Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congratulations on all the acceptances. Lots of excitement around here today.

D has only applied to two schools and has been accepted at both – MSU (Bozeman) and UA. She has the engineering and presidential scholarship offers from UA and today received a notification of winning the WUE scholarship at MSU. She’s still working on some other MSU scholarship options to bring the oos cost down there. It’s nice to have the UA option also.

Summer - D is going on a field trip to Iceland right after graduation. Other than that it will depend somewhat on where she chooses for college, orientations, etc. I would love to do a family vacation but not sure on that yet.

QOTD (don’t know how to bold) We have booked a trip to Portugal, Spain and the Balearic Island, Minorca, this summer. Our D’s graduation present. I visited Minorca the summer I graduated high school and am looking forward to visiting it again.

@NoelleCf That’s exciting. Good news on the scholarships. Tried to get S17 to consider MSU. I know kids there. Int would be an easy app & a fairly sure thing for him. And I think it would meet most of his criteria. But I think he’s satisfied with the places he is applying.

Help, please. UA Honors App requires a resume. Any good templates for that? I imagine we just include that type of information that is on her Cappex account?

@NoelleCf congratulations on the acceptances and scholarships

@NoelleCf You can google ‘resumes for college apps’ and you will find more templates than you will want to go through. :slight_smile: Generally,assuming it’s not just an activities resume, you could include: school info (name, rank, gpa), honors and awards, ECs, employment, Community Service.

@paveyourpath - Thanks. It just seems a bit redundant since all that information is already on the UA scholarship application. But yay! More work. :wink: It seems weird to do a resume for a kid whose never worked. Also I couldn’t find any info at Naviance nor Cappex on it. Maybe it’s a regional thing.

@NoelleCf If you do a google search on UT expanded resume, you will see some sample templates that UT Austin suggests as examples. DS used one of those as a guide when he applied to UT and UA. I hope that helps!

Uggh. Hate not being able to go back and fix typos, especially when you have to wait 24 hours for a comment to be posted when you’re new! :smiley:

@NoelleCf Naviance has a resume builder tool if you have access to that.

@Mom22DDs Sounds like she’s admitted to the college but the BSMD is most likely a later decision. Good Luck.

Congrats on the WUE @NoelleCf and I hope she gets additional good money news from MSU!

@NoelleCf Congrats to your D!!!

@Dolemite - thanks for the tip on Naviance. I didn’t see it when I first looked last night. I can see the link for it on the parent Naviance, but I’m guessing it has to be created through the student portal. I don’t have D’s current sign in for that but will work on it with her later this afternoon.

Thanks for all the congrats, everyone. :slight_smile:

It seems strange not to be applying to more places, but there aren’t any others D is interested in at this point. Our own state schools would be considerably more expensive than most oos with merit (half the in state students at our state schools do not pay tuition due to financial need – but it is very expensive for the other half with little to no merit). There doesn’t seem to be a point in applying to those. D will apply to the local community college as a back up in case some circumstance makes leaving for college impossible. I think that is enough to satisfy her GC, especially given the scholarship offers on the table now. The GC had been pressuring her to apply to more schools in case the MSU (Bozeman) scholarship money didn’t come through. Nonsensically, she wanted her to apply to Cal Poly even though it would be more expensive. Regardless, D has no interest in CP nor any other CA school.

@NoelleCf Congratulations on WUE at MSU! I can imagine it feels strange to be done. We have a bit of the opposite at our house, S11 was one and done and D14 was an ED who had 3 or so RD"s in early but was done by 12/1 when the ED came through.

If she’s thrilled to attend either than I think it’s perfectly fine to be done. We know many kids at Bozeman and they love it. The 2 schools do seem about as different as they could be so it’s an interesting contrast. My S thought about MSU but they really didn’t have the program he wanted.

Google student resume. We used one that was a google docs template and it’s worked well for several things for my S. Some of the examples out there are pretty awful so I’d be judicious as you look through them.

@eandesmom - Yes, what MSU and UA have in common is high merit aid. D is warming to the idea of UA if she can’t get enough aid at MSU because she doesn’t want debt. She wants to be free to do charitable work after she gets her degree if she is still so inclined. I’m glad to hear you know so many students in Bozeman who love it. D really felt comfortable there when we visited unlike at any other school (and we’ve visited many universities over the years). They spoke a lot about service both in Montana and internationally. At WSU in Pullman in the CS department they went on and on about how much money their grads make. That is not D’s top priority, so that was a turn off to her.

One advantage MSU has is an airport right in Bozeman with direct flights to SFO and Seattle (which both have connecting flights to our hometown). Transportation to Tuscaloosa would be more complicated and more expensive.

If someone is familiar with the CS departments at both MSU and UA, I would love a compare/contrast.

@NoelleCf My son also used Naviance to create his resume, for those schools which required one. It was pretty straightforward.

@Ynotgo @curiositycat333 my D submitted her CalPoly app late October and we didn’t submit any AP scores nor were we asked to that I recall. And I think it’s true that you can’t list the ECs. Just checked her portal and it just says “Thank you for applying to Cal Poly. We have received your application. No determination has been made at this time” but it doesn’t say anything is missing. It also doesn’t say the application is complete but there’s no slots showing anything else should be there LOL so I guess it is complete.

@CAtransplant I’m perplexed. I didn’t think you needed to… yet S17 read that we needed to submit them. Except for self reporting. Perhaps he read something that said NOT to send them. Wonder if we can cancel it… my guess is probably not.

@NoelleCf unfortunately I don’t know much about the CS program at Bozeman, I don’t think any of the kids we know there are pursuing that but I’ll ask S. I know UA is super popular for merit but I do think it would be a very hard transition for some of our left coast kids. Did she look at any of NW Jesuit schools? Typically very nice merit and very service oriented and I know some have CS, perhaps all.

I can’t say I am surprised by WSU making those statements. I think OSU (Oregon lol) has some nice options but the merit isn’t nearly as good.

JOTD: What does a thesaurus eat for breakfast?

Answer: Synonym rolls