Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

S17 had an interview today. Last night he asked me to help him prep with a mock interview but I told him to just show up for it. “Show up” as in to be mindful and present not just physically but after his last interview, which was a waste of his time listening to his interviewer talk about his son getting rejected despite being a legacy app, I told him he was prepared to answer any question asked and to just roll with it. The interview was fantastic! I am so happy for him to have such a positive interview experience. He said the school has moved up on his list; he didn’t say where on the list it moved up to. :smiley: I wish schools made decisions by the end of Feb rather than March. It would be nice to have 60 days to decide rather than 30.

@paveyourpath So glad he had a good interview!! It is nice when it goes extremely well.

@paveyourpath – that is such nice news and thanks for sharing. Glad for your son bc the last one sounded not very good. :slight_smile:

DS is awarded President Sewall award from CU-Boulder worth 5K per year, totaling $20K, with min 3.0 GPA and 28 credit restriction.

This will be the least expensive option for us, close to the CC cost if he commutes from home.

Thanks to the new Naviance we know a little less than 30 from his school (140 per grade) go to CU-Boulder each year.

@payn4ward – that sounds great – huge congrats. I love Boulder - but went there long ago to do a deal with Access Graphics after Jon Benet’s death… Was weird to be there then but a beautiful town and surrounding area.

Congrats to your DS, @payn4ward!

@payn4ward Congrats!!!

Congrats, @payn4ward – great news!!

@Mom2aphysicsgeek @CA1543 Thank you!!

@payn4ward Congrats! That’s great news.

@panyward Good news about CU Boulder acceptance & money.

My S17 is planning to apply, we are OOS and it’s the last app on his list to finish. He’s just applying RD. It’s the only one that needs counselor letter. He’s not likely to be eligible for any money either… so since we are OOS it will make it one of his most expensive options if he gets in. Is Boulder rolling acceptances?

Rolling Acceptance: Term I just saw for the first time on Naviance in the last day or two. But it a good description of a lot of schools who do have deadlines, but hand out acceptances as the make decisions and don’t wait for one last “time”.

@paveyourpath I seem to remember when I was applying. Almost ALL schools sent their decisions out to arrive in the mailboxes no earlier than April 15th. Students would rush home from school & look for those fat or thin envelopes for about a week. And decisions had to be in by May 1st. You really didn’t have a lot of time to make up your mind.

These days many acceptances roll in all year, with some still coming out sometime in March. I’m expecting to hear from two of S17’s by end of Dec. And the rest he probably won’t hear from till mid March sometime. Just hoping to get those early acceptances to at least put the pressure off on the wait.

@curiositycat333 Although CU does not mention that they are “rolling”, the acceptances do come out in “waves.” So per your definition it is rolling. I thought rolling schools do not have deadlines.

Thank you everyone for the congratulations :x

@CA1543 What a strange and unfortunate time to visit Boulder. :open_mouth: =(( It IS a beautiful place although guns and pots are allowed :)>- :))

And Earlham EA is in!

This is the last of the pre-2017 application deadlines, aside from an honors application or two—but those are a bit lower stress, since they’d be to places she’s already admitted to.

@payn4ward congrats on the CU-Boulder acceptance and award! My D applied there too though like @curiositycat333 we are from CA so it would also likely be pricey for us. We visited and it really is beautiful and the city of Boulder is great. And while they don’t have an undergrad major in Cognitive Science, D’s preferred major, they do have a PhD program in it and thus you can major in one of the fields that make up Cog Sci and then also get a “certificate” in Cog Sci which is nice. For us, I’m celebrating tonight that D submitted her last application on her list tonight! Except there’s “just one more” that we think she will do that was a last minute find - but it can wait over Thanksgiving break!

I do like the idea of the semi-rolling admissions such as CU-Boulder seems to have. But first we will have to get the GC to submit the transcript and whatever else they need which doesn’t seem to have been done yet. I think here in CA the GCs are probably focused on helping kids with whatever they need for the UCs and Cal States as those app deadlines are really soon, Nov. 30.

@pan4ward What I meant by was rolling, was a new term I hadn’t seem before. Not rolling admissions, but rolling acceptance. Some schools have deadlines for getting grades in… but roll the acceptances out as they made decisions rather than sending them out in batches. (Many Cal States are like this. I expect to hear from my son’s Cal State satfey before Xmas, even though it’s not rolling admission. Applications have to be in by Nov 30th… they wait until all applications are in before they send out any decisions. But after that point many Cal States (it’s done but dept.) but not all (Cal Poly is a notable exception) start dribbling out obvious acceptances & obvious rejections and drag out the ones in between.

But you answer my question. Boulder is a sent it out in batches school. So I guess we won’t hear till March then…(given he does get it in.)

Congrats @pan4ward!

@paveyourpath so glad the interview went well! It really does make a difference. As time goes on, the one that didn’t go so well (as in interviewer making a poor impression) seems to be having a growing impact in my S’s ranking of that school, compared to the one that really did. More importantly though is that he felt so great about it.

@payn4ward, so is that 30% from your school at attend at 140 per grade? That’s a huge amount of HS classmates! more than 1/3 of our class each year applies to our flagship but only about 50% get in and S thinks that’s too many kids from his school lol. I think it averages out to about 12% of the school over the years that attend. Although who knows this year, the app number is considerably up, closer to 40% applying so I expect that hit rate to go down. Or if it doesn’t…S is further down in the class than I realized (we don’t rank).

Congratulations! That definitely helps!

@paveyourpath --such a relief to have a smooth, encouraging and positive interview!

My son got accepted to Texas A&M General Engineering (Computer Science)!! In State, top 8% with 32 ACT.

@ACT2017 … Congrats!!!
Is he excited??

Still waiting here!

Congratulations, @ACT2017 !