast, knowing her days at home are numbered :frowning:

Congratulations @jedwards70 and @novicemom23kids on your acceptances.

QOTD: summer plans…my girls want just a family vacation in the Caribbean with only the four of us. Usually we go away with other families or relatives but they want just us. I’m down for that! We always go to the Berkshires and NY to see family so that will be on our agenda too. Nothing else planned for now. They probably want to be with their friends as much as possible. pretty relaxaing summer.

QOTD: We are in the process of trying to sell our family weekend/summer home. The money will pay for college and HOPEFULLY a family trip to Europe for 2 or 3 weeks next July. They’ve never been. Would be nice before the nest starts to empty out.

That’s our summer plan.


I like it it makes it less confusing between Ohio State and Oregon State both with use the abbreviation OSU. My S17 is applying to Oregon State & many others are applying to Ohio State and this confusion keeps happening.

WOW… Great news at all tOSU acceptances. ( @jeepgirl, @itsgettingreal17, @STEM2017 and @vandyeyes!) And I see an acceptance to UT Austin. Great news everyone.

QQTD Summer Plans S17 hopes to get a position as a camp counselor at the wilderness camp he has attended the last 5-6 years… And has been a CIT at the last two. I have no idea, if he doesn’t get that job. But if it happens… he’ll go to camp in early June for training and not be done till late August. Depending on school he attends… that will only leave 1-4 weeks to prepare for college. YIKES.

Calpoly SLO application question: DS did the application this morning but hasn’t submitted yet. I said I’d ask here – Is there really no place to list the actual EC activities? He only found a place to enter number of hours per week (and that was just a drop-down for pretty wide ranges of hours). I’d thought there was some sort of plus for having the ECs be related to the major field of interest.

There was one senior year engineering class it wouldn’t let him list, because it told him he had too many physical science classes. Other than that, he didn’t run into any issues.

@Ynotgo My son sent in his Thursday evening. I didn’t see anything other than the number of hours a week either. There really is NO place to list any actually EC activities. My son maybe over estimated… But I find it an odd thing to try and do. How do you count hours in the summer. Some kids do a lot in the fall but little another season… Not if they even ever confirm it somehow.

Check for me (I’m going a bit crazy)… once we submitted it I thought in the list of what to do next it said we should submit AP tests. I thought this odd, but we needed to send an additional SAT score anyway so we sent his AP scores to Cal Poly. But now all I can find online is to NOT send AP test information until accepted.


I didn’t realize there were two OSUs!
Interesting… it’s “The” Ohio State University and Oregon State University!

@curiositycat333 I’ll let you know about the AP submission after we are sure enough to submit.

Hi everyone, forever since I posted. I guess I am better at lurking and reading along than posting much, but I did want to mention, @Ynotgo and @curiositycat333, my D applied to Cal Poly SLO and if I am remembering correctly, it didn’t matter if ECs were related to major, just a job. My D has a job and when she answered yes to that, there was a box to check if the job was related to major. There was no place to list ECs and she did not send AP scores (nor SAT subject results, hopefully this is correct). It took a couple of weeks to get the portal info, and there were no outstanding items listed for her application, so we are hoping all is really complete (I have to say, I was disconcerted by the experiences others have had that things are NOT really complete even when listed as complete—as if there isn’t enough to worry about). You all are still a fun bunch to follow, so glad when there is good news for the kids—congrats to all of them on recent acceptances!


There is also Oklahoma State U - a nmf big mac school. So, even more likely to be mentioned in this thread.

@nw2this Oh no! Another OSU!! How do you differentiate? OkSU?


And to make it more confusing, the University of Oklahoma goes by OU :))

QOTD - No summer plans here yet for the most part. We are still working on getting all of the apps done! S has one major bridge tournament in Montreal I think sometime in July. Other than that, we may take a trip to visit D15 if she is studying in Europe. He may looking for an internship. But for now, I just want to get hose annoying essays and apps done and gone.

Congrats on all the acceptances! D17 will be submitting her “zero stress” (no fee, no supplement, self-reported test scores unless/until you enroll) app to Colby tonight, both because I want her to have something else in the pipeline aside from the nerve-wracking ED school, and because I think it’s genuinely a lovely little school that she might really like!

QOTD: D17 will be working this summer - as will DH and I - as our family business is seasonal, and summer is the season - so no vacations that time of year for us! It is a little bittersweet, as we are also in a late June graduation area, so there won’t be all that much time for us to process before D will have to start packing and preparing to head off to whatever is next!

Sorry if this is a newbie question: WashJeff app status now displays a link for ‘Candidate’s Reply Form and $300 non-refundable deposit’ but the application does not indicate an accepted status. Is she admitted, or is there some kind of ‘pay deposit ahead of decision’ nowadays? She’s applied to BSMD programs, and wondering if the status is ‘In Review’ because the MD part is still under review? Is anyone else in the same state?

Summer - as it will be our last family vacation before D goes to college, I am hoping that we can go on a memorable trip somewhere. DH and I teach so we can take the time. We might take a kitchy US road trip with her new campus home as the end point.