Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@carachel2 - all his eyes on UT portal, his first choice lottery!!

@ACT2017 —Oh I HOPE he gets in at his first choice!!! Fingers crossed. Still waiting on that one also!

Congrats to all of you receiving great news! How exciting. Certainly much better than bad news!! :smiley:

BTW, new Naviance update bites!! Not a fan.

Can’t keep track of all the great news that are pouring in!!! :)) Just want to say congratuations to all who received admission status <:-P Hugs to those of us who will be waiting painfully for another month or so

Congrats @ACT2017!

Anyone here apply Stanford REA?

Yay @ACT2017 <:-P

Congrats @ACT2017 – that’s great news!!

@Tgirlfriend – no Stanford REA for us - would have prevented some EA apps.

DS has 5-6 more apps to submit - guess what we’ll be doing over the short break.

@Tgirlfriend – no Stanford REA for us, same reason as CA1543. But, he has several close friends from school and from his summer program who went with Stanford REA and will go with RD for the others.

@ACT2017 Congratulations on TAMU engineering and good luck on UT! <:-P <:-P

@eandesmom About 45% of the class apply to CU-B. Of those 90% are accepted. CU is not Cal :smiley: nor UW :open_mouth: although city of Boulder is dubbed Berkeley of the Rockies :))

Of those accepted, 50% choose to attend. 25~29 students out of 140. That is, about 18~20% of graduates attend CU-Boulder.

DS applied SCEA for Harvard. Initially he was thinking about Stanford but switched. One of the factors is it’s too close to home, don’t want his mom to show up frequently :slight_smile:

@Tgirlfriend - No Stanford REA here either. It is on the list for RD. However, no application work has taken place around here since late October so who knows if DD will actually get to it. Anyone else’s kid having trouble restarting the process after the EA/ED round? DD2017 is my oldest. I have been shocked by what a misnomer the CA is. In my opinion, the supplemental essay requirements makes the word Common a misnomer. I cannot wait until the application process is over!

@payn4ward ah gotcha, it sounded like 140 per grade (not that the entire class was 140
so clearly I read it wrong) which is a lot of kids if it were x4! Our yield for those accepted at UW is significantly higher at about 73% that choose to attend but the total numbers are about the same as yours.

Boulder is a beautiful school, too expensive OOS but if it wasn’t, and S wanted a larger school, it might have made the cut lol.

@ACT2017 congrats on TAMU!!!

We have a friend applying Stanford ED, and one recruited athlete already admitted but that’s all I know about so far. Which doesn’t mean there aren’t others.

Stanford is a reach reach school however if you don’t try then you will always wonder
what if? The middle of December can’t get here fast enough. S has 2 safety schools that he has already been admitted to so I think our application process is over. Maybe 1 more to Rice but the cost maybe the factor there.

@Tgirlfriend Was Stanford and Rice NPC that different for you?

Congrats @payn4ward @ACT2017

congratutlations on the great news @ACT2017 @payn4ward

@Testingearly - no movement on RD apps around here either. I second your thoughts about the common app - nothing at all common. D is so over those writing supplements and “questions” that are really more essays. Add the honor’s college and scholarship essays required for her EA and rolling schools and she is wiped out. There are 2 more schools that she really wanted to reach for during RD but she has not done a thing since she hit submit on her last EA app Nov. 1. I can’t even get her to open the portals to make sure that everything is in good shape (and I don’t have her logins). When I asked if she was going to check portals to see if anymore admissions decisions have come out, she told me that she would wait for the letters to come in. She is over this whole process.

@Tgirlfriend Yes, we did Stanford REA. I am an alumna (grad school) and a staff member, so we had to try. It’s a long shot for anyone, but I think she might have a chance. It would sure be nice to be able to visit her a few times a year on my work trips back to the office

We still did EA to a couple of public colleges (WWU and Miami of Ohio), which is allowed under Stanford’s policy. So we are drumming our fingers nervously along with the rest of you. Good luck to all!

yes ma’am way different plus the fact that Stanford is his first choice. @picklesarenice
I am sure you have a way better chance than my S. He just wanted to at least TRY to get in. I told him if he got accepted then we would fly out there so he could visit the college. I think he has google mapped it 1000 times. lol Best of luck to you D.